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Chapter 136 Observer

Chapter 136 Observer

Exchanging technology is a good thing, but Mu Chenxing is not optimistic about this transaction.

The core function of the star ring is to build a huge space field, break through space barriers, and take the entire planet to complete a space jump.

The technical difficulty is very high, and it is very different from the space jump system on the Sky Blade battleship.

Super God Universe’s existing space jumping technology needs to find naturally existing weak points in space, and the starting point and exit point cannot be freely selected.

The star ring does not need it. In theory, as long as the energy and conduction system are sufficient to support it, it can jump to anywhere with the earth.

Of course, the exit point must be marked in advance, otherwise you will get lost in the vast universe.

Currently, Muchen Star only marks Proxima Centauri, because the energy utilization rate of the star ring is too low, and the energy extracted from the sun cannot break through the space jump of more than five light years.

Proxima Centauri, a three-star galaxy, is the best choice because it can extract stronger energy. The conduction system constructed of Uru metal is enough to support the energy load of extracting three stars at the same time.

As for the method of storing energy to drive space engines, we need to continue to advance in technology. Currently, there is no energy storage technology that surpasses stars, not even in the entire universe.

Among the genes of the Eternals, he believes that the most valuable is Cersei's material transformation.

Therefore, the space jump point must be within the star system. If it jumps to the dark area, it will be doomed. The general technology obtained in the blazing sun cannot extract stellar energy from ultra-long distances.

So he was particularly interested in material transformation.

How much electromagnetic force is generated by the human body? Why can it resist the 60 trillion tons of earth?

"These are biochemical robots, strong artificial intelligence." Mu Chenxing's answer dispelled her doubts.

With a strong body, high-speed flying, laser eyes, and absorbing energy to strengthen cells, isn't this a low-end version of Superman?


You know, even the 700 billion tons of the moon cannot escape the gravity of the earth. How can humans with only a few dozen kilograms be qualified to fight against the earth? Normally, we and the materials on the earth should be fixed by its gravity.

That's right.

Unfortunately, it was Ikaris's genes that produced the results. The analysis of Cersei's genes was much more difficult than expected. It was not as simple as the predicted recombinant atomic structure.

Then I discovered "acquaintances" in this world, Mark, Ran Bing, well... the others couldn't remember their names.

At this time, the Super God Universe is in a window of peace, and there is no movement from Marvel. The One Man Universe is transforming its army step by step, and the proud Yue Buqun has begun to write doctrines and prepare to open a dojo in Huashan.

Qiyuan is correcting the data. The dark energy driver of this universe has not been successfully run yet, and the dark information cannot be read for the time being. The name of others cannot be seen in the telekinesis scan.

My mentality at this time is completely different from before. I am not eager to find strength, but I want to see different social forms, experience novel stories, and meet interesting people.

It should be said that he was finally discovered after walking to the outer edge of the spacecraft.

A group of humans were retreating from the abandoned spaceship. Most of them were carrying boxes of supplies. After a few soldiers shot and killed, there were several exoskeleton mechas nearly two meters high that were fighting with a group of strange people.

Beast fight.

Gravity is the four basic forces of the universe. It is everywhere. It is a huge energy that can maintain the movement of celestial bodies, but its effect is unreasonably weak.

The topic of trading was dropped quietly and no one was embarrassed, which was good.

Most of Angel's artificial intelligence is built using thought coding, and some of it uses direct thought uploading. Your brain is not developed enough for that function, so you can't use it for the time being."

"The genes of these people show that they have survived for at least hundreds of thousands of years, which is so strange. No civilization in the known universe has existed for such a long time." She was particularly confused.


He knows this thing, a metamorphic pole-devouring beast - a snake dog.

Underfoot is a dilapidated spacecraft covered in dust. It has rough workmanship and poor technology and looks like it has been abandoned for decades.

Even the space controller of Mu Chenxing is only gathered and called on the spot. The energy actually stored is not much, and it is impossible to exceed the star anyway.

"Haha! The charm of this goddess is too great. A brat like you can't resist it. I've long been used to it." Although Reina's words were addressed to Mu Chenxing, she deliberately ran to Qilin and put on a show.

With a posture that charms all living beings, he and his old teammates got into a group of laughter.

Theoretically, angels can live until the end of the universe, but their civilization is only 100,000 years old, and the oldest existing angel is only over 30,000 years old.

