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Chapter 137 You are a good person

In the cafe on Wenquan Road, Xiao Feng and Liu Liang were sitting opposite each other, talking about something.

Wu Huan was sitting not far away, staring at the beautiful waitress with interest, comparing it with the lady in black silk stockings in his mind.

At the beginning, Wu Huan was a little unhappy, Xiao Feng must have been too cheating~ He made a date with such a beautiful girl, but she ate alone and refused to let him sit over. Damn it, grandma, she couldn't die after just looking at her for a few times.

But now, Wu Huan figured it out. There were so many beauties here, and we didn't miss any of them. But looking over and over, the one opposite Xiao Feng was the prettiest.

Xiao Feng put down his coffee cup and looked at Liu Liang opposite: "Haha, you didn't sleep all night,"

Liu Liang gently rubbed her temples and nodded: "Well, I have something on my mind and can't sleep."

"Liu Liang, if I reject you, will we still be friends?" Xiao Feng thought for a while and asked with a smile.

"Well, we are friends and will not change because of this incident. The matter of Bauhinia Academy is just based on a friend's suggestion and opinion,"

Xiao Feng raised his hand and snapped his fingers: "Have a glass of juice,"

"Sir, please wait a moment," the waitress smiled and nodded.

Within two minutes, the waiter brought the juice: "Sir, the juice you want,"

"Thank you," Xiao Feng smiled and pushed the juice to Liu Liang: "You haven't slept all night. Stop drinking coffee. Come on, drink the juice obediently."

Liu Liang looked at the juice in front of her and felt a little sour in her heart. Since her mother left, no one cared about her so much anymore. Thinking of her mother, she couldn't help but feel depressed.

"Liu Liang, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Liang shook her head: "Haha, it's nothing, I just remembered some past events," she said, biting the straw and drank the juice.

"Liu Liang, I agree to your suggestion," Xiao Feng said calmly while playing with the spoon.

Liu Liang suddenly raised her head: "Really,"

"Well, really, actually, I can't find any reason to refuse you. You see, you stayed up all night for this matter and helped me find the land. How can I refuse," Xiao Feng said sincerely.

Liu Liang hurriedly put down the straw and showed a grateful smile to Xiao Feng: "Thank you, I thank you for the children,"

"Haha, you're welcome, you are the hero," Xiao Feng said with a smile.

Liu Liang sighed: "I don't want to be a hero, I just want to do something for the children,"

"I don't have to demolish Bauhinia Academy, but I don't want to be a school for aristocrats anymore," Xiao Feng said, shaking his head.

Liu Liang was stunned and said anxiously: "Then what are you going to do?"

"I went to Bauhinia University this morning. The environment and hardware facilities there are really good. Haha, I'm not short of money, and I don't want to use it to make a profit. Liu Liang, I have an idea. Can you tell me if it's feasible?"

"what idea,"

"Liu Liang, do you think those children from upper-class families lack school?"

Liu Liang did not hesitate and shook her head: "No shortage,"

"Well, because their parents are rich, they can choose the school they want, right, so they don't need our help at all,"

"What do you mean," Liu Liang's face flashed rosy, because her heartbeat was speeding up.

Xiao Feng tapped the table with his fingers: "There are many families in difficulty in Jiuquan City. You have been a reporter before, so you should know better than me. There are many children who cannot afford to go to school because of family difficulties. I want to Bauhinia Academy is open to these children so that they can get fair learning opportunities. Haha, it is 'fair'. If society cannot give them fairness, then I will give it to them."

Liu Liang grabbed the corner of the table with excited hands: "Xiao Feng, do you really think so?"

"Well, this is the truest thought in my heart. Haha, such a good school should not be ruined. Let it be put to its fullest use."

Liu Liang stood up suddenly, grabbed Xiao Feng's hand, her eyes were red: "Xiao Feng, thank you,"

Xiao Feng was startled. He was so excited that he wouldn't jump up~

"Xiao Feng, those children will go crazy with joy when they hear this news," Liu Liang's voice was loud, attracting the attention of the people around her.

Xiao Feng shouted that he couldn't bear it. He really didn't expect Liu Liang to be so excited, "Well, sit down first and let's talk slowly. How about that?"

Liu Liang also realized something, hurriedly pulled back and sat down, smiling sheepishly: "Sorry, I lost my temper."

"Haha, calm down, I want those children to enjoy the best education without spending a penny! Regardless of tuition, books, accommodation, everything is free. In addition to this, school buses must be arranged to pick up and drop off the children," Xiao Feng He talked about his plans in a rhetorical manner, but Liu Liang was stunned.

"I plan to set up a Jiuquan Education Foundation and invite elites who are enthusiastic about education to help these children, such as Feng Laoer..." Xiao Feng said this and stopped talking, because he noticed that Liu Liang Look at yourself with a strange look.

Xiao Feng's heart skipped a beat, this girl is going to fall in love with me, "Well, Liu Liang, don't worship me, I'm just a legend."

