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Chapter 542

Chapter 542 How to instigate rebellion and undercover (1)

After the board meeting on Monday, Jing Baiye and Spiatus, who had brushed their faces in front of others as heirs, came to the office together.

Spiatus sat down behind his desk and held Moni in his arms. Near the floor-to-ceiling window not far away, there was a flowerpot with an upper layer covered with yellow sand and an unknown plant.

Jing Baiye closed the door and walked over, asking straight to the point: "Boss, do you want to give me a birthday gift now?"


Spiatus looked up at him: "But before that, you have to answer me a question."


Jing Baiye didn't understand why the boss had to go through so many twists and turns, but since he was short-handed, as the one receiving the gift, he nodded honestly.

"The dead you miss the most, the living you miss the most..."

Spiatus had a familiar faint smile on his face, and his crimson eyes stared at him with a light of unknown meaning.

"If you could only choose one of the two, which side would you choose?"

Fire engulfed the sin-ridden old house.

A man stood at the corner, his whole person almost transparent, and the moonlight passed through his body without leaving any shadow on the ground.

This is a dead ghost.

He looked at him quietly, his eyes just like those quiet and beautiful nights in his memory.


he shouted softly.

In this cry, Jing Baiye finally came back to his senses.

He grabbed the clothes on his chest, which were surprisingly hot. He held a pendant through the fabric, which was a fifteenth birthday gift from Spiatus.



Inside the organization base in Tottori Prefecture, after Jun Izawa introduced himself, he leaned on his chair and sighed.

He looked like a social worker who had worked overtime for more than ten hours and was facing his last piece of work. He wanted to grit his teeth and finish it in one go, but he also wanted to just throw everything away and lie down.

Zhu Fu Jingguang felt something explode in his head.

Yi Zejun included four different forces in just one sentence.

"Jerez... brandy?"

"A nice code name, right?" Yi Zejun chuckled, "This was given to me by the gentleman when I was selected to be an undercover agent in the field team at the age of eighteen - as opposed to your whiskey, brandy was given to me.

The codename of the undercover agent.”

Zhu Fu Jingguang was speechless.

The police will send undercover agents to criminal organizations, and these organizations will also send undercover agents to the police.

Just like Kobayashi Kiyoshi, he was selected by his boss to be sent out because he was suspected of being an undercover agent sent by the organization.

It turned out that he was innocent at the time, but it was the arrangement by the police that made him a real member of the organization, stabbing the police in the back; and the organization infiltrated...the undercover agent who indirectly infiltrated the police was Jun Izawa in front of him.


...Why is it him?

Rather than being angry after discovering the undercover agent, Zhu Fu Jingguang was more puzzled.

As early as when they investigated Angstra's life experience, they found Junichi Ryuyoshi who lived next door, and at that time they found Jun Izawa, who was his friend from the police academy.

At that time, they investigated the backgrounds of these two people clearly.

Jun Izawa's parents were both police officers. They both died in the line of duty many years ago while saving people. He himself was kidnapped as a teenager and was later rescued by the police. After that, he went to middle school, high school, and entered the police academy shortly after graduating from high school. There was nothing in between.


Zhu Fu Jingguang recalled one point: "Did you get involved with the organization when you were kidnapped fourteen years ago?"


Izarun nodded, with an expression of appreciation on his face: "Okay, I'm talking to someone with brains and I don't need to explain too much."

"The person who really saved me was not the police, but the gentleman. Even if he was willing to let me go back to ordinary life, I still chose to stay here and devote the rest of my life to him..."

He changed his tone: "Including me standing here now is also for his mission."

“What does the organization want to do?”

Zhu Fu Jingguang frowned.

When he was imprisoned, he was mentally prepared for the worst. He was not a naive Angstra, and he had no illusions about whether an undercover agent could coexist peacefully with the organization.

What he was worried about was: What does it mean when Yizerun suddenly appears here?

Undercover agents need to be concealed. Previously, he and Rei Fukiya would only pretend not to know each other when they saw ordinary policemen or public security, and would not come up to say hello. As a multi-faceted undercover agent with a more complicated background, Izawa Jun would definitely not easily reveal his identity in front of other members.


——Especially when he is facing an enemy undercover whose identity has been revealed.

What does the organization want to do by doing this?

"Don't worry."

Yi Zerun yawned lazily, held his chin and sighed again.

He did not personally participate in the killing tonight and was completely unscathed, but the emotional ups and downs and the troublesome mission still made him mentally exhausted.

"Are you thinking that the organization plans to kill you, but you are afraid that Little Crow... I mean Angstra, he will be angry, so you specially find a member with a higher status to be the executioner?"

He looked at Scotch's face and said helplessly: "Please spare me, Scotch. The organization is not that free, and I don't want to take on this kind of mission that is more dangerous than skydiving without a parachute - I really want to kill you.

That's when Angstra comes to do it himself, and I can at most hand him a handkerchief to wipe his dirty hands."

"I came here this time actually to instigate you to rebel."

As soon as these words came out, Scotch's eyes widened instantly.

He seemed to have encountered the greatest humiliation in his life, his blue eyes were like surging rivers, and he said angrily: "Yize Jun, are you insulting me?!"

...Hey, they say that a normally gentle person will be more frightened when he suddenly gets angry. This is indeed true, especially since this person is an undercover agent, the frightening level is doubled.

Feeling the murderous aura on his face, Yi Zejun still looked at the Scotch whiskey in front of him with great interest, carefully observing the details of his eyes and expression at this time.

As undercover agents, expression management is a required course, and their true emotions cannot be seen casually.

But now, he didn't know whether it was because he was too emotional or because the two weeks of imprisonment made him physically and mentally exhausted. He could easily see through Scotland's vulnerability and... confusion under his toughness.

"Don't blame me for such a terrible thing, okay? My undercover mission is almost over, and I want to fish and swim in peace from now on." Izarun sighed again, "Let's talk about Ange.

Stella... no, let’s talk about BOSS.”

Scotland's angry expression froze.

Seeing his expression, Yi Zejun understood everything: "You should know the code name used by BOSS in the organization, right? He loves Angstra so much. I remember that he personally participated in your code name assessment.


As Izarun said, he glanced at the TV set and the laptop computer with Internet access next to him.

These days Scotch whiskey cannot communicate with the outside world, but it can know the news from the outside world.

"Perhaps you even know his superficial identity?"


The most difficult plot to write begins!

I originally thought it would be finished in October, but now I am rushing to go in December...

It's normal for some words to feel familiar. When I am revising, I will move the previous paragraphs to the later ones...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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