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Chapter 108 Kayang Undercover

Before Jing Baiye could continue working, the cell phone he put aside rang again.

This time it was Miyano Akemi who called. Maybe she was here to tell him about the boss's future arrangements for her. Jing Baiye quickly picked up the phone: "Hello?"

"Angstra, I..." Miyano Akemi seemed to have been hit by something, her voice was trembling a little, "I have something to ask you."

"If you have anything to say, you can just say it."

Jing Baiye remembered what Gin said just now. The reason Miyano Akemi no longer needs to be in contact with the organization is because she has not completed even the simplest task. Considering that the boss just met Shirley yesterday, she received this task at the same time.

It was yesterday or today, that is, not long after it happened.

Perhaps because his tone was gentler than Gin and most people in the organization, Miyano Akemi was no longer so scared. She calmed down and described the mission she performed and what happened to Morohoshi Dai.

When she heard about repaying her father's debt, Jing Baiye's hand holding the phone couldn't help but tremble.

This encounter reminded him of something from his previous life, which was not a good memory for him... The cigarette scar on his neck was from that period.

"...Morohoshida beat the man who hurt his father in front of Gin, and now he is taken away by Gin." There was deep guilt and worry in her voice, "Will he be taken away by Gin?"


Miyano Akemi didn't finish her words, but Jing Baiye knew what she meant, and he comforted him: "Don't worry, Gin took him away for review. He won't kill him casually. There is no need for me to plead for mercy."

Gin is a person who is very cruel to his teammates and himself. It is impossible to avenge his colleagues. He will only despise the person who was beaten to the point where he has no room to fight back and is a waste.

"He also called me just now and said that Zhuxing is very good and he wanted to recommend him to be my third subordinate. I didn't agree at first, after all, I made an agreement with you first..."

"Don't worry about me, I won't receive any more missions." Miyano Akemi said eagerly, and then realized that she seemed to have no idea when she said this suddenly, and added: "Shiho asked the boss yesterday, and the gentleman allowed me to

You don’t have to deal with organizational matters anymore.”

"Gin also told me about this." Hearing Miyano Akemi say it herself, Jing Baiye was sure that Gin was not bluffing him.

"So I accepted Morohoshi, and Gin will test him again, which will take about a week... Please keep an eye on this matter, and when he can come over, you can send me an email to tell me."

The two exchanged a few more words before Jing Baiye hung up the phone.

He put down his cell phone, did not open the computer, and leaned back on his chair to communicate with the system.

[I find them quite pitiful.] Jing Baiye said with some sympathy, [One is paying off his father's debt, and the other's house was bombed. Although I don't know what misfortune happened to Midorikawa, but someone with such a good temper will definitely join the organization.

There is also a hidden secret.】

[...You are much more pitiful than them, really.] The system said quietly.

【These are two different things.】

Jing Baiye knew that he had not had good experiences before, but they were all over. He could not complain every day just because he had experienced misery. He felt that the whole world owed him... and his world had never entered eternal darkness, no matter where he was.

Throughout his life, there were people who treated him well and treated him well.

Someone helped him in the past, but now that he has the ability, he also wants to lend a helping hand to these subordinates who have had bad experiences.

Jing Baiye sighed and was about to unlock the computer and continue working when his phone vibrated.

He received a new email, and the sender was not Gin or Miyano Akemi, but someone he didn't expect - the boss who currently doesn't know where he is.

[I heard Gin tell you about some of your subordinates... Do you want Midorikawa Shin to be your temporary guardian? 】


Jing Baiye is not familiar with Morohoshi, but he has spent some time with Midorikawa Shin and Amuro Toru. Maybe it’s because he likes cats. Among the two, he also likes Midorikawa Shin more, and his caring ability is better than Amuro’s.

Strong through.

[...He is good-looking, has a gentle personality, cooks well, and has a pair of cat-like eyes, just like the one you saw in the pet shop yesterday. Temporary guardianship members do not have to be code members, Belmode said I like it

Just fine.——angostura]

[Whether you like it or not is indeed the most important, but you must also pay attention to the safety of your property. That apartment is expensive.]

Jing Baiye was silent for a moment, so that the boss, who didn't care about the $1.3 million violin being destroyed, could tell him that "it's expensive." How much was the apartment worth... Would it be enough for him to sell fifty?

【I will pay attention and will not let others know where it is.——angostura】

[How did you know them? Did they approach you intentionally?] The boss asked.


Jing Baiye wondered why the boss thought so. He sorted out the words in his mind and then typed it slowly.

[Japanese driver's license cannot be taken until you are eighteen years old. I can't drive in the daytime when there are many people, so Gin asked Midorikawa Shin to pick me up. Because I could see that he could cook, I asked Gin for him.

[When I first met Toru Amuro, he was working part-time. He didn’t know who I was at that time, and he regarded me as a student wandering out in the middle of the night. He was also sent by Gin to pick me up at first, in order to test me.

Are you going to anger the other mixed-race members because of Panno? They are all blond mixed-race Asians.】

[Before Qin Feishi was dealt with, I asked him if he wanted to be my subordinate, but he refused at that time... Later, I saved Dai Jili when he almost burned him. I saw that his house was bombed and he was very pitiful, so I agreed.

He went to live with me in a safe house and asked him to track down CIA undercover agents as a test to become my subordinate.】

[The last one is Morohoshida. This is what Gin called me half an hour ago. I don’t know him at all. I only know part of his experience from Miyano Akemi.]

【...That's more or less the case, they didn't approach me intentionally.——angostura】

The boss on the opposite side didn't know whether he was speechless or was digesting these several paragraphs. It took several minutes before he sent a reply.

[My subordinates are not just for free, you have to make good use of their abilities. You can want Midorikawa Shin to be your temporary guardian, but you have to ask him about his own wishes and whether he agrees to take care of you.]

Jing Baiye has never asked before. Guardian members are responsible for the daily life and training of minor members. Training aside, Midorikawa Xin has already taken over the daily life. Except when he is on vacation and going out to eat, he is responsible for all the meals at other times.


[You don’t have to worry about expenses. Since these three people are given to you by Gin, you can steal Gin’s card to support them, pay them wages and reimburse daily expenses... This is just a small amount of money for him, he doesn’t

You will find it.]

Jing Baiye looked at the second reply email from the boss and felt a little bit excited.

In fact, he has been greedy for the money in Gin's account for a long time. Even a fraction can cover his expenses for several months. The reason why he didn't take action was because he knew that this was all the hard-earned money from Gin 996 or even 007. He didn't

I'm too embarrassed to steal it.

But now the boss has said so...

This chapter has been completed!
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