The Xian family did things simply, but Cangjie wanted to leave as soon as he said so. But Huwa waved and said: "Master Boyu will travel all over the world to control floods in the future, and it will be more convenient to have a car. Since the emperor has not yet given the cloud chariot, I have a car here as a gift.
Tengjin and Tenghua brought a white fragrant wood carriage over. Huwa pointed to the young minister and said: "This carriage was given by Ba Jun back then. It is made of the finest white fragrant wood. It has been refined by monks' magic power. It is extremely light and strong."
.I used it to travel all over Ba Yuan, and used the magic power of the Immortal family to make it into a vessel. Now I give it to Lord Boyu, so that it can be used as a cloud chariot."
No matter what achievements Boyu may achieve in the future, he is still a white nobleman today. His ability to become the head of the Xiahou clan and be canonized as Bojun of China is just a legacy of Chonghua Bogun. He was appointed by Chonghua as the Chief of Flood Control of China.
Minister, there are also prerequisites. First, the flood control strategy in Bayuan must be successfully implemented.
It can be said that except for Huwa and Lu Zhong, today's Chinese emperors and people are all unfamiliar with Boyu. Boyu himself has not made any achievements, let alone made any achievements, and it is impossible to ride in the Xuanyuan Cloud Chariot. Besides,
Chong Bo Gun had already destroyed a cloud chariot back then, so it was natural that Boyu could not sit in it. Today, Huwa gave him another chariot.
Before Boyu could refuse, Bingchi and Dingchi stepped forward and bowed: "We are willing to pull the cart for Lord Boyu."
Not only was the car ready, but the demon dragon driving it was also ready. Boyu saluted and said, "Thank you so much, Lord Fengxian!" Then he turned to Cangjie and said, "Master, please get in the car first."
Huwa smiled again and said: "Mr.
Boyu: "Fengxian Lord, you are so polite. This is your car. If you want to sit in it, feel free to take it."
Huwa also got on the bus, and the young man suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute, I want to hitch a ride too! ... I have lived in Bayuan for a long time and have never met the Emperor of China. It is a pity. How can I miss such a good opportunity?"
Shaowu has never left Bayuan since he was born. The farthest places he has ever been are Wufuqiu, Shanshui City and Fengxian City around Bayuan. Although for most ordinary people, such a place
It is the end of the world, but Shaowu knows that the world is very big, and he also wants to go out and see it.
Under normal circumstances, Shaowu could never leave. He had to sit in Batu to handle state affairs. But now what else could be more important than water control? Boyu controlled the water from Ba Yuan, and the water control of Ba Yuan also required
Involves all ministries in the lower reaches of the river.
It is normal for the kings of other tribes or subordinate countries to go to the court to pay homage to the emperor, but it is unusual for Ba Jun to pay homage to the emperor in person. The country of Ba is too big and powerful, but it is located in the almost closed Ba Yuan, which always attracts attention.
People are afraid, and the journey to Pusaka is difficult and long, so there might be some accident.
Shaowu's own safety is now related to the national destiny of the entire Ba Yuan. Especially after suffering from floods for more than ten years, Ba Yuan's ability to maintain stability also relies on the prestige of Shaowu, the monarch. If something unexpected happens to Shaowu
, another monarch would definitely not be able to control the situation like him, so Shaowu would not be able to leave easily.
But the situation in front of us is different. Going to the imperial court to discuss flood control and understanding the most comprehensive situation of all the ministries in the world is the most important state matter for the young minister. It is rare to ride in this "Cloud Chariot", and to have a good time with Cangjie and Huwa.
Together, we can ensure safety. We are not afraid of any unexpected situations. How can we miss out on less things? We can make decisions immediately.
The general of the imperial guard who was standing not far away was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "The master suddenly left the country without any explanation in advance. How will the state affairs be arranged? And you don't even bring a single attendant?"
The Shaowu waved his hand and said: "Fengxian Lord is also going to Puban, why should I accompany him? ... As for the affairs of the country, the young master Shaolin will temporarily supervise the country, and Lord Hanxiong will assist in the administration. You will give this order
Pass it back to Batu."
Look at the people in this car. There are Cangjie, Huwa, Bingchi, and Dingchi. Do you still need guards? When a monarch travels, he should have a guard of honor. But how many people can this car hold? There is a seat for the young minister.
