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Chapter 113: Ten thousand people are like the sea, willing to die together with the prince! 【Monthly

It's like eternal night has fallen.

Daxia Dynasty.

It turned dark almost instantly.

In Daxia's capital, all the people were shocked, as were all the civil and military officials, dignitaries, and scholars.

In the past, even if it was an eternal article, it would only attract visions after it was written.

But now, Gu Jinnian just wrote a few words and instantly caused such a terrifying celestial phenomenon. This is too terrifying.

People even think that someone wants to rob the law field and create such a celestial phenomenon.

However, within the Daxia Dynasty, the Kong family was directly affected.


the Kongs.

For the Kong family, every day seems very sacred. The Kong family seems to be a family, but inside the real Kong family, it is like a small world, with some people reading and others having fun.

The Confucius family was involved in many things, and there was nothing that the Confucius family did not participate in.

But speaking of the main body, there are more people who study, especially the younger generation of the Confucius family, who have to go through an extremely arduous study process. There are many direct descendants of the Confucius family, but those who can truly be called direct must still be excellent themselves.

At least in terms of Confucianism and Taoism, if you don't make any achievements, don't expect to have much status and status, it's just a good name.


Just in an instant.

The sky suddenly turned dark.

The beautiful day turned directly into night at this moment.

At a glance, it looks like an eternity of night.

Between heaven and earth.

at this moment.

Night is coming.

Darkness enveloped the earth, as if everything in the world was swallowed up by darkness, creating a sense of awe in people's hearts.

"What happened?"

"How could Qu Mansion have such a celestial phenomenon?"

"The sky and the earth are dark, this is an ominous sign."

"How is this going?"

"Who created such a celestial phenomenon?"

"No, this can't be man-made. Is this a sign from God?"

Voices sounded from the Confucius Mansion, and many Confucian scholars spoke. They looked at all this in shock, and the peaceful day turned into night. How could this not be shocking?

They exclaimed, not knowing what happened.

Some people judged that this was an ominous sign.

Some people are also curious about who caused such a terrible celestial phenomenon.

However, he was immediately refuted by others, who believed that this celestial phenomenon was not caused by man, but was an early warning from heaven and earth.

Big things are going to happen in the future.

But no matter what, the whole Confucius family was shocked.

Throughout the ages, they have never seen such a miracle.

No, this is no longer a miracle.

This is a miracle.

Godlike signs.

At this moment, it's a dark night.

The world changed drastically, and several figures in the Kong family quietly watched such a strange scene.

Duke Chuan Sheng stared at all this, his eyes full of complex emotions.

The seventy-two sages of the Confucius family also looked at the sky. They were amazed, but more out of disgust. They did not want any big changes in this world. Even if there were any, it would have to be created by the Confucius family.

In the ancestral temple, an old man watched all this quietly. He stood with his hands behind his hands and let out a long sigh.

But, I thought this was just the end of it.

What happened in the next moment shocked the entire Kong family.


In the Confucius Temple.

The statue of the saint shook crazily at this moment, and beams of shocking light soared into the sky, piercing the eternal night and shocking all directions.

The people of Qufu were all extremely shocked when they looked at this moment. The people all knelt down and shouted for the saint to appear. Their eyes were filled with unparalleled shock.

This light shook the heaven and earth.

This light is extremely bright.

The Confucius Temple is a place dedicated to the saint Confucius. It has a history of nearly ten thousand years and has experienced the incense of hundreds of millions of people.

Contain the holy will.

Only when there is a great change between heaven and earth will the Confucius Temple be alarmed.

"This is impossible, this is impossible, someone has written an immortal article and alarmed the saint."

In the Confucius Temple, a great scholar roared, his tone filled with unparalleled shock, and his eyes full of horror.

As this voice sounded, figures rushed towards Kong Mansion one after another quickly.

At this moment, even Chuan Shenggong was moved.

There was a great change in the world. They really didn't know what happened and had many guesses. But it wasn't until the earthquake in the Confucius Temple that they fully understood what had happened.

One by one, great Confucian scholars appeared in the Confucius Temple.

At this moment, the Confucius Temple has already erupted with peerless light, covering the world and submerging all things.

The statue of Confucius keeps shaking, which is the resonance of the saint.

Compared with the last time the saint resonated, this time it is even more terrifying.

The last time the holy icon resonated, it was because Gu Jinnian refuted the holy will and incurred the wrath of the saint.

