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Chapter 317 Belmod: Wouldn't it be an undercover again?

"Dong dong."

There was a knock on the door, and Angstra's voice came from outside.

"It's me. Scotland, is it convenient to come in now?"

Hearing this voice, Zhu Fu Jingguang felt that the hand holding his wrist suddenly let go.

The blond man on the hospital bed looked ugly. He was gasping for air. The wound on his chest caused cold sweat to flow down his cheeks from the pain.

"Come in."

Zhu Fu Jingguang hurriedly pressed the call bell, and at the same time did not forget to say to the outside.

Angstra opened the door and was stunned when she heard the call bell ringing. Then she immediately rushed to the bedside: "What's wrong with Amuro?!"

"He suddenly had trouble breathing just now."

Zhu Fu Jingguang was still staring at Fa Xiao beside him when he spoke.

He felt that the wrist he had just grabbed was aching, and the force with which he grabbed him was so strong that it didn't look like a seriously injured person.

His eyes were obviously asking for help, but why did he stop him from ringing the bell to find a doctor?

Could it be...that he wanted to kill himself?


Toru Amuro called out the code name, his voice so soft that it was almost inaudible.

His eyes fell on the junior boss in front of him, who was looking at him nervously. He felt satisfied with this kind of concern.

He is a loyal dog, and a loyal dog only sees his "master" and cannot see other people at all.

"I'm here."

Angstra held his only movable hand and wiped his cold sweat with the other hand: "Don't talk for now. Wait until the doctor comes to examine you."


Amuro Toru's mouth was still opening and closing, it was rare that he did not obey his junior boss's words.

"Angstra, can you... give me a hug?"

Upon hearing this request, not only Angstra but also Zhu Fu Jingguang was stunned for a moment.

Zero is not such a weak person. He never seeks comfort from others after being injured... Could it be that he is pretending to be pitiful and wants to win Angstra's sympathy? But this look doesn't look like it at all...

No matter what, Jiang Guling's acting skills cannot fool Zhu Fu Jingguang, and the same goes for him.

The man on the hospital bed had a painful expression and his purple-gray eyes were shining with water. He carefully made a trivial request.

Zhu Fu Jingguang felt a chill on his back, and he felt that Fa Xiao lying on the bed was very strange.

This man, this man lying in front of him, who had criticized his attitude a few minutes ago...

Is he really Jianggu Ling?

Angstra kept holding Amuro Toru's hand, carefully leaned down, trying not to press the seriously injured body, put her cheek against the other person's face that was not covered by the bandage, and rubbed it gently.

"You are injured now, so I can only hug you like this." Angstra comforted him, "There will be many opportunities in the future."

Amuro Toru closed her eyes and hummed softly.

Dr. Futo arrived quickly and entered the ward without knocking. Angstra quickly gave up her seat.

Toru Amuro felt the warm and soft touch on her cheek suddenly disappear.

He opened his eyes, but could only watch helplessly as his little boss let go of his hand.

After his breathing returned to normal, Fangtani Rei looked at the doctor and Angstra beside him and realized that his symptoms of amnesia had appeared again.

Kyosuke Futo quickly did a check-up and found this symptom strange.

"There is no problem with Mr. Amuro's respiratory system. His sudden suffocation..." He put down the stethoscope and said with some hesitation, "It is more likely to be caused by psychological reasons."

"Psychological reasons?" Zhu Fu Jingguang frowned.

"Is it acute PTSD?" Angstra's expression was also solemn, "Major traumatic events can easily cause PTSD..."

"Not sure yet."

Futo Kyosuke shook his head, sat down on the chair, and showed a serious expression: "I need to talk to Mr. Amuro alone."

Zhu Fu Jingguang understood that this involved patient privacy, and the doctor wanted him and Angstra to stay away so that he could make further judgments about Jianggu Ling.

"Scotland, let's go out."

Angstra said from the side: "In addition to surgery, Dr. Futo is also a doctor in the cardiology department. He has more specialties than us."

Zhufu Jingguang has checked Fuudo Kyosuke's information on the organization's intranet and the police and knows his detailed resume.

Without saying much, he left the room with Angstra.

Outside the ward, Zhu Fu Jingguang and Angstra stood at the door.

There was no one on the entire fourteenth floor. The occupancy rate here was not high and the sound insulation effect was good. They could not hear what the doctors and patients inside were saying at all.

Zhu Fu Jingguang's heart sank when he thought of his young appearance and strange behavior just now.

"Don't worry." Angstra said suddenly, patting him on the shoulder, "Dr. Futo is very good. He can make the best judgment and follow-up treatment."


All the scenes were silent.

He knew that Kyousuke Futo could only return in vain, or make a wrong diagnosis under the deliberate misleading of Rei Fukoutani - how to fool the enemy's psychology experts was also a required course during their undercover training.

The basis for judging and treating psychological problems is that the patient can be honest with the doctor, which they will never be able to do.

He couldn't tell Angstra this, and he could only smile helplessly in the face of his junior boss who tried to calm his uneasiness.

"What on earth did you do this afternoon?" Zhu Fu Jingguang changed the subject.

"First, I made a record, returned the coat to Officer Matsuda, and then went to deal with Moritani Teiji..." Angstra said while looking at his face, "Before returning to the hospital, I blew up his house."

This was within Zhu Fu Jingguang's expectations.

Angstra's tone when talking about Matsuda was very gentle. From what he knew about him, he liked Matsuda's appearance and was grateful for his bomb disposal. He would not dig into his past, let alone because he had entered into his personal life.

