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When it prospers, the people suffer; when it dies, the people suffer.

Su Shi couldn't help but think of this sentence in his mind.

If the wealthy Song Dynasty could become more powerful militarily, in this era, Su Shi really doesn't know who else would be their opponent?

It's a pity that walking on one leg is destined not to last long.

Of course, although Su Shi had a lot of ideas, he was just a powerless marquis after all, and there were some things he couldn't help with. All he could do was to open a Hua Xia Bank branch wherever he went.


Su Shi has no shortage of copper coins. As long as he has enough faith points, he can exchange as much silver as he wants in the system.

It is no exaggeration to say that Su Shi, who owned the system, was the richest person in the Song Dynasty.


It should be said that he is the richest man in the world.

With so much wealth, it is the right thing to do good to the people. In this way, Su Shi has become a blessing to the local people wherever he goes. Those grain shops that have been sold out, let the porridge

As time passed, there was more and more dry rice and less and less porridge. Therefore, Su Shi also gained a lot of faith points along the way.

There is no need to fight, just exchange for some silver ingots. You pay less and get more, which makes Su Shi's faith points start to increase crazily.

The southern part of the Song Dynasty had a large population, and some large towns were even more densely populated. Just like when he was in Suzhou, when Su Shi was giving porridge, he could get as many as ten or two hundred thousand faith points every day.


There are still some people who don't know how to be grateful. Otherwise, the points will only be more.

While going south, Su Shi's faith value also increased.

Continuing to climb, three million...four million...five million...seven million.

Seeing that the new value of ten million faith points was getting closer and closer, Su Shi was also curious about what interface of the system would be lit up when it reached ten million. And it was at this time that Da Song

Within the territory, the White Lotus forces began to suffer heavy losses.

With the unknown insider Gao Fuhai, some important Bailian figures and important strongholds were attacked by the Secret Service and fell into destruction one by one.

As strongholds were removed one after another, one after another of White Lotus's middle-level figures were either killed on the spot or captured, and the entire White Lotus fell into chaos.

When human beings face danger, they often act in different ways.

Some people, in order to protect themselves, will become low-key.

Some people will choose to flee.

Some people may even want to cooperate with the government in order to live a better life.

There are so many different aspects of life, so lively.

When the Secret Service launched a heavy blow, the ministers of the imperial court were not idle either, and were busy with the replacement of Jiaozi Bank by Da Song Bank.

Compared with the development of Hua Xia Bank, which still needs to be built city by city, the development speed of Song Dynasty Bank is undoubtedly much faster.

Based on Jiaozi Bank, it often only needs to change a plaque and everything will be fine.

The remaining money in the Jiaozi Bank also became the remaining money in the Song Dynasty Bank. People who owed money there before, and the court became the new creditor. This allowed many officials to enjoy huge benefits in a short period of time.

Benefits, everyone makes a lot of money, and at the same time, they are extremely rich.

It is worth mentioning that the Song Dynasty

Most of the money earned by the bank eventually went to Hua Xia Bank.

There is no way around it. There are so many good things in the Huaxia Store that it makes people dazzled, dizzying, and excited.

It can be said that in the Song Dynasty, there were many rich people, but not everyone could own the good things in Huaxia stores. In order to gain the power to buy things, industrial tickets became a stronger currency than gold and silver.


After Zhou Quan reported to Su Shi via the intercom that these people wanted more industrial tickets, an underground black market soon appeared in Bianliang City.

In this black market, industrial tickets appeared that made the eyes of many powerful people shine. Although the price was several times the normal price, once it appeared, the supply was still in short supply. It became a thing that many powerful people flocked to.

A large amount of copper coins, gold and silver from the Song Dynasty flowed into the black market in this way, and in exchange for industrial bills, the good things in Huaxia stores were bought one by one.

According to the comprehensive report, in just one month, more than 500 bicycles were sold in the Huaxia store, and this was just an item. A lot of other good things were also sold, making it really profitable.

There is no doubt that the big-headed man is not Su Shi.

When Su Shi left Jiaxing and continued down the road to Hangzhou, Zhou Quan reported that the coins of the Song Dynasty had exceeded 100 million copper coins.

Good things come in pairs. Just when Su Shi opened a facility in Hangzhou, the system's belief points finally exceeded the 10 million mark. At this time, the power exchange in the system was completely illuminated.

It turns out that the power system is open, which is somewhat

This was beyond Su Shi's expectation.

But thinking about it on the other hand, everything is so logical.

If you want to bring some technological things from later generations to ancient times, how can you do it without enough power support?

With electricity, everything has a foundation. When he saw the dazzling array of small commodities related to electricity appearing in the exchange interface, Su Shi showed a very satisfied look on his face.

