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Li Wei's father was Li Yonghe, the official of Tongping Zhangshi, and the brother of Zhao Zhen's mother, Concubine Li Chen, who was also the uncle of Song Renzong.

His brother Li Pingri held the power of the imperial army and was responsible for the guarding of the palace and the security of the official family.

The Li family can be said to be extremely favored because of Concubine Li Chen.

It must be said that Zhao Zhen really took great care of his uncle's family. But he still felt that it was not enough, so he planned to marry his daughter to the Li family so that they could enjoy the glory and find a backer for his daughter.

Such a marriage would not be allowed nowadays because the blood of both parties is too close.

But in ancient times, this kind of thing was said to be a close relationship, which was actually a good thing.

Zhao Zhen had this idea, so he discussed it with Empress Cao and Concubine Miao. After all, this also fell within the scope of management of the harem, and it would be more appropriate to leave it to women.

Queen Cao is naturally incompetent, she is just a princess, she will be married sooner or later, and she will not object to whoever she marries.

Concubine Miao, as a biological mother, was naturally more concerned about it. After learning that her daughter was going to marry Li Wei, she felt relieved. After all, the Li family is now in its prime, and marrying her baby daughter is not considered a blessing.

What a loss.

But Concubine Miao had never met Li Wei, so she didn't know that this person was really ugly.

Both empresses agreed, and Zhao Zhen also meant the same thing, but only Zhao Huirou, as the protagonist, disagreed a thousand times.

Zhao Huirou was thinking about her brother Su, so how could she marry someone else?

Besides, she had seen that Li Wei before. He was not short in stature, but his appearance was very ugly. How could such a man

If you were not rich and powerful, it would be very difficult to find a wife.

Not only did Zhao Huirou conquer the country, but she was also considered to be a beautiful and fragrant person.

Especially after staying in the palace for these years, she has not suffered much. In addition, she is still young, has smooth skin, good nutrition, and has good financial resources. How can she be willing to marry such an ugly man?

From the day she received the news, Zhao Huirou became silent.

She didn't yell immediately because she knew that doing so would not only be useless, but would also attract others' attention. But in fact, she was using this normal cover to prepare to escape.

Zhao Huirou wanted to escape from the palace, but she didn't even tell her brother King Jing about it, because she couldn't guarantee whether Zhao Xi would side with her in this matter.

But there is one person who cannot escape, and that is Liang Huaiji, the chief eunuch of Chunjin Palace and her personal eunuch.

Liang Huaiji has been following Zhao Huirou for some years. Although he does not fully understand his little master, he can often guess some of his thoughts through some of his actions.

And as time went by, and the two of them spent more and more time together, Liang Huaiji also had an idea in his heart that he shouldn't have, that is, as a eunuch, he actually fell in love with his little master.

Princess Kang Zhao Huirou.

Once this seed of liking appeared, it was impossible to contain it, so that for a period of time he disliked Su Shi very much, thinking that this man would one day take away his most beloved thing.

But now, without waiting for Su Shi,

When there was any movement, Li Wei suddenly appeared.

Liang Huaiji went out of his way to see what Li Wei looked like. Because of this, he stood up for Zhao Huirou in his heart.

How could the beautiful eldest princess marry such an ugly man?

His heart was filled with injustice, but his words were ignored. What else could Liang Huaiji do besides hate?

It was at this time that he discovered that some of Zhao Huirou's recent actions were somewhat misleading. For example, she actually had a slight interest in learning martial arts.

Although it turned out that she was not this material at all, she only persisted for two days and then stopped on her own initiative. But all this was a sign that something was going to happen.

Later, after careful observation by Liang Huaiji, he discovered that his mistress was actually planning to leave the palace. She had practiced martial arts before, which meant that she wanted to walk faster when she went out.

The master actually left the palace without saying hello. Ordinarily what he should do at this time is to report the matter to Concubine Miao.

But after struggling for a while, Liang Huaiji did not do so. Instead, after struggling in his heart, he made the decision to cooperate with Zhao Huirou to escape from the palace.

Liang Huaiji likes Zhao Huirou. Although he is destined to be unable to let the two truly be together due to his physical condition, as long as they do not separate, there is hope for everything. For example, they can communicate spiritually.

In short, Liang Huaiji cannot watch Zhao Huirou marry another man, nor can Li Wei, nor Su Shi.

After having his own idea, Liang Huaiji took the initiative to find Zhao Huirou and proposed that if he wanted to escape from the marriage, he could only escape from the palace.

