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Chapter 543

Chapter 543 How to instigate undercover agents (2)

There was deathly silence in the cell.

Yi Zejun, who directly stated his purpose, remained lazily and upright for less than a second before leaning on the chair again.

He lowered his gaze slightly, and Scotch's hands came into view.

The fingers on those hands are clearly defined, and the upper ones can hold a gun to kill enemies, while the lower ones can make delicious food that the little crow will never forget.

A pair of white restraints were fastened to his wrists, and the longer sleeves could cover them when his hands hung naturally.

His fingers were frozen there motionless, and he didn't even notice that his restraints had already been opened.

One day last year, Zhu Fu Jingguang had a dream.

In the dream, Angostela was sitting alone on a chair, with ripples appearing in the pool of blood below; countless crows were circling and flying, landing at his feet, lowering their proud heads and bowing to him.

Zhu Fu Jingguang always remembered this nightmare.

He didn't get the code name at that time, and Angstra still lived in the safe house. He didn't go to her side on the day he had this dream, but Rei Fukiya told him who was visiting him that day.

One is Irish Whiskey, and the other is a man with black hair and red eyes, obviously different in appearance, but inexplicably similar to Angostura - Spiatus.

Probably because Fu Jingguang was silent for too long, Yi Zerun looked away, picked up the remote control next to him and turned on the TV.

At this time, a well-known financial program was being played, which was recently commenting on major domestic financial groups. The host and guests were sitting in front of the stage, and a photo was displayed on the screen behind them.

A foreign man with black hair and red eyes was sitting in an armchair. A petite and cute Scottish Fold cat poked its head out of his arms. His fingers were caressing the cat's back. His seriousness and elegance revealed a moisturizing feeling.

Loving feelings.

In the past ten days, Zhu Fu Jingguang had seen this photo countless times.

——This is what the man who controls Japan’s largest chaebol looks like.

"The police undercover, Zhu Fu Jingguang..."

Even though he had long known that Yi Zejun knew his identity, when his real name was called out, Zhu Fu Jingguang's hand on his knee suddenly tightened, and his fingers pinched into the fabric of his clothes.

"Are you unwilling to accept this fact, or...are you afraid to accept it?"


With just one understatement, all the anger he had held up was shattered in an instant.

After a moment of silence, the undercover police officer closed his eyes in pain.

When he was first imprisoned, Zhufu Jingguang judged from Angostela's status and Daijili's attitude towards the pet cat that the BOSS was most likely Spiatus, who had a relationship with him.


The BOSS's code name and appearance are the information that undercovers dream of - it can be said that they are here for this - even if he has become a disconnected undercover with no contact, even if he knows that the probability of his escape is very low.

He also thought about sending this information back to the police.

But within a few days, he saw Spiatus on TV.

This man held the folded-eared cat in his arms, which he had also seen several times, and looked at the camera with a pair of crimson eyes, as if looking at him through the screen.

The gentle smile on that face almost overlapped with the smile he showed when he was asked to snipe the image in the code name assessment.

That moment was like a bolt from the blue.

Zhu Fu Jingguang couldn't even recall his mood at that time.

Even knowing that the organization's boss had already discovered their undercover status didn't make him feel so cold.

"...It's impossible to come here and work as an undercover agent without thinking about anything, right? A criminal organization that has existed for decades says that there is no larger force behind it. Do you believe it?"

Yi Zerun's voice was like a hissing poisonous snake, entangling Zhu Fu Jingguang with full malice.

On TV, the economist who came as a guest highly praised the Karasuma Group and introduced the development process of the Karasuma Group in recent years.

Providing interest-free loans to millions of students.

Bid for multiple government energy development projects.

Step by step, we will completely occupy the entire Japanese drug and medical device market.

They can be found everywhere in other walks of life, from domestic employment scale to international influence...

Even though Zhu Fu Jingguang tried his best to close his eyes, their words still reached his ears word for word.

