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Chapter 208 Dimensional Demon Lord of Light

Chapter 208 Dimension Demon Lord of Holy Light

Author: Prisoner in the Cauldron

Chapter 208 Dimension Demon Lord of Holy Light

"I have no intention of disturbing your arrangements, but I need a small world that is big enough."

Mu Chenxing sat opposite Gu Yi and explained the purpose of his visit: "The dark dimension of Dormammu is very suitable."

The dark dimension should be quite large, and there is a high probability that it can accommodate a red giant star. As for Dormammu, he is also confident that he can kill the opponent.

Therefore, the goal of killing people and robbing the world is easy to determine.

It's not that he can't cut a piece of space in the main universe, but the space required is too large and involves many aspects. Whether it is cutting space, repairing damage to the space structure, or dealing with the energy shock when the space is backfilled, it is very troublesome.

The price paid is not small.

Since there is a ready-made small world attached to the main universe, why bother with it?

It will have a considerable impact on Ancient One. She relies on absorbing the power of the dark dimension to maintain her life.

There is also the handover of the Supreme Mage, who will also have to make other arrangements because he occupies the dark dimension. Anyway, the drama of ending his life by the hands of Casillas will be difficult to proceed.

He apologized a little and asked: "Do you need me to help you extend your life?"

Gu Yi did not answer the question of extending his life. He looked calmly as the water mist in the tea cup rose slowly and then dissipated. His words were as ethereal as water vapor: "I have prevented countless terrible futures, time and time again, forever.


I have spent too many years peering into the future, good and bad, countless possibilities that cycle back and forth with no beginning or end.

I tried too hard, but in the end I only proved one fact.

Time cannot be touched.

But you are different. Among countless worlds, you only have one, the only one. The world you walk through will definitely become real, cannot be changed, and cannot be disobeyed.

Keep moving forward. I just hope that you will not be disappointed with the world during your journey, and please always maintain goodwill."

Gu Yi's words were both mysterious and mysterious, but Mu Chenxing understood. The so-called turning into reality should be the power of the council.

Before the Council anchored the universe, the universe was in a superposition state of birth and destruction, that is, all possibilities existed at the same time.

After he traveled through time, the Council completed the observation through him, allowing the superposition state of the universe to collapse into a certain fixed answer.

The time period he has experienced has become the real and unchangeable past. The longer the time he has experienced, the more stable the universe will be.

Otherwise, the universe is just a superposition of explosions and calmness, a singularity floating quietly in the void.

The most powerful function of the Council is to give its universe the concept of reality.

"I try not to be so greedy. I'm not sure what I can bring to this world, but at least it's not slavery and destruction." Mu Chenxing solemnly promised.

"That's enough." Gu Yi opened the Eye of Agamotto with a pinch of magic, took out the time gem, handed it over and joked: "Sometimes, you are too cautious."

Holding six Infinity Stones to deal with a lord of the dark dimension, Dormammu would be honored to close his eyes.

"Be careful when sailing the ten-thousand-year ship." After all, he is a dimensional demon, so Mu Chenxing must be fully prepared.

The gems were given to directors like Tiamat and Tony before, and when he wanted to use them, he could transfer them through the storage space, which was quite convenient.

"Not bad quality." Gu Yi smiled and nodded in agreement, stood up and asked, "Have you read The Book of Cagliostro?"

Mu Chenxing shook his head. When he was studying at Karma Taj a few years ago, he had read most of the books in the collection, but he had not read this book. He only remembered that it was a book that recorded black magic.

He's not interested.

"Dormammu was originally called Cagliostro, a black magician. Later, he discovered the dark dimension, gave up his body, merged his soul with the dark dimension, and became the dark lord Dormammu." Ancient One briefly stated

An introduction to the origin of Dormammu.

Then he said: "This book records his black magic, as well as the method of communicating with the dark dimension and offering sacrifices to Dormammu."

After speaking, the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "When communicating, you can take the opportunity to break into the dark dimension."

This was the method she used to break into the dark dimension and find a way to absorb the energy of black magic.

It is equivalent to robbing someone in front of the owner.

It's like a home invasion.

