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Chapter 214 The Future Is a Blue Ocean

Chapter 214 The future is a blue ocean

Author: Prisoner in the Cauldron

Chapter 214 The future is a blue ocean

Asking S.H.I.E.L.D. for land will indeed put the Wanda brothers and sisters on the radar of agents, but it is also a safety net for them.

These brothers and sisters have a grudge against the United States. Whether they are seeking revenge or starting to recruit people to train Holy Light mages, they will be targeted sooner or later.

Now that the SHIELD people know that the two are Mu Chenxing's apprentices, those agents will definitely be wary and not dare to make a fatal move.

Keeping Coulson will give Wanda and Pietro another channel to understand the world and gain some insights.

Refugee life in Sokovia makes them lack perspective.

Although it will give Colson a chance to build relationships, this agent is not a bad person in nature, he is also very smart and can grasp the right balance.

In short, Mu Chenxing believes that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Alas! Parents who love their children have far-reaching plans.

Although he was only six or seven years older than the two of them, he felt like he had raised a stupid son and a stupid daughter after getting along with her these past few days.

"My mentality is different. I feel like I'm a thousand years older." He muttered softly and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

There will always be a moment when people suddenly realize that they are no longer young and have become an elder.

"Is the teacher worried about how to live?" Wanda heard his sigh and thought that her teacher was worried about the poor living environment after seeing the ruins of the castle.

She came over and held his arm, comforting him: "Don't worry, teacher, there are still many rooms in good condition, enough for us to live in. Pietro and I even lived in the sewers. He is the best at finding a place to live. He will definitely be able to live here."

Find the most comfortable room.”

In her little mind, as long as she can be with her brother, she can live anywhere. Now that she has another teacher, she doesn't have to worry anymore.

"Don't worry, teacher, leave it to me!" Pietro patted his chest and vowed.

Only less than half of the main building of the castle was damaged. He would definitely be able to find a place that was both strong and sheltered from wind and rain. He would also collect heating supplies and clean up the place. It would be too easy.

Although it's not as good as a luxury hotel, this will be their home from now on, and it feels different.

He was a little eager to try.

"Actually, we can also go back and stay in the hotel. It's only two or three hours away. It's about four o'clock in the afternoon, so it's no problem to drive back."

Coulson didn't have high requirements for the living environment. As an agent, how could he have such a bad habit of being spoiled?

I just feel that the atmosphere has arrived and I have to say something so that I can integrate into the small group as soon as possible.

Relationships are built on such inconspicuous details.

"Don't worry about living." Mu Chenxing rubbed Wanda's head and patted Pietro on the shoulder. They moved from a luxury hotel to an abandoned castle in this mountainous area. The two of them did not show any emotions of disgust.

, in a good mood.

He smiled and said, "Haven't you always wanted to do magic? Today, I'm going to let you experience the power of magic."

After speaking, he stretched out his right hand, and a soft light curtain emitted from his palm, covering the entire main castle.

In the milky white holy light, Badd Castle seemed to come alive. Pieces of gravel returned to their original positions. Mud and dust flowed like water between the squares, walls, and buildings, repairing large and small gaps.

, until it fits perfectly.

Then, the entire castle was exuding soft holy light from the inside to the outside, as if an invisible big hand was caressing it. The gray modern cement building quickly transformed into a granite strip building.

In the blink of an eye, a blue-grey ancient castle seemed to have walked in front of everyone from the long river of history.

The castle is backed by the mountain wall and faces south, forming an irregular semicircle. Two high towers on the left and right connect the outer city wall and guard the main castle in the center. The city gate faces the grassland on the hillside, and there is a wide open space inside.

square, as well as lawns and neatly trimmed shrubs surrounding the main castle.

All traces of the ruins and bombings of the past have disappeared.

"Is this magic? It's so magical!" Even though Wanda had accumulated some magic power in her body, she was still attracted by the miraculous magic, and her clear eyes were full of yearning.

"Teacher is so awesome!" She hugged Mu Chenxing's arm tightly, for fear that her teacher would run away.

If she wants to learn this kind of magic, she won't have to worry about not having a house to live in in the future.

Different from her joy, Pietro's expression was very complicated, including yearning for magic, admiration for the teacher, and disappointment that he had no magic talent.

