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Chapter 114: Seal of Confucius, Dialogue Between Ancient and Modern, Blessing of Mandate of Heaven,

All the people are like a sea, condensing immeasurable light.

This is the power of public opinion.

Rays of light also bloomed in Jiangning County, rushing towards Daxia Kyoto.

More than that.

The stone tablet inscribed with the song of righteousness also condensed the vast righteousness like a sea, blessing Gu Jinnian's body.

This is great righteousness, not talent.

The ancient trees absorb these awe-inspiring righteousness and are also undergoing transformation.

Among the ancient trees, there are still thirty-six fruits of talent, which have not been refined and devoured before, and the specific situation is not known now.

It was at this time.

The appearance of Gu Jinnian's Wenfu was not caused by Gu Jinnian's initiative to gather Wenfu, but by the guidance of this awe-inspiring righteousness.

When Wenfu appears.

The song of righteousness turned into a big sun, shining on Wen Mansion.

At this moment.

Nine big stars are reflected in the sky.

This represents the eternal articles and eternal poems written by Gu Jinnian so far.

As for the stars that evolved from the Zhengguo poem, they were pushed aside and became embellishments.

Not only that, Gu Jinnian's five tanks also underwent transformation at this moment.

The previous chariot was bathed in golden light. It was a golden chariot, as dazzling as the sun.

But now the chariot began to transform and turned into a jade chariot.

The transformation of the jade chariot was accompanied by a rumbling sound. When people looked at it, some Confucian scholars even exclaimed.

"Why is there the sound of thousands of troops galloping?"

"Did you hear it just now? There was a sound of thousands of horses galloping."

"Why did His Highness the Crown Prince's Wenfu chariot begin to transform?"

People are curious, and some Confucian scholars even cannot understand it.

Soon, an old scholar spoke up and seemed to know something about the situation.

"This is a Confucian and Taoist vision."

"Only the ancient sages can condense the vision."

The old Confucian opened his mouth and revealed some difficult secrets.

As soon as he said this, it aroused everyone's curiosity.

"Didn't His Highness the Crown Prince use the Nine Refinements Chariot before? How come there are still changes?"

"Yes, didn't His Highness the Crown Prince refine the five chariots before? How come he has transformed again now?"

Everyone was puzzled and couldn't help but ask questions.

As soon as these words came out, the latter immediately explained slowly.

"Between heaven and earth, Confucian scholars can gather in the Wen Mansion to refine five chariots, and His Highness the Crown Prince can refine nine chariots. This is the ultimate transformation."

"But the vision of Confucianism and Taoism is different. Only the sages of heaven and earth can condense the vision of Confucianism and Taoism."

“Confucius condensed the vision of Confucianism and Taoism back then.”

"In other words, the four generations of saints have all condensed corresponding visions."

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is also condensing visions, and the future is unspeakable."

The old man opened his mouth and explained the matter.

After hearing this, people suddenly realized and looked at Gu Jinnian with eyes full of envy.

Inside the Wen Mansion.

The shadows of thousands of troops and horses have emerged, exuding a powerful momentum behind the jade chariot, especially the five figures standing above the jade chariot, which is the figure of Gu Jinnian.

"Popular opinion can transform thousands of troops and horses, and talent can unite the chariot. The awe-inspiring righteousness can control the five directions. One person can equal the strength of thousands of troops."

"I admire you, I admire you."

"Why do I have the illusion that if I open the Wen Mansion at the same time, I will be directly suppressed by him?"

"Don't talk about you. I feel that even a great scholar would be ruthlessly suppressed by him in front of him."

"This is an anomaly of Confucianism and Taoism. It is something that only the ancient sages and sages had. The great Confucians are indeed not good at it."

People lamented that Gu Jinnian's redress for people's justice this time was not just as simple as winning people's hearts, but also had many benefits.

For example, Wenfu was re-exercised, and the people's hearts turned into thousands of troops, evolving the Wenfu vision, and achieving achievements that could only be achieved by ancient sages.

The song of righteousness turned into the sun, and nine big stars twinkled above the sky of Wen Mansion, reflecting the beautiful year of Wen Mansion.

It was at this time.

The awe-inspiring righteousness released by the stone tablet gathered in the sky above Wen Mansion.

The blazing light was a bit dazzling, and many people looked at it, only to find that they couldn't see clearly what was going on.

A terrifying aura spread out from Gu Jinnian's Wen Mansion.

This atmosphere is only for readers.

Because ordinary people don't have any feelings, but scholars have feelings that they can't express.