Every time he heard a sentence, his shoulders suddenly felt heavier.

Zhu Fu Jingguang once held one in ten thousand hopes that these were all fake. The TV programs he watched and the websites he visited were all fabricated by organizations to deceive them——

The largest conglomerate in Japan, its wealth is enough to shake the national economy. The items it produces can be found in every corner of life, affecting millions of families in the country...Why is its chairman the leader of the organization?

But he was told rationally and clearly that there was no need for the organization to spend so much effort on the exposed undercover. What he saw was the reality he was least willing to accept.

Knowing that "Spiatus = Organization BOSS" and knowing "Spiatus = Organization BOSS = Chairman of Karasuma Group" are completely different concepts, and the latter cannot act rashly at all.

Someone once said that there are three things that Japanese people cannot escape in life: death, taxes and consortium.

This is no joke. 60% of Japan’s total assets and 20% of its jobs are in the hands of these major consortiums.

The consortium affects the national economy, and the state actively supports the consortium. The two support each other and are inseparable. The state is the last thing to see anything happen to the consortium.

If such a chairman is arrested, how will domestic public opinion evaluate it?

In this country that attaches great importance to public opinion, will the group be hit hard by this, resulting in a large number of people losing their jobs?

What will other countries think of this? Will it affect the development of other Japanese companies in foreign countries?

...No, we should ask, do they really have the ability to send him in?

As the chairman of the consortium, Spiatus has unimaginable wealth in his hands. If he has the opportunity to report this matter to the superiors, will he receive an arrest warrant symbolizing justice, or will he be silenced first?

The high-level scum used this evidence to threaten and extort?

And, most importantly, Spiatus is an American.

Based on the relationship between the two countries, if he commits anything in Japan, he can apply for extradition back to the country. Even if the Japanese public security and police have full evidence and shout 10,000 times that he is an unpardonable criminal, they can only watch him flourish.

And go.

Assassination is even more impossible. Spiatus' power is only stronger than that of Angstra. Because Angstra loves her, he has some scruples, and he is truly unscrupulous.

Even if he knows the BOSS's identity, he can't do anything.

——"Are you unwilling to accept it, or...are you afraid to accept it?"

The facts that Zhu Fu Jingguang didn't want to face were cruelly peeled away by Yi Zerun at this moment and placed before his eyes.

"From the time a Japanese is born, during his growth, study, travel, work, illness, and death, he is always inseparable from the related industries of the Karasuma Group."

"Nowadays, when we walk into a convenience store and pick up an item, there may be a crow's mark printed on the back."

The guests were beaming and talking non-stop.

At the end, he sighed: "This black crow has long been integrated into our lives - it is everywhere; it is omnipotent."

Yi Zejun nodded frequently while listening to this speech, and his heart was filled with only joy.

In the cell where the undercover was held, in addition to the lingering laughter of the guests and the contentment of the followers, there was also a silent and desperate wail.

After the show ended, Izawa Jun, who got some mental comfort, glanced at the time, which was 10:04 pm.

He was about to turn off the TV when he heard a hoarse voice coming from behind him.


Zhu Fu Jingguang suddenly spoke. He opened his eyes and looked at him, his eyes full of exhaustion.

"Everyone who instigates rebellion is because the other party is worthy enough to do so, and I..." He paused, "Am I really worthy of being instigated by you?"

For public security information? When he found out that the chairman of the Karasuma Group was the leader of the organization, he understood that this was the least worth mentioning. During the police academy, he knew that the Karasuma Group donated large sums of money to the police agency every year.

For his personal value? There are so many outstanding people in the world. As long as you spend money, what kind of talent can't be found?

There's nothing special about him, except...

A young man's sincere smile suddenly appeared in Zhu Fu Jingguang's heart.

"Of course it's worth it."

Izarun smiled.

"——Because Angstra likes you very much."

This chapter has been stuck for a day...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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