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103. Treasure War

As soon as her feet landed, she was discovered by the special forces inside.

However, this is not important.

She just wanted the Japanese soldiers inside to find her.

She just came to cause trouble on purpose.

Someone shouted: "Who?"

Tan Lingling swung the small flying knife, whoosh! However, the special forces soldier was very powerful. He ducked sideways to avoid the small flying knife, and then shot at Tan Lingling. Bang bang! Tan Lingling rolled on the spot and got out of the way.

After a few bullets were fired, he took out his gun with his backhand and fired at the special forces approaching from all sides. Bang bang! Those special forces rolled on the spot in a hurry, or ducked sideways behind the pillars.

Neither side hit the other.

Now, both sides are actually special forces. Under Li Han's training, Tan Lingling has also grown and matured rapidly, and her individual combat ability is extremely strong. At this time, Tan Lingling also took the opportunity to duck behind a big tree pole, holding a gun in one hand.

, took off the slender hook rope with one hand and threw it on the wall. The iron hook made a sound when hooked on the wall. She created the illusion of trying to escape over the wall. The surrounding Japanese special forces came around with guns or guns in hand.

Some Japanese special forces hurriedly ran to the wall, blocking Tan Lingling's "way" to grab the hook and rope.

Some agents immediately switched on all the lights.

Suddenly, the lights inside the former Army Officers University were brightly lit.

On the roof, on the lighthouse, and on the guard tower, Japanese machine gunners from several commanding heights fired their crooked machine guns and fired at Tan Lingling.

Thug tug tug! tug tug tug!

The rain of bullets hit the big tree pole where Tan Lingling was hiding and the bark flew off.

The big tree trunk was hit with numerous bullet holes.

The surrounding Japanese special forces immediately surrounded Tan Lingling with guns or rifles in hand.

On the roof of a nearby house, Julie Wen lay on the roof tiles, holding a German-made 98k sniper rifle, aiming at a machine gunner on the Japanese lighthouse on the campus of the former Army Officers University, and pulled the trigger. There was a "bang" sound.

The machine gunner tilted his head and fell sideways, and died tragically immediately. The Japanese special forces who surrounded Tan Lingling instinctively turned aside and looked around. Tan Lingling had already changed her MP36, and suddenly stepped out and fired with her gun.

Chunk! Bang bang bang! Chunk! Bang bang!

Sixty-seven Japanese special forces soldiers were shot in an instant and fell to the ground, splattered with blood and died.

Other Japanese special forces immediately shot at Tan Lingling.

Bah! Bah! Tah!

Tan Lingling ducked behind a tree trunk again.

Julien fired twice more at the two machine gunners on the roof of the guard tower inside the Army Officers University.

Bah! Two machine gunners were killed again.

Immediately, secret agents and plainclothes military police outside the university campus surrounded the private house where Julien was hiding.

At this time, Liu Wenlin, Zhou Bingxin, Guan Tong, and Lu Liangping flashed out of the darkness with guns in hand, and fired at the plainclothes secret agents and Japanese military police who rushed to Zhuli Wen's house. Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang! Six spies and Japanese military police were shot and fell to the ground, dying miserably on the street. Other secret agents and Japanese military police in plainclothes came and surrounded Liu Wenlin, Zhou Bingxin, Guan Tong, and Lu Liangping. However, Liu Wenlin and others fired several shots.

He ran away. Although it only took a minute for Liu Wenlin and others to appear and support Zhuliwen, it also gave Zhuliwen a good opportunity to respond to Tan Lingling. She also sniped and killed several Japanese special forces who were close to Tan Lingling.

Xie Qiuqi took the opportunity to drive out of the alley and drove away, bang bang bang!

She drove straight to the gate of the Army Officers University and knocked away several agents.

Moreover, she still drove furiously and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

Peng! There was a loud noise, and the large iron gate of the former Army Officer University was knocked open. Several special forces inside the iron gate were instantly knocked away, fell down, and died from fractures. After Xie Qiuqi drove in, he still did not let go of the accelerator.

, turning the steering wheel desperately, the car spun at a high speed, and knocked away several Japanese special forces.

Bang bang bang!

Tan Lingling took the opportunity to step out with her gun and fired at her. Bang, bang, bang! Many Japanese special forces soldiers were shot instantly and fell to the ground, bleeding and dying. Julie Wen continued to use a sniper rifle to kill those Japanese soldiers who shot at Tan Lingling.

The special forces soldiers were so frightened that masters like Hamabu Kawasaki hurriedly drew their guns and ducked behind the giant pillar. Xie Qiuqi took a pillow with one hand to protect her face and chest, then braked suddenly, and the car circled again with inertia.

When the car stopped, under the favorable conditions of Zhu Liwen's sniper attack on the Japanese special forces, Tan Lingling turned around with her gun and swept around. Using the cover of the hail of bullets, she ran towards Xie Qiuqi's car, opened the door of the car, and got in.


Xie Qiuqi drove the deformed car, turned around, and drove out of the gate.

Countless Japanese military police and spies opened fire on Xie Qiuqi and his car.

Thug tut tut! Ba ba ba ba!

Xie Qiuqi's car was suddenly hit beyond recognition by the hail of bullets, and the front and rear windshields were shattered by the Japanese bullets.

They both lay down sideways and let the car run rampantly, but they also walked sideways and walked out of the gate.

The Japanese special forces inside and the spies outside the gate were surrounded by Japanese military police.

At this moment, a carriage galloped from south to north along the main street in front of the gate. The driver was Zhang Tie. Bingxue and Yiyi in the car each came with an MP36 and fired. Chuchu! Bang bang!