Rather than fear, it seems to be a kind of awe from the heart.

"What is this?"

"What's going on?"

Many scholars are full of curiosity. The transformation of Wen Mansion has already surprised them, but they did not expect something strange to appear now.

"I really don't understand this time."

Even if the old man opens his mouth, it is impossible for him to understand everything.

I only came to understand the phenomenon of Confucianism and Taoism by reading some books by chance. The current situation is really puzzling.

Boom boom boom.

The terrifying awe-inspiring righteousness condensed in Gu Jinnian Wenfu, as if something was gestating.

Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

Not only them, but even the Eight Kings and Emperor Yongsheng couldn't help but pay attention with their martial arts powers.

They are also very curious about what is happening here.

Finally, after half an hour, Haoran's righteousness dissipated.

Instead, it was a ruler.

That's right.

It's just a ruler.

A three-inch long jade ruler.

"Why is it a ruler?"

"It's been brewing for so long, but it's just a ruler?"

People were surprised and a little puzzled.

After all, such a terrifying vision only gave birth to a three-inch jade ruler?

However, most scholars were curious, but some old Confucians seemed silent, although they did not know what it was.

But I always feel that there is something wrong. How can something born from such terrifying Haoran righteousness be of ordinary quality?

But what exactly it is, no one knows.


Suddenly, a scream sounded, causing everyone to be shocked.

"This is a sacred vessel of Confucianism and Taoism. This is a sacred vessel of Confucianism and Taoism."

"Isn't this a rumor? I didn't expect it to be true."

There was a middle-aged Confucian scholar. He pointed at this jade ruler and his voice was extremely fierce, as if he had seen something incredible.

Everyone was curious and looked at this person one after another, wondering what he meant.

Feeling everyone's gaze, the middle-aged Confucian scholar took a deep breath and tried to calm down his mood. Then he continued to speak, but his voice was still trembling.

"This is a sacred artifact of Confucianism and Taoism. It is said that when Confucius founded the lineage of Confucianism and Taoism, heaven and earth realized something and condensed nine sacred artifacts and presented them to Saint Kong."

"However, Confucius only took three pieces, and returned the remaining six to heaven and earth to be given to future generations. The three things he took are called Chunqiu Brush, Ancient and Modern Records, and Wentian Mirror."

"The writings of the Spring and Autumn Period can change the destiny of the dynasty; the ancient and modern records can comment on all the princes and generals; and the mysterious ways of heaven and earth can be understood by asking the sky mirror."

"It is precisely because of this that Kong Sheng is a person respected by all the dynasties in the world, and there are six sacred artifacts left. There are countless rumors. It is said that the three saints in later generations each took two, and some said they each took one."

"Right now, the one in Shizi Wen's mansion is one of them. If nothing goes wrong, it should be the Linglong Holy Ruler."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar seemed to have read some ancient books and knew this secret. He speculated that the ruler in Gu Jinnian's Wenfu was one of the legendary Nine Sacred Artifacts of Confucianism and Taoism.

This kind of thing is absolutely terrifying.

"Spring and Autumn Brushstrokes? Ancient and Modern Books? Asking Heavenly Mirror? Our Confucianism and Taoism actually have such a sacred object?"

"If we talk about the Nine Sacred Artifacts, I don't understand it yet, but when it comes to the Spring and Autumn Writing Brush, I know a little bit about it. This Spring and Autumn Writing Brush can change the fate of a dynasty. I have read an ancient book. At that time, Sage Kong traveled around the countries and found a country.

The folk customs are bad, and the people are like robbers, collecting money from people passing by."

"If there is a person with good looks, he will directly plunder it and not be a human being. Therefore, in anger, Saint Kong wrote an article with the Spring and Autumn Period pen, directly destroying the national destiny of his country. In less than half a year, the country was destroyed, and the people

The common people also suffered misfortune and were completely wiped out in history."

Someone said that he didn't know the legend of the Nine Sacred Artifacts, but he had done some research on the Spring and Autumn Brush Pen and told some stories.

After hearing this, people were amazed, after all, this thing sounded like a myth.

However, everyone can also understand that in the era of kingdoms, sometimes a hundred thousand people constituted a country, so it was naturally possible to weaken a country.

As the topic unfolded, more and more people spoke out.

"The Spring and Autumn Brush Pen is a sacred instrument, and it is said that it is in the Confucius family."

"Yes, I have also heard that the Confucius family has something for saints. I think it is the Spring and Autumn Brush Pen, Ancient and Modern Books, and Wentian Mirror."