Zhao Huirou originally wanted to escape from the palace on her own, but the real plan started

When I arrived, I realized that the difficulty was really too great.

She is the eldest princess of the Song Dynasty. She attracts attention wherever she goes. It is extremely difficult to escape from the palace.

And even if you can escape, where can you go?

If it were in the past, when Su Shi was still in Bianliang City, she could have fled directly to Tianyou Hutong and expressed her heart to Su Shi. At that time, he would not have watched her jump into the pit of fire.

But now, Su Shi is not in Bianliang City. Even if there are some people left in Tianyou Hutong, the people in the Su Mansion who are left behind will not be so bold and really dare to take him in.

Are you going to the Southland?

But Nandi is so big, and Zhao Huirou has never traveled far, let alone traveled alone. What if he encounters a bad guy on the road?

Thinking about these things is a headache.

At this time, Liang Huaiji took the initiative to come to the door, which made Zhao Huirou very excited. She thought that the chief eunuch of Zhaoren Palace in front of her knew her, so she said excitedly, "Mr. Liang, it would be great to have your help. I

Then you can leave the palace and go to the Southland to find my brother Su."

Sure enough, he was going to find Su Shi.

Liang Huaiji was resentful in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be very understanding and said, "I am willing to accompany my master out of the palace to find Marquis Wuji."

"Great." After getting the answer he wanted, Zhao Huirou was very happy and jumped up immediately. "Manager Liang, let's make careful plans on how to get out of the palace and how to go to the Southland."


Suzhou City.

Meng Youde has already left here to return to Beijing, and Su Shi is also ready to leave Suzhou and continue south.

Preparations for heading to Jiaxing.

Now that he has come out this time, Su Shi has no plans to go back too early. He wants to take a walk around the south, which will also allow him to know more about the Song Dynasty.

For example, a trip south allowed Su Shi to see the truly prosperous side of the Song Dynasty.

In comparison, the land in the north and south of the Song Dynasty can be said to be like the sky and the earth.

In the northern part of the Song Dynasty, because it bordered the Liao Dynasty and because of the cold weather, the people there had a very difficult life. In contrast, the people of the Song Dynasty in the south were much happier.

Basically, except for natural disasters, most people can be self-sufficient, and even a considerable number of people in the Song Dynasty live a good life.

In the Southland, they were far away from war. Under the peaceful environment and the Song Dynasty's support for economic development, the people here not only had enough food and clothing, but also had two meals a day and would not starve to death on the streets.

All the way south, the further south you go, the fewer beggars and homeless people you encounter on the road, which proves everything.

Appreciating the scene in Fu Song Dynasty, Su Shi's worry became more intense.

Because the further south you go and the more you come into contact with these people, the more you discover that these people have no psychological defense against the so-called alien danger.

In other words, they did not think that foreigners might threaten the Song Dynasty and disrupt their lives.

In the South, warriors are looked down upon far more than in the North. The literati here are proud of their talent and learning, and the literati often take pride in rebuking the rudeness of warriors.

The people felt that it was because of the existence of these warriors that the air was polluted and the Song Dynasty was bullied.

Just like if there is a war, he

We can use our sharp tongue to defeat the enemy, and we can scold the enemy so that his horse will vomit blood and die.

Whenever he saw this, Su Shi felt an inexplicable sadness.

Thinking about history, the Yuan Dynasty after the death of the Song Dynasty became the first dynasty where foreigners ruled the Central Plains and ruled the Han people. It seems that everything happened not so suddenly, but the root of the disaster was laid early.

Just like these literati in front of us, if it weren't for their long-term suppression of warriors and their self-righteousness, how could there be an era when the Han people were insulted and ruled by foreign races?

After the custody and subsequent investigation, it turns out that such people have big problems.

Back to the topic, the southern part of the Song Dynasty was indeed rich enough. The loose external economic environment, and even many powerful people had the right to tax exemption, which allowed them to keep almost all the money they earned. It would be strange if they were not rich.


Su Shi also discovered along the way that the so-called rich are only the privileged people. The real people can only have two meals a day, and they are not the kind who can eat whatever they want and eat whatever they want.

It will also be difficult to stay full.

In contrast, China in later generations did a really good job on this point. At least ordinary people did not need to celebrate the New Year or festivals to eat meat. Basically, they could eat whatever they wanted, as long as they did not have too extravagant requirements.

Can be self-sufficient.

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