Of course, this is what the Kong family says.

However, the icon that time was nothing, after all, it was not a real icon.

But the holy statues in the Confucius Temple are different. They have been worshiped by the world and have incense and merit. They truly contain a trace of holy meaning.

In this way, if this icon resonates, it is truly incredible and has the approval of the saint.

This is the honor of all scholars throughout the ages, and it is also the lifelong pursuit of Confucian students.

In various dynasties, there will be an imperial examination every three years, and the Confucius family also has an internal imperial examination every three years. This internal imperial examination involves reciting articles in front of saints.

If anyone can resonate with the icon, he will be able to achieve success.

It’s just that in ancient and modern times, there are more than seventy generations of the Confucius family, but only three or five people can really resonate with the saints, and these three or five people can’t cause such a big movement.

"Who is this? Can he write an immortal article? Even the saints will be trembled by it, and the heaven and earth will be moved?"

"Why is this kind of person not a descendant of my Kong family? In the prosperous age of destiny, will a Confucian and Taoist saint really be born?"

"The article is not poetry, the poetry conveys the meaning, and the article is sage. I really want to know who can write such an article, and I also want to see what kind of article can cause such a celestial phenomenon."

"The foundation of Confucianism and Taoism lies in the articles, the foundation, and the holy will. The golden age is coming, and we can no longer advocate interests. We must truly cultivate talents and cultivate great sages."

Figures appeared one after another, all of them were well-known figures from the Confucius family. They appeared in the Confucius Temple without any arrogance, and knelt down to worship outside the Confucius Temple.

Taking this opportunity, some Confucianists spoke out, believing that in the golden age, the family should support scholars and value reading instead of profit.

However, most people ignored this sentence, not because it made no sense, but because they were amazed by this horrific article.

They are curious.

What kind of article can lead to such a terrifying vision?

But at this moment.

An extremely resonant voice spread between heaven and earth, conveying to the entire Great Xia Dynasty.

"For Gu Jinnian, I will compose a song of righteousness today."

"For the sake of Confucianism and Taoism."

The voice was loud and loud, spreading throughout the world.

But the faces of countless people in the Kong family changed drastically at this moment.

It's Gu Jinnian.

It's actually Gu Jinnian?

How could it be him?

The entire Kong family was shocked. They did not expect that the person who wrote the immortal article would actually be Gu Jinnian?

Although Gu Jinnian's poems and articles are indeed very powerful, most of them are just arty works. To put it bluntly, what can a poem change? What can an article prove?

But this kind of immortal article is different.

This kind of article is divorced from the essence of the article, which has the ability to educate Confucian and Taoist students.

The reason why the Kong family can become a giant.

The reason is that the thoughts of Confucius have been deeply ingrained in the hearts of scholars all over the world.

It can be said that 99% of the scholars in the world have extended, improved and transformed based on the thoughts of Confucius.

Therefore, the article originally written by Confucius can be said to be immortal.

Today, the emergence of immortality is a new challenge for the Confucian family. Otherwise, the old man just now would not suddenly advocate supporting Confucianism.

However, they can accept whoever writes this immortal article. After all, there are only a few people in the world who can write such an article.

The relationship is not bad either.

If he is really a reclusive master, he will not be able to influence the Confucius family. If he is an unknown person, they can give him a sweet spot and allow him to join the Confucius family.

This is a great honor.

But it happens to be Gu Jinnian, the real enemy of the Kong family. Rather than being a real enemy, it is better to say that it is almost impossible for the Gu family and the Kong family to reconcile.

"How could it be him?"

At this moment, even Chuan Shenggong couldn't help but sigh. This was the sound he least wanted to hear.

But the one with the most explosive mentality is the sage grandson of the Kong family.

In the study, when Kong Yu heard Gu Jinnian's voice, he was completely stunned.

There are piles of scrap manuscripts in front of him, which are poems and articles he prepared.

Since meeting Gu Jinnian, he has tried hard to surpass Gu Jinnian.

What I didn't expect was that, just after a period of time, Gu Jinnian actually wrote an immortal article.

This is unacceptable to him.

This is also unacceptable to him.

Everything made him unable to accept it, and it also made his heart collapse.


The next moment, Gu Jinnian's voice sounded again.

[I was imprisoned in the North Courtyard, sitting in an earthen room]

[The room is eight feet wide and four feet deep]

[The single door is low and small, the white space is short and narrow, dirty and dark]

The voice sounded.