"It is possible, but these three sacred objects should have been enshrined in the ancestral temple. They are the foundation of the Confucius family. If there is no big deal, they will not be born."

"There are several sacred objects of the Confucius family. I don't know about this, but there is one thing I still know, and that is the ancient and modern books. Have you forgotten that when Taizu ascended the throne, there was a strange phenomenon in the heaven and earth?"

People began to talk a lot and speculate about the Kong family.

But until someone spoke up, he said with great certainty that the Confucius family had a sacred object.

That is the ancient and modern book.

There is even mention of Taizu ascending the throne.

Indeed, when Daxia was founded, Taizu ascended the throne, there were thousands of auspicious clouds, and a golden dragon appeared, signaling auspicious signs to the world.

This incident happened decades ago, and a small number of people in Kyoto still have a very strong impression of it.

After all, at that time, it was very rare to see some strange phenomena and wonders, unlike now, where there are so many strange phenomena all the time.

So they are very envious of these young people. After all, they may see more visions in the future.

"You mean to say that after Emperor Taizu ascended the throne, the Kong family used ancient and modern records to judge Emperor Taizu?"

Someone was curious and couldn't help but ask.


"There is a possibility that the ancient and modern records can comment on all the princes and generals from ancient to modern times. If you have a good reputation, it will increase the fortune of the dynasty. If you have a bad reputation, it will decrease the fortune of the dynasty, and everyone in the world will recognize it."

The other party replied that he thought it was very likely.

For a moment, countless people were shocked, and at the same time they completely understood why the Kong family's status was so high.

It turns out that it is not just as simple as respecting the saints.

Holding the Spring and Autumn Pen in hand can cut the luck of the dynasty.

There are also ancient and modern books that can be used to evaluate princes and generals. Although the will of heaven and earth dominates, human beings can also interfere with it.

This is a big killer.

"Then what is the function of the sky mirror?"

Someone asked again, very curious.

"That's not clear. According to rumors, the Wentian Realm leads to a holy realm where one can understand the mysterious ways of heaven and earth. Confucius entered the holy realm back then, comprehended heaven and earth, and thus perfected Confucianism and Taoism."

"Later, it also became a great killing weapon, capable of killing all monsters and monsters. These three sacred objects should be in the Kong family."

"I see, but why haven't I seen it before?"

"Yes, I haven't seen the Kong family use it for so many years? Why is this?"

"When the monsters caused trouble in Jiangning County, why didn't the Kong family kill the monsters with the Heavenly Mirror?"

Questions rang out one after another.

Full of curiosity.

Since there is a sacred object, why not use it to kill the enemy?

"It's not clear. Maybe it's because activating these holy objects requires a certain price. Other than that, I can't think of other possibilities."

"Well, this argument works."

"Is this the reason why the Kong family has not collapsed for thousands of years? It's really terrifying."

"It doesn't just rely on holy objects and the will of saints to last forever."

"Yes Yes Yes."

They were discussing, and the Kong family was brought up again. Some people sighed subconsciously, but immediately realized the problem and apologized quickly.

This is the status of the Kong family.

It makes people dare not say anything.

"We are not talking about the Kong family now. What is the use of His Royal Highness's exquisite holy ruler?"

"Yes, what is the function of this Exquisite Holy Ruler?"

"Spring and Autumn Brush, Ancient and Modern Books, Wen Tian Mirror, all of them have such magical powers, what is the use of this exquisite holy ruler?"

Voices sounded one after another.

Many people were fascinated by what they heard, and what they said was more exciting than those told by the storytellers on the bridge. Naturally, they also became curious.

I want to know what the function of Gu Jinnian’s Exquisite Holy Ruler is.

"Let me think about it, I can't remember it all at once."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar frowned and thought hard.

Everyone looked at him, full of curiosity and expectation. After a moment, he patted his head and said excitedly.

"I remembered that the function of this exquisite holy ruler is to reduce the talents of others until they turn into mortals."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar spoke excitedly.

But as soon as he said this, all the scholars fell silent.

To undermine the talent of others?

Until it becomes mortal?

Does it have to be so scary?

What is most important to readers?

Official positions are secondary.

The most important thing is the realm of Confucianism and Taoism, and the talent within.

After all, scholars have a circle of scholars. Although some officials have high official positions, if they go to places where celebrities gather, they really are not enough.

The influence of Confucianism and Taoism is very strong. Although some high-ranking officials in the imperial court are not great Confucianists, in fact a lot of substantial power is controlled by scholars.

