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"Okay, Li Qing's words are very much to my liking, but I just don't know if Tianyou can accept this point of view."

"Your Majesty, don't worry. I will write a letter to Mr. Su and explain everything to him. He will accept it. Also, Tianyou's mother was originally a descendant of the Zhao family. She has been away for many years, so she gave birth to such a child.

A capable son, as the saying goes, mother is more valuable than son, so I think someone should be sent to bring her to Bianliang City to be with God and enjoy the happiness of family."

Li Di was sitting below, speaking in a leisurely manner. But Zhao Zhen's face tightened upon hearing these words.

Li Di was afraid that Su Shi would not agree and would take his parents to Bianliang City. This was a warning.

This move is not cruel.

This move was tantamount to offending Su Shi to death.

It is conceivable that if Su Shi knew that all this was his suggestion, he would definitely feel hatred towards Li Disheng. At that time, let alone working together, it would be normal for the two parties to not interact with each other until they die.

Even with Su Shi's temper, it's not surprising that he might find trouble with Li Di.

But Li Di still did it. Zhao Zhen admired his courage, but he thought it would arouse Su Shi's anger. Especially with this person's bad temper and unruly nature, who knows what will happen.

, he shook his head lightly and said, "Li Qing, isn't this a bad idea?"

"I thank your Majesty for your consideration, but I know that my body is already in critical condition and I am afraid that I will not have much time left. Let me just follow my wishes on this matter." Li Di shook his head and said firmly.

"What? I've seen the imperial doctor, but if the imperial doctor can't do it, I can still call on the folk saints. Li Qing is the backbone of the country.

Zhu, don’t let anything happen.”

Zhao Zhen said anxiously.

This is not a disguise, but a sincere consideration for Li Di's health.

Although Zhao Zhen lost Li Di's position last year, from the bottom of his heart, he still admires and trusts this veteran minister.

"Old minister, thank you again, Your Majesty. It's just that I know my health best. I'm old and have long lost sight of life and death. I hope that Your Majesty will agree to my suggestion."

Li Di's health was indeed in bad condition. He only coughed up blood before, but now, he even started to have blood clots.

In later generations, this is a manifestation of lung cancer, which is still in the late stage and cannot be saved.

Seeing that Li Di had said this, how could Zhao Zhen have any intention of not borrowing a donkey to go downhill? "Well, even so, I agree with Li Qing's proposal, but who will follow the Liao envoy to Liao land?"


"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Pang is the most suitable candidate. When the time comes, Your Majesty can just blame all the reasons on the veteran minister."

Li Di was still prepared and said.

Among the ministers, Pang Ji had a pretty good relationship with Su Shi. If he was to handle this matter and he would take the blame, Pang Ji would agree and know what he would say.

"Prime Minister Pang, this is a good candidate. Okay, I'm sure."



This day was very lively. Yin Shengguan of Yingchang Prefecture brought a group of officials to the village to celebrate.

Su Shi made great achievements on the battlefield and made great contributions to the Song Dynasty's defense against the invasion of the three tribes. His Majesty was pleased and made Su Shi the Marquis of Wuji, and ordered that Wujihou's family be brought to Bianliang to share their glory.

As soon as the imperial edict arrived at Yingchang Mansion, the governor Shen Guan immediately came with everyone.

, an act of congratulations.

After all, Fei'er Zhao is a female prostitute. Unless there is no man in the family, she will be forced to come out to meet guests. But now that Su Feiyang is still the head of the family, she certainly does not need to come out.

Everything was done by Su Shi's father, Su Feiyang, who received the guests.

From the beginning to the end, Su Feiyang had a smile on his face. It was only after he promised to go to Bianliang City in three days that Shen Guan and others returned with satisfaction.

After these people left, the smile on Su Feiyang's face quickly faded, and he turned towards the backyard.

In the backyard, Zhao Feier, who was not in good health to begin with, did not rest. She seemed to know that Su Feiyang would come and had been waiting.

As soon as she saw Su Feiyang, Zhao Fei'er quickly stood up and said, "Husband, what big trouble did Brother Shi get into?"

"It's true that he didn't cause a big disaster, but he made a great contribution, which aroused the fear of some people." Su Feiyang was a sensible person, and he revealed the mystery with one word.

"Ah! So, we came to Beijing to become hostages?" After all, Zhao Fei'er grew up in a family of officials. She has heard a lot about struggles, and her knowledge is certainly not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Hey, if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them."

Su Feiyang let out a long sigh, and then looked at Fei'er Zhao with some evasive eyes.

Seeing Su Feiyang's appearance, Zhao Fei'er suddenly smiled, "Okay, husband, we have been together for so many years and we have already understood each other. Let's talk about it. What are you going to do next? Also, prepare to let me have sex with you. Do something for."