That’s good! Huwa also went alone, how could the young minister still bring his entourage? Ba Jun almost scolded the blind general of the imperial guard on the spot.
Shaolin is the eldest son of Shaowu. In this era, nobles like to name their children with the names of their ancestors, which has a special meaning. The name Shaolin means to honor his grandfather, Houlin. In fact, the name Houlin also has the same meaning.
It is a tribute to the ancestors, because the Ba Kingdom once had a monarch named Lin. There was also a monarch in the Ba Kingdom named Taiwu, and Hou Lin named his son Shaowu, which also has this meaning.
Boyu bowed again and said, "It's a blessing for Boyu to invite Ba Jun to ride with him. He can discuss the important matter of water control with all the kings in the world."
The cars at that time were not very big. Fortunately, this white fragrant wood carriage was originally the king's car. There were two rows of seats in the car, which could fit four people and was very spacious. Boyu asked the young minister to get on the car first.
If he boarded the car again, the car would be full. As for Bingchi and Dingchi, they were the ones pulling the car.
After the young minister sat down, he said to Boyu: "I think back then, the three of us brothers also accompanied your father, Lord Bogun, on a trip to Bayuan, and we had a very happy relationship. It's a pity that Panhu, Lord Shanshui, has not arrived today."
Boyu said: "That's really a pity. If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely go and pay homage to Lord Shanshui."
Before he finished speaking and the car hadn't moved, someone in the distance shouted: "I'm sorry, brothers, I'm late! Something delayed me."
The Shaowu stood up and said, "Junior Brother Panhu, what else can be more important than what is happening here?" While he was speaking, a person fell from the sky and landed in front of the car. It was Lord Panhu of Shanshui.
Except for Boyu, Panhu knew everyone else. He walked up to greet them one by one with a smile, and patted Bingchi and Dingchi on the shoulders affectionately. Boyu got out of the car and greeted Panhu, and Panhu was wide-eyed.
Eyes said: "If you hadn't looked a little younger, I would have thought you were Uncle Chong!... Hey, you are all in the car, where are you going?"
Huwa and Shaowu waited for Boyu at the foot of Shenmin Hill for a month. They also sent someone to notify Panhu in advance, but Panhu was unable to come due to something else. But the dog couldn't help but talk about it. Shaowu had just mentioned him,
He arrived right away. As a king, Panhu didn't have a formal appearance. There was no guard of honor when he went out. He just flew into the sky and landed with a smile on his face.
The young minister got out of the car and replied: "Master Boyu has accepted Mr. Cangjie as his teacher and is going to the emperor's court to discuss strategies for water control. Senior Brother Huwa and I plan to go together."
Panhu: "Is that so? Then I'll join in the fun!"
Shao Wu: "This is not something to join in the fun."
Panhu: "Are you kidding! After all, I am also the king of the Chinese vassal state who was canonized by the emperor. At the beginning, the three of us were canonized as angels by Lord Chong Bogun. Now it is just right to discuss the strategy of water control with Lord Boyu.
Let’s go to the Emperor’s Court to see it... But there’s no room for this car, so I’ll just fly with it.”
Cangjie sat in the car and said with a smile: "Panhu, you can't fly on this car!"
The white fragrant wood carriage built by Huwa with the great magical power of the Immortal Family, and pulled by Bingchi and Dingchi, two unbound nine-level demon dragons, is no less than the Xuanyuan Yun Chariot back then. Panhu has seven-level cultivators.
You can fly with the divine weapon, but you can't fly with this car.
Boyu quickly said: "There is a seat, of course there is a seat! There is a last seat in the car, and it happens to be reserved for Mr. Shanshui."
Panhu: "Then why are you so embarrassed? I'd better sit in the position of the master."
Huwa did not need a driver when he rode the white fragrant wood carriage, but this carriage was originally used for minor duties, and there was a seat for the driver in front of the carriage, so two people could sit side by side. Boyu and Panhu pushed for it for a long time, but finally decided
Panhu sat in the chariot, with Boyu as the charioteer. In fact, the charioteer was just for show, and Bingchi and Dingchi didn't need anyone to direct and drive them.
Two red demonic dragons pulled the white fragrant wood carriage and flew up into the clouds and disappeared. Xuanyuan looked at the sky with a smile on his face, as if he had expected this scene, while everyone else present was stunned. Everyone thought they were just waiting for Boyu to come down the mountain.
