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Chapter 311: The Pei family enters the game

Wu Wenqing's conclusion based on mere speculation coincides with Lin Yi's conclusion after careful inspection, which shows that he has a vicious vision and a meticulous mind. He is worthy of being an old fox who has been in the shopping mall for many years, and Concubine Wu's second wife Uncle Wu Wenchu ​​must not be far behind. If these two brothers fight in the nest, the Wu family nest will be shattered sooner or later.

Lin Yi secretly sighed in his heart, and after thinking for a long time, he said to Wu Wenqing: "Mr. Wu, please forgive me as an outsider for interjecting. According to what you said before, and because I don't have a comprehensive understanding of your Wu family, you just said Could it be that the possible existence of the will mentioned above is Mr. Wu’s intention to hand over the Wu family’s property to Concubine Wu’s control?”

Wu Wenqing was startled for a moment and did not answer immediately. Instead, he turned his attention to Concubine Wu. He was sure that Lin Yi's so-called incomplete understanding of the Wu family definitely came from Concubine Wu. He was surprised. How could her own daughter trust an outsider so much? Considering that Concubine Wu once fought side by side with Lin Yi and outshone his father, it can be seen that Concubine Wu trusts Lin Yi at least more than he does. Dad is much stronger.

"Are you...really a couple now?" Wu Wenqing crossed his fingers and pointed at Lin Yi and Concubine Wu. The expression on his face was very confused, even though Concubine Wu admitted Lin Yi in front of all the Wu family members during the day. He was her fiancé, but Wu Wenqing didn't believe it. In order to silence Wu Wenchu, he even put on a show for the two of them. But now it seems that he needs to question his previous relationship. It can be judged that Concubine Wu actually did not shy away from Lin Yi about the situation of their Wu family. This level of trust far exceeded the scope of a partner or ordinary friend.

"We...we..." Lin Yi hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

"Grandpa has just passed away. Is now the time to talk about this kind of issue?" Concubine Wu said with a sullen face, using this irresistible excuse to avoid this embarrassing question. Then she looked at Wu Wenqing and said, "Mr. Wu, starting from today , I will officially return to the Wu family, and I hope our next cooperation will be pleasant,"

"Of course I'm very happy that you can come back. The Wu family needs you now," Wu Wenqing smiled happily, but suddenly a trace of disappointment appeared on his face, "Fei'er, since you are willing to return to the Wu family , then are you willing to try to forgive me? At least don’t be so unfamiliar that you always call me ‘Mr. Wu’. I am your father.”

"Forgive you," Concubine Wu sneered. "The day my mother passed away, you should have known that I would never be able to forgive you in this life."

Lin Yi noticed that the smell of gunpowder between the father and daughter was getting stronger and stronger. Now was not the time for them to start internal strife, so he quickly changed the subject and said: "Mr. Wu, you haven't answered my question just yet."

Wu Wenqing also realized that it is not appropriate to push Concubine Wu too hard now. At least Concubine Wu is now willing to return to the Wu family to take care of the family business. He should know how to be satisfied. As for the tense father-daughter relationship between him and Concubine Wu, it is not He pondered for a long time, then looked up at Lin Yi and replied: "Although we are not sure yet whether there is that will, but from Hao Xiangdong's escape, I think our guess is not wrong. Yes, if that will really exists, then the old man’s intention must be to hand over the Wu family’s property to his concubine. The old man expressed this wish several times before his death. Everyone in the Wu family knows this. "

"If this is really the case, then Hao Xiangdong is in a dangerous situation now," Lin Yi frowned, "Judging from the current situation, if there really is that will and it is made public, then Wu Wenchu ​​will even tell you He is not qualified to fight. On the contrary, Wu Wenchu ​​can control half of the Wu family and give it a try. Therefore, once Hao Xiangdong is found by Wu Wenchu ​​first, there will be only death."

"You are right. Whoever finds Hao Xiangdong first between us or Wu Wenchu ​​will affect our future success or failure, as well as the fate of the entire Wu family." Wu Wenqing nodded and said, "After the old man passed away, Hao Xiangdong disappeared immediately. The second child and I both sent people to look for him, but there were no clues. Even his relatives in his hometown in Qinghai moved away immediately. It is not easy to find someone in the huge crowd. The thing is, maybe Hao Xiangdong has taken his whole family abroad now,"

Lin Yi and Wu Fei silently agreed to this possibility.

In the next period of time, Concubine Wu devoted herself to handling the affairs of the Wu family enterprise. Fortunately, Hantang International was now on the right track, and with Huo Bochang and Vice President Liu in charge, Concubine Wu's temporary departure was not a problem. It did not have much impact on Hantang International. After all, a mature large enterprise relies on a mature management system rather than being controlled by a certain manager.