"You guessed it anyway. In order to avoid trouble and not hold Brother Shi back, you will have to pretend to be sick.

." Su Feiyang sighed and said with a helpless smile on his face.

Fei'er Zhao has not been in good health since she gave birth to Su Shi. This is already known to many people.

But in the past few years, although Su Shi has not returned to Qianqizhuang, he has brought back a lot of various medicines.

In comparison, Faye Zhao's body is much stronger than before.

Just to avoid unnecessary trouble, Zhao Fei'er never mentioned this matter in front of outsiders. Occasionally, when outsiders showed up, she still pretended to be sick.

It's like Su Shi has not returned to Qianqizhuang in these years in order not to cause trouble for his parents. He just wants to downplay the relationship between them so that others will not take advantage of his parents.

"I'm the best at pretending to be sick." Faye Zhao chuckled.

As long as it's for the good of your son, as a mother, you can't risk anything.

It's just pretending to be sick, nothing serious.

After the two reached a consensus, the somewhat oppressive atmosphere disappeared. At some point, Zhao Feier's shoulders were leaning on Su Feiyang's body.

"Husband, is Brother Shi really so powerful that even the Liao Kingdom is extremely afraid of him?"

"Of course, don't forget, he is your son."

"Well, he is also your son." As Zhao Fei'er spoke, her face was filled with a sweet smile, and she fell asleep at some point.

The three-day period arrived in an instant, and Shen Guan rushed over with his people early in the morning.

Compared with three days ago, there was also a huge soft sedan built overnight by the state capital. It was obviously prepared for Faye Zhao, who had never been in good health.

I was still in high spirits and

When they arrived, Su Feiyang, who did not expect to greet them, said that because my wife was too happy, she fell ill three days ago and is still unconscious.

Faye Zhao is actually sick?

This result certainly shocked Shen Guan.

Xuan Su Shi's parents came to Beijing under the orders of the officials, and all their local and state governments needed to do was to fully cooperate.

But now, people can't go to Beijing because of illness. What should we do?

Fortunately, in order to prepare for the trip this time, Shen Guan brought two female saints, just to avoid anything happening on the way.

"Zhuang Master Su, this is a serious matter. It's not that I don't believe you. I really can't report it to His Majesty without checking it. I hope you can understand." Shen Guan took a step forward and said very politely to Su Feiyang.

"I understand, I understand." Su Feiyang nodded repeatedly, expressing his acceptance very humbly.

"I'm so offended." Shen Guan gritted his teeth, then turned to the two female saints behind him and said, "Go and have a look. Remember, you must be careful."

"Yes." After the two female saints agreed, they went straight to the main room in the backyard under the leadership of the maid in the village.

Three days ago, leaning on Su Feiyang's shoulder, Zhao Feier took the Sleeping Pill, which was rumored to be very precious in the world.

This elixir has only one effect, which is to put people into latent sleep. It is prepared for those who are severely injured and unable to sleep peacefully.

This elixir is expensive and has minimal subsequent effects. You only need to give it porridge on time every day to maintain your physical condition and it will not cause any serious harm to your body.

This is also the best solution Su Feiyang can think of at the moment.

He never expected that a pill would

What problem was he solving? He just used this to show his attitude that he didn't want to go to Beijing and didn't want to cause trouble to his son.

If the officials still let them enter the capital after this incident, it would be tantamount to completely angering Su Shi. At that time, Su Feiyang could only cooperate.

After being taken by Zhao Fei'er, she fell into a deep sleep all the time. Even if a female doctor came to check, she could not find any results.

The female saint's hand went in quickly and came out quickly. Speaking of their diagnosis results, it was indeed that Zhao Feier was ill three days ago. But when people are overjoyed, especially when their health is not good, no matter what the situation is. It may happen.

After Shen Guan learned the result, he did not dare to stay longer. After returning home quickly, he wrote a memorial and sent someone to report the situation to Bianliang City in an urgent manner of 600 miles.

The distance from Yingchang to Bianliang was only three to four hundred miles. Within one day, the memorial was delivered to Zhao Zhen, who then hurriedly announced that Li Di had entered the palace to discuss matters.

It was evening, and Li Di was kept by Zhao Xi for dinner in Zhaoren Palace.

The master left his ministers to eat, which was a matter of honor to him, but this time, during the meal, Li Di was on pins and needles, and he did not feel comfortable at all.

Without him, beside the table, Zhao Xi and Zhao Huirou were staring at him with their big eyes.

Li Di suggested that Su Shi be granted the title of Marquis and at the same time send people to connect Su He's parents to Bianliang City, which had already spread in the harem.

Despite Zhao Xi's young age, less than nine years old, he has received and endured too much education over the years, which has made his mind much more mature than his peers.

See the essence through performance.

Zhao Xi made his own judgment,

As soon as he learned the news, he came to Li Di and asked him why?

This chapter has been completed!
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