In the past, the only electricity-related items Su Shi could redeem were small things like desk lamps and flashlights, and the exchange prices were expensive.

But now, as the power system is turned on, their exchange value has dropped to freezing point. Not to mention extremely cheap, electric shavers, vacuum cleaners, various motors, batteries, including solar energy, etc. have also appeared one after another.

For larger ones, all the necessary materials for building a power station are also available.

At the same time, Su Shi's own abilities also showed signs of growth.

His personal strength increased from six hundred kilograms to seven hundred kilograms.

The range for dropping items has also increased from the original twenty kilometers to the current forty kilometers, which is eighty miles.

As the range of items dropped increases, their concealment and safety are enhanced, which is something Su Shi urgently needs.

Now that the power system is open, will factories, large and small shipyards, and other large power consumers be far behind?

Although it will be a long process from 10 million to 100 million faith points, Su Shi has already begun to look forward to it.

Just when Su Shi was still dreaming about which interfaces would be illuminated in the next system upgrade, news suddenly came from Zhou Quan that Princess Fukang was missing.

Zhao Huirou disappeared into the palace, and

Also missing with him was Liang Huaiji, the chief eunuch of Zhaoren Palace.

A living person, the eldest princess of the Song Dynasty, disappeared like this, and soon the entire palace became agitated. After learning the news, Renzong Zhao Zhen was even furious and ordered the Secret Service to blockade the fifteen outer cities of Bianliang.

Even if we scrape the ground three feet, we still need to find the eldest princess.

The officials were angry, and the Secret Service had the power to search the entire city. Even Tianyou Hutong, which had always been regarded as a paradise, was not spared. A team of Secret Service personnel searched it all over.

Fortunately, Chen Lin did not want to offend Su Shi, and the leader sent to Tianyou Hutong was Meng Youde, which prevented some of the secrets of the Hutong from being discovered by outsiders.

This so-called secret refers not only to the mountains of goods piled up in the warehouse when Su Shi left, and the mountains of copper coins now piled inside, but also to the underground passages dug at the bottom of the alley.

Three Cunning Rabbit Cave.

Su Shi is in a whirlpool and has a big secret of his own, so he has to be careful.

Speaking of which, Zhao Huirou actually left the palace and escaped privately, which was somewhat beyond Su Shi's expectation.

Before that, Su Shi had heard that the official family was planning to marry Princess Fukang, but he didn't really care.

This is not to say that Su Shi does not care about Zhao Huirou, but he knows that royal marriages do not happen so quickly and always take some time. Especially in ancient times, the procedures for major marriage matters were very cumbersome, such as

The three books and six rites are indispensable.

The three letters refer to the letter of appointment, the letter of ceremony and the letter of welcome.

The six rites refer to receiving gifts, asking for names, accepting gifts, accepting levies, asking for dates,

Six types of etiquette including personal greetings.

Su Shi expected to return to Bianliang City at the turn of spring and summer next year. It is already the end of November, and he will go back in a few months. This problem will be solved by then.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Huirou could not wait any longer, and was completely different from what happened in history. She actually chose to run away and escape from marriage.

"This princess is quite courageous." Su Shi chuckled, but didn't take it seriously. He just had a feeling that Zhao Huirou should have left Bianliang City and came south.

Staying in the palace all year round, Zhao Huirou has no friends at all in the outside world, and it seems that she can only look for herself. At least, in her heart, her brother Su is an omnipotent person, and she always has trouble finding him to solve problems.

It would be wrong.

"Come here, notify the Second Flying Eagle Brigade and ask them to send people to search for traces of the princess along the line from Bianliang City to Hangzhou City. Once discovered, there is no need to alert the snake. Be sure to provide strict protection as soon as possible."

After saying these words to Lou Yang beside him, Su Shi's attention shifted to another matter, the northern line of Liao Territory.

Just now, Zhou Quan sent an important message via the walkie-talkie. According to Mei Yang, who was on the inside of Liao, Daliao sent people to negotiate with Lu Siqiao, who entered Liao territory under the banner of Zhou.

If the Liao Dynasty wanted to negotiate with Lu Siqiao, it didn't take much to think about it. They definitely wanted to take it for their own use. If they accepted it, then Lu Siqiao would inevitably become an enemy of the Song Dynasty.

This is definitely not the result Su Shi wants to see.

He didn't expect such a day to happen, but if it did happen, he would have to go to Liao Dynasty in person to catch Lu Siqiao and beat her.

her ass.

In any case, no matter how sorry the Zhao family was to Lu Siqiao's ancestors, Su Shi could not allow it by seeking refuge with foreigners and turning against the Song Dynasty and the Han people.

This chapter has been completed!
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