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Chapter 463 He Knows Everything

The word "undercover" was spoken so clearly that the surrounding area fell silent for an instant.

Toru Amuro knelt on one knee, half raising his face, looking at Angstra.

The little boss stood in the mess and looked at him, his eyes empty and there was no smile on his face.

No one knows how much Toru Amuro likes Angstra's smile.

Angstra usually loves to laugh.

He will laugh when he wins a lottery, he will laugh when he gets a pet cat, he will laugh when he eats delicious food, he will laugh when he shares interesting things with them, he will laugh when he sees that he is recovering well from his injury, even if others agree to his trivial request,

He will also show a big, happy smile.

He was always satisfied with the little things.

But he is such a person who loves to laugh, such a being who is easily satisfied. Since a few days ago, he has never laughed again.

Amuro Toru's eyes moved down, and he saw his hand hanging by his side.

The hand that had repeatedly punched the iron fence was dripping with blood. The nail on one of the fingers was completely torn off and was bleeding.

Toru Amuro's body and heart began to tremble.

In the past, it hurt to be half-deathed by an explosion, and it hurt to be severely beaten by FBI people in the morning, but all of that was incomparable to the pain at this moment - this is the real heart-wrenching experience.

His little boss was so powerful that he was not injured at all by the FBI's gun attack. The only wound on his body was the one he had just made himself.

The only people who can hurt him have always been those who he treats sincerely, but who deceive him with falsehoods.

"Angstra," he called again.

"Bourbon is an undercover agent from the Japanese police."

After saying it for the first time, it didn't get any easier the second time. Toru Amuro tried his best to suppress the trembling in his tone and repeated it in more detail.

Whether he waits for Angstra to find out, or whether he admits it on his own initiative - or whether he admits it so long ago - the damage is inevitable.

Their encounter, the intertwining of people with different positions, was wrong from the beginning.

It's just that he had a little bit of selfishness in the end. What he said was "Bourbon is an undercover agent" rather than "I am an undercover agent."

Tohru Amuro will never betray Angstra, will never betray Gray Crow, and will never betray Ai Byakuya.

The bedroom was in a mess. Angstra not only smashed his hand on the iron railing beside the bed, but also smashed other things before. His cell phone probably fell to the door like that.

Toru Amuro saw an unseen dagger lying on the floor. He picked it up and then unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the position of his heart.

Then he took hold of the sharp edge of the dagger and turned the handle partially towards Angstra.

He said gently and piously: "Please kill me."

He is not afraid of death. He wants to use his sincerity to get Angstra's smile back.

Hearing these words, Angers moved.

He seemed to finally react, and his eyes flashed with bright lights, illuminating his entire expression.

Then——he pounced towards Tohru Amuro!!

The dagger fell to the ground, and Tohru Amuro didn't even have time to react. His head was held tightly in Angstra's arms.

"I'm sorry, did I disturb you by breaking something? Are you feeling better now? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Angstra's voice was also trembling, but he was trembling with excitement.

Amuro Toru was stunned.

He expected many kinds of reactions from Angostura, including grief and questioning, getting furious, taking a dagger and stabbing him in the chest...but none of them were like this.

After hugging him for several seconds, Angstra let him go, squatted down and looked at him levelly.

"You were seriously injured. Fortunately, your internal organs were not injured and there were no fractures. There were only some external injuries, so I treated you with special drugs... But there are new drugs in there that I haven't used in the past. I don't know how effective they will be.

If you feel any pain, tell me and I will take you to the hospital immediately."

As he spoke, he touched his face with his other good hand.

"...Angstra?" Amuro came back to his senses and looked at Chi Chi's face, "Don't you... kill me? I... Bourbon is an undercover..."

"You're not."


The next words were stuck in his throat, and Toru Amuro opened his eyes wide.

He saw Angstra smiling at him, and the scarlet eyes showed the same care and love as before, or even more.

"You're not—because you have dissociation disorder, right? The person I'm talking to now is not an undercover agent."

Toru Amuro was completely stunned, and his mind went blank.

...he knows?

"When did you..."

"I knew it a long time ago." Angstra said, "You almost suffocated that time. Doctor Futo told me this after he called me away."

Toru Amuro was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered what happened that day.

The doctor was most likely also a patient with dissociation, so he was more or less aware of the other person's strangeness when the two parties communicated. However, he did not expect that the doctor actually told Angstra.

Toru Amuro said in confusion: "If you knew it at that time, why didn't you kill me..."

At that time, he was just an ordinary member without a code name. If he was clearly diagnosed with such a disease, he would be regarded as an unstable factor by the organization and eliminated. Why did Angstra...

"The doctor did ask me if I wanted to give up on you, but I don't want to give up on you."

"Someone taught me some very important principles of life - if someone is good to me, then I should also be good to him, and I cannot let him down, because this is a very, very precious relationship... At that time, it was you in front of the cinema.

You rushed over to protect me, right? I didn't react at the time, I only remembered it later."

Toru Amuro felt his eyes heat up, and the hand he wanted to raise couldn't stop shaking, but it was no longer the painful trembling before.

"...you know?"

"I know, because the eyes are different." Angstra said, "I can't read other people's eyes, but I can recognize you. You care about me very, very much. I can feel this care - so I always

I can tell the difference between you at a glance."

Amuro Toru didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth, only to find that his cheeks were already covered with tears.

"I'm sorry, Bourbon... No, Amuro." Angstra hugged him and pressed her cheek tightly against his, "I shouldn't have been angry with you these days. I left you alone yesterday.

I'm sorry for putting you in such danger today..."

Toru Amuro remembered that when they separated at the school gate yesterday, Angstra suddenly turned around and apologized.

That was said to him, to Tohru Amuro.

Because he knows he is innocent.

"Expressing anger is the same as finding a substitute. Essentially, it transfers feelings to an unrelated person. This behavior is very bad. At that time, because I was very unhappy, I didn't control my emotions properly and took advantage of you...

I apologize to you, can you forgive me?"

Angstra took his hands and covered both sides of his cheeks.

There was a somewhat embarrassed smile on his face, and he stared at the soul who was loyal to him in front of him.

"Don't be angry with me, okay? I can let you pinch your face, and you won't be angry after pinching it a few times... I'm really sorry, I hurt your feelings for me. I'm such a terrible and childish boss, I hope you

You can forgive me and I will definitely correct myself in the future."

Toru Amuro was completely speechless.

He hated the two undercover agents for underestimating Angstra, but why didn't he himself? He also underestimated him.

It was indeed the doctor who first told Angstra about dissociations, but how to tell them apart was up to him and him alone.

——He could even tell through his memories who it was that swooped over to protect him at that moment.

It turns out he knew.

He knows it all.

He completely saw what he had done for him and remembered it clearly.

Sincerity for sincerity is the most precious feeling in the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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