Everyone in the Confucius family was listening attentively to this immortal article.

As soon as the article was recited, everyone frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable.

There seems to be nothing special about this kind of article, right?

At best, it's just a matter of time.

Why can it become an immortal article?

They were confused and their eyes were full of curiosity.

Soon, the sound gradually became louder and deafening.

[Kuang Haoran is the righteousness of heaven and earth, so make a song of righteousness]

As this voice sounded, everyone in the Kong family concentrated their attention. Only then did they understand that this opening chapter was just the foregoing, and the real core was here.

Upright song.

All scholars are curious, and so are all great scholars.

What is righteousness?

Their eyes were full of curiosity.

It was at this time.

The sound that shocked the heaven and earth was heard, and it was deafening.

[The heaven and earth have righteousness, and are mixed and endowed with manifolds.]

[The bottom is the river and mountains, the top is the sun and stars.]

【People call it Haoran, it is so rich that it blocks the sky.】

[The imperial road should be Qing Yi, Hanhe Tu Ming Ting.]

[When the time comes, we will see each other, and we will draw pictures one by one.]

A vast and incomparable voice sounded at this moment, telling what righteousness is.

At this time, everyone in the Kong family was completely quiet.

Although the Confucius family has undergone thousands of years of transformation, from a family of saints to the immortal family today, there have been tremendous changes, but what remains unchanged is that the Confucius family has indeed made great achievements in Confucianism and Taoism.

The Confucian Confucian scholars occupy one-third of the world. It can be said that they are a giant.

Among the Confucius family, there is no shortage of scholars and wise people.

Ordinary people may not understand Gu Jinnian's article, but they understand it clearly.

Between the heaven and the earth, there is an upright Qi, which allows all things to change into various shapes. Below are the mountains and rivers, and above are the sun, moon and stars. In the world, it is called the awe-inspiring and upright Qi.

Filled between this heaven and earth and the universe.

During the period of Qingming and Taipei, the imperial court was peaceful and cheerful. This was a prosperous time.

In times of crisis, a righteous man will appear, and his glorious image will hang on the painting one by one.

Gu Jinnian used less than a few hundred words to describe the righteousness of heaven and earth.

Describe the lifelong pursuit of a scholar.

This is a shocking article, and it is also an article that educates Confucian scholars all over the world.

Outside the Confucius Temple.

The bodies of each of the great scholars were trembling, and they seemed to have enlightened themselves. Over the years, they had struggled to think of different things, and at this moment they seemed to have completely figured it out.

But many great scholars have extremely ugly faces.

Simply because, Gu Jinnian's article will have a huge impact on Confucianism and Taoism in the world.

This article will be able to change the changes in Confucianism and Taoism today.

Explain ‘talent’ and ‘righteousness’.

The contribution he made will be no less than that of Confucius Sheng.

This is Confucianism and Taoism.

Just because of this article, even if Gu Jinnian dies, he will be canonized a thousand years later, and his status will be second only to Confucius.

If Gu Jinnian were alive, if he could complete Confucianism and Taoism, he would also complete Confucianism and Taoism and establish morality.

Then Gu Jinnian can be regarded as a saint in this world.

This kind of saint is different, like the sun, shining for eternity, endlessly.

They were moved and shocked.

Suddenly, all kinds of complex emotions appeared in their hearts, making them extremely uncomfortable.

But at this moment.

Gu Jinnian's voice still continued.

[When it penetrates the sun and moon, the theory of life and death will be settled]

【The earth is built on, the pillars of heaven are built on】

[The three cardinal principles are actually life-related, and morality is the root]

【Looking up at the white floating clouds】

[My heart is sad, the sky is full of extremes]

[The day of the philosopher is far away, but the punishment is in the past]

[Read books on the eaves, illuminate the colors of the ancient road]

The voice was sonorous and powerful, with a kind of resentment, but also a kind of smoothness, and an attitude of fighting for the world, and he slowly started writing.

People have dementia.

At this moment, it is no longer so simple for the Kong family to understand.

Throughout the Great Xia Dynasty, all scholars were carefully understanding the meaning of Gu Jinnian's righteous song.

This majestic energy fills the universe, and justice is inviolable and will last forever.

When this kind of righteousness reaches the sky and penetrates the sun and the moon, there is no need to talk about living or dying.