The main reason why Dormammu hates her is because she does not get her power from the lord, but directly draws the energy of the dark dimension.

In other words, Ancient One is a mage who is qualified to compete with Dormammu for ownership of the dark dimension.

Of course, she just doesn't want to.

"I can set up a magic circle and send you in. Do you want to start now?" she asked.

Mu Chenxing did not agree immediately. He stood up and asked, "You really don't need me to strengthen your body and extend your lifespan? My plan will change the energy properties of the dark dimension."

Gu Yi smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, I have enough time."

She will not die immediately if she loses her dark magic power.

"Then I'm ready."

Seeing Mu Chenxing nodding in confirmation, Gu Yi changed his magic formula with his hands, and a complex magic circle was drawn in the air. The space barrier was broken, and a world full of negative emotional fluctuations became increasingly clear.

"Give me some more tea and some honey. I'll be back soon." Before he finished speaking, Mu Chenxing's figure had already disappeared.

Gu Yi sensed his position, and after confirming that he was in the right place, he changed the magic formula and closed the magic circle.

Just send it in and he will come back later.

Space manipulators always have a way to get home.

Not to mention that the Supreme Mage was leisurely preparing black tea with honey, but the moment Mu Chenxing teleported into the dark dimension, he felt that his body was being eroded by a malicious energy.

"Is this black magic energy?" He observed the dark space where green and purple light bands appeared from time to time, and carefully scanned the energy attributes of the dark dimension.

This is a kind of composite energy, which is composed of soul fluctuations and thinking fluctuations combined with an extremely active radiant energy.

Perhaps, this place was not originally a dark dimension, but after being combined with the soul of the black magician Dormammu, it became a dark dimension filled with black magic energy.

"The negative emotions are very serious. Greed, hatred, killing, plundering, all the malice that human beings can have are all here. Don't you feel uncomfortable being in this disgusting environment?" He asked as he appeared in front of the audience.

Dormammu in front of him.

After all, this is someone else's home, and as the owner, it is impossible for outsiders to enter without noticing.

"It's you!" Dormammu's soul seems to have only one head, or maybe only the head is revealed.

His head was huge, several hundred meters tall. Mu Chenxing looked like an ant in front of him.

But this ant once embarrassed him.

"If you dare to enter my world, you are dead!"

Fortunately, Dormammu is a spirit body and has no saliva. Otherwise, Mu Chenxing thought he would be smoked to death.

He smiled and said: "From now on, it won't be the case."

He is no longer the third-generation god who could only avoid Dormammu a few years ago, and he doesn't want to waste time anymore.

After snapping his fingers, the entire dark dimension was instantly filled with intense white light.

This has become a world of light.

The ground that seemed to be covered with mold was replaced by the Holy Light Crystal he created before.

The property conversion of energy and matter, let alone the six infinite gems currently used, Mu Chenxing can do it even with only the void controller.

It's just not as fast as it is now.

Huge amounts of light energy filled every corner of the world, and the believers pulled in by Dormammu evaporated in the blazing white light.

And he himself seemed to have been soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid, and the pitch of his screams was higher than Pavarotti's song praising the sun, perhaps comparable to Vitus's stars.

Mu Chenxing ignored Dormammu's dolphin sound and said pretentiously: "I said there must be light, so there was light."

Following his words, a surging torrent of photons appeared out of thin air, fiercely impacting Dormammu's soul, quickly melting his soul.

This situation reminded Mu Chenxing of the way he peed on snowdrifts in the winter when he was a child. The snow also melted very quickly.

"I curse you! Curse..."

Dormammu, the former dark lord, fell into hatred in the world of light without even finishing his words. His soul was too closely integrated with dark magic, and was destroyed along with the energy neutralization reaction.

After manipulating the soul gem to destroy all the souls and soul marks in this space, he was the only one left here.

The next step is to completely combine the soul with the energy of this space, and then he can call himself a dimension lord and join the queue of dimension demons.

Mu Chenxing does not know magic, but he has clearly analyzed the form of Surtel's soul combined energy, and his own photon form is also pure energy, which is not a problem for him.

What's more, the process of Dormammu being dissolved by light energy also clearly shows the structure of his soul combined with dark magic.

