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Chapter 310: Run away

"What are you doing?" Wu Wenchu ​​shouted angrily as he lifted Lin Yi up from Mr. Wu's coffin.

"My foot slipped, my foot slipped," Lin Yi stood up and explained hurriedly, then looked back at Mr. Wu who was lying in the coffin, and said in panic, "Damn, damn, I'm really embarrassed to take your clothes and My hair is all messed up,"

With that said, Lin Yi quickly leaned down to sort out Mr. Wu's remains. His face was full of guilt and fear, and he apologized repeatedly.

"Okay, okay, look what you look like now," Wu Wenchu ​​pulled Lin Yi aside angrily, and then bent down to personally help Mr. Wu sort out his remains. The farewell ceremony continued. This minor setback made The entire Wu family was extremely unfavorable to Lin Yi. Even Wu Wenqing had a look of embarrassment on his face. Only Concubine Wu understood what Lin Yi was doing.

Because Mr. Wu had left a message before his death, his funeral was extremely simple, without any complicated procedures. After the farewell ceremony, he was sent directly to the burial. However, even such a simple process took a whole day, until the evening. Lin Yicai returned to the Wu Mansion with the Wu family.

The palace is still the same palace, but Mr. Wu is no longer the pillar.

Lin Yi's current identity is Concubine Wu's fiancé, so after the funeral, he will stay with Concubine Wu in the Wu Mansion. During dinner, the descendants of the Wu family have not yet mentioned the issue of dividing the family property. After all, Mr. Wu has just been buried and has not yet been warmed up. If they make the whole Wu family fall into chaos and fall apart now, they will probably make Mr. Wu jump out of his grave and run back to find them.

After dinner, Concubine Wu said she was in a bad mood and asked Lin Yi to accompany her for a walk. The two strolled to the moat, completely avoiding the eyes and ears of the Wu family.

"Did you check anything?" Concubine Wu looked around cautiously and asked after confirming that there was nothing unusual.

"Your grandfather did die of a heart attack," Lin Yi said bluntly, "There are many causes of heart disease, such as overwork, overexcitement, etc., but your grandfather was anxious and attacked his heart. It can be seen from his remains and the distension of his throat. In other words, your grandfather received a great negative stimulus, which led to his death from heart disease."

"Wu Wenchu ​​must have stimulated grandpa," Concubine Wu clenched her fists and said coldly, "According to my father, before grandpa passed away, he asked Wu Wenchu ​​to go to his study to discuss things, and not long after that, Wu Wenchu ​​informed everyone of his death. The news...I don’t know what happened. Grandpa has always kept emergency medicine for heart attacks, and Wu Wenchu ​​said that he also gave it to his grandfather in time. Why is there still no effect at all? Is there something wrong with the medicine? ,"

"There is no problem with the medicine. The problem is your second uncle Wu Wenchu," Lin Yi said in a deep voice, "Wu Wenchu ​​did give your grandfather emergency medicine, but it was after your grandfather passed away that he force-fed it, because since you Judging from Grandpa's remains, he did not appear to have been relieved by medication when he died, and two fingers on his lips were white. This was caused by being squeezed after death, and the heart could not provide the power for blood circulation and could not recover. This proves that after your grandfather passed away, someone else opened his mouth,"

"Sure enough, it has something to do with Wu Wenchu." Concubine Wu's face suddenly turned cold, but she suddenly turned around and beat Lin Yi hard on the chest, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why didn't you say it then? Now grandpa has been buried. An, where can we find evidence to question Wu Wenchu?"

Lin Yi silently endured Concubine Wu's fist. When Concubine Wu was tired of fighting and threw herself on his chest, he calmly said: "If I had said it at that time, you Wu family would probably have It's a big deal, and no one will believe me except you and your father. The most important thing is that this is just my judgment. If you want to get definite evidence, you have to ask a forensic doctor to disembowel your grandfather and do an autopsy. Your family will Do you agree? Will you agree?"

"But..." Concubine Wu raised a face full of pear blossoms but hesitated to speak.

"Stop it, let your grandpa go quietly," Lin Yi held Concubine Wu in his arms, gently caressed her back, and comforted, "Besides, what if the evidence is found?" , your second uncle still has a hundred ways to shirk responsibility. For example, if he says he cares, he will be confused, he did not find your grandfather's emergency medicine in time, or he said that your grandfather lost his swallowing function when he became ill... These simple reasons are all It can be an excuse for him to get away easily, so why should we disturb your grandfather's peace in vain?"

Concubine Wu was silent, just lying on Lin Yi's chest and sobbing. After a while, her tears soaked a large area of ​​Lin Yi's clothes.

