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Chapter 215 Illumination and Rune Warrior

Chapter 215 Illumination and Rune Warriors

Author: Prisoner in the Cauldron

Chapter 215 Illumination and Rune Warriors

The vibrations of the space field were eventually transmitted into the deep space of the universe in the form of vacuum zero-point energy. Mu Chenxing stood in the space shield and recorded all these changes clearly.

Regarding this, many conjectures emerged in his mind.

As we all know, any object with mass has gravity and will distort the structure of space, and the degree of distortion of space is called space curvature.

But gravity is not a force that distorts space.

On the contrary, it is objects with mass that cause the distortion, or collapse, of the space structure, thus giving birth to gravity.

The greater the mass of the object, the greater the curvature of space caused and the stronger the gravity.

So, can we think that a black hole is actually the collapse of space reaching a limit, breaking the space-time structure inside the universe, and creating a space-time vortex or space-time channel at the macroscopic level?

When he saw Tiamat using a black hole to travel through space before, he had some speculation in this regard.

Moreover, Chaoshen Universe's research on micro-wormholes, especially Liang Bing's research on space and time, all vaguely point to this issue.

Microwormholes are actually the damage to the space structure at the microscopic level. They can also be said to be black holes that are the birth of the microscopic world.

In addition, he once observed that gravity can penetrate dimensions and is not bound by the three-dimensional space field.

Perhaps, black holes are the gateway to the high-dimensional world.

"I really want to take a look inside." Mu Chenxing suddenly had the urge to get into the black hole and take a look.

But he immediately gave up the idea.

Curiosity is not a reason to commit suicide, he hasn't lived enough yet.

Besides, drilling into black holes is not the only way to understand the high-dimensional world.

Marvel's multiverse is as crowded as a honeycomb. This structure must have high-dimensional power constraints, otherwise it would have collided with each other and been annihilated into chaos.

And now that he has taken the position of the Dimensional Demon God, as long as he continues to grow in power and transcend the multiverse, he will surely be able to get a glimpse of the high-dimensional world.

Why be anxious?

You only have one life, not to drill into a black hole.

"I still have something to do in another universe, so I have to rush back." He connected to Yan's communication and said his suggestion:

"I don't want to interfere in the internal affairs of angels, but Holy Light magic can effectively enrich your combat power system and prevent the angels from losing all their combat power after the super gene is targeted."

"I will seriously consider it." Yan is not against the Holy Light. The fifth-generation divine body that Zhi Xin is researching is based on the development of Holy Light crystals. She is not against magic either. High enough technology looks no different from magic.


"I have to learn how to do it too." She murmured in her heart. She was one of the most talented people in Tiancheng. How could she not make any progress in this area?

She didn't want to blindly promote it among angels without having a clear understanding of it.

That is not what a qualified civilized god should do.

Divine authority has both rights and obligations. She must fulfill her responsibilities.

"You can continue wandering. It's time for me to return to Tiancheng and learn the magic you created." Yan's tone was full of determination to fight the Holy Light Magic to the death.

When she was first taken to Tiancheng to learn swordsmanship and master the gene engine, Leng Keshao, who was two hundred years older than her, showed off his superiority in front of her, but in the end, she was overtaken by him.

Except for that little monster Zhi Xin, none of the new generation of angel sisters can advance faster than her.

Can a mere magic stun me?

I don’t believe it!

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you." Mu Chenxing encouraged, and then traveled back to Badburg in the Marvel Universe.

It was still late at night, the crescent moon was like a hook above the sky, the stars were dotted, the mountain breeze was blowing through the window, and the whole castle was quiet and peaceful.

Wanda, Pietro and Coulson were sleeping deeply in their respective rooms.

Mu Chenxing had no intention of disturbing them, nor did he devote his attention to Qiyuan's various virtual experiments.

He flipped through the Book of Darkness and continued to learn chaos magic.

He has been studying the nature of magic power, Sithorn's deeds, and the construction of magic runes these past few days, and he has already become familiar with it.

But I can never borrow the magic power of chaos.

After trying again, Sithorn still had no response.

"It seems that the problem is not magic. It should be that Sithorn cannot mark my soul." He felt that his guess should be the truth of the matter.

Whether borrowing magic power or making a sacrifice to the devil, the mage needs to sign a contract with the devil. It is a soul contract, and the devil will mark the borrower's soul.

