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Chapter 200 Influence? Easy to get

Chapter 200 Power? Easily available

Author: Prisoner in the Cauldron

Chapter 200 Power? Easily available

Mu Chenxing passed through the blue-gray cosmic dust cloud and flew from the pupil position into a skeleton-like void.

The Land of Nothingness is not only a mining city, but also a black market famous in the universe. Pirates, smugglers, interstellar criminals, mercenaries, and bounty hunters can be found everywhere.

This place is full of desperadoes.

The founder is one of the members of the Universal Council of Elders: Tanya Tiwan, nicknamed The Collector, and his men maintain the most basic order in the city.

Countless slaves and miners drove work boats and worked day and night to excavate the body tissue of the dead god for him.

Bones, brain tissue, and spinal fluid are all scarce resources and extremely expensive.

So collectors are very rich, very, very rich.

Mu Chenxing did not come here for his money, but after his people.

If you want to get the power gems and soul gems, the collector is a good candidate. If you live a long time, know many secret things, and have money and people, you can save a lot of effort.

After landing at the space port, I found the city guard commander stationed here and ordered: "Take me to see Collector Tiwan."

"Yes, I am willing to serve you."

Mu Chenxing didn't even use the Mind Stone or the Mind Controller. He only used the mind invasion technology to successfully control the little boss here.

After changing to an airship, we flew through the rough heavy industry factory-like living area. It didn't take long to arrive at the core area of ​​the Land of Nothingness, and entered the collector's private museum without any hindrance.

There are so many collections that you can’t see them all at a glance, from the first golden retriever to fly into space, to various rare or extinct biological specimens, and a lot of strange objects that cannot be named.

It must be said that collector Tiwan has very peculiar tastes.

There are few good-looking ones.

In a museum that covers an area of ​​more than ten football fields, the most beautiful thing is actually the big golden retriever enclosed in a glass display case.

"Who are you?" Tiwan hates strangers who come in without consent. Every collection here is his darling.

"Your security system is not very good." Mu Chenxing tilted his head and motioned to the guard standing respectfully behind him.

Before Collector Tiwan could get angry, he had already activated the thought controller, mobilized the energy of the Mind Stone, and invaded the opponent's mind.

"Resistance is meaningless, obeying me is your best choice."

"I am at your service, Your Excellency."

With just one sentence, Tiwan, a member of the Universal Council of Elders and a collector who had lived for who knows how many years, was able to break through his defenses and take control of his mind.

The Land of Nothingness announced that it has changed hands.

Mu Chenxing is too lazy to build up power, because power is easily accessible to him. He can also make the so-called big power disappear in a flash of thought.

He patted Ti Wan, who was standing with his hands tied up with a slight bow, and took the opportunity to send Qu Tong into his body for easier monitoring.

After taking insurance measures, he asked: "How much do you know about the reward for the cosmic spirit ball?"

"The reward list has been up for a long time. I don't know who the buyer is. It's all handled by middlemen. I heard that the group of space pirates from the Marauders accepted the reward." Tivan replied respectfully.

"Do you know Star-Lord?"

"do not know."

"Where's Gamora?"

"I heard that they are Ronan's subordinates. They are very cruel. I don't know the details. I am not interested in them. If you want to know something, I can send someone to find out."

"Have you met Groot?"

"I've never seen it before." Tiwan's face was blank.

Mu Chenxing pondered for a moment, looking at the intact collection of items. In addition, Tiwan did not know anyone from the Guardians of the Galaxy, so he said that Xingjue and others had not been to the void yet.

Don't worry about the Power Stone. You can wait. The predator has already accepted the reward. It is estimated that Star-Lord will get the Cosmic Spirit Ball soon.

He will come over eventually.

Now it's time to think about how to get the soul gem.

"Does Vormir know about it?" he continued to ask.

Tiwan thought for a while, seemed to have some impression, turned around and told his secretary: "Go find it."

The pretty little secretary in a white short skirt took out an information terminal similar to a tablet, and after a dazzling click, she quickly found the answer: "The coordinates of the deserted planet on the edge of the silver corona of the Milky Way have been found.


Mu Chenxing smiled and nodded, as long as he knew the location, he ordered: "Send someone to Vormir to get the soul gem back. The gem can only be obtained by sacrificing a loved one. Do you know what to do?"

"I will deliver the gems to you as soon as possible, my dear sir." Tiwan bowed and made a vow.