Especially some seemingly inconspicuous powers are tightly controlled by scholars.

Just like the Ministry of Accounts.

The allocation of one million taels of silver must have been made by the Minister of Household Affairs.

But what about that small amount of funding?

This county government costs 3,000 taels, that county government costs 5,000 taels, and there is a county government over there that costs 10,000 taels. There are at least seven or eight county governments in a prefecture. This kind of allocation alone is not included every year.

Its number.

Then who will approve this kind of several thousand taels of silver?

The Minister of Household Affairs will come to approve it?

The answer is definitely impossible, it will be done by the people below, but how much profit will there be?

Therefore, what scholars value most is talent and Confucianism and Taoism.

If you have the realm of Confucianism and Taoism, as long as you don't be too arrogant and find a teacher as a supporter, you can be an official and be respected by others, and people will give you face wherever you go.

The Linglong Holy Ruler in Gu Jinnian's Wen Mansion can directly reduce the talent of others. Once the talent is reduced, even great scholars are afraid.

Becoming a great scholar is not a simple matter.

This thing is simply a big killer, a big killer in the eyes of scholars.

Having this is tantamount to knowing the weaknesses of the scholars in the world. Whoever dares not to follow them will have their talents diminished.

"With such a divine object, who among the scholars in the world would dare to provoke His Highness the Crown Prince?"

Some people clicked their tongues and sighed deeply.

"Not that much."

"The Exquisite Holy Ruler can certainly reduce the talent of others, but there must also be a reason to be recognized by the Holy Ruler. If it is recognized, it will reduce their talent."

"Otherwise, you have to trade talent for talent. How much talent you lose will reduce your own talent."

"So if you have no guilt in your heart, there is no need to worry about this."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar continued to speak, thinking that it was not as scary as he imagined.

But he had just finished speaking.

A huge amount of talent poured into Gu Jinnian's body. In the Wen Mansion, the talent was like a sea, seemingly endless.

At this moment, the scholars who came to watch were silent.

"Don't panic, everyone. These talents can only kill dozens of great scholars at most. It's nothing."

"Besides, we have a clear conscience and no need to worry, and His Royal Highness is definitely not the kind of person who messes around."

"Don't panic, don't panic."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar continued to speak, telling everyone not to panic.

In fact, what he said at the beginning was okay, but the last sentence, His Royal Highness was definitely not the kind of person who messed around, made everyone even more silent.

Do you dare to mobilize 200,000 troops without causing chaos?

Feeling the attention of everyone, the middle-aged Confucian scholar coughed slightly and then continued to speak.

"Actually, it's not a bad thing to have one's talents reduced. It is said that some sages lost their talents, studied Confucianism again, and after some training, became quasi-sages. This is clearly recorded."

"If you have the courage, you can give it a try. Maybe you will become a saint by accident."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar continued, hoping that everyone would not be so negative or panic.

But as soon as he said this, everyone became even more silent.

Good guy, is it worth it if you force yourself?

"Sir, why don't you go up and give it a try? Let me wait and see?"

Someone spoke up and looked at the middle-aged Confucian scholar saying this. At first, I thought this man was quite good and explained a lot of knowledge to everyone.

What I didn't expect was that this guy was just talking nonsense here.

"I won't try. I've been studying for fifteen years, and I still haven't gathered my talents."

"If you have talent, you can give it a try."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar was a little ashamed.

As soon as this was said, everyone had nothing to say. They didn't even condense their talent and were just talking nonsense here.

"May I ask your name, sir?"

"How do you know so much about Confucianism and Taoism?"

However, some people are curious about the background of this middle-aged Confucian scholar, and how this middle-aged Confucian scholar actually knows such a secret matter.

Upon hearing this, many people were curious.

After all, what the middle-aged Confucian scholars said were all secrets among secrets, and they really didn’t know.

"My wife Xu Qiyue, a person from Yuzhang, usually likes to read some gossip about ancient affairs. If you have the same interest, you can go to Xu's home to study together."

"Women first."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar smiled slightly and added a special sentence at the end.

No one said anything.

But I also wrote down the name of Xu Qiyue. After all, a person who knows so many things is definitely not as simple as he seems on the surface.

This is a secret.

And on the execution ground.

Gu Jinnian is realizing something.

His Wenfu has undergone a new transformation, but the vision of thousands of troops is still changing. He feels that he needs to make a statement before the vision can be condensed.

As for the ancient trees, they have also undergone tremendous changes.