His emotional intelligence is not that low.

Nothing happened, so Mu Chenxing decided to explore a new universe.

Running at super high speeds, building energy models, and healing biological cells are all technologies that have been eliminated for tens of thousands of years.

The telekinesis swept away, and all the pole-devouring beasts inside and outside the abandoned spaceship fell to the ground.

Why is the gravitational force that can maintain the movement of celestial bodies so much weaker than the electromagnetic force?

To plot against someone else's main god is a taboo.

Our carrying movements are actually a process of our own electromagnetic force resisting the earth's gravity.

The research value of other Eternals' genes is not high. Those abilities that can only move on the ground and cannot enter space are as useless as we see ants in Zhi Xin's eyes.

Even so, the space-jumping technology of the star ring is also the cutting-edge technology of the known universe. The only scientific research project that can be matched by Lieyang is the core technology of Sunlight.

I've never seen this kind of thing before.

"I don't even know about strong artificial intelligence if you don't tell me. Dead bodies cannot read thinking data, so there is no way to study it. Their genes are very strange, and their brain areas are not developed much. Instead, they absorb dark energy to strengthen body cells, and interact with

The evolutionary routes of existing civilizations are completely different.

Those places might just be ordinary worlds, or they might have special value, but he didn't know the specific information and didn't explore them at all.

"So it turns out that strong artificial intelligence is really needed to make self-judgments. The technology is really awesome. It's a pity that there are no living bodies." She raised her interest in research again.

No one dares to make such a decision.

Later, a new position was added to the structure of the Board of Directors, named Observer, under the supervision of the Chairman, and an exclusive communication channel was established.

Even though the data was very scattered and it was impossible to confirm the specific appearance of the high-dimensional world, he still saw something through the analysis of gravitational waves.

As soon as I set foot on the land of the third world, the fierce sound of gunfire, the roar of wild animals and the miserable screams of humans reached my ears.

"I'll tell you later. Now let's talk about the research results of these robots." Mu Chenxing didn't want to talk about traveling through the universe, nor did he want to lie.

Mu Chenxing didn't know the specific answer to this question, but he saw that gravitational waves penetrated into other dimensions, but electromagnetic force did not.

The Shangmin who was in charge of the battle and the Chenmin who were carrying supplies were all looking left and right in confusion. No one knew what was going on.

"You want me?!" She put her hands on her hips and said with pride on her face: "Young man has good taste!"

Then there is one more observer on each of the eight earths without directors.

They don't have time to live that long.

Reina is not stupid, she heard the implication. If she doesn’t want general technology, she just wants core technology.

"Then you are busy, I will leave first." After achieving his goal, Mu Chenxing said goodbye and left, returned to his residence, and began to make biochemical robots.

This is a hazy world, really hazy, with a huge sandstorm just a hundred kilometers away, a howling wind blowing in our face, surrounded by exposed rocks and barren land, without a trace of green.

There was a fierce fight down there, and he wasn't going to stand by and watch. We were all human beings, so we should help if we could.

The second world is even less interesting. Our ancestors were still climbing trees and picking fruits in the Great Rift Valley of East Africa. Their hairy bodies didn’t look good at all.

"Sister Na, you should think about it carefully. The value of this technology is very high. I don't like those general technologies." Mu Chenxing briefly introduced the functions of the star ring without mentioning the light of the sun.

He needs a group of eyes to help him discover it and also provide some early warning. Now that it has been located, he cannot let it go.

"There's someone up there!" Someone finally spotted Mu Chenxing at the top of the spacecraft.

"Hurry up and load the truck and retreat as soon as possible!" Mark loudly ordered the team members.

This will be a long-term and unclear issue.

He suspected that the void controller did not really subvert the conservation of mass and energy, but used high-dimensional power to rewrite the three-dimensional world.

"Have you ever thought clearly before speaking?" Mu Chenxing shook his head helplessly: "How did you blurt out such ambiguous words? If this word gets out, I guess Yaowen will have to fight me hard."

But he was too lazy to spend time investigating local people, let alone deal with those politicians, so he came up with the idea of ​​building a batch of biochemical robots.

Even if we can exchange for top-level space jumping technology, who would hand over the foundation to others?

So far, he has traveled through twelve universes, but the only ones with directors are Super God, Marvel, One Man and Xiaoao, and the other earths don't even have an eyeliner.