, Unexpectedly, Mr. Cangjie suddenly appeared and accepted Boyu as his disciple, and then Panhu, the king of mountains and rivers, also came, and all three kings accompanied Boyu to leave Bayuan.
Only the green bull mooed towards the sky a few times. It saw the two dragons pulling the cart and carrying the tiger baby away. Maybe it was a little envious or unwilling to accept it. It was the serious mount!
The three brothers and sisters were sitting in the car with Cangjie, the elder. Seeing Boyu sitting in the driver's seat as if he was driving for them, Panhu still felt a little embarrassed and said, "I think the three of us brothers and sisters have already learned the art.
When I came down from Wufuqiu, I accompanied Mr. Changling in the car. Now the elder in the car has been replaced by Mr. Cangjie. I remember that it was Senior Brother Shaowu who drove the car himself."
The young master held back and did not expose the flaw in Panhu's words. At that time, Panhu was not sitting in the car but lying on his stomach, let alone having any academic skills. He was still a dog.
No one else said anything, only Boyu said in a dignified manner: "I have heard for a long time that Bajun Shaowu is the most accomplished and virtuous king in Bayuan's history. He is courteous and courteous in everything he does before and after he ascends the throne."
Shao Wu: "I don't dare, Lord Boyu has given you too much praise!"
Panhu added: "Brother Shaowu personally drove us to Batu, and after arriving in Batu, he became Bajun. Now Lord Boyu personally drives us to the imperial capital, and I am afraid he will also become the Emperor of China in the future.
All the people in the car shut up, and Panhu was talking without restraint. No one else knew how to deal with this. Is it possible to say such nonsense? Boyu is not his father Chong Bogun. In addition to his background,
, now he is just a young leader of the Xiahou clan who has done nothing.
Seeing that everyone was silent and looking a little weird, Panhu also felt bored. He sat in the car and watched the flying clouds in the sky. After a while, he ran out of words and said: "This car is really fast. It can fly faster than me."
It’s much faster, we’ll be in Kasaka soon, right?”
Huwa finally said: "Junior brother, please be patient. I'm afraid it will take some time for us to reach Pusaka."
Panhu wondered: "Why, Puban City isn't that far away?"
Huwa: "Junior brother, have you forgotten what happened outside Longma City? You and I first met Mr. Cangjie there, and we accompanied Mr. Cangjie on his travels for several months. At that time, Mr. Hou Gang was with his successor, but now he is his disciple Bo
Lord Yu."
Although Panhu's dog mouth was unobstructed, the dog's head was not stupid at all. He immediately reacted and said: "Oh, Master Boyu has just become a disciple. He really needs to take time to consult the master before going to the court."
Mr. Cangjie couldn't help but laugh and said: "Shanshui Lord is much smarter than before!" He also did not reveal that Panhu was still a dog back then, which could be regarded as saving some face for the monarch.
Although the white fragrant wood "cloud chariot" flies fast and is comfortable to sit on, everyone is not in a hurry. Every day they go not far away and find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to land in the clouds. Boyu may sit there and ask his master for advice.
Or accompany Master on a tour nearby to listen to his instructions.
Immortal practitioners do not know how many years they have practiced, nor when Cangjie will appear in the human world next. Boyu has worshiped Cangjie as his teacher, and Cangjie always has to find opportunities to teach his disciples, so he walked with Boyu. Several of them walked on the road.
For more than a month.
There were three people under Cangjie who received his true inheritance, namely Gao Tao, Hou Gang and Boyu. Hou Gang had not been with Cangjie for a long time, and the inheritance he received was mainly about runes and supernatural powers, and he was
Cangjie, the successor of Hou Gang's tribe, handed over the ancient historical materials he compiled and recorded in writing to Gaotao. Gaotao's inheritance was not mainly about magical powers and secret methods.
Nowadays, when Cangjie teaches his disciple Boyu, he is inclusive of all kinds of things and takes into account the inheritance gained by Gaotao and Hougang. Whether it is explaining the texture of everything in the world and the evolution of runes and magical powers, or introducing various historical materials from ancient times,
The sage's way of governing the world has evolved, and he has not shied away from serving as the king of the country. (To be continued.)