The awe-inspiring righteousness surrounded the ancient trees, making them hazy, as if they were giving birth to something.

He didn't know what the changes were for the time being, but Gu Jinnian could feel that the ancient tree would undergo a huge transformation this time, and he might also be able to know some of the ancient tree's secrets.

The only pity is that I didn't pick the fruit from the ancient tree, and I don't know what it will become after the transformation.

But what really shocked Gu Jinnian was not the transformation of the ancient tree, but a figure standing under the ancient tree.

The figure seems to run through the past and present, and it seems to be an existence that has stepped out of the long river of time. It is more like a ray of projection reflected by the ancient sages.

It's Kong Sheng.

Gu Jinnian watched carefully and finally got the result.

He had seen the statue of Confucius and compared the two, they matched perfectly.

And with the influx of Haoran's righteousness, a large amount of information did not enter his mind.

The song of righteousness awakened a trace of Kong Sheng's mark, and now this trace of mark can be completely revived with the help of this terrifying awe-inspiring righteousness.

This is what really shocked Gu Jinnian.

In fact, the song of righteousness was originally intended to awaken the will of the saint, but due to the ancient tree, the will of the saint did not appear.

But it left a mark.

Under the nourishment of Haoran's righteousness, this brand will summon the real Confucius.

Across time and space.

Meet him.

Gu Jinnian was a little shocked. If he relied on the song of righteousness to awaken the saint's will, which was the will imprinted by heaven and earth, it would attract some visions, and then give him approval, and that would be it.

But now, we only need to wait for this brand to awaken before we can truly invite Saint Kong out.

Let’s have a dialogue between ancient and modern times.

This is no small matter. Although it does not take long, it is enough.

Listening to the teachings of saints is a good thing for yourself.

He is indeed a little confused now, especially confused about Li Yan.

And if you use it well, at the critical moment, Confucius will come, spanning ancient and modern times, and you can clear away some troubles for yourself.

More than that.

The thing about Kong Sheng’s brand is shocking, but there is another thing that is even more shocking.

That is the exquisite holy ruler that appeared in his Wenfu.

This is a sacred weapon of Confucianism and Taoism, which can weaken people's talents.

It's exactly the same as what Xu Qiyue said, but there is another ability that Xu Qiyue doesn't know about.

Use ruler to correct Confucianism.

The exquisite holy ruler is a sacred object for measuring scholars in the world. Those who hold this ruler can correct the Confucian scholars in the world.

Define the realm of Confucianism and Taoism.


Define the realm of Confucianism and Taoism.

With this ruler, you can redefine whatever realm you step into.

It's like the first level of Confucianism and Taoism, called Qi Condensation.

How to condense Qi?

In the end, is it necessary to read more books by saints and sages in order to condense one’s energy?

Or do you want to understand the meaning of the sages?

This is established by heaven and earth, but the Exquisite Holy Ruler can be changed, redefined, and remeasured.

You only need to reach the second realm to redefine it.

The only limitation is that you need to be able to do it yourself, and you need to be recognized by heaven and earth.

Otherwise, if it is established that one can only condense Qi after one hundred years of age, then Confucianism and Taoism will simply disappear.

Within a reasonable range, if heaven and earth recognize it, then it will become the standard for measuring Confucianism in the world. Those who have reached the realm do not need to practice again, but those who have not reached the realm must follow Gu Jinnian's establishment.

In other words, this Exquisite Holy Ruler has a great effect. It is trivial to reduce talents. Defining the realm of Confucianism and Taoism is the real big deal.

It is something that the Confucius fear.

Of course, Gu Jinnian also felt that he only had one chance, and he could only define it once, once for each realm. If he was not recognized by heaven and earth, he would also lose his qualifications.

I am now in the second realm of Confucianism and Taoism, and I can define the first realm of Confucianism and Taoism.

But Gu Jinnian is not in a hurry. He must consider such a big matter carefully and not be affected by it in any way.

After all, if one arbitrarily defines the realm of Confucianism and Taoism because of temporary anger or temporary happiness, it will not be a good thing for the world.

And even if the definition is successful, there will be an assessment period for heaven and earth. If there are indeed changes during this period, and they are good changes, then it will be stable.

If the change is in the wrong direction during this period, it will be changed again.

So you must think it over carefully and understand it carefully, and you must not be hasty.

The harvest from this trip is really great.

The transformation of ancient trees.

Mark of Kong Sheng.

Exquisite Holy Ruler.

What a good thing.

However, Gu Jinnian had just heard everyone's comments and became extremely interested in the Nine Sacred Artifacts of Confucianism and Taoism.