Dimension lords like Mu Chenxing who don't devour other people's souls would do that, let alone someone like Sithorn who uses magic to return souls.

"But my soul is bound to the council, and Sithorne can't do anything. Unless I enter the other party's dimension, it will be difficult to obtain chaos magic." He shook his head, and he needed to make some adjustments to his plan.

Fortunately, he had considered this problem before and did not invite Wanda to join the council to prevent this situation.

But the Book of Darkness corrodes the soul very seriously, and he will not let the Scarlet Witch be born without a perfect plan.

At least, until Wanda masters Holy Light Magic, it is impossible for her to know about Chaos Magic.

As for Pietro and Coulson, they are just adding to the situation, let alone letting them know about it.

In this universe, no matter who practices Chaos Magic, he can only expand the magic attributes and annex Sithorne's ladder. He will not allow Chaos Magic to gain strength here and welcome Sithorne, the God of the Underworld, back to the main material universe.


"Don't be anxious. If you are anxious, your thinking will be chaotic, and confusion will lead to mistakes." Mu Chenxing advised himself softly, but when he thought of the messy extraordinary people in the Marvel universe, many of them were favored by the Dimension Demon God.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Marvel, there are too many monsters and monsters, and there are too many big bosses. As a little dimension lord like myself, I really can’t be considered an awesome person.

"Forget it, they play their game, I play mine, there's no use worrying about that."

Time slowly slipped through Mu Chenxing's thoughts. The sun peeked out from the eastern sky, the morning fog dissipated, and a new day began.

Colson got up early and waited with trepidation to receive magic instruction.

Magic is a power beyond the ordinary. Although he has received rigorous training and thinks that his psychological quality is quite good, he still can't help but worry about gains and losses.

He didn't know if Mr. Mu was willing to teach him the real thing, and he didn't know if he could learn it. In short, he was excited and full of anxiety.

"Morning, Mr. Colson." Pietro, who also got up early, greeted him.

"Good morning, Mr. Maximov, are you going for a run?" Colson responded with a smile.

"Yes, the teacher said he was going to teach me something new today. I was a little excited, so I went for a run to calm down."

"Together? If you don't mind."


The two ran together for several kilometers on the mountain road in the early morning. When they returned, it was already bright and Wanda was holding a big book thicker than a brick, sitting next to the fountain in the center of the square, reading carefully.

"What kind of book is this? When did you get the habit of reading?" Pietro asked his sister in surprise.

We are all illiterate people who have not finished the fifth grade of elementary school. Why are you pretending to be a good student?

Can you understand such a thick book?

"The teacher gave me a magic book. I don't know the words in it, but I can understand it!" Wanda puffed up her cheeks proudly and glanced at her brother as if a top student looked down on a scumbag.

There are many spells recorded in the book, and she must learn them!

"Uh..." Pietro was stunned for a moment. What do you mean you can understand it even if you don't know the words on it? This is a picture book?

He poked his head and looked at the contents of the book. There were dense square characters and an extremely complicated illustration of runes. He felt dizzy after just one glance.

Even a little starry-eyed.

But it’s true as my sister said, even though she didn’t know the words above, she understood the meaning. This page records a spell called the light of the soul.

It is indeed a magic book, not scientific at all.


Pietro couldn't help but sigh and stared bitterly at the book called "The Magic Book of the Lord of Holy Light".

What's the use of understanding the literal meaning? Those runes made him dizzy just by looking at them. Not to mention using his mental power to outline them, he turned his head and forgot the specific structure.

The treasure is right in front of you, but you can't take it away.

He was very lost.

Coulson patted Pietro on the shoulder. After spending half an afternoon and an evening together, he naturally understood that this child had no magical talent.

He didn't know what he could do except comfort him and get in touch with her. Magic was such a dark thing.

Even though he had good eyesight and glanced at the magic book in Wanda's hand from a distance, he could not understand the real magic in just a few words.

"You guys go and wash up quickly. Let's go eat. The teacher said to go find him on the fourth floor after dinner." Wanda closed the book and said to Pietro and Colson.

She came down specifically to wait for the two of them.

"Hurry up, I'm starving." After saying that, he stood up and urged urgently while holding the book in his arms.

"Oh." Pietro came back to his senses, and his saliva began to secrete unconsciously.