All kinds of emotions were mixed for a while.

Magic is very powerful, but it's a pity that he can't learn it.

Colson, on the other hand, was filled with admiration and thoughts. Everything in front of him was so unscientific and completely inconsistent with his past knowledge.

"It's like going back in time, so powerful, it's really amazing."

The Badd Castle in front of him, which was both ancient and new, covered in gray and decorated with colorful silks and velvets, completely refreshed his world view.

It gave him a concrete understanding of magic.

Looking at the expressions of the three of them, Mu Chenxing smiled and said nothing.

Of course, this is not about turning back time, nor is it about repairing something new. Instead, he uses his mind to build blocks and build a house. After the frame is completed, he uses the void controller to convert the material and create it.

Specifically slowing down and disguising it as magic, just to stimulate the disciples' enthusiasm for learning.

The reason for this is that the Holy Light has not yet repaired and transformed the magical properties of matter.

Well, not yet.

When he understands the magic of chaos, or swallows Sithorn's dimension, the holy light will have the ability to change matter.

He believes that this day will come eventually.

"We still need some guards and servants." He pointed at the cliff behind the castle, and several boulders fell away and began to change shapes in the air.

The largest piece turned into a giant griffin with a height of six meters and a wingspan of 18 meters.

"Bah!" The griffin landed on the ground, spread its wings and looked up to the sky and cried. Its eyes were lively, its attitude was powerful, its silver-gray feathers and mane were clearly defined, just like a living creature.

But it is essentially a weak artificial intelligence. It is made of granite, added with energy circuits made of Uru metal, burned with magic runes, powered by holy light crystals, and loaded with ultrasonic attacks, holy light barriers and a magic version of power increase.

Intelligent machinery.

The shock of this big guy landing on the ground and the ultrasonic attack when it crowed made the three of them dizzy and weak, and they almost fell to the ground.

It wasn't until the griffon rumbled to the gate of the outer wall, folded its wings and turned into a statue that the three of them recovered from their trembling limbs. Facing such a ferocious fantasy creature, they were under great psychological pressure.

"The teacher created a monster!" Wanda patted her head, which had developed quite strong capital at a young age, and felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

After being shocked by the gryphon, the dozen or so two-meter-tall stone men behind them, holding big swords and giant axes, could not arouse the three people's amazement at all.

Mu Chenxing raised his fingers at the jungle not far away, and two wooden figures of average height and slender body, wearing maid outfits, ran over quickly.

This is a life assistant robot loaded with daily work programs.

"Let's go and have a look inside." He took the lead and walked into the outer wall of the castle.

After entering the castle square, a dozen stone men dispersed, their weapons turned into statues lying on the ground, and stood near the city wall and gate.

The final control terminal of these guards is the supercomputer in the basement of the castle. After authorization, Wanda and her sister can control it later.

After entering the castle, the group took a brief tour of the four-story castle. Wanda and his sister were amazed at the ancient armors standing in the corridors, the hanging medieval-style oil paintings, and the luxurious decorations in the halls and rooms.


Even the well-informed Coulson had to admit that this castle does have a history.

Mu Chenxing specially designed it to imitate the medieval style.

He reduced the original one hundred and sixty rooms to one hundred, and added many classrooms for practicing magic, in order to immerse people in the "magical atmosphere" they imagined.

Many people in modern society have somewhat rigid thinking. They firmly believe that science and magic are opposites. Everything must be either science or magic. Anyway, the two cannot be integrated.

Mu Chenxing did not want to comment on this mode of thinking, and he would not waste time explaining the dialectical relationship between science and magic. After all, changing other people's ideas is an extremely laborious task.

Therefore, let’s simply decorate this place to look like what most people think of as magic, ancient, mysterious, and rich in history, so as to maintain a learning atmosphere.

"Go find the room you like. There is no need to call me for dinner. I will start teaching you the real spells tomorrow morning." Mu Chenxing ordered and entered the bedroom on the top floor.

He did not arrange the internal layout according to the defense needs of the ancient castle. There were no arrow towers, shooting ports and other facilities on the top floor. They were mainly libraries, laboratories and other rooms.

He only has one bedroom.

The third floor is a quiet room and a place for teaching magic. The second floor is the normal living area. The first floor is arranged with a reception room, banquet hall, and storage room.