He also understood why the Kong family could become such a giant.

Originally, Gu Jinnian thought that he relied on the protection of the saints and the brilliance of the saints, so that he could enjoy the blessing of luck and be treated with courtesy by the kings of various countries.

I didn't expect it was because of this thing.

Nine Sacred Artifacts.

It is indeed remarkable. The Spring and Autumn Pen can judge the fate of a country. The ancient and modern books can judge the merits and demerits of kings. Ask the mirror of the sky and understand the mysteries of heaven and earth.

With these three things, the dynasties of the world must give face to the Confucius family. Otherwise, they will write eloquently and undermine the destiny of a country. After your death, they will directly judge you as a tyrant, which may cause some controversy in the world.

But thousands of years later, the world will not know what you have done, and history books are always written by victors and scholars.

Thousands of years later, the dynasty has changed, and the victors have changed. And scholars can completely smear you. Isn't it easy for these thousand-year-old families to smear an emperor?

The emperor is not a saint, he always does something wrong, right?

Magnify the things you have done wrong infinitely, add more fuel and jealousy, and write outrageous stories in them. In this way, it becomes an allusion, and you will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

This is something that any king is afraid of.

"With the help of these three sacred objects, the Kong family is indeed in an invincible position."

Gu Jinnian sighed in his heart. It was really a good thing to have a good ancestor in his family. He left behind three holy objects, which would be enough for future generations to enjoy for thousands of years.

But at this moment.

Just when I thought everything was going to be over, suddenly, a beam of golden light shot out from the Great Xia Palace.

"It's destiny."

"This is destiny."

"Is it fate in the summer?"

People exclaimed, they were really shocked today. After His Majesty was acquitted, heaven and earth gave him rewards. Not only was he blessed by the awe-inspiring righteousness, he turned into an exquisite holy ruler, and now he has received the blessing of destiny?

This is really a bumper harvest.

The golden destiny was absorbed into Gu Jinnian's body.

Counting the destiny obtained at the Daxia Poetry Society, Gu Jinnian already has three destiny in his body.

The three strands of destiny are running in the body, which looks very strange.

Gu Jinnian still doesn't know what the role of destiny is. At present, he only knows that he has destiny and is protected by heaven and earth.

As long as he has not committed anything that is outrageous to both humans and gods, he cannot be killed.

Similar to what is happening today, if the Daxia Dynasty killed Gu Jinnian, it would also suffer a backlash from luck, but for a dynasty, the impact would not be particularly great.

After all, Gu Jinnian is a citizen of Daxia, and his destiny is due to the Daxia Dynasty, so his influence will be much reduced.

Furthermore, if it is not tolerated by the national law, the heaven and earth will respond to it, and the backlash will not be too severe.

But all this is based on the fact that everyone thinks that Gu Jinnian has only one destiny.

Counting this one, there are three.

Your Majesty should know, and Mr. Wenjing should also know.

Therefore, the mistakes he made were not punishable by death, Gu Jinnian understood this.

But what he did today was to risk death and live again, hoping to gain enlightenment.

It's a pity that, perhaps because I had some confidence in my heart, I didn't achieve that kind of epiphany between life and death.

If you really have the epiphany of life and death, perhaps your Confucianism and Taoism will truly enter the third realm, where you will know the sage and establish his words.

And it must be a statement that shocks the past and the present.

At this time, put aside distracting thoughts.

this moment.

Gu Jinnian restrained all his brilliance.

Wenfu disappeared.

The light is restrained.

The stone tablet inscribed with the song of righteousness also slowly fell down and stood in the middle of the execution ground.

"Gu thanked you all for what happened today. Gu will definitely remember this in his heart."

"Everyone, Gu cannot say anything or promise anything. If those who help Gu today encounter injustice in the future, they can come to the Duke's Mansion. Gu will do his best and will help you redress your grievances."

Gu Jinnian spoke.

He bowed deeply to everyone present.

Gu Jinnian did not repay everyone's kindness and used gold and silver to express his gratitude, which seemed vulgar, so he promised everyone.

If you have any grievances in the future, you can come to the Duke's Mansion to find him, which can be regarded as repaying this kindness.

"The prince is eternal."

Everyone stood up and bowed deeply to Gu Jinnian.

Their faces were full of joy.

But it was not because of Gu Jinnian's promise, but sincerely, because he was happy because Gu Jinnian was exempted from guilt.

"Brother Wang."

"Help me settle these people, and all expenses will be paid by Brother Yu."

