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Chapter 199 I have to take the initiative to find it

Chapter 199 You have to take the initiative to find it

Author: Prisoner in the Cauldron

Chapter 199 You have to take the initiative to find it

"Theoretically speaking, there was no failure, just failure."

Zhi Xin's answer is already very illustrative of the problem. If you don't succeed, it means you have failed.

"We only need to overcome the low strength of the divine body, the rejection of other energies, the inability to reverse the material form, and the loss of the ability to reproduce..." She couldn't go on.

Originally I was trying to persuade people, but the more I talked about it, the more I felt like I was trying to hurt people, so I quickly changed the subject: "Anyway, just think of it as your unique ability. You can freely convert between material forms and energy forms.

There is one more tactical option.”

Mu Chenxing held her chin and frowned, thinking, what is the problem?

The photon form is the product of the cooperation between the Void Controller and the Reality Controller. The principle of achieving mass-energy conversion cannot be fully analyzed. Some shortcomings are difficult to make up for, and there is even no direction to make up for it. At most, it is equivalent to four and a half generations.

If we don’t understand the research on photon structure, we won’t be able to take corresponding defensive measures, and it will be too easy to be targeted.

Karl is researching the fifth-generation divine body technology and will achieve a breakthrough in a few years. If the technology falls behind, he will inevitably be beaten.

"The Void Controller can create matter out of thin air. Theoretically, it can achieve the reversal of energy form to material form." He expressed his opinion.

Zhi Xin shook his head: "It consumes too much time and energy and is not suitable for fighting."

"What if we follow King Tianji's procedure for controlling clones and create clones in the form of photons to assist in the battle?"

"This is a good idea. It can indeed improve combat effectiveness, but it takes up too much computing power and cannot be considered a fifth-generation divine body."

This is true. The fourth-generation divine body has achieved a generational difference compared to the third-generation divine body. The computing power, divine body strength, recovery ability, strike ability, and ability to avoid detection have all been greatly improved. It can be said to be an all-round enhancement.

However, adding a few photon-shaped clones to the fourth-generation divine body cannot achieve the effect of generation difference, nor is it a transition of life forms. It really cannot be regarded as the fifth-generation divine body.

"Either continue to dig into the microcosm, or seek out the dimensions. Other than that, I have no other ideas. What about you?" Mu Chenxing asked.

"Create a new substance...a new substance composed of photons, and all the problems will be easily solved." Zhi Xin's answer was outrageous, and the difficulty was unimaginably high.

"Uh, okay, come on." Mu Chenxing didn't know how to comment, but he would not attack him with words.

Imagining boldly and verifying carefully are the normal routines of scientific research.

But he had no idea about creating new matter and talked about other things: "I saw a piece of information from the devil. Carl previously bombarded the black hole of the Emerald Galaxy and obtained some void particles.

His research on these particles has been fruitful, and Hua Ye's black hole engine is the product of this. I think there will definitely be a new generation of results in the future.

Do you think we should also bombard black holes? I can seek help from Lieyang. With their technology to drive stellar energy, coupled with the treasure trove of knowledge and the computing power of Qiyuan, we should also be able to obtain void particles."

Zhi Xin pondered for a moment and took a pessimistic attitude towards this proposal: "Karl will not let us get void particles. Under the interference of the big clock, the hope of success is very slim. After preliminary calculations, it is no higher than 0.0001%."

When studying celestial bodies in the universe, it is difficult to bypass the big clock. Nowadays, unlike in the past, there is no Queen Keisha to suppress Carl. Angels must be extra careful when studying astrophysics.

"You continue to research, I have to find some means to deal with Karl." The research on the fifth generation of divine bodies has stalled, and Mu Chenxing must change his plan. He needs to get the power gems and soul gems as soon as possible.

Collect the six gems and perfect the controller to imitate the infinite gems. Whether this method can deal with Carl, he doesn't know.

But at least Tiamat can come out of the core of the earth in a perfect growth form. In this case, he will have a powerful helper.

There is a huge difference between the technological systems of the gods in the Marvel Universe and the Supergod Universe. The success rate of defeating Carl must be very high.