The cooking skills of the two wooden servants last night really opened his eyes. The dinner made with picked wild vegetables and hunted game was so delicious that he almost swallowed it with his tongue.

A hundred times better than the chef of a big hotel.

At this point, they are still apologizing, saying that the seasoning is insufficient and the taste of the ingredients is not perfectly expressed.

He was really curious about what kind of delicious food those two wooden men would make if they were fully prepared.

"Let's go to the city to buy some food and seasoning later." Pietro suggested.

"Good idea!" Colson couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food.

"Our car is still parked at the hotel, we have to drive it back." Wanda reminded her brother.

All their previous belongings were on that pickup truck.

"That's right, we'll go after the teacher finishes his lecture." Pietro nodded seriously. Although he now has hundreds of millions, he can't lose his previous belongings.

Waste is shameful.

The three of them discussed what daily necessities they should buy, finished a simple but delicious breakfast, and then climbed to the fourth floor.

"Follow me." Mu Chenxing greeted them and led them into a magic laboratory.

It is said to be a laboratory, but in fact there is no experimental equipment. It is just an empty room with walls and floors reinforced with runes.

"Wanda, there are many spells in the book, but I suggest you start learning from the lighting spell."

Illumination is a life-based spell, but its biggest purpose is to allow mages to start practicing simple and low-cost spells and become familiar with the magic of holy light.

Mu Chenxing tapped the empty ground in the air, and three wooden chairs appeared out of thin air.

After signaling the three of them to sit down, he cupped his right hand and a soft light ball the size of an egg floated on the palm of his hand.

"The size of the magic power determines its volume, and the dispersion of photons determines its brightness. Whether it is suspended or attached is controlled by your will. No matter which series of spells you prefer in the future, lighting is the best choice for beginners.


This is not just for Wanda, Pietro also needs to master the lighting technique. Mu Chenxing has already thought about his introduction to magic.

As for Coulson, just follow Pietro's progress. As an auditor, he will definitely not be treated like Wanda.

In order to lay a solid foundation for the three of them, Mu Chenxing emphasized his tone and said: "Don't underestimate the lighting technique, it is related to many types of spells.

For example, by increasing the amount of magic, you can even create an artificial sun.

Increasing the dispersion speed of photons can achieve a blinding effect like a flash bomb.

Increase the vibration frequency of the holy light, which can be launched like a holy light bullet to strike the enemy.

It can also increase the property of expelling alien energy and purify the area within the lighting range."

He briefly demonstrated the various changes in the lighting technique, and then said: "Magic is not a fixed formula. Don't limit your thinking. Okay, let's stop here for the theory. You haven't really learned the magic yet. There is too much to talk about.

It's of no use either.

Wanda, practice on your own first. If you have any questions, ask me back.

Pietro, come with me, I have thought of a way for you to complete communication with the Lord of Holy Light first, and after you feel the Holy Light, the borrowed Holy Light can then exercise your physique and enhance your feeling of magic.

Coulson, you can go with Pietro if you want."

This method is actually to use sacrifice to communicate with the devil and seek venture capital.

First, trick the Dimension Demon to give the mage a round of angel investment, and then pay it back when you make money.

It is a tricky way for people without magic talent to use magic. It requires a large amount of magic power to be injected, condensed runes, and physical changes.

It is quite different from a mage who can outline runes and absorb magic power to sacrifice to the devil. A mage can use different attributes of magic power and release different spells, but after ordinary people change their physiques, they can only use the condensed runes.

Use relevant spells.

Take Wanda and Pietro as an example.

Wanda can communicate with Mu Chenxing to borrow holy light magic, communicate with Sithorn and borrow chaos magic, and communicate with other demons to borrow magic of other attributes.

But Pietro couldn't do it. He communicated with Mu Chenxing through sacrifice. After changing his physique, his body and soul became attributes of Holy Light. Even if he absorbed free energy, Holy Light magic would be synthesized in his body.

And only fixed holy light magic can be used based on the condensed runes.

Mu Chenxing named those who gained magical abilities in this way Rune Warriors. Because such people have poor talent and poor repayment ability, he prefers to bestow melee spells, which consume less money.


Of course, as the pioneers Pietro and Coulson, Mu Chenxing decided to let them come to sacrifice a few more times so that he could condense a few more runes for them.

He had already thought of the first rune, the illumination spell.

It is beneficial to lay a solid foundation first.

(End of chapter)

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