Liu Liang woke up with a start, covered up her embarrassment with a smile, and said with a smile: "Whoever admires you, don't be so pretty,"

Xiao Feng took a sip of coffee and felt that it was not quenching his thirst. He picked up the juice and took a sip. As soon as he took a sip, he remembered, Damn, Liu Liang drank this glass of juice.

"You..." Liu Liang also turned slightly red, wondering how he could drink his own juice.

"Hey, Liu Liang, is this an indirect kiss between us?" Xiao Feng asked with a teasing smile. He wanted to slap himself as soon as he finished speaking. Can you say this nonsense?

Liu Liang also made a big blush and kissed indirectly, ugh~

"Ahem," Xiao Feng coughed and pretended to be serious and said: "Liu Liang, don't make this matter public for now. Let me start recruiting students when I have everything ready."

Liu Liang nodded: "What can I do to help?"

"Haha, the biggest hero is you. If it weren't for you, I might have demolished this school."

Liu Liang took a deep look at Xiao Feng and shook her head: "No, judging from your thoughts just now, you have obviously had this plan for a long time. Even if I don't give any advice, I'm afraid you will do the same. Xiao Feng, you are a good person."

"..." Xiao Feng sighed inwardly, a good man, haha, am I worthy of him?

"Let's do this. I'll screen some families who are particularly in difficulty, record their names, and notify them when I'm ready," Liu Liang thought for a while and said.

"Well, sure. When I invite some celebrities from Jiuquan to donate to this school, I'm afraid you will be needed to host it."

Liu Liang nodded without hesitation: "As long as I can do things for the children, I am willing to do anything. Not to mention being a host, I can even serve tea and water to those celebrities,"

"Haha, who dares to ask you to serve tea and water? I am not happy, Liu Liang, then it is settled, I will ask you for the bid document tomorrow morning," Xiao Feng said with a laugh.

"Well, I will definitely write a bid of sufficient quality," Liu Liang said seriously.

Xiao Feng waved his hand: "Don't bother, it's just a formality. The bank won't sell it to you at a low price just because your bid is beautiful. Everything costs money."

"When the Bauhinia University was originally established, it cost more than 700 million. The land in Jiuquan was still cheap at that time. Now it is estimated that the land will have to be doubled. I don't think we can win this bid for less than 1 billion,"

"Then I will prepare three billion yuan," Xiao Feng said calmly, but in his heart he thanked all eight generations of Guo Jia's ancestors. Grandma, it feels good to be rich and wealthy.

Liu Liang was startled: "You can get it,"

"underestimate me,"

"No, it's just so much money..."

Xiao Feng smiled: "No diamonds, no porcelain work, don't worry, I have a mobile money printing machine, the money will come quickly,"

"You print counterfeit money," Liu Liang almost jumped up.

"..." Xiao Feng bumped his head on the table, Damn, although I'm not a good person, I don't look like a bad person either~

Half an hour later, Xiao Feng and Liu Liang left the cafe. Of course, Wu Huan, a cold-hearted young man, was indispensable.

"Then I'll go back and write the bid, and you go prepare the money," Liu Liang was obviously in a good mood, smiling all the time.

Xiao Feng nodded: "Okay, I will go find you at seven o'clock tomorrow. Okay, you go, and pay attention to safety on the road."

Liu Liang stretched out her hand to Xiao Feng, they shook hands, she turned around, got into the Beetle and left.

Xiao Feng looked at the beetle going away, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, it smelled so good~

"Hey, the beauties are all gone, don't look anymore," Wu Huan spoke next to him.

Xiao Feng rolled his eyes at him and opened the door to get into the Ferrari, ready to visit Yanagawa Sawa and make plans for the evening.

Wu Huan was sitting in the passenger seat, whistling from time to time, suddenly turning his head and saying: "Brother Feng, please teach me how to drive."

"You are underage, why should you drive," Xiao Feng refused.

"When I learn to drive, I can be your driver,"

Xiao Feng exposed his conspiracy mercilessly: "You want to drive out to pick up girls, right?"

"Well, you can guess this. It's really amazing. I'm serious. As long as you teach me how to drive, and I will follow you from now on, anyone who dares to do anything bad to you will have trouble with me." Wu Huan threw down a tempting of chips.

Xiao Feng's brows jumped: "Really, then someone wants to kill me,"

"Then I will kill him," Wu Huan said in a cold tone.

Xiao Feng was speechless. This kid had no sense of moral integrity. When he was on the basketball court, he said that he would not commit murder or arson. Now, in order to learn to drive, he actually wanted to kill someone.

"That beautiful woman just now is right. You are a good person. I heard your conversation and admire your feat. You are a good person, so those who kill you must be bad people. I will help you kill them," Wu Huan Say something like this.

Xiao Feng was silent for a moment and smiled: "Wu Huan, you are still young. The boundary between good people and bad people is not so easy to distinguish. I can tell you that I am not a good person. I have committed murder, arson, smuggling and drug trafficking. I have done all these things. ,Now, do you still think I am a good person?"

Wu Huan also fell silent, and then said after a long time: "I don't care what you do, as long as what you do is worthy of your conscience, then you are a good person."

This chapter has been completed!
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