Mu Chenxing is ready to take a step further.

He converted into a photon form, and with the blessing of the computing power of the Big Clock and Qiyuan, as well as the support of the six Infinity Stones, he perfectly integrated his soul with the light energy and spatial structure of this world.

In this way, he will reach the realm where this world is immortal and he will live forever.

The light energy in this world was also given new attributes by his soul. It was no longer a complete light particle, and its brightness was much softer. It was mixed with Mu Chenxing's personal will and had magical attributes.

He also learned some of the nature of magic.

That is the combination of personal will and energy radiation.

He still doesn't know magic and can't be called a mage, but the light energy in this world will release light magic according to his will.

Like other demon gods, he can also give mages the authority to borrow magic power, let mages borrow usury, or grant spells that belong only to him.

For example, he likes to use Sky Blade Judgment in photon form.

If he really studies this for a while, he can create a magic system for priests, paladins, and light mages.

"Let's call it Holy Light." He gave this energy form of personal will combined with light energy a new name.

"Let's call this small world the Dimension of Holy Light. I will be the Lord of Holy Light from now on." It's not like he never thought of naming this world heaven, but this place is really too small.

The original dark dimension, now the holy light dimension, is a small disc-shaped world attached to the main Marvel universe. The thickness of the disc center is only twenty astronomical units, which is three billion kilometers.

The thickness of the disk is much thinner, with the thinnest edge only ten meters, and its diameter is very large, about a little more than one light-year, or nearly ten trillion kilometers.

Far less massive than the solar system.

The gravitational boundary of the solar system is the Oort Cloud, which is nearly four light-years in diameter.

But no matter what, this world is enough for us, and it will be no problem to install thousands of large clocks.

The only obstacle is that it cannot be directly connected to the void world, which will cause a neutralization reaction of light energy and dark energy, which will waste energy in vain.

We had no choice but to draw a spherical area with a diameter of 200 million kilometers in the core of the Holy Light Dimension, creating a world within a world like a matryoshka doll.

This is the area where he places the celestial computer and external equipment. The original small world of void will be integrated with this space.

After pulling the holy light dimension into the void, the entire void world is like a disc-shaped world filled with white light, and a white hole is born in the core, which continuously releases light energy outwards.

Light energy is of course the energy converter placed on the inner space barrier, which converts dark energy into light energy and slowly enhances the energy level of the holy light.

The reason for this is that the higher the energy level of the holy light dimension, the stronger Mu Chenxing's soul becomes.

He left the soul clones of Qu Tong and Surtur here.

"Let's give you a new name."

After these two clones were separated by killing three corpses, the soul body contained part of Mu Chenxing's soul. It was already in a new soul state, and it was inappropriate to call it the original name again.

He condensed two holy light bodies and placed the soul clone in them. Surtur had the law of flames, the body was golden, and was named Xihe.

Qu Tong's holy light body was white and was named Wangshu.

From now on, these two clones will stay in the Holy Light Dimension, with the task of guarding and waiting for summons.

The small world has almost been processed. Although Mu Chenxing used acceleration on himself throughout the process, several minutes have passed in the main universe. During these few minutes, he spent most of the time in the void. The infinite gems cannot leave for a long time.

Marvel Universe.

Need to go back quickly.

As his thoughts turned, the world controller was activated, and he returned to Kama Taj.

"I feel the light." Gu Yi took a few steps closer, handed over a cup of warm black tea, and asked with a smile: "Then, how should I call you? Your Majesty."

"You can call me the Lord of Holy Light."

"Your Majesty, the Lord of Holy Light, do you mind if the magician of Kama Taj becomes your first contractor?"

Mu Chenxing understood the meaning of Gu Yi's words, which was that the Supreme Mage came to seek benefits for the magicians of Kama Taj's line.

She felt that her newly born dimension lord had pretty good energy attributes, at least it wasn't black magic.

Plus we are acquaintances, so I won't be too harsh.

The magic energy that Marvel's mages borrow from the dimensional demons is all usury, and those dimensional demons are much more sinister than capitalists.

"Okay, let's get a big opening reward." Mu Chenxing smiled and agreed to Gu Yi's request.

(End of chapter)

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