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Chapter 236 Amuro Toru: I Won't Fall In

Toru Amuro was sitting on the sofa, playing with the electric shock collar in his hand.

His dark gaze frightened Qian Duoduo, who was lying lazily on his lap. The calico cat suddenly stood up and jumped off of him.


He watched the unexpectedly sharp cat run away and ignored it. He took out the manual and remote control from the box. The remote control was small and could be hung as a keychain, making it easier for the owner to carry it with him.

The shock collar has two functions: vibration mode and electric shock mode. There is nothing to say about the vibration mode. The electric shock mode has 100 levels. The higher the level, the greater the current, and the more pain it will cause to the pet or the person wearing it.

Tohru Amuro received electric shocks during undercover training. Whether he was interrogating others or was interrogated when he was unfortunate enough to fall off his horse, undercover agents must know the power of this modern corporal punishment.

There is basically no feeling at the 1st level, and the damage increases from the 3rd level, and there is a burning sensation like being suddenly burned by something; starting from the 50th level, it will cause substantial damage to the body, and can cause scorch marks on the skin contact. At the 100th level, it is

It's an unbearable pain that can numb the entire area affected by the electric shock in a few seconds. Even if the power is turned off in time, muscle spasms will still occur in the next few hours.

This is only physical damage, the psychological impact is greater and more lasting.

Holding a punishment tool that might be used on himself, Toru Amuro didn't have any anxiety at all. He pinched the sensor at the front of the collar with his thumb and index finger and stared at the two pure copper electric shock posts on the inside.

Gin disdains lying to lower-level members, and the following sentence "He doesn't care at all whether you are loyal or not" is probably true, either from Angstra's own words or from his own judgment.

The two of them are very familiar, and Toru Amuro can even tell that Gin, who is usually suspicious, trusts Angstra - he is willing to go with him to a round platform without any protection around him - trust comes from understanding, especially a suspicious person.

If you have trust, then Gin's judgment will basically not be wrong.

If that's the case, it would be interesting to see what Angstra said.

Is he reluctant to treat them like this...or does he not care whether they are loyal or not and is too lazy to treat them in such a troublesome way?

Among the three subordinates, only Toru Amuro has seen the most cold-blooded and extreme side of Angostura - playing Russian roulette with the cadres of the Mud Covenant Society and stuffing the living Jean Fesh into the body for burning.

Furnace - Although he came to Angstra soon after, received his protection, and felt his gentleness and kindness...but those two things still left a very deep impression on him.

Therefore, unlike Zhu Fu Jingguang, Amuro Toru will try to figure out the psychology of his junior boss from two completely different angles.

Toru Amuro sat on the sofa and thought for a long time. When he came to his senses, it was already past 9 o'clock.

He took out two mobile phones and looked at them. There was no news from Angostela, Morofushi Kagemitsu and Kazami Yuya... He sent Angostela an email asking when he would be back.

Put the shock collar and remote control back into the box, get up and go to the kitchen to clean up.

The most taboo thing about doing things is being capricious and switching targets at every turn. Since he has made up his mind to take the loyal dog route to get information on Angstra, he should stick to it till the end.

To be a loyal dog, you must protect Angostela, not be tempted by external factors to betray him, rely on him mentally, be obedient, and not resist any of his orders and demands...

Acting is a required course for undercover agents, and people without acting skills simply cannot pass the undercover training course.

Tohru Amuro is a loyal dog who values ​​Angstra above all else. What does it have to do with Rei Fuktani who wants to send Gray Crow (Saiya Byakuya) to a juvenile detention center?

A dedicated actor is someone who can get too involved in a drama, which is completely different from an undercover agent like him.

He can control himself and not fall completely into it.


[Today’s dinner is teriyaki beef rice and miso soup. When can you come back? I want to prepare it for you in advance.——Amuro]

[No, you go to bed first. I won’t be able to go back until very late.——angostura]

Jing Baiye sent an email to Tohru Amuro. Curacao, who was sitting in front of him, saw him holding his mobile phone and looked at his expression: "Do you have other important things?"

"No, it was Amuro who asked me when I can go back."

Jing Baiye took back his cell phone and picked up the hairspray to fix his hairstyle again. He could pretend to be short if he was tall, or thin if he was fat. It was more troublesome to pretend to have short hair if he had long hair. Curacao's hair was much longer than Mio Tokiwa's, so he had to use a lot of it.

Apply hairspray to hold it in place and put a wig on her.

Curacao has an excellent memory and quickly remembered who Toru Amuro was.

"He will also go to hot springs, right?" she asked casually.

"Three of my subordinates will go." Jing Baiye put on hair gel and began to apply special cosmetics on her face, "I have a task this week, Midorikawa has a code assessment... I haven't decided when to go to the hot spring.


On the surface, code name members are colleagues of the same level. In fact, the status gap between code name members is very large. For example, Rum and Gin, they can command other code name members, issue tasks, give rewards, etc.

Jing Baiye asked the boss about the assessment, and the boss also made it clear that Midorikawa Xin conducted the assessment so quickly just because he liked him. He was indeed his temporary guardian, but at the same time he was still his.

subordinates. It is still up to him to decide what tasks he will perform in the future.

"When you decide, just send me an email and let me know." Curacao smiled.

It took Sakai Byakuya an hour and a half to get to Nishitama City, another half an hour to change his appearance, and another hour and a half to be sent back to Yoneka Town by Gin.

At first he didn't expect Gin to be willing to give him a gift. After parting with Curacao, he thought about opening a map to see where the nearest station was... As a result, when he got downstairs, he saw Gin smoking next to his Porsche.

He stepped out and put out his cigarette, as if he was waiting for him.

"If an underage kid wanders out alone at night, he will be noticed by nosy guys."

This was the answer Gin gave him after he asked curiously.

Vodka wasn't here, so Gin drove the car, with Jing Baiye sitting in the passenger seat. When he was in the United States, Gin often took him to the training ground or sent him to class like this, and he was very used to this position.

On the road, the two talked about the assassination mission in Nishitama City next Saturday and the xyz cocktail. When Kai Baiye arrived at the Yoneka Town safe house, it was past 11 o'clock in the evening.

Gin's Porsche turned around and left. Jing Baiye watched him go away, took out the key and opened the door.

He originally thought that the men who came back before him had gone to sleep, but as soon as he entered the entrance, he saw a bright light coming from the door of the living room - Toru Amuro walked out wearing an apron, Qian Duoduo followed at his feet, one person and one cat.

Come and greet him.

"Are you hungry? Dinner is almost ready."

The blond mixed-race subordinate showed the same smile as before, but Jing Baiye felt that there was something wrong with him.

This chapter has been completed!
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