He did what he thought of, walked out of the laboratory, returned to his residence, contacted Tony in the internal chat group, and then traveled to the Marvel Universe again.

Comes near the sun.

As soon as it arrived, Tony's complaint arrived: "Great, Mr. Chairman of the Multiverse, did you forget one thing after installing the Dyson Sphere?"

"Why are you so weird? Are you menopausal?" Mu Chenxing replied after teleporting to Earth.

"At the age of forty-four, theoretically speaking, menopause is indeed reached." Dr. Banner interrupted the topic.

Tony was born in the 1970s and is currently in the 14th year of Marvel's Earth. Banner has no problem with arithmetic at all.

In the past few years, he has been practicing the mind-purifying spell, and the effect is not bad. He has been able to control the Hulk, but the only step left is to fully integrate the two personalities.

As he relaxed, he gradually fell in love with joking and became one of the main members of the chat group.

Tony felt offended and retorted: "Hey! Hey! I'm still young. Don't classify young Mr. Tony as middle-aged and elderly. I can live at least a thousand years, and I won't talk about menopause when I'm six hundred.


He complained dissatisfiedly: "I'm talking about business, Mr. Green, please don't disturb me."

After speaking, he turned the conversation to Mu Chenxing, pretending to be very serious, and said something uninflected: "The Sun Star is the private sun of this universe. Mr. Mu Chenxing, you installed two iron rings on it, so why not

Give us an energy receiving device?

Also, you took away the first time of the sun. I am very heartbroken, very very heartbroken. It hurts so much that you didn’t call me for such a fun thing!"

"Calm down, it's just about installing a Dyson sphere. You can do it by yourself in the future. This is just a simplified version." Mu Chenxing understood what Tony wanted to express. No scientist would not want to participate in the project of installing a Dyson sphere on the sun.

"The data has been sent to Jarvis. Build the stellar energy receiving device yourself, and plan the subsequent expansion plan yourself. I have something to do, so we'll talk later."

In a few words, he took out the three infinity stones stored near the core of the earth's star, because the stones would lose their effectiveness if placed in the void world, and he also created a portable dark plane.

After ending the call, he looked up at the sky and tentatively shouted: "Heimdall, I need your help. I want to go to Asgard."

He wasn't sure Heimdall could hear it.

Fortunately, the rainbow bridge shot over at the next moment, saving him a lot of effort.

"Thank you very much, Heimdall. I need to visit God King Odin." After arriving at Asgard along the colorful space passage, he expressed his heartfelt thanks to Heimdall.

It is much friendlier to visit someone through regular channels than to visit someone unexpectedly by yourself.

He came to Asgard to get some star maps of galaxies, and also wanted to get some information about Thanos from Loki.

A friendly atmosphere helps even more.

"My honour, Your Excellency Mu Chenxing, God King Odin is waiting for you in the Golden Palace." Heimdall prepared horses for him in a friendly manner.

After bidding farewell to Heimdall, Mu Chenxing mounted his horse and galloped along the Rainbow Bridge, which was like a glass plank road, to the Golden Palace. Under the guidance of the guards, he successfully met Odin.

Odin's aging has become obvious. His energy is still surging, but his control has declined greatly, and his energy fluctuations are very unstable. In two years, his end will be reached.

"It's always gratifying to see the growth of young people." Odin said with a smile while sitting on the throne.

Mu Chenxing once helped repair the Rainbow Bridge, toured the Nine Realms with Thor, and participated in quelling the fire giant's rebellion. He has already been labeled as Asgard.

"I agree to your request, let Thor take you there." Whether it is copying a part of the star map or asking Loki in the prison, it is a trivial matter in Odin's eyes. Asgard's future needs

The goodwill of the other person.

Sol happily put his arms around Mu Chenxing's shoulders and said happily: "Come on, my dear friend, I will hold a grand welcome banquet for you."

"Do business first, let's talk about the banquet next time. I'm in a hurry to go to Xandar." Mu Chenxing doesn't want to waste time drinking. Power gems and soul gems are not that easy to find. I don't know how many twists and turns I have to go through.

How long does it take.

"That's such a pity." Thor did not reject his friend, and first took him to copy the star map of the Andromeda Galaxy, which was the territory of Xandar's Nova Corps.