"Go ahead."

It is very likely that the cosmic spirit ball will arrive in the Land of Nothingness in the next few days, and Mu Chenxing does not want to leave at this time. He wants to guard against Ronan coming to snatch it.

As for whether Tivan's men can bring the soul gem back, he doesn't care.

The difficulty in obtaining the Soul Stone is the location of Vormir and the sacrifice of a loved one. Once these two problems are solved, everything else will be easy to handle.

Even if someone snatches it away halfway, he can just snatch it back.

In the next few days, Mu Chenxing spent the next few days studying the material composition of the gods' heads. He was very interested in the life forms of the gods.

Unfortunately, the cells had long lost their activity, the analyzed data was not comprehensive, and the energy storage and conduction system had long ago collapsed, which made him extremely disappointed.

Fortunately, some good news came soon, which changed his mood from gloomy to sunny.

"Gamora contacted me and wanted to sell the cosmic spirit ball." Not long after Tivan reported, the spaceport sent news that Star-Lord and others were entering the country.

"Bring it over as soon as possible."

"As you wish."

After waiting for about an hour, Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket and Groot were taken to the museum by Tivan's little secretary.

Mu Chenxing was not interested in the earth-dancing young man, the green-skinned female orc who seemed to have escaped from Warcraft, or the large raccoon. Only the two-meter-tall tree man caught his eye.

Collector Tiwan, like him, looked at the strange intelligent life in the form of plants with bright eyes.

This is a rarity.

Tivan wants to collect Groot's body, while Mu Chenxing wants to dissect the tree man.

"Four billion, this price is already very low. The famous collector won't regret it, right?" Gamora's hand never left her thigh for a moment, where her weapon was stuck, one of which could kill Asgar.

The God-killing Martial Arts of the Germans.

She believed that the collector could not withstand her own blow.

Rocket's furry face clearly showed a strong sense of alertness.

Groot introduced himself naively: "My name is Groot."

The most relaxed one is Star-Lord, who is looking at the collections around him with a stern look, seemingly estimating their value. This is the professional instinct of a grand thief.

"You will get what you want, if it is genuine." There was a touch of contempt in Tiwan's eyes, it's only four billion, is there any need to be so nervous?

"You can inspect the goods first." Star-Lord took over the conversation and handed the fist-sized cosmic spirit ball to Tiwan.

"The Cosmic Spirit Ball is just a container, which contains the raw stone of power." Tiwan took the Cosmic Spirit Ball, took a deep look at it, couldn't help but show off his extensive knowledge, and then presented it to Mu Chenxing.

This action made him feel a little dazed, and a very reluctant emotion surged violently. It was one of the six infinite rough stones, a unique and rare thing, I really want to collect it!

But there was a huge fear in his heart that prevented him from having any idea of ​​taking it for himself.

Mu Chenxing glanced at him and directly took the silver spirit ball into the dark plane and dismantled it. This thing was like an exquisite Luban lock. He turned left and right a few times and easily opened the shell.

The purple gem inside was revealed.

"it is true."

The moment he connected the power gem to the genetic engine, purple energy impacted every cell in his body.

It’s so awesome!

Among the five gems that I have come into contact with, the power gem has the most destructive power. It is worthy of the fact that a single gem can destroy the planet. Most people really cannot bear it.

After his confirmation, Tiwan nodded to the secretary: "Get them money."

There is no cosmic bank in the Marvel universe, and there is no currency that circulates across the universe. Four billion refers to the currency of Xandar. The open attitude of the Nova Corps makes many interstellar transactions willing to choose their currency.

The transaction was successfully completed, but more troublesome things came to the door.

Ronan led the Kree into the void.

This was no coincidence, because Drax, a companion of Star-Lord and others, took the initiative to leak the coordinates of his party. Ronan had been helping Thanos find the cosmic orb, so naturally he chased after him like a hyena.

"It's better to get rid of this trouble."

When Mu Chenxing teleported to the living area, he saw Drax being beaten away by Ronan and smashing down a wall like a big meat ball.

Ronan wants Thanos to help him defeat the Nova Corps and destroy Xandar. The reward is the cosmic spirit ball. This has an irreconcilable conflict with Mu Chenxing.

He doesn't want to be chased and spanked to the earth.

Therefore, it must be killed.

It's time to give the power gem a try.