These are all general plans. He doesn't care about the specific arrangements in the future. He won't live here for a long time.

After entering the bedroom, he returned to the Super God Universe, where the big clock was still waiting for him to be taken into the void world.

The main purpose of going to Marvel this time is to create an independent small world and expand the size of the void world.

"I'm hesitant to extend the magic system you organized to the first-line angel army." Yan sat in his usual seat with his legs crossed and said hesitantly.

She still led the Sky Blade battleship group to garrison near the Great Clock, but her real purpose was to clean up the beasts in the Styx Galaxy.

All animal civilizations above the aerospace level were slaughtered by the angels, and the relevant information was completely destroyed.

This is the order of justice, the order of justice of the Kamigawa body, the cosmic order that maintains the fruits of victory in the physical war.

Mu Chenxing has a deep understanding of this.

He blinked and looked at Yan with a mischievous smile: "Have you not learned yet?"

"It's just the use of light energy. In the information you sent, the method of use is very rudimentary, but the energy properties are a bit special." Yan's eyes dodge slightly.

With this expression, it is obvious that he has not learned the magic part of the information.

Mu Chenxing didn't find this surprising.

It's normal not to learn. Magical thinking is very different from scientific thinking, and involves some areas of the soul and idealism.

To put it bluntly, you have to believe in the existence of magic to awaken the magical properties of the Holy Light.

Angel's research on optics was too in-depth, which hindered Yan's understanding of those magical properties that did not comply with the rules of optics. She subconsciously felt that those properties should not exist and were a more difficult subject to understand than void technology.

Anyway, she didn't believe it until scientific experiments verified the specific principles.

This is a problem of inertia of thinking. Ji An and Tony are in the same situation as Yan, and these three have not learned magic.

The other directors have more or less mastered some of the magic and are promoting it within their own power.

Since the Holy Light spell was developed, hundreds of people have borrowed Mu Chenxing's magic power in more than half a month.

The lending business is off to a pretty good start.

"If you really have a hard time believing in magic, then you can try to believe me. I said the Holy Light is like that, so it becomes like that." He smiled and came up with an idea.

This is not nonsense, a mage believes in magical properties or worships the devil, which is a way to master spells.

The former is a combination of personal will and magic power, and the latter is a way of offering sacrifices to the devil.

Sacrifice to evil gods requires souls, flesh and blood, but the sacrifices of most dimensional demons actually only require emotions, that is, spiritual power. Not all demons devour souls.

At least not Mu Chenxing.

As for whether Yan could learn magic in this way, he didn't know, and he didn't particularly care.

In fact, the demand for holy light magic among angels is very low. Those little skirts have their own power system. He has never thought of forcibly promoting magic among angels. If someone learns it, he will make money, and it doesn't matter if no one learns it.

He really does not lack these more than 10,000 first-line angels.

Even if all female angels learn it and promote the civilization under his command, he...he really cares about the civilization in these angel nebulae.

With hundreds of trillions of angel believers, which dimensional demon can refuse such a blue ocean?

But with the current size of the Holy Light Dimension, it may not be able to supply it, so there is no need to worry, let's wait for a while to grow.

Now, of course, there are more important things to do!

That is to put the big clock into the void world.

"Let the angels stay away. The sudden disappearance of the big celestial body and the shock of space refilling may not be able to withstand it. You should also stay away." Mu Chenxing issued a warning.

"You little idiot." Yan rolled her eyes at him. After leaving for several days, she would only think about the big clock when she came back. She really didn't understand anything about it! She snorted softly and flew to the Tianren battleship group.

After the angel left far enough, the big clock suddenly disappeared into the main material universe.

The space backfilling caused by the sudden disappearance of large celestial bodies is not like water squeezing and colliding from the outside inward, but the curvature of the space that was previously distorted by the gravitational pull of the celestial bodies instantly recovers and releases waves of huge oscillations outward.

This wave lasts for a short time, but it carries a lot of energy. The quantum tide it triggers is extremely violent and affects a huge range. Atoms within two light-years will be shattered.

Moreover, the release speed is quite fast, several times the speed of light.

Both the expansion of the universe and the oscillation of space are much faster than light, which can only propagate within space.

(End of chapter)

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