"It must be arranged properly. If anyone wants to stay in Kyoto for fun, they must be taken care of properly. When they go back, prepare some simple gifts."

After thanking him, Gu Jinnian walked down the execution ground. He came to Wang Fugui and said so in a suppressed voice.

It was not easy for the people to come here this time. He wanted to entertain the people well, but he still had some things to do, so he couldn't spare the time, so he could only let Wang Fugui take his place.

"Brother Gu, don't worry, I'll leave this matter to Brother Yu."

Wang Fugui nodded and wiped the tears on his face, looking full of joy.

in this way.

Gu Jinnian came to Xu Ping and Yang Kai again.

Gu Jinnian made a ceremony to express his gratitude to the two of them.

"I am helping you today out of our conscience, not because of your identity or your talent. If you really commit a serious crime, I will never help you."

Xu Ping opened his mouth and said so.

Yang Kai nodded and didn't say much. He probably had the same thoughts as Xu Ping.

"Thank you two adults."

Gu Jinnian didn't say much, but he would keep this kindness in his heart.

After it was over, a figure came quickly.

It's Liu Yan's figure.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty, please come to the palace."

Liu Yan opened his mouth and said respectfully.

"Enter the palace?"

Gu Jinnian was slightly stunned. He was still thinking about going home. The old man had to go to the border for himself. It seemed that he would leave soon, so he wanted to go back early and talk to his grandfather.

Unexpectedly, His Majesty called me over in a hurry.


Gu Jinnian nodded and followed directly without saying anything else.

After that, the Ministry of Punishment also let the people disperse in an orderly manner to avoid other troubles.

Naturally, major restaurants in Kyoto will not miss this festive time.

"Your Majesty will pardon the Crown Prince today. This is my great blessing. Today the restaurant is half price and the wine is half price."

"Your Majesty is exempted from guilt and has redressed the injustice of the people. The shopkeeper has spoken. Today, the restaurant will offer 30% discount and 30% discount on drinking wine."

"My family has a discount, my family has a discount, everyone come and have a drink to celebrate."

"Hey guys, are you starting a price war? My family is drinking for free, just to celebrate."

The major restaurants were very lively, and they lowered their prices one after another to have fun together.

Suddenly, Kyoto seemed extremely lively, and the people also bought into the idea, drinking together and chatting about today's events.

And he is not stingy either. He will give some money to the waiter, and he will not take advantage of him.

It is different from the joy in Kyoto.

Inside the side hall of the palace.

The faces of the eight kings were very strange. King Chu's face was the gloomiest. Some of them had ugly faces, but the other four kings looked helpless.

"I have long said that Your Majesty cannot kill Gu Jinnian. He has a destiny, and in addition to this matter, he will ultimately avenge the people."

"It's okay now. He's not dead. We're being hated. Sooner or later, this Gu Jinnian will take over the power. We won't be able to get over it when we look back."

When King Nanping spoke, he was the most helpless.

In fact, he didn't want to come at first, but he was dragged over by these people.

It's fine now, it's okay if things don't work out.

He was also resented. Being resented by Gu Jinnian was equivalent to being resented by the Duke of Zhenguo.

The loss is too great.

"What's the use of saying this now?"

"Since we have offended him, we will offend him to the end. Everyone, don't even think about making peace now. You can see who Gu Jinnian is."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before Gu Jinnian will find me and cause trouble."

"This feud has been settled. None of us can escape."

The King of Chu opened his mouth and angrily rebuked King Nanping.

"The knot is over? How should we deal with it? Now he has the destiny, the Confucianism and Taoism, and the will of the people. What can we fight with him?"

"If Duke Zhen Guo makes military exploits at the border this time, we will be in even greater trouble. According to my opinion, it is better to negotiate peace now."

King Nanping said this, looking helpless.

"Talk about peace?"

"King Nanping, where has your ambition gone? Although Gu Jinnian has won the hearts of the people and his destiny, what can he do to me?"

"We are the king of Daxia, the real royal family, directly related to the Li family. He, Gu Jinnian, is just a side branch. How can he touch us?"

"As for peace talks?"

"What kind of peace are we talking about? We are united to want him to die, not to impeach him or say something ugly. If we and the other seven are the ones asking Your Majesty to kill you today, after you survive, will you forgive me and the others?"

King Lu spoke with a cold voice.

As soon as he said this, King Nanping fell silent.

Because what King Lu said is right.

"so what should I do now?"

"Is it possible to say that I am just waiting to die?"