Residential and repay kindness with hatred.

As for the bomber who caused so many casualties and was lynched by his junior boss, he felt no emotion at all.

Zhu Fu Jingguang was only concerned about the third thing: "Where did you get the bomb? Did Friedman bring it?"

"No, Friedman went back after finishing the transcript. I went to Moritani's house alone. Moritani Teiji planted those bombs there himself."

Angstra paused and continued to add: "When I entered, the police were searching the house..."

Zhu Fu Jingguang's heart suddenly lifted.

"I promised you to only kill bombers, so I didn't kill them."

Zhu Fu Jingguang's heart fell to the ground again.

"I just knocked them out, laid them all down in front of the house, and then detonated the bomb."

Zhu Fu Jingguang... As an undercover police officer, Zhu Fu Jingguang was speechless for a moment.

Angostela is indeed a man who keeps his word. If he says he won't kill, then he really doesn't kill.

He only retained his life, but his face and dignity... were probably lost.


Jing Baiye does more than she talks.

He used the Black vest to knock out the policemen and put them all into his backpack. He physically opened the Moritani family's vault and stuffed all the valuables inside into his backpack.

In addition, he dismantled several overly powerful bombs in the house and moved them away. The remaining ones could only blow up the Moritani family.

He did this to avoid damaging innocent nearby homes.

After the house was blown up, Jing Baiye changed back to his original body, found a nearby safe place, picked out the police officers one by one, arranged them neatly on the ground, used skills to eliminate all traces, and left.

Jing Baiye looked at the closed door, feeling increasingly worried.

Originally, he planned to ask Amuro what collection he wanted, and he would give him more than half of it, but he didn't expect to see that he had a new question as soon as he came back...

He can help Toru Amuro materially, but what should he do mentally?

[Are there any drugs in the store that can directly cure psychological problems?] Jing Baiye poked at the system.

[No.] The system quickly gave the answer, [Only relevant books.]

Jing Baiye didn't think that he could outperform a professionally trained psychiatrist by reading a few books. With a little understanding, he exchanged a few books on psychological trauma in the store.

"Amuro is really in trouble..." Jing Baiye sighed, and he touched Scotland next to him: "We have to pay more attention to his emotions when accompanying him during this period. Even if he loses his temper due to stress, we have to

Follow him."

Scotland nodded.

Psychological consultation is a slow process. Jing Baiye pulled Guo Guo to sit down on the chair next door.

At this moment, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

【I will arrive in Tokyo next Thursday evening. Have you moved into your new home?——vermouth】

Hearing about his new home, Jing Baiye instantly recalled the excitement he felt when he saw the bombed courtyard in the morning. Bombers suddenly appeared in Japan and bombed the railway tracks, the building and his home. The guardians in the United States didn't know yet.

[No, I have to continue to live in the safe house, the courtyard of that villa was bombed...]

Jing Baiye told Belmode about the bombing of the villa.

This time when he mentioned his bombed home, he felt quite calm, not as angry as Panno at all... maybe because he received compensation?

Moreover, he could rebuild the courtyard as he wanted. It happened that Teiji Moritani still had quite a quarter of his savings, which was more than enough to build a courtyard.

In addition to the villa courtyard, there is also a high-rise apartment given to him by Spiatus.

Dai Geli, who was originally responsible for the design, returned to France, and the apartment was taken over by Spiatus. He said that he would find other suitable people to be responsible for the design and decoration. I don’t know what is going on now...

[…The bomber also blew up the Mihua Municipal Building. I happened to be there last night, and my subordinate Amuro was injured while protecting me.——angostura]

Belmod will meet his three men sooner or later. She knows Panno's appearance and may be angry with Toru Amuro. He must first gain some favor for him.

[Don’t trust your subordinates too much, especially Toru Amuro. He looks a lot like the French mouse that hurt you. Maybe he’s protecting you this time because he’s playing a trick.——vermouth]

[Don’t say that about Panno...]

After Jing Baiye finished typing, he was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why his first reaction was to refute that sentence.

He silently deleted these words and rewrote a new message.

[That was not a bitter trick, Amuro was seriously injured and almost died.——angostura]

[Well, if you are so insistent...since you can't stay there, I will find another hotel.——Vermouth]

Jing Baiye thought for a while, she came to Japan on Thursday evening, he was in the hospital that day, and Scotland was resting. He could let Scotland meet her in advance... No, this didn't seem possible.

He temporarily put down his cell phone and glanced at Scotland around him.

The temporary guardianship member noticed his gaze and smiled gently at him: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." Jing Baiye lowered his head and read the email again.

Belmode's apparent identity is Sharon Wynyard and Chrissy Wynyard, both of whom are internationally renowned female stars. Until she completely retires from the spotlight, she should avoid appearing in front of most of the members in her true appearance.

He was willing to trust Scotland, but this time it involved Belmode, so he had to be more cautious.

[It’s best to keep your disguise during these few days in Japan.——angostura]

Belmode doesn't always change her appearance. Just like when she met him seven years ago, what he saw was her true appearance. If she had used an ordinary face at that time, he probably wouldn't be able to get along with her so easily.


[I know xxx~——vermouth]

When Jing Baiye saw the three x's at the end, he couldn't help but touch his face, feeling a little shy.

Belmode, Shirley and Curacao, they all like to pinch him. If there is any difference between them, it is that Belmode is the only one who will kiss his face or forehead after pinching him...

This chapter has been completed!
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