What really interests Zhi Xin is that the Eternals have lived for a very long time.

I want to improve the function of defining matter through research on Cersei's genes.

But it is impossible for them to hand over the core data of the civilization's main god for a space engine, which is the lifeblood of the entire civilization.

People from the Sun don't have this qualification.

The fierce fighting stopped instantly.

I am going to make a few little supermen first to see the effect, and then collect some evolution data.

For angels, there is no reference value.

The first world disappointed him. He was not interested in the story of Xu Damao in the courtyard. He remained an observer and continued his journey.

As for asking him to pay unilaterally, that's nonsense.

Demand and effort are not equal, Mu Chenxing is really not optimistic about this transaction.

There is a living Jinge in Mu Chenxing's storage space, but he has no intention of releasing it now. It will expose the Marvel Universe, and Angel's mind-invading technology is not a vegetarian.

He suspected that his void controller was also a transformation in some sense.

Those beasts were really weird. Their heads looked like grotesque human faces, their necks had a bunch of snake-like twisting tentacles, and the claws on their six legs were very similar to human fingers.

Take the earth as an example. We live on the earth and being able to pick up matter is a common thing. However, from a mechanical point of view, this is unreasonable.

Mu Chenxing took the opportunity to say goodbye and returned to Tianren No. 7. Zhi Xin's research on the Eternals did produce some results.

Although the Void Controller can create things out of thin air, which seems to break the conservation of mass and energy, he has observed the dimensional magic circle built by Kama Taj in Marvel, collected data for seven days and seven nights, and saw the shadow of the high-dimensional world from it.


At least he has the ability to provide some protection when encountering an alien invasion.

With a flash of silver light, the spine Gu that crawled near him was cut in half, and a stream of scarlet particles floated towards him. Mu Chenxing held his breath, not wanting to test the specific effect of scarlet pigment.

The original gene is very powerful, the daily consumption is very low, the energy-saving effect is quite good, the energy fluctuation is very inconspicuous, and it has powerful hidden abilities. It is very good." Zhi Xin didn't mention the genetic ability, obviously he didn't like it.

Who can guarantee that their main god will not be destroyed before the new technology is implemented? Lieyang's accumulation of space technology is not enough to allow them to quickly absorb such high-level cutting-edge technology.

"What's going on?" Mark casually cut off the head of the snake dog in front of him, opened his three-dimensional visor, and looked at the dead dog lying on the ground, his face full of confusion.

There's no actual evidence, but that's how he feels.

Without loading other abilities, the genes of the Eternals are difficult to fuse, and the abilities of other people cannot be integrated together. However, Mu Chenxing has no idea of ​​​​implanting a dark matter computer to create a super soldier version of the biochemical robot.

"I want to make a batch of these biochemical robots, weak artificial intelligence is enough. Any good suggestions?"

There were genetic templates and thinking codes, and the manufacturing process was smooth. In three days, he created twelve weak artificial intelligence versions of superhuman biochemical robots, equipped with dark alloy armor.

The genetic template chosen was Ikaris.

In other words, why is the effect of gravity in the three-dimensional world so small?

We are all on earth, and there is no reason to let others bully us.

"Start the capture system and locate the new earth." He hadn't been to the new universe for more than a year. He was a little excited, hoping to encounter an interesting world.

Zhi Xin's suggestion was very simple and crude. After speaking, he reminded: "This kind of biochemical robot can absorb energy and evolve on its own. It is best to put some constraints on intelligence, otherwise it will easily over-evolve, cause genetic mutations, and become grotesque."

Looks good.”

The core technology of Lieyang is the genetic engineering of Sunlight.

"Have you discovered the ruins of civilization?" Zhi Xin's habitual thinking did not allow her to think about the outer universe.

"The genetic template has been sent to you. Just use the void controller to make it. In terms of intelligence, the sacred language contains thought encoding technology. The template will be sent to you right now.

The high-dimensional world really exists.

The man's clothing was very different from the style of the lighthouse. He was definitely not from the hunter team, but no matter who he was, he was not a pole devourer.

Now, the most important thing is not to ask the stranger for his identity, but to take the opportunity to pack more supplies and transport them back to the lighthouse quickly.

"I know you, Captain Mark." Mu Chenxing jumped down and stood on the Hunter's armored vehicle to say hello.

He wanted to see this man's story.

(End of chapter)

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