The earth can stand upright by relying on it, and the pillars of heaven can be supported by relying on it.

It's a pity that I encountered injustice. I dedicated myself to serving the people, but was harmed by a traitor. But what I didn't expect was that this dirty place would become a paradise for me to settle down and live my life.

Therefore, whether it is life or death, I have lost sight of it.

Because I have a loyal heart that will always exist in my heart, and fame and wealth are like floating clouds in the sky to me.

I only hope that this awe-inspiring righteousness can enlighten people all over the world and make scholars all over the world understand.

The sages have left me one by one, but their examples have been engraved in my heart.

Under the eaves, I soaked in the breeze and opened the book to read.

The glory of the ancients will shine on me and I will go on firmly.

This is what Gu Jinnian wants.

This is also what Gu Jinnian wants to express.

This righteous song has been modified by Gu Jinnian. He used some special backgrounds in this world to perfectly replace it.

Some places have not been changed as a metaphor, so it is harmless.

The content of the article expresses what is in my heart.

That alone is enough.

Everyone in the Confucius family was silent. The more advanced one was in Confucianism and Taoism, the more one knew what kind of impact Gu Jinnian's article would have.

"It is truly an immortal article."

"An article that can alarm saints is indeed well-deserved."

"After today, Confucianism and Taoism in the world will change. From now on, there will be great righteousness that cannot be obtained without Confucianism and Taoism!"

"There has been no change in a thousand years. Who is this Gu Jinnian?"

"It took ten years to sharpen a sword, but the frost blade has never been tested. Today, I will show you to you, who will do anything unfair?"

"Okay, it takes ten years to sharpen a sword. The sharpness of this sword is earth-shattering."

All the Confucian scholars were shocked.

They didn't know what to say, and even a great scholar couldn't help but read out the first poem written by Gu Jinnian.

This poem is just right for the occasion now.

Ten years of hard work.

The sword is shocking to the world.

Compared with the shock of the Kong family.

Daxia Kyoto.

This is a truly shocking scene.

Countless people in Kyoto watched this scene, especially these scholars, who saw it with their own eyes.

Witness this moment that will be famous forever.

On the stone tablet, the eloquent and upright songs shine with unparalleled light.

The sky and the earth are dark.

But this stone tablet turned into eternal light, piercing all darkness.

The light fell and fell on Gu Jinnian, reflecting his immortal figure.

People were shocked.

The Confucian scholars showed incomparable expressions.

They read to nourish their energy.

But I never knew what kind of energy it was.

It means that Haoran is upright.

But this is just self-righteousness.

They don't understand and don't understand the true righteousness of Haoran.

I always feel that after reading the book, I can understand the truth, which is Haoran's righteousness.

Now, with the release of Gu Jinnian's righteous song, people have a new understanding of Haoran's righteousness.

Under eternal night.

In the strong wind.

Gu Jinnian was dressed in white and made a loud noise.

At this moment, he was surrounded by blazing light.

The song of righteousness is finished.

Gu Jinchang took a long and deep breath.

His heart was greatly satisfied at this moment.

His spirit was greatly enriched at this moment.

At this moment, Gu Jinnian finally understood why some people did not care about life or death for the sake of righteousness in their hearts.

Because there is great righteousness between heaven and earth.

This great righteousness can not only be obtained by reading.

Anyone with a righteous mind can cultivate great righteousness.

If you encounter uneven roads, you can nourish your righteousness.

A chivalrous person can cultivate great righteousness.

If everyone had great righteousness, everything in the world would be beautiful.

"The prince is eternal."

At this time, another voice sounded, breaking the silence among the crowd.

But this time, someone saw who it was, it was Su Huaiyu.

However, one voice after another also started shouting.

Although the people did not know what happened, they did not understand the meaning of this righteous song.

But what they knew was that Gu Jinnian had done another good deed for heaven and earth.

Before a person dies, he still thinks about the common people and the common people. How can one not shed tears?

"The prince is eternal."

"The prince is eternal."

Deafening sounds kept ringing.

The people shouted from the bottom of their hearts, chanted, and shouted for the eternal son of the prince.

This sound is getting louder and louder, spreading throughout the world.

But at this moment.

A discordant sound also slowly sounded.

"The time has come for questioning."

"Why are you still hesitating?"

The voice rang out, it was a prince.

At this most critical moment, he could see that the people were going to petition.

So at this time, he immediately interrupted and wanted Gu Jinnian to die.

