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He was helpless. What Zhang Jian was worried about was that if he went to tell Su Shi, others might not believe him. In that case, important officials from the Song Dynasty must accompany him to increase his credibility.

Zhao Zhen also had a headache over this choice.

It must be said that the Song Dynasty was not without people whom Su Shi could trust.

For example, his son Zhao Xi.

But Zhao Xi is less than nine years old now, how can he be allowed to take risks?

For example, Li Di.

The problem is that Li Di is getting older and his health is getting worse every day. No one can guarantee whether he will die on the way to Liao.

And there is Bao Zheng.

But Bao Heizi must not move while he is sitting in Xincheng. If he moves, something may happen to the west of the northern border at any time.

After thinking about it, there was no suitable candidate. And just when Zhao Zhen had a headache, Li Di suddenly came to Zichen Hall to see him.

Zhao Zhen still valued Li Di very much, otherwise he would not have left his only son in his hands.

Upon learning that Li Di was coming, Zhao Zhen quickly put down the memorial in his hand and asked Chen Maoze to help him in personally.

Li Di's physical condition became worse and worse, but it was not so bad that he could not stand. He knew that this was Zhao Zhen's way of expressing respect for him, so he did not refuse help, but waited until he entered the main hall.

The ministers clasped their fists and bowed to express their gratitude to Zhao Zhen.

"Come, please give me a seat."

Zhao Zhen asked Li Di to sit down with a smile on his face.

Li Di was not polite, he had such qualifications. After sitting down, he started to tell what was going on. "Your Majesty is worried about who to send to Liao Kingdom."

In front of Li Di, Zhao Zhen didn't put on any pretense and nodded in recognition.

I remember when I was young

At that time, Liu Mo was in control of the government affairs. It was veterans like Li Di who stood up and gave him the power to control the government affairs with his strong persuasion.

From the bottom of my heart, Zhao Zhen is grateful to Li Di.

"It's exactly what Li Qing said. This is what gives me a headache. Su Tianyou is young and has a more straightforward personality. If he is sent by an inhumane, I don't know what will happen."

"Li Qing should also know that although the Song Dynasty is strong now, it is not in the military, but in the economy. We should develop for a few more years, and maybe we will have the capital to compete with the foreign races."

Just two sentences showed what Zhao Zhen was thinking, that is, he didn't want to fight anyone now.

I don’t think I can beat anyone.

Emphasis on culture and restraint on martial arts was a rule set by Taizu. Even if he wanted to change it, it could not be accomplished overnight.

It's a good thing that Su Shi can fight, but it's not all a good thing.

When a country is not strong enough, it is not a good thing if an individual is too strong.

Having said that, even if Su Shi is powerful, can he still conquer the world by himself?

Of course, if he could really conquer the world, would he still be willing to succumb to others and become a minister of the Song Dynasty?

Just like this time, Su Shi entered Liao land and felt like he was in an uninhabited land. This showed his strong ability in military command. Such a person has done such a thing, which has made Zhao Zhen feel the threat.


And one day, if everyone feels that he is a threat, then people may worry about Su Shi's safety.

So what we have to do now is how to capture Su Shi before he becomes fully powerful and completely cut off his path to power.

, this is also for the stability of the imperial power of the Zhao family.

Honestly, Zhao Zhen still likes Su Shi very much.

This person has the ability, and the most important thing is that he can make money, which can make the Song Dynasty's economy stronger. Based on this, he is not what others have.

Also, Su Shi had a life-saving grace for Zhao Xi.

Although Zhao Zhen has never told the public about this matter, he remembers it very clearly in his heart.

This is why, when Su Shi did something out of line, Zhao Zhen always dealt with it with the greatest tolerance.

Also, although Su Shi can be considered a member of the Zhao family, he has no deep connection with anyone from the Zhao family. Even his two uncles in Bianliang City have little contact.

At this point, Zhao Zhen believed that this was Su Shi's sensibility.

Also, although Su Shi also promoted some officials, he turned around and recommended these people to his son, King Zhao Xi of Jing, which made Su Shi become a lonely minister.

In the feudal dynasty, it was difficult to be a solitary minister, but solitary ministers were the emperor's favorite people.

A lonely minister can only rely on the emperor, otherwise, he will be killed by other ministers for various reasons.

In fact, many times, the ministers and the emperor were on opposite sides. They both wanted to gain more power so that their ideas could become orthodox.

This forced the ministers to unite, at least when facing the imperial power.

The existence of Su Shi is a different kind. Of course Zhao Zhen likes such a lonely minister, but Su Shi is too good.

Being able to make money and fight wars now makes the Liao Kingdom very fearful, which inevitably makes Zhao Zhen have other thoughts.