He reached out and pointed, and a purple energy ball the size of a basketball hit Ronan's chest like a howitzer. It exploded with a bang, flying the enemy hundreds of meters away, and slammed into the store facing the street.

The wall collapsed and the house collapsed, smoke and dust filled the air, and the sound of collision and collapse lasted for more than a minute. Ronan was completely buried under the rubble.

"The physical strength is good." Mu Chenxing praised. The attack just now could destroy at least three generations of divine bodies. Ronan was only injured but did not die. He underestimated how strong this guy was.

Ronan's injuries were lighter than he thought. He lifted the wall that hit him with one hand and walked out after a while.

Veins popped out of anger on his face, which looked like it had been shaved off.

The black shawl that was originally draped over her head, similar to a nun's hat, had fallen to nowhere, and her blackened eye sockets and chin were stained with dust.

The armor on his chest was full of cracks, and there was not a single clean spot on his body. His popular image in the Kree galaxy was completely ruined.

He yelled angrily: "Who are you?! You must die!"

The embarrassed and ferocious look opened the eyes of the four Star-Lords who ran over afterwards.

"Oh, Ronan the Accuser is really dirty." Rocket bared his teeth in sarcasm.

"I'm Groot!"

"It's really miserable."

Mu Chenxing ignored Ronan's incompetent rage and the gags of the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

He raised his head and looked at the huge black ship parked outside through the huge pupils of the god's head. That thing couldn't get in, but it didn't delay its continuous release of aircraft.

The goal is directed at yourself.

The intercepting troops in the Void Land were hit with lasers and suffered heavy casualties, and they were about to rush over before their eyes.

Buzzing like a swarm of flies.

Very annoying.

The way he looked up made Ronan even more angry. He roared and rushed over like a wild bull.

First a sneak attack, and now he despises himself so much, damn him! It’s hard to understand the hatred in his heart without tearing this person into pieces!

His eyes were red with anger.

Mu Chenxing still turned a blind eye and raised his hand to aim at the Kree main ship. A barrel-thick purple beam of light shot straight into outer space and bombarded the long battleship.

The explosion did not occur, and the purple luster instantly spread to the entire hull, and then the Kree main ship was shattered into millions of pieces like shattered glass.

At the same time, thousands of silver lights flashed through, and silvery white light rain seemed to fall in the void. Ronan on the ground and the Kree aircraft in the sky were chopped into pieces at the same time.

"Killing people is as beautiful as setting off fireworks." Star-Lord's eyes shone with envy.

"That's the scariest thing." Rocket didn't think the light rain just now was as beautiful as fireworks. He just felt that the hair on his back was exploding.

"I'm Groot."

"My enemy is dead, but I didn't kill him." Drax felt a little EMO not long after he got up.

"Nebula, Nebula!" Gamora shouted urgently into the communicator, but she never heard her sister's reply. She threw herself at Mu Chenxing angrily, wanting revenge.

"Fuck!" Star-Lord is going crazy. Is this green-skinned girl so tough? How dare you mess with such an awesome person?

But it happened so suddenly that he had no time to stop it.

No one expected that Gamora would rush out like crazy. The two of them had just done a business worth 4 billion, and they also had a common enemy, Ronan. No matter how good the relationship was, at least they would not be enemies.

Who could have imagined why this crazy woman suddenly went crazy?

"Huh?" Mu Chenxing looked back in confusion at Gamora, who was walking along the empty road, holding a short knife, and quickly rushed towards him.

The other party's murderous intent was strong, and his eyes were full of grief and anger.

Is it because he bombed the Kree main ship and killed Nebula inside?

Sisterly love is deep.

How touching.

"Then it will be all right for you." He murmured in a low voice. The silver blade flashed in the air, and a green female orc head flew up. Her strong body followed the inertia and rushed out for another five seconds.

After six meters, he fell to the ground.

The blood spurted from his neck flowed all over the floor.

He looked around at the remaining four Guardians of the Galaxy, thinking about whether to eradicate the problem.

"Hey! It has nothing to do with me. She is not the same as me!" The hair on Rocket's body suddenly exploded, and he felt a chill on his neck.

"I'm Groot!"

"Shut up Groot, this has nothing to do with us!" Rocket thinks the green-skinned woman is crazy, and now the vegetable man is going crazy too.

"I came here by boat with her." Star-Lord lowered his head and looked at Gamora whose body and head were separated, feeling very uncomfortable.

(End of chapter)

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