After hearing this, the officials of the Ministry of Punishment couldn't help but be stunned. They were also a little unwilling to accept the prince's order.

They gritted their teeth and let Gu Jinnian get into the prison car.

Faced with this scene, Gu Jinnian did not speak, nor did he choose to get into the prison car. Instead, he went to die and walked towards the execution ground.

He is not afraid of anything and even has an inexplicable inner sublimation.

It was as if he had come into contact with the real Tao.

Dreams are like bubbles.

However, at this moment.

A cry of surprise sounded again.

"Look, what is this."

"Look, what is this?"

As exclamations sounded.

A beam of extremely blazing light fell from the sky.

In the Great Xia Dynasty, rays of light came from all directions.

Reflected on Gu Jinnian.

These are the sages from all over the world, these are the sages from ancient to modern times.

When these sages heard Gu Jinnian's voice, they felt it and gave them the strongest recognition at this moment.

In Kyoto, outside the Penal Department Prison.

Gu Jinnian's steps were firm and there was no fear of life or death on his face.

But behind him, he is shining for eternity!!!

Under his feet, there was a bright light, and behind him, a long river emerged.

One after another, the sages appeared behind him and walked with him.

This eternal brilliance shone down, illuminating Gu Jinnian like a saint.

People watched all this in a daze.

All this is incredible.

All this is incomparable.

In the end, the scholar also left.

The people also followed suit.

A huge crowd of people walked towards the execution ground.

The surging crowd was an unprecedented sight.

The eternal night is approaching, but at this moment, Gu Jinnian turns into the only light, piercing all the darkness in the world.

He looked fearless.

He cares about life and death.

He has great righteousness in his heart.

If this death could bring him great righteousness, he would have nothing to fear.

at this time.

Gu Jinnian's every step.


Because behind him are thousands of people.

Gu Jinnian takes every step.

The light of eternity is at his feet.

The sages of ancient and modern times were by his side.

The officials in Kyoto looked at all this and were completely moved. Some officials even followed.

For the justice in the heart.

The eight princes looked at this scene with ugly expressions on their faces. The matter had reached this stage and one of the princes wanted to withdraw. He did not dare to continue the trouble, nor did he want to continue.

If we keep making trouble like this, something will really happen.

However, there were a few princes whose attitudes were so firm that they did not dare to withdraw.

in this way.

Gu Jinnian came to the execution ground.

The Minister of Punishment was sitting in the main seat. When Gu Jinnian appeared, he stood up immediately, not daring to make any excuses.

He bowed deeply to Gu Jinnian.

Today, Gu Jinnian, a righteous song is enough to win the respect of people all over the world.

Furthermore, Gu Jinnian died for the people, which he admired even more.

In particular, Gu Jinnian could actually choose to refuse, but from beginning to end, Gu Jinnian did not embarrass the court or the Ministry of Justice.

Such magnanimity, such cheerfulness.

It makes him feel ashamed and ashamed.

"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince."

Xu Ping bowed deeply to Gu Jinnian.

But Gu Jinnian didn't say much, but watched all of this quietly.

"If we haven't carried out the execution yet, how long will we wait?"

The roar sounded again.

It was the prince’s urging.

Right now, in just a quarter of an hour, Gu Jinnian will be dead.

He didn't want to cause trouble.

Now, kill Gu Jinnian immediately.

Facing the prince's urging.

Xu Ping's voice couldn't help but sound.

"I am the Minister of Punishment of Daxia. I will decide whether to kill or not to kill. It is not your turn to urge me, Prince."

A domineering response sounded.

Xu Ping was also annoyed.

At this time, what Gu Jinnian did was seen by everyone in the world, but he still wanted to kill him?


And why?

After hearing this, the prince's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

at this time.

Xu Ping faced the direction of the palace, he knelt down directly, cupped his hands and spoke.

"I, Xu Ping, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment of Daxia, would like to ask for Gu Jinnian's orders today."

"His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, has redressed the grievances of the people of Daxia. In the past, there was the flood in Jiangning County, in the later there was the Huns' reconciliation, and now there is the disaster in Bailu Mansion. His merits are immeasurable, and he is the hero of Daxia's humerus."

"If today, if I were to ask the beheaded prince, I would be shameless to be the minister of the Ministry of Punishment. This would not be tolerated by the laws of heaven, nor would it be tolerated by human reason."