King Tang's voice sounded, a little helpless.

"Let's take a step to see. Before I go back, I will go to the Kong family to see what the Kong family means."

"If there is a new plan, I hope you will not back down. Now we and the eight kings will be prosperous and suffer."

The King of Chu spoke. Although he had no choice but to ask for peace, he was still unwilling.

For a moment, the eight kings were silent.

At the end, King Chen's voice couldn't help but sound.

"Gu Jinnian is not dead."

"Will they still wait for me?"

King Chen asked.

The voice sounded, and the other princes cheered up.

"We have tried our best, but the result is not something we can control."

"I guess they won't break their promise."

"We will exchange secret messages when the king returns."

The King of Chu stood up, and after saying these words, he left directly.

After King Chu left, the other seven kings looked a little strange, and the eyes of several kings were full of hesitation and complexity.

at the same time.

Daxia Qufu.

the Kongs.

Inside the Sage Pavilion.

Half of the seventy-two sages gathered together, which seemed extremely grand. Most of the sages and elders were still in other countries and could not return in a short time.

But with half the sages gathered together, many things can be decided.

The sages gathered today to discuss today's matters.

Gu Jinnian's righteous songs shocked the saints.

But this is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that Gu Jinnian obtained the Confucian and Taoist sacred artifact.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Kong family to convene a meeting in such a hurry just by relying on righteousness songs.

"Clan leader, Gu Jinnian has obtained the Linglong Holy Ruler. This is a big trouble for the Kong family."

"It is recorded in the holy book that this exquisite holy ruler can reduce the talents of people, and there are rumors that it may also have the magical effect of defining the Confucian and Taoist system."

"If Gu Jinnian targets my Kong family and uses the Holy Ruler, I'm afraid the Kong family will be in great trouble."

A voice sounded.

Looks ugly.

Inside the Sage Pavilion.

All the sages and elders showed ugly expressions.

Others don't know about the Linglong Holy Ruler, but it's impossible for the Kong family not to know about it.

The Confucian family has three Confucian and Taoist sacred objects.

Naturally, he also knew other sacred objects well, so he felt tremendous pressure.

Holy object.

This is one of the long-lasting foundations of Confucianism and Taoism.

Every sacred object possesses unparalleled power and transcends everything.

"Can Gu Jinnian be included in my Kong family?"

After a moment of silence.

There was a sound.

Raise this possibility.

"It's hard."

"Not to mention that the Gu family has a big feud with the Kong family, and Gu Jinnian is also hostile to my Kong family. It would be difficult for him to be a member of the Kong family."

A voice quickly replied that this plan was unlikely.

"You can give it a try."

"There will be a family dinner for the Kong family in a few days. You can definitely invite him."

"Or invite him in advance and talk to him in detail. The reason why Gu Jinnian is hostile to the Confucian family is entirely because his Confucianism and Taoism are too low. He doesn't know how strong the Confucian family is and how rich its foundation is."

"If we let him know, I think he will also be moved."

Another voice raised a different opinion.

"Not too possible."

"Kong Zhen was involved in the matter at Bailu Mansion. Gu Jinnian is afraid that he won't let Kong Zhen go."

"It's unlikely to win over, but you can try."

"If Gu Jinnian is willing to come, Sage Pavilion can make room for him. This is the greatest gift to him."

There was another voice.

He even used his position in the Sage Pavilion as a bargaining chip.

As soon as he said this, everyone nodded immediately. They believed that the position in the Sage Pavilion was extremely valuable and Gu Jinnian had no reason to refuse it.

But inside the cabinet.

Duke Chuan Sheng shook his head.

"I'm afraid Gu Jinnian won't like the position of Sage Pavilion."

"You should think of other ways."

These people have never met Gu Jinnian, so they will naturally have this illusion.

He has met Gu Jinnian and knows who Gu Jinnian is.

Let him join the Kong family?

Gu Jinnian would not agree.

As soon as he said these words, the Shengxian Pavilion became quiet.

After a while, a voice slowly sounded.

"You don't have to attract Gu Jinnian."

"This exquisite holy ruler is theoretically the property of a saint. We can make a deal with Gu Jinnian."

"Isn't the Holy Realm about to be opened? Let him enter the Holy Realm, give him a quota, and then give him the Saint's Manual in exchange for the Holy Artifact."

"This is the beauty of adulthood."

"A story for the ages."

A faint voice sounded.

For a moment, the elders of the Sage Pavilion frowned slightly.

"What if he doesn't agree?"

A voice sounded and asked,


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