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Chapter 348 Drop Valley Zero: I was promoted by members of the organization

Recuperating from an injury is a long and difficult process.

Jiangu Ling has never felt this so clearly.

He went from being busy to doing nothing every day. Only his head and one arm could barely move, and he was trapped in a small hospital bed. His daily activities included watching TV, looking at his mobile phone, and getting checked by the doctor every day.

Perhaps because he had performed well in front of Belmode before, the organization did not send anyone to test him, and he could finally settle down and recuperate.

Apart from the medical staff from the organization, only Zhu Fu Jingguang and Angostela come every day.

The Corgi doll that Rei Fukutani disliked was always lying on his pillow. Rei Fangtani wanted to throw it away several times, but in the end he always gave up inexplicably.

Gibson, who lives in ward 1401 next door, came to visit Jiang Guling before he was discharged from the hospital, and Manhattan came with him.

When they saw Gibson, the two undercover police officers were both surprised.

Timothy Hunter, a former U.S. Navy SEAL who was stripped of the Silver Star for shooting civilians on the battlefield, is a famous sniper.

Seeing that such a person actually joined the organization and said that he would serve the organization well, the two undercover police officers looked calm on the surface but felt quite heavy and worried.

Since Gibson doesn't speak Japanese, he and Manhattan will return to the United States for action in the future.

In July, Japan officially enters summer.

Rei Fangtani, who was staying in the hospital, had lost his sense of time. He only realized that summer had arrived when he started wearing short-sleeved shirts since Morofushi Jingguang.

Angstra still wore long sleeves and long trousers, never wearing short sleeves. Rei Fukutani knew that he was doing this to cover the bandages on his arms and legs.

Due to injuries to his internal organs, Jiang Guling could only eat liquid food for the past two months, and he lost weight visibly.

While he was worried about whether his strength could be restored, at the same time, like a pretty boy who relied on his face to make ends meet, he was worried about whether he would become ugly and make Angstra, who was so discerning about his appearance, dislike him.

But no, Angstra looked at him with gentle eyes.

The little devil's crimes are heinous, but he is not good at lying. His eyes cannot deceive, and he exposes his true heart.

Zhufu Jingguang would help Feng Guling do simple nursing work, and accompany him to listen to important news. Most of the time, he would sit alone in front of the computer and listen to lectures, recording what he didn't understand and asking Angstra for advice, and facing hackers.

The direction is slowly evolving.

Angstra does a lot more.

He hugged him every day, put his soft and round cheeks against his thin face, smiled at him, cared about his physical recovery, and talked to him about different topics out of fear that he would be bored.

He can say "This movie is very good, I will show it to you on TV" today, tell him the progress of the courtyard construction tomorrow, and use his cell phone the day after tomorrow to say that he will treat him to a lot of delicious food when he gets better...

Fangtani Rei observed him carefully, and he found that Angstra had been in the hospital for so long and was not even a little impatient.

The VIP ward is very soundproofed. After asking the doctor for permission, Angstra sometimes played the violin for a while at night.

On the other side, Morohoshida, who went to Osaka to attend a driving school, finally came back.

One day when Angstra was away, Zhu Fu Jingguang happened to see him appearing under the hospital when he was returning to the hospital after shopping.

Morohoshi stood next to a Chevrolet C-1500. On such a hot day, he still wore the knitted hat.

He smoked a cigarette and looked up at the hospital. When he saw Zhu Fu Jingguang coming, he put out his cigarette coldly, nodded as a greeting, then got in the car and left.

He didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and his indifference was even more outrageous than Gin.

After Morohoshi returned to Tokyo, he didn't come to Rei Furuya's ward even once, and Angstra would not mention him when he came to the hospital. This made Rei Fukutani a little worried while being happy, and he tested the little devil about this child.

What is Jiu No. 2 doing recently?

Angstra gave him an unexpected answer: collect rent.

"The boss gave me some real estate in Cupido Town. I didn't know anything about opening a store, so I rented out the land or stores and collected a little rent every month..." Angstra said, "If you want to open a store to make money,

For extra money, I can leave a few rooms for you, and I won’t ask for any money.”

Jiang Guling originally wanted to refuse, but then he thought about his future plans.

He wanted to imitate Panno. First of all, he had a natural advantage in appearance. The second step was to have the same profession and become a detective.

So Fangtani Rei asked for the address and selected a place, planning to turn it into a detective agency after he was discharged from the hospital.

By August, Jiang Guling's health began to improve.

He can eat normal food, sit up naturally in bed, go out in a wheelchair, and walk around holding on to things or walls.

Angstra was very happy, and Zhu Fu Jingguang couldn't help laughing. He went out to buy food and prepared a light and delicious dinner in the kitchen of the ward.

Seeing Angostela eating quickly by the bed, her cheeks bulging, Jiang Guling wondered if he had been treated harshly with food in the past two months.

He has always wondered why Angostura didn't let Scotland use the kitchen here to cook for him, and he vaguely guessed that it was for his sake - the patients could only eat liquid food, but the visitors were feasting in the ward. It looked pretty good no matter what.

Too much...

After Jiang Gu Ling ate normally, Zhu Fu Jingguang cooked by himself at night.

Fangtani Zero suspected that it was not just Angstra who had been suppressed, but also his own child. He could tell by looking at the various snacks that the little devil was fed.

He was in a complicated mood, and Angstra's patient companionship in the hospital was not only felt by him, but also by Hiro.

He had reason to worry that after these few months of companionship, Angostela's domestication of Zhu Fu Jingguang had further deepened.

Emotions are very complicated things. Sometimes they are like water, giving people the energy to live. Sometimes they are like a quagmire, which makes people sink deep into it. The more they resist, the harder it is to escape, and they eventually drown in it.