Compared with the steady development of Han and Tang International, the current situation of the Wu family's Beiwu International is much worse. The sudden death of Mr. Wu has had a considerable negative impact on Beiwu International, and Wu Wenqing and Wu Wenchu The following series of overt and covert fights between the two brothers continued to expand this negative impact. Now Beiwu International has long been in chaos. The stock price has fallen again and again, and Hao Xiangdong seems to have disappeared from the world. , brothers Wu Wenqing and Wu Wenchu ​​couldn't find him even though they dug three feet into the ground.

Lin Yi knew that Concubine Wu must have been too busy to take care of her own body during this period, so while recuperating Shen Shiman's body every day, he also made some nutritious meals for Concubine Wu and delivered them to her. Going to Beiwu International, he hoped to let Concubine Wu know in this way that the two of them stood closely together.

At 11:30 noon, Lin Yi delivered a nutritious lunch to Concubine Wu as usual. As soon as he opened the door of the office, he saw Concubine Wu facing the stacks of documents on the desk, rubbing her hands sadly. The temples on the temples, excessive exertion and excessive pressure made Concubine Wu look haggard, and her breasts seemed to be much smaller, which was very distressing.

"Mr. Wu, please take a break and eat your lunch first," Lin Yi put the lunch box in his hand in front of Concubine Wu, and he sat down on Concubine Wu's desk very unceremoniously, and said with a smile, "Today's nutritious lunch is different from yesterday's. Try it and see which one tastes better,"

Concubine Wu tiredly raised her head and looked at Lin Yi, trying to force out a smile, but just when she raised her lips, her whole face collapsed. She really couldn't smile at the moment: "I'm sorry Lin Yi." Yi, I really have no appetite today...let’s put the lunch away for now, I’ll eat it when I’m hungry,”

"People are made of iron. If you don't eat a meal, you will feel hungry. How can you do it without eating?" Lin Yi forcefully pushed the lunch box in front of Concubine Wu, but he was a little confused in his heart. He was giving nutrition to Concubine Wu. The set meal has been available for several days. No matter how anxious and tired Concubine Wu was before, she would always give him a smile when eating, even if it was forced out, but today she couldn't even squeeze out a smile. It seems that the situation at Beiwu International is getting more serious day by day.

Concubine Wu was forced by Lin Yi's attentiveness and finally opened the lunch box, but she put it down after just a few bites: "I'm sorry, I really can't eat."

Lin Yi no longer forced himself, moved a little closer to Concubine Wu, frowned and asked, "Is the situation getting more and more serious now?"

Concubine Wu nodded, let out a long sigh and said: "A few days ago, even if I had a life-and-death fight with my second uncle and took into account the interests of Beiwu International, I thought I could still handle it, but now, I think I really can't. I am powerless, the situation is out of my control,"

Lin Yi knew that Concubine Wu was not someone who gave up easily. To be able to make her say such depressing words showed how unbearable the situation was: "What happened? Could it be that your second uncle Wu Wenchu ​​found Hao Xiangdong before us?"

"It's more serious than this," Concubine Wu said with a bitter smile, "Even if my second uncle found Hao Xiangdong before us and destroyed the possible will, at least I can still control half of the Wu family to compete with him. But now in this situation, I don’t even have any room to deal with it,”

"What's going on?" Lin Yi asked eagerly.

"A third party has entered the game forcefully," Concubine Wu said helplessly. "We and our second uncle each hold 40% of the shares of Beiwu International. If we want to gain absolute control over Beiwu International, we must ask the other shareholders They fought for the remaining 20% ​​of the shares, but the shareholders have been unwilling to let go. Now they have transferred all their shares to a third party who entered the game. Even Wu Wenchu ​​gave him 40% of the shares. The shares were transferred...the current Beiwu International is no longer named Wu,"

Lin Yi was horrified and quickly asked: "Who is this third party who has entered the situation forcefully?"

"Pei family, Pei Yunian,"

Lin Yi looked startled, and his heart thumped. Based on the Pei family's status in Yanjing, and Pei Yunian's reputation as the most evil young man in Yanjing, he wanted to acquire the shares of anyone he wanted, no matter if it was through coercion or inducement. There are hundreds of ways to achieve the goal. Lin Yi was not surprised that he could acquire the equity from other shareholders of Beiwu International, but Wu Wenchu ​​also transferred his equity, which puzzled Lin Yi. Yes, isn't he giving away the Wu family's property to the Pei family?

No matter how much you fight with your family behind closed doors, it would be extremely evil to eat them inside and outside.

Concubine Wu seemed to have read Lin Yi's thoughts and smiled bitterly: "Don't think Wu Wenchu ​​is so stupid. He and Pei Yunian must have reached some kind of agreement, and the Pei family will come forward to control the current affairs of the Wu family. The situation, wait until we are completely eaten up, and then Pei Yunian will return the Wu family to Wu Wenchu. Of course, the Pei family will also get great benefits in this process. After all, no one will do a loss-making business, and Wu Wenchu ​​wants It’s the entire Wu family, even if it’s the Wu family that has lost a lot of weight, it doesn’t matter.”

This chapter has been completed!
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