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Chapter 107 The gin is really good

When Jing Baiye left in the morning, he asked Toru Amuro to take good care of Qian Duoduo, and even set his cry as the ringtone of his mobile phone.

When a cat meowed in the office, he was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that it was not Qian Duoduo running over, but his cell phone ringing.

The call was from Gin. After killing Ethan Hondo, he left Cupido Town for Hokkaido. There was trouble at the training ground there, and this organization's well-known leader needed to deal with it.

Jing Baiye was a little strange and didn't understand why Ginjiu called suddenly. He didn't eat and had nothing else to do, so he picked up the call without thinking much.

"What are your plans for the third subordinate?" Gin asked straight to the point.

Gin seemed to be very busy, and Jing Baiye heard the sound of heavy objects being kicked down across the street. The dull sound was not made by tables and chairs being kicked down, but more like the sound of someone falling to the ground.

"I don't have any plans. There is no big task now, and I don't need them."

Jing Baiye hasn't really used his subordinates much so far. Except for Toru Amuro's investigation of CIA undercover agents last week, these two subordinates have never carried out any dangerous action team tasks at other times. They usually drive him to and from him and cook and make snacks.

, clean the housework, go out to eat with him, help take care of pets...

"And I made an agreement with Sister Shirley, if she..."

In the middle of Jing Baiye's words, he was interrupted by Ginjiu on the other end: "Don't worry about her, she will not perform the organization's tasks again in the future."

"What's up with her?"

There was no immediate answer, there was a burst of unmasked footsteps, followed by the sound of the electronic door closing.

Jing Baiye knew what Ginjiu was doing when he wasn't talking - he avoided the person he kicked down and walked to a place where he couldn't hear him, because he was going to say something more important and couldn't let others listen.


There was no noise on the other side, and Gin answered him in a voice without any emotion: "That gentleman went to visit Shirley yesterday. She told him that Miyano Akemi was very uncomfortable with the organization's tasks, and hoped that she could avoid touching the organization's tasks in the future.

thing, and then he found me."

Jing Baiye was not surprised that Shirley dared to mention this matter directly to the boss. Most of the time, the boss had a better temper than Gin and Rum. There were some things that these two cadres couldn't tolerate, but he was willing to deal with them with tolerance.

Of course, if you can become the boss of a transnational criminal organization, that gentleman will not really have no temper, he just won't care about things that he doesn't care about. Once you step on his reverse scale, the opponent will definitely end up worse than if you provoke Gin.


"——Ask Miyano Akemi to perform the simplest organizational task, the kind that doesn't involve killing anyone, and let me see her ability." The cold organizational model worker repeated the boss's original words.

"That gentleman is very tolerant to people who grew up in the organization. He is the same with you, and he is the same with their sisters... Miyano Akemi did not complete the task, and the boss was not angry. He also asked her not to touch the organization's affairs in the future.


Jing Baiye heard Gin's dissatisfaction with the Miyano sisters. One made requests to the boss without authorization, and the other could not even complete the most basic tasks well.

He didn't understand Gin's feelings at all.

In his opinion, it is a good thing for Shirley to speak directly when she has something to say. She is a delicate and easy-to-think person. She is willing to tell her needs - which are not excessive demands - and does not let people guess slowly. Isn't it good?


Miyano Akemi's side is even simpler. She is not suitable for getting her hands stained with blood and entering the darkness. It's not like there are no other people in the organization who can be used. There is absolutely no need to force her to do illegal and criminal things.

But if he didn't understand, he didn't understand. He didn't tell Gin, he just said: "The boss has agreed, so don't worry about it, right?"

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of Jing Baiye's office.

The door to his office is usually open. The information team member at the door is holding a can of drink in his hand and looking at him hesitantly, as if he doesn't know whether to come in or not.

Jing Baiye saw that he was holding a Coke in his hand, waved him in, and pointed to an empty spot on the table. The member immediately understood what he meant, walked over, put down the Coke, and left the office without saying a word.


Gin snorted coldly: "She no longer has to deal with the organization. Do you have any other candidates for your third subordinate?"

"No." Jing Baiye said truthfully.

"I found a nice guy here that I can recommend to you."

Jing Baiye was instantly alert. He had not forgotten what Ginjiu said a few days ago about assigning him a subordinate: "You don't need to worry about this little thing. I can take my own time..."

"He looks pretty good." Gin interrupted him directly.

"...Really?" Jing Baiye was half-convinced.

Gin's eldest wife is the organization, his second wife is his job, and his third wife is his Porsche. He doesn't care so much about the appearance of his internal members, as you can tell by looking at the vodka he always carries with him. He cares about those who are beautiful and have a gentle personality.

The opposite sex is not friendly to the opposite sex, which is completely different from Calvados.

"This guy's character is a bit wild and untamable, like a solitary wolf. You have to spend time training him."

"It doesn't matter."

Jing Baiye has experienced three lives, and has seen people with all kinds of weird personalities. The most extreme one, he doesn't even want to remember what she did. Compared with her, Gin who carries out murderous activities with purpose is an absolutely normal person.

"Don't underestimate him." Gin warned coldly, "You are too gullible. Be careful of being eaten by some people with ill intentions."

"I'm not a helpless kid. Don't worry about me so much. You always worry so much and be careful about getting a Mediterranean hairstyle... Do you have a photo of the person you mentioned? Can you send me one?"

Gin didn't respond and hung up the phone directly.

Jing Baiye thought he was angry, and just when he was thinking about calling back to apologize, he received an email on his phone.

The email was sent by Gin, and it contained a photo of a strange man and a name: Morohoshi Dai.

The shooting angle is rather strange. He was half-lifted from the ground by his collar and then pointed at his face. Even though he was treated like this, he still looked back at the person taking the photo with sharp eyes, and his green eyes looked like those after being cut open.


Jing Baiye looked at the photo thoughtfully. This man named Morohoshi didn't look like Gin, but their temperaments were very similar. If timid passers-by saw them at night, they wouldn't have to say anything.

Passers-by can be frightened and cry on the spot.

【I want this guy. When will he come?——angostura】

[A week later, I have to test him again.——gin]

[I know. If he can come over, send me a message.——angostura]

【Miyano Akemi will inform you.——gin】

Jing Baiye put down his cell phone and picked up the Coke that the member of the information team had just brought in. He did not drink it in a hurry, but chatted with the silent system.

[Speaking of which, the fact that I was able to obtain these three subordinates all has something to do with Gin.]

The first one was Shin Midorikawa, and Gin asked him to pick him up at the store; the second one was Toru Amuro, and Gin threw him over to test whether he would anger the mixed-race members; the third one was Morohoshi, and Gin himself


The first two have excellent abilities. Although the third one, Morohoshi, has not yet met him in person, but he can be recommended by Gin, he will definitely not be a waste... These three people are all handsome, with different styles of good looks.

[He has really good taste. It just so happens that I have more reward points now. Next time on his birthday, I can exchange it for him for hair growth hormone and give it to him.] Jing Baiye is very happy.


The system was strangely silent and did not give him any reply.

This chapter has been completed!
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