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Chapter 235 Deceiving yourself

Angstra looked at Gin and then at Toru Amuro.

It's a pity that his acting skills are not very good. It's hard to tell anything from two very wealthy people, especially Toru Amuro who put away the box while Gin was talking, as if he had just received an ordinary gift, and his expression was not weird at all.

"What on earth is it? Don't give him messy things." Angstra asked uneasily.

"It's also something you can use when raising pets in the future." Gin put out the cigarette in his mouth when he saw him coming over. There was still a faint smell of smoke on his body, "If you don't believe it, you can ask Amuro directly - that's

Isn’t it some kind of pet supplies bought in a pet store?”

Gin didn't say a single curse word, but every word he said was insulting and belittling his character.

Toru Amuro didn't show it on the surface, but his inner hatred for Gin was getting higher. However, facing the worried look in his junior boss's eyes, he smiled: "It's really nothing... If there's nothing else, I'll go back first."

Angstra's expression finally relaxed a little: "Okay, then you can go back first. Be careful on the road and rest early."

Toru Amuro nodded. He didn't ask where Angstra was going, what time he would be back, and whether he wanted him to pick him up... If only the junior boss was here, he could ask, and even if he didn't tell him, he would never do anything to him, but

Gin is here now.

He turned and walked towards the elevator. Before he could get far, he heard Angostela questioning Gin behind him.

"By the way, Gin, why did you pinch me just now?"

Gin did not explain his behavior at all, but said coldly: "Go up and continue training. If your mission goes wrong, the two of them will not be able to get over it."

Amuro Toru paused and did not look back. He suspected that Gin was threatening them and Angstra was addicted.

Toru Amuro, who turned his back to the other people and the surveillance camera, no longer needed to strictly control his expression and walked towards the elevator at a neither fast nor slow pace. In fact, he had already guessed why Gin wanted to pinch Angstra just now.

- To check whether he was disguised.

Before coming to Angstra, Toru Amuro had heard a lot of information among the lower-level members. He knew that there were people in the organization who knew the art of disguise. They could pretend to be someone else at any time, unless they directly ripped their faces off.

Disguise materials cannot be judged with just the eyes.

Given the level of paranoia of the organization's number one model worker, it is absolutely impossible for him to take advantage of his cuteness like Shirley did. The only possibility is that he suspects that this little boss who answers the phone while eating is someone else impersonating him.

After Amuro came to Angstra's side, he saw him not answering Gin's phone calls three times because he wanted to eat.

He, a bystander, had seen it three times in just a few weeks. How many phone calls had the client Gin ignored... Probably only he himself knew.

I heard that the person who can disguise himself often goes to various places to assassinate people around big shots. Even if he doesn't go there, he can still disguise himself and do intelligence work for others... As an undercover agent whose job is to be a spy, Toru Amuro really wants to

Find someone who masters this technology, and it would be better if you can control the other person to do things for you.

With this thought in mind, he walked into the elevator and pressed the button to the upper floor.

Just as the elevator door was about to close, Toru Amuro saw Angstra's body shaking in the distance and seemed to have sneezed.

It was already 8:40 when Toru Amuro returned to the safe house.

He went to Ekoda Town in the morning and didn't come back until the afternoon. He was running around outside almost all day. Although he didn't fight anyone head-on, his physical strength was still sufficient, but his mental fatigue was difficult to relieve.

This kind of mental exhaustion has been there since he learned about Angstra's past. When facing Xiao, the boss himself or Gin, he will not show a single bit. Until now, he is alone.

, to reveal it a little bit.

Toru Amuro came to the living room and turned on the light switch next to him. White light instantly illuminated the dark room. He saw Qian Duoduo and the strange little bear sitting on the sofa.

He walked to them, took Qian Duoduo into his arms, grabbed the bear's head, moved it and the Corgi doll to the side, and sat in the vacant seat on the sofa.

He glanced at the kitchen area. Since he only came back in the afternoon, he received an email from Angstra shortly after he came back. The half-prepared dinner ingredients were still piled on the island... He originally wanted to make teriyaki beef for him.

Rice and miso soup, now I don’t know when he will come back.

The little bear that Toru Amuro moved away came closer and raised the remote control with its furry paws.

"You want to watch TV?" Toru Amuro looked at it strangely.

The little bear nodded repeatedly and stared at him with shining eyes.

Toru Amuro was very curious about the origin of this little bear with bat wings. He even wondered if it was the product of biological experiments conducted by the organization. He once wanted to take it with him and send it to the police for dissection... Unfortunately, Angstra liked it very much.

He hugged it and the money almost every day, which made him unable to do anything.

He pressed the remote control and a TV screen popped up, showing the evening news.

Seeing the beautiful female host on the screen, the little bear's eyes suddenly brightened up, and he fluttered his wings and flew towards the TV. Then he jumped into the air and hit the LCD screen with a snap.

Toru Amuro looked at the beautiful woman on the screen. He remembered her. This young female host was also a member of the organization. At that time, Angstra wanted her to join the CIA undercover tracking mission, but in the end she was replaced by Numabuchi.


The reason Angstra wanted to choose her was just because she was very good-looking and had bright cat eyes like Zhu Fu Jingguang.

——That brat only made you his subordinate because he liked your face.

Toru Amuro remembered what Gin said to him at the training ground, and the contemptuous look in his eyes when he said it, as if he was just a vase for viewing.

Angstra told him clearly when she first invited him: He wanted him to be his subordinate because he thought he was good-looking... He obviously knew this a long time ago, but Gin said it in that tone

Coming out made him particularly unhappy.

Today's news was playing on the TV, and Toru Amuro was not in the mood to listen at all. He touched the money and put it on his lap, took out the box from his pocket, and took out the collar.

He briefly checked and found that there was no camera, bug or locator on it. It was really just an ordinary electric shock collar used for dog training.

Gin gave this to him, but didn't put it directly around his neck like he did to Fuxingda.

Originally, Toru Amuro wanted to pretend to be a loyal subordinate to win Angstra's trust, and then use the money collected from the police to please him and strengthen this feeling... He tried to trick his junior boss before getting the code name.

produce more information.

Gin, who is paranoid about being persecuted, will tell Vodka around him some important news. Angstra has a much better personality, and she can definitely do it as long as she works hard.

After learning about Angstra's childhood, Toru Amuro felt distressed and pity, but did not change his mind. He even felt that such a love-starved child with a shadow of childhood would easily develop a giving personality. Once trust is given

, will be stronger than ordinary people.

It turned out that he was too naive. Not only did Angostela not believe him, but even Gin, who had not met him often, saw that there was a lot of water in his loyalty and gave him this thing as a warning.


There is a saying that "If you want to deceive others, first deceive yourself." The best actors will completely immerse themselves in the roles they play. Some are so deeply involved in the role that they are unable to get out until the end of the performance.

Toru Amuro doesn't want to give up his original plan, so...

He wants to be a loyal dog beside Angstra from the bottom of his heart, sincerely...

This chapter has been completed!
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