"I hope your majesty will show mercy and forgive the prince."

Xu Ping spoke.

No one could have imagined that the dignified Minister of Justice, the most selfless official in Daxia, would plead for Gu Jinnian at this moment.

He even resigned from office in exchange for a way out.

This was not an operation or a relationship, but what Gu Jinnian did, which made Xu Ping completely understand what justice and righteousness are.

The Ministry of Punishment is meant to uphold justice.

Failure to do justice to justice is the real fault of the Ministry of Punishment.

As Xu Ping knelt down.

In an instant, another figure appeared.

"My lord, Yang Kai, the Minister of Rites of Daxia, would like to ask for Gu Jinnian's orders today."

"If you were to ask the prince to kill me, I wouldn't be able to serve as an official."

"How can you be an official in the Ministry of Rites if you know etiquette but don't know etiquette?"

The Minister of Rites came forward.

He resolutely came forward to plead for Gu Jinnian's life.

The two ministers petitioned for Gu Jinnian's orders, which was really awe-inspiring.

next moment.

An extremely loud voice sounded.

It's Jiang Yezhou.

He clenched his fists, walked out from the crowd, and roared loudly.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is devoted to the people and has committed no sins."

"Those who work for everyone should not let them die in the wind and snow."

“He who clears the way for the people must not make them trapped in thorns.”

"Students sincerely request Your Majesty to show mercy and forgive the Crown Prince."

Jiang Yezhou yelled.

There were tears in his eyes.

Clenching his fists tightly, he knew everything better than anyone else, he remembered it vividly.

So it was impossible for him to remain silent.

When he finished speaking.

Suddenly, all the students of Daxia Academy took a step forward and pulled up long pieces of white cloth.

On top of the cloth is a letter written in blood.

Wang Fugui and others unfolded their plans, then knelt on the ground to express their attitude.

As the students from Daxia Academy came out.

One after another, figures followed out of the queue.

He is a scholar in Kyoto.

They are the people in Kyoto.

They were infected, and they all took a step forward and knelt down towards the palace.

This scene is enough to be passed down from generation to generation.

"Do you still want to kill?"

At this moment, Emperor Yongsheng's voice sounded.

In the palace, it resounded throughout Kyoto.

He is questioning.

Question the Eight Kings.

He was also questioning those who wanted to put Gu Jinnian to death.

They hide behind and dare not come forward.

But it did not prevent Emperor Yongsheng from questioning him.

Hearing Emperor Yongsheng's voice, the eight kings all looked a little ugly.

"His Majesty."

"The laws of the country cannot be messed with."

The voice of the Eight Kings sounded.

The attitude remains unchanged.

Still have to be beheaded.

Still have to kill.

Gu Jinnian must be killed.

But at this moment, two figures rushed over quickly, driving a carriage, appearing at the critical moment.

"The last general is Xu Jin."

"The last general Wang Peng."

"Today we will go to the execution ground with a joint roster of 300,000 Shankui troops."

"All the officers and men of Shankui Army are willing to ask for orders for His Royal Highness."

"I hope your majesty will show mercy."

It's Xu Jin and Wang Peng.

Ever since they learned that Gu Jinnian was going to be executed, Xu Jin and Wang Peng summoned an army of 300,000 men and jointly signed a petition asking for mercy outside the law.

In the past seven days, they rushed here almost non-stop to plead for Gu Jinnian's life.

"No matter how much you ask for help, it's useless."

"Gu Jinnian committed a heinous crime."

"He must be interrogated and beheaded today, otherwise God will not allow it."

The prince said that he really wanted Gu Jinnian to die.

But, when he finished saying this.

In all directions, figures appeared one after another.

It's the common people.

Ordinary people.

They walked towards the execution ground, their movements a little slow, but their eyes were firm.

"Are they from Jiangning County?"

"Are they citizens of Jiangning County?"

Someone exclaimed, recognizing who they were.

He is a citizen of Jiangning County.

People who almost died in the flood.


Their sudden appearance really surprised many people.

To be able to appear like this, it is obvious that someone is helping behind the scenes, otherwise so many people would not be able to come.

The people of Jiangning County came.

They came to Gu Jinnian and knelt down together. They were speechless, but their faces were full of tears. They didn't say a word, but their eyes were firm.

At this time, they raised the banners in their hands.

Please pray for your son.

At first, they were hit by floods and rice was as expensive as gold.

In despair.

