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102. Counting and counting

After a while, the servants, Kawasaki Hamayu and Eryu also led the team to Fuminfang and asked what was going on?

There was a lot of commotion in the city tonight, which alarmed many senior Japanese military officials.

Sakai Hisaka quickly bowed and replied, telling the servant what happened.

The servant nodded.

He has his mission and his purpose.

Therefore, he did not blame anything, but comforted him with kind words: "Chief Sakai, don't be impatient. The enemy is so cunning, we must be patient, and must not be fooled by the enemy. I feel that the enemy's intention is at what point?"

The sword and the Riverside During the Qingming Festival. Their target should be the former Army Officers University and the Kendo Hall. Therefore, your secret agent defense force should be deployed around the former Army Officers University and the Kendo Hall. Any suspicious persons are found around those two places.

, arrest immediately, interrogate immediately, but don’t kill innocent people indiscriminately. The Battle of Xuzhou was very brutal, we need tax revenue, money and food, which requires population."

Hisaka Sakai bowed and said: "Yes!" He took a few steps back and then dared to stand up. The servant then turned sideways and whispered to Kawasaki Hamayu: "The Kuomintang's agent firepower configuration is very fierce, you have to secretly

Strengthen the deployment of troops and firepower at Laohuqiao Prison. At the same time, we must strengthen the ambush at the Kendo Hall these days, especially at night."

"Yes!" Kawasaki Hamayu immediately accepted the order and left.

At this time, Kamekawa rushed over with a dark face, but when he saw the servant, he quickly showed a smile and bowed to say hello to the servant. He seemed to be changing his face in a Sichuan opera, and he turned around as quickly as turning the page of a book. The servant said what he had just said

What Hisaka Sakai said was repeated to Kamekawa, and then she turned around and left. Hisaka Sakai also pulled Kamekawa and got into her car to talk about her deployment and adjustment of the spies and military police forces.

Kamekawa suddenly felt light and airy all over, as if he was walking in the clouds.

What did Hisaka Sakai say? He had no idea at all, he just felt warm all over and smiled intoxicatedly.

He kept nodding. No matter what Hisuka Sakai said, he agreed.

Ever since Kamekawa met Hisaka Sakai, his goal in life was to get Hisaka Sakai, and nothing else mattered. Unless Hisaka Sakai didn't appear in front of him one day, he would play with the women of the people and try his best to make money. This person

He is both vicious and tactful. However, he is very well-behaved in front of Sakai Hisaka, just like a little daughter-in-law.

Hisuka Sakai returned to the special high school class and decided to follow the instructions of the servant.

She immediately adjusted her spy work plan and deployed a large number of spies to follow around the former Army Officers University and Kendo Hall. If suspicious persons were found, they were immediately arrested. Kamekawa cooperated closely and also sent a large number of Japanese military police plainclothes to the area around the former Army Officers University and Kendo Hall.

, cooperate with the Special High School Course to carry out suspicion work.

The weather is getting warmer, and Jinling is like a tender green dye vat.

As far as everyone's eyes can see, there are different shades of tender green.

The next morning.

Sui Kaixin and Guo Guomao were near the fake police station, one pretending to shine shoes and the other pretending to decorate shoes.

The two of them waited quietly for Gao Shiguang to come out and talk to each other.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, Gao Shiguang came out of the fake police station, raised his feet to let Sui Kaixin clean his shoes, looked around, and then whispered: "At eleven o'clock in the morning, we will arrest you. You can go around the church hospital later.

"This time, we will send you two directly to Laohuqiao Prison." Then, Gao Shiguang threw down a dollar and turned back to the fake police station.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, He Bilu, Xiao Zheng and Gao Shiguang joined forces and led a team to the vicinity of the mission hospital. In the name of arresting suspects, they "captured" Sui Qixin and Guo Guomao, and in the name of "habitual theft offenders", Sui Kaixin and Guo Guomao were arrested.

Guo Guo and Mao were sent to Laohuqiao Prison. Xie Yaoxing turned a blind eye or closed his eyes, and no one would be offended.

Michiko Kojima bought breakfast and knocked on Li Han's door.

Li Han stood up and came out, opening the door.

Michiko Kojima smiled charmingly and said: "Last night, Hisaka Sakai came to bully you again? It's okay, I'm here to comfort you."

Li Han stepped back, let her in, and said with a smile: "It's not important whether the world will get better, it's only important that you get better."

Michiko Kojima felt that these words were very pleasant. "Haha" she said with a bright smile: "Hurry up and wash up and have breakfast. Later, I will inspect your use of commercial radio stations." Li Han nodded and walked inside.

From the bedroom, I walked into the bathroom, but when I got to the bathroom, I didn't close the door to pee. The sound of peeing was like the sound of turning on the faucet. Michiko Kojima was so angry that she slammed the door and left.

Li Han knew in his heart that his "rudeness" would make Michiko Kojima so angry that she would ignore him all morning. He washed up with a smile, combed his hair and changed clothes, dressed handsomely, walked out, closed the door, and burned

He made tea with water, drank milk, and had breakfast. Then he lit a cigarette, made a pot of good tea, smoked, sipped tea, and thought about problems.

Then, he called Taro Imai and asked if there were any important documents translated today?

Taro Imai said no.