Do not give Su Shi more rights

We only need to raise him up, so that when we really need to use people, we will use him. In this way, there is no need to worry about him becoming big, and there is no need to worry about him threatening the imperial power. This is the best result.


Li Di had already guessed what Zhao Zhen was thinking about.

After hearing what Zhao Zhen said, he became even more sure of his thoughts, and he immediately smiled and said, "Your Majesty, with Su Shaofu's contribution this time, I'm afraid he will definitely be promoted to an official position after he comes back this time.



Zhao Zhen nodded in acquiescence.

Even if he wanted to suppress Su Shi and prevent him from being promoted, anyone who knows how much role Su Shi played in this crisis in the north must be able to see it.

When the war subsides and rewards are given after the fact, if someone else but Su Shi is rewarded, the targeting will be too obvious. At that time, many people will be dissatisfied.

If there is a war in the future, can you still point others to fight on the battlefield?

Therefore, Su Shi must be rewarded, but how to reward him while convincing the public and within Zhao Zhen's own acceptance range became a question that he, the emperor, needed to think about.

Again, Su Shi is too young.

Only eighteen years old.

Oh, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, I will be nineteen years old.

With so much merit at such a young age, will one day there will be no rewards?

When that day comes, how will Su Shi arrange it?

Also, if he is alive, he can still suppress Su Shi. The day he leaves, will his son Zhao Xi still be able to suppress Su Shi?

These things need to be considered by Zhao Zhen instead of his head

As soon as he got hot, he slapped his forehead and directly gave him a reward. This was a pleasant experience, but it also laid the foundation for the future.

These are all headaches for Zhao Zhen. Li Di is actually here to solve these problems.

"Your Majesty, I have a suggestion."

"Please tell me." Zhao Zhen respected Li Di very much and wanted to see what this veteran from three dynasties thought, so he even used the word "please".

"Your Majesty, Su Shaofu has to reward him, but his official rank cannot be improved. Otherwise, there will be no reward one day. Then it is better to directly make him a marquis. In this way, he will be a noble of the Song Dynasty.

He has gained dignity, and since he is originally a descendant of the Zhao family, such a reward is not excessive. From now on, it is enough for him to be an idle minister and enjoy the glory and wealth."

Li Di smiled and proposed to grant Su Shi a title of marquis.

The Song Dynasty is not like the Ming Dynasty, where there is a saying that people cannot be knighted except for military merit.

Even if there is such a statement, Su Shi himself is also a person with military exploits, so it can be justified.

Once Su Shi is granted the title of Marquis, it is destined that he will not be able to become an actual force that can really influence the court. In many cases, the title is just nice to hear, and generally does not have any real power. This can also prevent Su Shi from mastering the title in the future.

What kind of power threatens the stability of the Song Dynasty?

With so many benefits here, it is impossible to say that Zhao Zhen has not thought about it before.

But he was worried that Su Shi would not accept it.

After all, if you really become a queen, you will be cut off from the future promotion path, and even having the right to speak above the imperial court has become a luxury.

If Su Shi had no ambition, or

Xu will smile and accept it.

But if Su Shi is someone with ideas, he may not agree.

Also, Su Shi is not alone. He still has some good allies behind him. For example, Li Di is one of them, and he is still a very important person.

If Li Di and the others don't agree, this reward will also not be implemented. Otherwise, Zhao Zhen will be forced to withdraw his life. This will not be a good thing.

But what Zhao Zhenwan didn't expect was that Li Di himself brought up this matter.

Su Shi and Li Di were allies, so why did he want to cut off Su Shi's future?

Could it be that there is a rift between the two of them?


The two of them can be regarded as Zhao Xi's left and right arms. In order for Zhao Xi to rise to power in the future, they will not choose to fight among themselves at this time.

Not for this reason, but Li Di still made such a suggestion, which is somewhat interesting. Does this mean that Li Di is also guarding against Su Shi?

That must be the case.

Zhao Zhen could see that Su Shi had great potential, but why couldn't Li Di see it.

Li Di is old and may have physical problems at any time. If something happens to him, the person Zhao Xi trusts most, besides his father, is probably Su Shi.

Li Di saw this and was worried about this.

He was worried that Zhao Xi would not be able to suppress Su Shi in the future after they were gone, so he simply put the shackles of honor on Su Shi in advance. In this way, Su Shi's threat to Zhao Xi would become very small, and Li

Di can then rest assured about what will happen after a hundred years of death.

After thinking of these things for a moment, Zhao Zhen finally understood what Li Di meant and the veteran minister's good intentions, and his face became brighter.

Saw a lot.

At least, Zhao Zhen knew that he and Li Di had the same language and goals regarding Su Shi.

This chapter has been completed!
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