It was Gu Jinnian who solved their problems.

In the midst of crying.

It was Gu Jinnian who wiped their wounds.

Before dying.

It was Gu Jinnian who gave them the final push.

No one speaks for the lower class people like them.

No one cares about the lower class people like them.

In the year of natural disasters, the government and businessmen collude, and the common people are exploited, turning it into a hell on earth.


Gu Jinnian had no hesitation and did not hesitate to offend the so-called powerful people.

He stood up.

Do justice to them.

And today.

The people of Jiangning County also want to come and provide justice for Gu Jinnian.

"Li Da, a common man and a native of Jiangling County, will die with the crown prince today."

The leader of the old man spoke, although he had never met Gu Jinnian, but since the flood disaster was calmed down, the three words Gu Jinnian could not be erased from his heart.

He knew that without Gu Jinnian, his whole family would have died in the flood.

Seven days ago, he learned that Gu Jinnian was going to be executed, and he was still seeking justice for the people. He was extremely anxious. Fortunately, someone came to Jiangning Mansion and took them to Kyoto.

Keren spoke softly, knowing that no matter what he said, he would not be able to help Gu Jinnian.

Therefore, he chose the safest and most drastic way to help Gu Jinnian.

Rather than plead guilty.

It is better to die together.

Let's see if the imperial court dares to do this.

As his voice sounded.

Soon, a deafening sound sounded.

"Wang Li, a grassroots citizen and a person from Jiangning County, will die with the crown prince today."

"Xu Ye, a common man from Jiangning County, will die with the crown prince today."

"He Zhitang, a common man from Jiangning County, will die with the crown prince today."

Voices sounded one after another.

It is the people of Jiangning County who have come to repay their kindness.

Gu Jinnian saved them from the fire and water.

Today, they risked their lives to save each other.

Yesterday, you risked your life and death for the people.

Today, the people are risking their lives for you.

This is cause and effect.

The mighty voice resounded throughout Daxia Kyoto.

Countless people were in tears at this moment.

Daxia students also spoke one after another at this moment and knelt down to worship the palace.

"Student Jiang Yezhou, a person from Kyoto, today, I am willing to die together with the prince."

"Student Wang Fugui, a native of Suzhou, today, is willing to die with the prince."

"Student Wang Xinzhi, a native of Kyoto, today, is willing to die with the crown prince."

The pride of Daxia scholars was revealed at this moment.

Following their voices.

There are new voices.

"Li Jing, a commoner woman and a member of Bailu Mansion, is willing to die with the prince today."

"Zhou Lai, a civilian woman and a member of Bailu Mansion, is willing to die with the prince today."

He is from Bailu Mansion.

At a glance, more than three thousand people from Bailu Mansion were walking quickly, most of them were women. They were kneeling on the ground, willing to die together for Gu Jinnian.

How generous this is.

How shocking this is.

One person can make all people die together.

He will die without regrets in this life.

On the execution ground.

Gu Jinnian couldn't stop crying.

He is for the people and only wants justice in his heart.

But the people's repayment made him regret nothing.

At this moment, he understood too many truths, which were not found in the book.

You are a boat.

People are water.

This general public opinion, like the spring sun, warmed Gu Jinnian's heart.

all of these.

It's all worth it.

This heart is so bright, what else can I say?

Looking at all this.

The people of Kyoto were completely unable to sit still.

One by one, the people of Kyoto knelt down, willing to die together with the prince.

One by one, officials knelt down and begged His Majesty to show mercy.

this moment.

Public opinion is overwhelming.

"Gu Jinnian, to kill or not to kill?"

In the palace, Emperor Yongsheng spoke again.

Still questioning.


"The laws of the country must not be messed with."

"Your Majesty, please put the country's foundation first."

The voice of King Chu sounded.

He had always insisted on killing Gu Jinnian. Even at this moment, he still asked Your Majesty to kill Gu Jinnian.

But at this moment.

The thunder of Emperor Yongsheng sounded.

"I didn't ask you."

"I'm asking about the people of Daxia."

"What qualifications do you have to dictate here?"

It was accompanied by the sound of thunder.

The Bawang's expression changed instantly.

Because they knew that Emperor Yongsheng was going to change his mind.

"Gu Jinnian, to kill or not to kill?"

A loud voice sounded.

The most noble person from Daxia.

"No beheading."

The roar of all the people rang out.

Give the strongest and most direct answer.