"The deceased is gone. Don't be too sad." Lin Yi held Concubine Wu's shoulders and helped her up. "The most important thing now is how to clean up the mess of your Wu family and deal with what your second uncle will do next." Taking any possible action to protect your Wu family's huge family fortune is the greatest filial piety to your grandfather,"

Concubine Wu sobbed and wiped her tears, but her face was still filled with uncontrollable sadness: "I was too selfish. I was too selfish before. I knew clearly that grandpa wanted to entrust the Wu family's family business to me, but But I kept refusing and evading. Wu Wenchu ​​must have been afraid that grandpa would leave a will before his death, so he refused to save him. He was afraid that grandpa would hand over the control of the Wu family to me. It's fine now, grandpa. He passed away suddenly without leaving a word about the division of property, so he could take advantage of the resources in his hands and compete with my father, but I no longer have any say."

Lin Yi is also well aware of Concubine Wu's current self-blame, regret and helplessness. The next Wu family, Wu Wenqing and Wu Wenchu ​​will probably have to fight to the death. The two brothers each occupy half of the Wu family. This kind of equal and evenly matched Fighting consumes each other the most. As the saying goes, one of the two tigers will be injured when fighting. No matter who wins in the end, the Wu family will probably have to withdraw from the status of a first-line family in Yanjing.

"You should stop blaming yourself. None of this is your fault," Lin Yi held Wu Fei's shoulders tightly and said, "You have to cheer up. You have to save the Wu family's family business for your grandfather. Absolutely We can’t let your Wu family’s fortune be ruined by the fight between your father and your second uncle... I will stand closely with you,"

"Yes, I have to cheer up. I can't let Wu Wenchu ​​succeed." Concubine Wu wiped away the tears on her face and instantly returned to her appearance as a strong business woman. "I didn't fight before, but now it's time for me to fight."

When Lin Yi and Concubine Wu returned to the Wu Mansion, everyone in the Wu family had dispersed one after another. Wu Wenchu ​​also lived in the property outside. The entire palace compound suddenly became empty. Wu Wenqing sat in the yard smoking, waiting to return home late at night. Lin Yi and Concubine Wu came and said to them, "Let's talk."

At the stone table under the pavilion in the courtyard, Wu Wenqing, Lin Yi and Wu Fei sat opposite each other. After pondering for a long time, he said: "Fei Er, are you still unwilling to come back until now?"

"I will come back, of course I will come back," Concubine Wu replied without hesitation this time, "I absolutely cannot watch you and Wu Wenchu ​​fight the entire Wu family to pieces, but I must first state that I will come back this time It’s definitely not to help you, but to protect the Wu family’s business for grandpa,”

"No matter who you are for, just come back," Wu Wenqing took a deep breath of cigarette and said, "I have been fighting with your second uncle for so many years, and I have made many mistakes because of it, including the death of your mother... I I don’t expect you to forgive me, I just hope you can stand with me this time to fight against your second uncle and keep this family business.”

Wu Wenqing had a look of guilt and remorse on his face, and with his words burning and sincere, Concubine Wu's face also relaxed a lot: "Tell me about the current situation,"

"As you know, except for a few major shareholders of Beiwu International, our Wu family occupies 80% of the shares, and these shares have always been in the hands of your grandfather. Now that he has passed away suddenly, there is no legacy left. No matter what will you make, according to the legal distribution, your second uncle and I can each get about 40% of the shares, and the rest of the property is estimated to be half." Wu Wenqing sighed and said, "Originally, your grandfather got all this. I planned to give it to you, but now..."

"Now I will get it back through my own strength," Concubine Wu punched the stone table with a firm fist, but she had no clue.

"Fei'er, what I just said was the worst case scenario, maybe the situation will turn around," Wu Wenqing said with a mysterious smile, "Your grandfather has been in the shopping mall his whole life, and he can take care of the huge Beiwu International in order. I don't think so. I believe he will not leave a back-up in handling family affairs. I have a hunch that he must have left a will, but this will has not been made public."

"Why do you say that?" Concubine Wu and Lin Yi both frowned and cheered up.

"Because Hao Xiangdong, the general counsel of Beiwu International, ran away," Wu Wenqing said with bright eyes, "I suspect that your grandfather had already left a will about property division with Hao Xiangdong's lawyer. After your grandfather passed away suddenly, Hao Xiangdong Because I didn’t dare to offend either me or your second uncle, I put oil on my feet and stayed out of the matter. Otherwise, how could he disappear immediately after your grandfather passed away?"

"Does Second Uncle know that Hao Xiangdong ran away?" Concubine Wu quickly asked.

"You should already know," Wu Wenqing nodded and said, "You and Lin Yi are both smart people. I think you can also see that your grandfather's death is closely related to your second uncle, but I guess he did not intend to murder. But he refused to save him. Your grandfather's death was very sudden to him, otherwise he wouldn't have let Hao Xiangdong run away."

This chapter has been completed!
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