At his request, he introduced the information about the Universe Collector: "He lived for a long time, a long time, no one knows his age anyway. He lived in the Land of Nothingness, which was a mining city built in a skull.

, a head that was chopped off who knows how many years ago.

Many people say that it is the head of the god, but no one knows who cut off the head of the god." Saul was a little excited, as if he had experienced that battle himself.

"The void in the constellation Boötes must have gone through an extremely brutal war. The entire 250 million light-year area was reduced to ruins. The stars and planets were all turned into dust. From a distance, there was nothing." He

His eyes were full of longing, full of clear stupidity.

"I can't imagine what kind of war could spread over such a large area. 250 million light-years is already several times the size of the Virgo Supercluster. The Milky Way is like a grain of sand in front of it."

Mu Chenxing glanced at him and asked uncertainly: "You are not imagining that you will participate in that war, are you? Wake up, we are not qualified to participate in a war of that level. If you get close, you will die."

After copying the star map to Xandar and the Land of Nothingness, he urged: "Let's go, let's go, take me to the dungeon to see your brother, I want to ask him something."

"Okay." Thor agreed and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm very sorry about Loki. He..."

"You have done more damage than Loki, and I don't hate him at all." Mu Chenxing interrupted Thor.

Loki was captured as soon as he appeared. Instead, Thor smashed several holes in Tony's battleship. Then the two brothers were captured again not long after. They did not cause any harm to the earth and were not worthy of being hated.


If he hadn't wanted to find out information about Thanos, Loki would have been almost forgotten.

The dark elves in this universe did not attack Asgard. The God Queen Frigga was alive and well, and the little princess Loki was naturally locked up in the dungeon.

When the two arrived, he was sitting in a single cell reading a book, like a model on display in a store window.

"I want to know information about Thanos." Mu Chenxing asked through the energy barrier.

"What good do I do?" Loki didn't even raise his eyes. This was Asgard anyway, he had nothing to fear, and his father and brother would protect him.

"Benefits?" Mu Chenxing blinked and replied sincerely: "Maybe I won't get beaten. My fists are very hard, and it will hurt if you hit me on the face."

Thor, who was standing next to him, opened his mouth, and finally chose to remain silent. Anyway, with him here, Mu would not hit him too hard, and Loki was actually quite resistant to being beaten.

"Stupid Midgardian, I appreciate your courage." Loki threw the book in his hand on the table, turned his head, glanced at Thor, and then said sarcastically to Mu Chenxing:

"You actually want to beat the prince of Asgard in Asgard? How did such a stupid idea come to your mind? People of Midgard, you are looking for death."

Huh! My brother will not just watch others beat me! Loki is very sure of his own thoughts.

But the subsequent development made him somewhat unexpected.

Mu Chenxing turned around and asked Sol: "Can I go in?"

Then the man from the atrium appeared alone in the cell.

He came in alone.

Sol didn't follow us!

You're still standing outside looking like you're watching the show. I'm your brother, bastard Thor!

Loki's heart felt so cold.

"His name is Thanos..." The situation was not good, and little Princess Loki was the best at sizing up the situation. She spoke about Thanos' information without hesitation, which is called a person who knows everything and can't say it without hesitation.

"That's all I know." After saying that, he didn't forget to smile and try his best to show his friendly attitude.

"Thank you very much." Mu Chenxing smiled back. It was better to get information peacefully than to extract a confession through torture.

In other people's homes, it is really rude to hit your younger brother in front of his older brother. Just scare him.

Loki made the most appropriate choice.

In this way, everyone looks good.

As for the issue of fraud, neither the Mind Stone nor the Thought Controller are foolproof. Even if they do not control the other person's mind, they are still the best lie detectors.

Every lie Loki tells will be exposed.

In fact, Mu Chenxing knows more important information about Thanos than Loki does, but that is fragmented information obtained through movies in his previous life. He must make comparisons with local people to confirm the information.

of authenticity.

After comparing the two, we can safely contact Thanos.

"I'm leaving, help me thank God King Odin." After walking out of the dungeon, he said goodbye to Thor.

"Where are you going? Let Heimdall give you a ride."

"The land of nothingness."

(End of chapter)

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