"Gu Jinnian, guilty or not guilty?"

Emperor Yongsheng asked again.

"Not guilty."

The deafening sound sounded again.

This is the attitude of the people.

After getting a satisfactory answer.

Emperor Yongsheng did not speak in a hurry, but waited quietly.

Waiting for the most crucial sound.


This voice sounded.

"I, Gu Yuan, taught me poorly, which caused my grandson Gu Jinnian to violate the national law. I would like to request an order to go to the border to avoid this mistake for my grandson Gu Jinnian. I hope your majesty will be merciful and forgive him for his mistake."

He is the Duke of Zhenguo.

At the most critical moment, Duke Zhen came forward.

All people petition.

Gu Jinnian could escape the death penalty, but severe punishment was inevitable, but Emperor Yongsheng did not want to impose any punishment at all.

This was something he had negotiated with the Duke of Zhen.

The Duke of Zhenguo was about to go to the border to fight with the Huns, but now he took the initiative to petition. Firstly, he could silence the court, and secondly, he could reassure the people.

After all, Gu Jinnian did indeed violate the national law.

This is the first and must be the last. If anyone dares to do this, they must be prepared, unless it can also make the people petition and the Duke petition.

If not, it is a capital offense.

Got a reply from the Duke of Zhen.

Emperor Yongsheng spoke.

"Preach my will."

"Gu Jinnian, the grandson of the Duke of Zhen, redressed the grievances of the people and made great achievements. However, because he violated the national law, he deserves death."

"It is worth remembering that petitions from all the people have never happened before. Taizu taught us that the country is a boat and the people are water. This is irreversible."

"It will be up to the princess to mobilize a petition to protect the family and the country of the Great Xia Dynasty, and to make a great contribution to the world. Due to various factors, I have broken the innate precedent and forgive Gu Jinnian for his innocence."

"But you must keep this in mind. You must not do it again in the future. If you do it again, I will kill you."

Emperor Yongsheng's voice sounded.

When the sound falls.

In an instant, carnival sounds rang out in Kyoto.

The whole of Kyoto was completely boiling.

This is a victory.

A victory for the people.

A just victory.

"Long live your Majesty!"

"Long live your Majesty!"

The shouts reached the Daxia Palace.

In the Hall of Nourishing Heart.

Listening to the praises from all the people, Emperor Yongsheng was extremely excited.

But he still took a deep breath to calm down his mood.

Looking at the execution ground.

"Jinnian, Jinnian."

"Uncle will try his best to help you this time."

"If you don't order it for uncle, you'd be really unkind."

Emperor Yongsheng murmured to himself.

Gu Jinnian caused a huge disaster this time. To be honest, Emperor Yongsheng did a lot of things.

People from Bailu Mansion and Jiangning County could reach Kyoto so quickly. Without his will, who could do it?

Fortunately, the final result is good.

Moreover, as my nephew, he even wrote a righteous song.

This is really amazing.


In the sound of cheers from all the people.

Outside the Penal Department Prison.

The stone tablet inscribed with the song of righteousness suddenly took off.

Turn into a beam of light.

Appears above the execution ground.

Then, it was like an extremely bright star.

A terrifying talent.

It turned into pure white aura of righteousness and poured into Gu Jinnian's body.

And the ancient tree inside Gu Jinnian's body.

At this moment, earth-shattering changes occurred.

The ancient trees are changing.

And he is not only upright and upright.

A ray of light condensed within the bodies of all the people.

This is public opinion.

Public opinion is like a sea, gathering in Gu Jinnian's body.

Such a scene made many people curious——

There is another update today.

That counts as the end of this story.

What I fear most every day when I get up now is seeing Wuya’s private chats.

They came to check on me every hour, and even offered to videotape me to see if I was coding.

I really admire this guy.

Then a friendly reminder, this story is over, the next story is "Li Yan", the Kong family Li Yan, don't leave in a hurry ~ the excitement continues!

Thanks to Shu Z Lin leader for the reward!

Thank you bosses for your recent support!

Please give me more monthly votes!!!! I want to be the first in the single-day monthly votes. Yesterday I was only 200 votes away from being the first in the single-day votes. Can you guys help me a little bit today?

I’ll code another chapter in July!!!


I highly recommend the new work "I Got You" to my friends. It is an endless stream of horror and focuses on suspense reasoning. Two copies have been completed and are ready for slaughter!

This chapter has been completed!
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