Li Han put down the phone and walked out of the consulate. He drove around the streets and found that the streets around the former Army Officers University and the Kendo Hall were densely populated with special agents from the Special High School and plainclothes Japanese military police. There were small businessmen and hawkers with cigarettes hanging from their chests.

Those who sell cigarettes, those who set up small stalls to sell fruit, those who tell fortunes, those who shine shoes, those who repair bicycles, including those selling newspapers, are all disguised as Japanese military spies. Li Han knew in his heart that the servant did this on purpose.

, in order to fish. The servants, Eryu, Hisaka Sakai, and Kamekawa still don’t know that Li Han has stolen the real information: the six swords and the picture of Along the River During the Qingming Festival are in the serious prisoners’ room of Laohuqiao Prison.

Li Han drove to a public phone booth near the "Zhenzhi Bookstore" and called Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen, asking them to go to the former Army Officers University to cause trouble at night. If there was a chance, they would sneak into the former Army Officers University and carry out the crime.

The strategy of "taking advantage of the enemy". If there is no chance, go to the kendo gym and make a fuss.

Then, he made a call to the "Really Cheap" grocery store and asked Bingxue, Yiyi, and Zhang Tie to go to the former Army Officers University or the Kendo Hall at night to pick up their captain (Tan Lingling) and deputy captain (Juli Wen). Anyway, it was

Rent a carriage in advance and rush to respond wherever you hear gunshots.

Afterwards, Li Han drove to the south of the city to inspect Qin Tianxiao's preparations for the department store wholesale store.

Qin Tianxiao closed the door in his office and whispered: "My dear friend, you finally showed up. It's great! Qin will definitely work hard for you and go all out to run and manage this big business bank."

Work and keep secrets for you and Boss Tan Wen. I don’t know martial arts or how to use a gun, but I want to cooperate with you secretly, which can be regarded as a war of resistance and a fight against Japanese invaders. I work hard to make money and support you."

Li Han said with a smile: "Yeah! Very good! You're welcome! Just do your best. I believe that you and the Japs have a deep hatred and you will not betray me. Oh, by the way, where is Director Xu Yuanyang?" Qin Tianxiao bowed.

Shen said: "Mr. Xu has returned to work at the post office as a consultant. He is also very grateful to you. I went to visit him yesterday and he said that as long as it is convenient for you, he would like to treat you to a meal and thank you for your life-saving grace."

Li Han shook his head and said, "There's no need to eat. If it's convenient, I'll go visit his old man." Qin Tianxiao said repeatedly, "It's convenient! It's convenient! When are you free? I'll show you the way. I'll show you the way." Li Han nodded.

Said: "I will come to you at a convenient time in a few days. Don't send me away! Be safe!" After saying that, he turned around and drove to Warehouse No. 13 of Xiaguan Wharf to inspect the goods entering and exiting the warehouse.

Then, he drove back to the consulate and ate at the buffet in the consulate's canteen. Shi Zhenxiang saw Li Han going to the buffet to pick up food, so he also went over to pick up food and looked left, right, front and back.

, not finding anyone watching, he approached Li Han and asked in a low voice: "When will you take action? So that we can rescue people."

Li Han looked sideways and whispered: "At eight o'clock tomorrow night. Remember, you must not go to the mission hospital. Zhang Chong should be in the Jihad Hospital. Tonight, you have your people go to the former Army Officers University to pick up

Our people. It will be a brutal gun battle, so we must be fully mentally prepared." After he finished speaking, he left the buffet with the dishes, found a random table to sit down, and lowered his head to eat.

Shi Zhenxiang sighed inwardly: Crazy Li always takes advantage of me. Every time I finish my words, he just walks away. How annoying!

After Li Han finished his lunch, he went back to the office to rest calmly.

After get off work in the evening, he took the initiative to ask Michiko Kojima to dance at the "Red Peony Dance Hall".

Michiko Kojima agreed with a smile.

The two went to the "Qingfeng Tavern" for dinner first, and then went to the "Red Peony Cabaret" to dance.

Tonight, Li Han made great progress in dancing, which also gave Michiko Kojima a sense of accomplishment.

The two hugged each other and danced for two hours.

Michiko Kojima was a little tired and asked to go home.

Li Han invited her to sit in his big villa or go to the "Red Rose" cafe for coffee.

Michiko Kojima said it would be better to call Consul General Imai Taro first to see if anything happened?

After all, it's too late now.

Li Han nodded, and Michiko Kojima went to the bar to make a phone call and told Taro Imai that she and "Taiji Yamada" would go to the "Red Rose" cafe to have coffee, if nothing happened. Taro Imai said there was nothing.

Michiko Kojima put down the phone, returned to Li Han, nodded with a smile. The two then drove to the "Red Rose" cafe for a romantic date.

At this time, Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen drove the same car to the Great World Song and Dance Hall. They picked up Xie Qiuqi, who was about to get off work, and took two cars to the former Army Officer University. They all changed into night clothes in the car.

He also put on a mask and distributed guns and ammunition reasonably.

Tan Lingling got off the car from a distance and walked carefully. When the agents outside the former Army Officer University's wall were not paying attention, she climbed a big tree on the side of the road, got into the tree branch, and then stepped on it with her foot to borrow the tree.

With the force of the rebound, he jumped onto the wall and turned over again.

This chapter has been completed!
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