Bang! The military police and spies who rushed towards the gate were shot in the back and fell to the ground, with blood splashing on their backs. Xie Qiuqi had a chance to breathe, and then drove away.

Julie Wen, who was sitting on a nearby house, gave in when he saw the situation and jumped from the roof into the alley behind.

She put her sniper rifle on her back, took out the "box gun" with her backhand, held the gun in one hand, and took off the grenade in the other hand, and ran along the alley. When she saw the black shadow shaking in the distance, she would shoot or throw out the grenade. Because at this time, usually

The people or others did not dare to appear in this alley. With the sound of gunfire, who dared to walk around casually? These shaking black figures must be Japanese spies.

Boom! Boom! She quickly fought her way out, jumped sideways into the wall of a private house, climbed out of the wall, turned into another alley, and disappeared into the night. Hisaka Sakai and Kamekawa

When they arrived by car, Xie Yaoxing arrived with a large group of fake police officers. However, when Xie Yaoxing saw Kamichuan, he put his hands on his cheeks and walked away.

Kamekawa pretended to be a gentleman in front of Sakai Hisaka and ignored Xie Yaoxing.

Hisaka Sakai leaned over and picked up a small throwing knife in the field, and also picked up some bullet casings. She said angrily: "People from the Kuomintang and the Red Party are fighting together again. It's really annoying. We

We cannot let them unite. Otherwise, our imperial soldiers will never be the match of the Chinese."

Kawasaki Hamayu, Kamekawa, and Xie Yaoxing all nodded frequently.

Why bother, Gao Shiguang was secretly happy: tonight he killed and wounded seventeen more Japanese soldiers and spies. Awesome! So awesome!

Hisaka Sakai held the small throwing knife, walked into Kawasaki Hamayu's office, and called Taro Imai. Taro Imai said that Michiko Kojima had been accompanying "Yamada Taiyoshi" at night and was now romantic in the "Red Rose" cafe.

Hisaka Sakai called the "Red Rose" Cafe again and asked the waiter to ask Michiko Kojima to answer the phone.

Michiko Kojima came over to answer the phone and said that "Yamada Taiji" had not left her side all night.

Sakai Hisaka immediately studied with Kamekawa and Kawasaki Hamayu, and deployed heavy troops at the kendo hall, predicting that the enemy would focus on attacking the kendo hall tomorrow night.

In the "Red Rose" cafe, Li Han saw Michiko Kojima going to the bar to answer the phone.

He knew in his heart that there must have been a gunfight somewhere else.

His small flying knife must have been used to its extreme by Tan Lingling.

He looked out the window with a smile.

When Michiko Kojima came back, he invited her to come back to his house to sit there.

This kind of invitation from him disgusted Michiko Kojima the most.

She immediately refused and offered to go home.

Li Han threw out a hundred-dollar bill to pay the bill and got up to send Michiko Kojima back to her home.

Then, he drove straight to the Linglong Cheongsam Shop at No. 36 Louzi Street and reunited with Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen.

The next day, Li Han translated a document as quickly as possible and went upstairs to present it to Taro Imai. He also knew that Michiko Kojima wanted to print the document, so he slipped out of the consulate and took Bingxue and Julie Wen with him according to the original plan.

Zhang Tie asked Bingxue and Zhuli Wenqiao to disguise themselves as men and go to Xiaguan Pier. They followed Eryu and his entourage and approached the three treasure appraisal experts.

After that, they followed Eryu and his entourage and sent the three treasure appraisal experts into the Yangtze River Hotel.

The fifth floor of the hotel was occupied by Eryu and was heavily guarded.

Li Han observed for a period of time and found that it was impossible to hijack the treasure appraisal expert, but it was possible to hijack Eryu. Li Han decided to hijack Eryu on his way to the Kendo Hall. When Eryu left the Yangtze River Hotel

When they came out, Zhuli Wen drove his car and blocked the road. The Black Dragon Society master in Eryu's car pushed the door open and got out of the car angrily.

Li Han stepped out from the darkness, raised his hand, and stabbed with several small flying knives. Several Black Dragon Society masters fell to the sky, blood spattered to death. Li Han opened the car door and turned sideways.

And down. Bah! Eryu fired several shots, but not a single bullet hit Li Han. After he finished firing six bullets, Li Han stood up and raised his knife, pointing it at Eryu's throat. Eryu obediently gave up.

Gun, raise your hands and surrender.

Immediately, Li Han, Bingxue, and Zhang Tieqiao dressed up as Black Dragon Society warriors and escorted Eryu back to the Yangtze River Hotel. They were instructed by Ren to let experts appraise the treasure first and then get together. The three experts had opinions, but they were helpless.

, had no choice but to obey. Li Han and Er Yu, Zhang Tie took a car, three experts and Zhu Zhuwen, Bingxue took a car and headed for Laohuqiao Prison.

Arriving at the prison, Eryu showed his ID.

The warden not only let him go, but also personally accompanied him to one of the rooms for serious prisoners.

There was no one inside, except for the six swords and the picture of Along the River During the Qingming Festival.

After appraisal by three experts, these six swords and the painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival are authentic.

Under the threat of Li Han's flying knife, Eryu had no choice but to put the six swords and the picture of Along the River During the Qingming Festival into a rectangular wooden box.

Li Han immediately picked up the box and tied it to Bingxue's back.

"Xiao Li is flying the knife, Crazy Li, come here! Come here!" Eryu took the opportunity to escape and shouted, and countless prison guards came with guns. Li Han swung the flying knife, whoosh whoosh! Bang bang bang

!Six prison guards were stabbed to death.

After Li Han and others went out, they were shot by the Japanese military police upstairs. Burst! Burst! Burst! Li Han and Bingxue ducked behind the giant pillar.

This chapter has been completed!
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