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Chapter 347 Amuro Toru: Jiang Gu Ling is a police officer, what does it have to do with me?

Zoo organization?

Fang Gu Ling just asked casually, but he didn't expect Angstra to give him this answer.

This organization is different from the black organization. Based on the information currently available to the public security, they train various killers and let these killers search for gems all over the world. The main locations of their activities are abroad, so the Japanese Police Agency did not take them seriously at first.

It wasn't until they kidnapped and killed several minors in Japan not long ago that the National Police Agency sent police officers from Izawa Jun to go there as undercover agents.

The treasures of the last Russian royal family include a lot of jewels. For example, the egg of memories is inlaid with many gems... It will indeed be included in the hunting range organized by the zoo.

Zhu Fu Jingguang thought of this as well, and he began to worry about the assessment tasks for his junior high school students.

If it were just a Shi Kaobing, he believed that Gu Ling's ability could solve the problem. If there was another transnational criminal organization behind it...

Jianggu Ling's mentality was completely opposite. As the person who was about to carry out this task, he was a little excited.

The more troublesome the task, the more he can demonstrate his abilities. This is a danger, but it is also an opportunity for him - plus Shi Kaobing is an internationally wanted criminal with a lot of blood on his hands. He doesn't mind using this kind of person as a stepping stone.

If Shi Kaobing is really from the zoo organization, he might be able to get some information about that organization and send it back to the police department.

"What's wrong with this soldier?" Angstra asked curiously.

"He is a killer. He is wanted by Interpol for assassinating a rich man who collected cultural relics from the Romanov dynasty. I am worried that I will meet him in the mission." Toru Amuro told the truth.

Shi Kaobing is in danger. He is worried that his junior boss who accompanied him to find eggs will be affected, so he must remind him to pay attention to his safety.

Angstra frowned when he heard this: "Really? Don't worry, I will investigate."

Hearing that the little devil wanted to investigate Shi Kaobing for him, Jianggu Ling felt a little complicated: "Will this make the organization boss think that you are helping me cheat?"

"It depends."

Angstra bit the tip of her chopsticks: "If I help you kill him during the egg snatching process, this is cheating; but if it is before the snatching begins, I will collect information about him for you so that you can meet him later. Work it out yourself, this is just assistance.”

Just aid...

Fang Guling breathed a sigh of relief. With the little devil's off-site intelligence assistance, he could do it much more conveniently and efficiently.

While they were communicating, Zhu Fu Jingguang had already finished eating. He closed the empty lunch box, stood up and started packing his things.

Angstra picked up the rice faster, emptied the lunch box in a few strokes, handed the empty lunch box to him, and then turned to look at Fang Gu Ling.

"I went back to the safe house yesterday and got you something you liked very much."

Jiang Guling was stunned for a moment, then looked confused.

He has basically brought all his luggage to the hospital. What can the little devil bring him...?

Angstra picked up the small briefcase at his feet and took out a very familiar Corgi doll that was originally placed on the sofa in the safe house.


Jiangu Ling was even more confused.

He actually gave him a stuffed toy as a patient. Did the little devil treat him like a child of how old he was? And since when did he like this thing?

It was Zhufu Jingguang who remembered it first: "This... I remember Amuro holding it while sleeping."

He did not forget that he wanted to wake up Fang Gulii that day and found a lump of honey on the bed. He opened it with curiosity and found that it was Angostela's doll toy under his little arm...

"Last time you were clinging to it when you fell asleep on the sofa. You must like it very much." Angstra hugged the Corgi doll, "So I brought it to accompany you."

Fang Guling thought of that dark history and said thank you with a smile: "Thank you... I like it very much."

"As long as you like it."

Angstra touched the corgi's head, patted his head again, and then placed the corgi doll on his pillow.

Feeling the warmth of that hand, Toru Amuro turned his head and glanced at the doll.

It's childish, but this is Angostela's heart - he even remembers that he once slept with this in his arms, and brought it to him specially, which shows that he cares about him so much.

Jianggu Ling's heart was filled with indifference.


If the doctor sees this during the examination tomorrow, he will experience a social death... Should he deliberately soil it and then throw it away?

Zhu Fu Jingguang left the hospital, and Angstra went to take a bath. He still insisted on staying by the bedside tonight.

Toru Amuro has a very warm heart. Every bit of love and care from his little boss can make him stronger.


The blond loyal dog looked at his master with gentle eyes and a slightly prickly tone: "Have you been in contact with Mr. Morohoshi recently?"

Ever since Morohoshi Darai arrived at Angstra's side, they had fought openly and secretly for several rounds. He had reason to suspect that his sudden nausea in the afternoon was because he was thinking about him!

"I contacted him in the morning." Angstra paused, "I asked him not to come see you when he comes back."

"...You told him that I was hospitalized?" Toru Amuro's expression was stiff.

He doesn't mind letting Morohoshi know that he was injured for Angstra, it's his honor - but that guy will definitely find any reason to taunt him.

"Because he specifically asked about you, I told him."

Angstra held his hand and comforted him: "Don't worry, I won't let him bother you and make you so angry that your injury worsens."

Toru Amuro knew that his junior boss was serious. He used to work hard to carry water and wanted to treat him and Morohoshi Daiichi equally. After he was injured, the balance in his heart began to tilt towards him.

Fukitani Rei looked at his face and tentatively asked a question that he was very concerned about: "Before I am discharged from the hospital, Mr. Morohoshi...will there be other code assessments?"

He was very worried about this. The little devil only said that he would not give the egg of memory task to Morohoshi, but did not guarantee that he would not be given other tasks during this period.

If Moro Hoshida got the code name before him...even if he didn't come to the hospital, he would be so angry that his injury would worsen.

Fukitani Rei considers himself not a narrow-minded person, but Morohoshi Yamato seems to be born with him. As long as he has a bad temper, he will find him displeasing in all kinds of ways.

"The assessment of the stars will be held at the beginning of next year, and Gin will be the supervisor." Angstra answered.

"Gin?... Why gin?"

"Gin said that I...well, said that I protected you too well, and the third one couldn't continue to do this. He said that he would personally train the stars, and then send him back after he has been sharpened."

When Angstra mentioned this, worry appeared on her face,

"Gin is clearly overstepping his authority, but when I asked the boss, he actually agreed to what Gin did..."


Rei Fukiya was sure that Gin's original words were definitely not that polite.

Morohoshi's own momentum and ability are terrifying enough, but they want to further hone him. Does the organization really intend to train him as the second Gin?

The danger of gin is self-evident. If it comes to that, he will consider contacting the public security and strive to kill this poisonous seedling as much as possible before the stars become stronger!

Fangtani Rei couldn't help but feel happy when he heard that Morohoshi might be leaving next year.

He was really happy - because Moro Hoshida was about to suffer at the hands of Gin, and also because the other guy in his body felt anxious after hearing the news.

Rei Fukiya is an undercover police officer who wants to send Angstra to a juvenile detention center and destroy the black organization. What does he have to do with Toru Amuro?

Toru Amuro is Angstra's loyal dog, a member of the black organization who is about to receive a code name.

The little boss knew nothing about this dark joy. When he raised his head again, Toru Amuro had already returned to his normal expression.

"Go to rest early," Angstra said softly to him.

Toru Amuro nodded and patted the corgi doll with his only movable hand.

He cherished everything his little boss gave him, and every one of them was his treasure. He also asked Scotland to help hang the keychain on his keychain that was stained with blood and broken.

He wouldn't let anyone throw away his treasure. Absolutely not.

——If someone dares to destroy something important to him, then the things he cherishes will not be easy.

This chapter has been completed!
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