After autumn, the trees in the park gradually turn golden, and as the autumn wind blows, a few leaves are blown to the ground from time to time.

Yuya Kazami received the message from Rei Fukiya and went straight to the scheduled meeting place with great excitement.

At this time, the park was mostly filled with old people walking. He avoided the crowds and paid attention to whether there was anyone following him. Finally, on a bench in the park, he saw his familiar boss, whom he had not seen for four months.

Rei Fukitani was sitting there, a black peaked cap covering his conspicuous blond hair. When he raised his head, Yuya Kazami saw his thin face.

"Submit...Mr. Amuro!!"

Feng Jian Yu also shouted excitedly. Gu Yin

Although he occasionally inquired about his boss's situation from Mr. Zhufu, hearing it and seeing it with his own eyes were completely different, and he felt his eyes begin to heat up.


Fangtani Zero pressed the peaked cap on his head and looked helplessly at his contact person.

After being hospitalized for such a long time, his temper has improved a lot; and his body has not fully recovered, and he does not have that much energy to educate his subordinates, plus...

Seeing Yuya Kazami being excited for him, Rei Fukiya sighed.

As long as a person has normal emotions, it will be difficult to refuse sincere care and concern from others.

"Very good……"

Kazami Yuya's eyes were filled with tears. He raised his sleeves and wiped his eyes: "I have been worried since I heard that you were hospitalized, but I didn't dare to contact you because I was worried that you would be exposed... It's really great to see that you are okay!


Fang Gu Ling looked around and ordered in a low voice: "Wipe your tears and don't show such an ugly expression - I have something important to tell you."

Yuya Kazami quickly calmed down and sat on another chair behind Rei Fukiya, as if he was just a passerby passing by by accident.

"I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow and will go to Paris, France next week to complete the assessment tasks. The return date is uncertain, and 'that person' will go with me."

Kazami Yuya nodded to express receipt.

"Going to Paris, as for the language..."

"Don't worry about that." Fang Guling replied.

He wasn't just recuperating in the hospital these past few months. Seeing Angstra's patient attitude in teaching the young boy, he offered to let him teach him some basic French.

The best time for people to learn a language is when they are young. It is more troublesome to learn it as an adult, but Jiangu Ling has the perseverance.

He raised his hand, looked at his palm, and added calmly: "Let the police find a suitable psychotherapist."

"Do you need psychological counseling?" Kazami Yuya asked worriedly.

Working in a criminal organization is very dangerous and the mental pressure is extremely high. In addition, he was seriously injured in an explosion... Mr. Fukitani does have needs in this regard.

"Yes, remember to confirm the background. It must be a trustworthy professional."

Jianggu Ling has not forgotten the intermittent amnesia in the early days of his recovery.

Although it was only a handful of times and it didn't happen again after he almost suffocated, he still had to get a professional checkup.

"I understand, I will arrange it for you."

Fang Guling slowly breathed a sigh of relief. He hoped that his trip to France would go well.

After he finished explaining his own affairs, the next step was to listen to any important information from the police: "Do you have any news to report?"

"There are two points."

Kazami Yuya's tone was slightly hesitant: "The first point is... you have been promoted."


"Actually, I came down in June. Because you were injured and hospitalized, I didn't tell you or Mr. Midorikawa for the time being... The bombs on the Toto Ring Line and the remaining bombs in the Mihua Municipal Building were deactivated, and many innocent people were saved.

The boss thinks it's your fault for suffering."

Toru Amuro was startled: "That's obviously Angostela..."

Feng Jian Yu was also shocked by his attitude: "The management officer thinks that you used the appropriate words or means to make him do that, so it is your credit."

Toru Amuro felt a tight pain in his chest, and his hands clenched into fists were shaking with anger.

He was fortunate that the policeman was sitting behind him and could not see his expression at this time.

"The second point is Mr. Izawa..." Kazami Yuya coughed, "Mr. Izawa, he successfully obtained the code name from the zoo organization, and maybe he can provide you with information about the 'Shikaobing'."


A gust of autumn wind blew by, picking up a few dead leaves and swirling them down on Jiang Guling's trousers.

Jiang Guling's voice was faint: "...How long has he been at the zoo?"

"I officially entered in early August and got my code name within a week. Because the mission was sudden, the National Police Agency did not have time to prepare a suitable identity for him, so Mr. Izawa infiltrated under his real name." Yuya Kazami looked worried when he mentioned this.

Jiang Guling, who was originally wondering why this person got the code name so quickly, frowned.

He thought it was outrageous enough that Hiro's contact person didn't remind him in time, but the violence group countermeasures department went even further, not even giving a pseudonym to prepare undercover agents?!

Speaking of which, Jun Izawa went to Hakone Town to investigate the disappearance case caused by the zoo organization - letting an undercover agent who was about to go out show his face and wander around to investigate the case that was about to infiltrate the organization.

This is simply...!!

"What did he say?"

"In order to survive the numerous risks, it is best not to take life too seriously... These are Mr. Izawa's exact words. He said that when you are an undercover agent, you should let nature take its course and don't take it too seriously."

Falling valley is silent.

Not only the National Police Agency’s Violent Gang Countermeasures Division, but why did he feel that Jun Izawa himself didn’t seem to pay much attention to the undercover mission?

"What's his codename there?"


Kazami Yuya adjusted his glasses, and his tone was a little subtle: "This turned out to be the code name of an important member, but that member was killed during a mission not long ago. The leader of the organization was very optimistic about the newly joined Mr. Izawa, so he asked him to

Inherited this code name."

"He is already considered a middle-level cadre of the zoo organization."

This chapter has been completed!
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