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Chapter 106 Homework Assigned by Master

"Old Wu, although my apprentice is accomplished, he is still quite diligent. I think with this picture, he has barely reached the threshold to enter the Artists Association. What do you think?" Yang Mingde finally stated his purpose.

This is paving the way for Zhang Junping.

The full name of the Artists Association is the All-China Artists Association, also known as the China Artists Association.

On July 21, 1949, Laijin Yuxuan was founded in Zhongshan Park, Beijing. Xu Beihong was elected as the first chairman, Jiang Feng, Ye Qianyu as vice chairman, Cai Ruohong, Liu Kaiqu, Wu Zuoren, Li Hua, Gu Yuan, Wang Chaowen, Ni Yide,

Liqun, Zhu Dan and Yefu are members of the Standing Committee, with 41 national committee members and 10 repair committee members.

Let’s not talk about the first or second session, but let’s talk about the Third Member Congress of the China Artists Association in 1979. The chairman was Chang Jiang Feng, the veteran of CAFA.

Unfortunately, he just passed away.

The remaining vice-chairmen, Wang Chaowen, Ye Qianyu, Liu Kaiqu, and Wu Zuoren are all from CAFA. It can be said that CAMC occupies half of the China Artists Association.

Whether Zhang Junping can join the China Artists Association or not, these people in the conference room can have the final say.

"I think it's okay!" Wu Zuoren turned around and looked around, and finally nodded to agree to Yang Mingde's request.

"However," Wu Zuoren continued: "One work alone is still a bit weak. In this way, next month when Jiguge Tea Garden opens and the city organizes an exhibition of young painters' works, you ask Zhang Junping to prepare a few more works.

Let everyone take a look at the work, and some people will say that Central Academy of Fine Arts should set up a one-spoken institution."

The sudden death of the old president Jiang Feng not only left the position of president of CAFA, but also left the position of chairman of the Chinese Artists Association vacant.

Wu Zuoren is a strong competitor, especially under the premise that Yang Mingde has made it clear that he will no longer participate in the competition, he has a greater chance of winning.

There are hundreds of millions of kinds of people in the world, and everyone has different ideas and pursuits. Some people are indifferent to fame and fortune, while others love power and pursue fame and fortune.

Where there is fame and fortune, there are disputes, and the China Artists Association in the 1980s was also full of disputes. This dispute became more intense especially after Wu Zuoren was elected chairman of the Artists Association.

Of course, this does not mean that Wu Zuoren is incompetent, it is just that he happens to be in an era of change.

After the reform and opening up, the desire for fame and wealth that had been suppressed for decades seemed to suddenly explode.

Starting in 1984, comments such as "Those who work on atomic bombs are not as good as those who sell tea eggs" and "The income of those who hold scalpels is not as good as those who hold razors" began to fill people's minds.

This kind of impetuous remarks that everything is about money is just a voice among the people. However, it is inevitable that this kind of impetuous remarks have affected a large number of people.

Among them are artists from the Artists Association.

Of course, there is also the fact that Wu Zuoren's own artistic achievements are not as high as those of the previous presidents, enough to suppress everything.

Therefore, disputes are inevitable.

Regarding Wu Zuoren's suggestion that Zhang Junping should exhibit a few more works in the exhibition, Yang Mingde said nothing and just nodded in agreement.

Even if Wu Zuoren didn't say it, Yang Mingde would do it.

He didn't know what Yang Mingde did for Zhang Junping behind his back.

But when he was about to go to the furniture store in the morning, he was stopped by the doorman and said that Dean Yang asked him to go to the office.

In the era when there were no sex machines or mobile phones, this was the only way to send messages.

Because Yang Mingde knew that Zhang Junping left early in the morning and would not come back until evening, the school gate was the only way to go.

"Master, are you looking for me?" Zhang Junping came to Yang Mingde's office and asked respectfully.

"Well, the homework assigned to you before is a bit short. Since your improvisational works are better than those of a generation, then for this exhibition of young painters' works, you should prepare ten works. I require three paintings of calligraphy, three paintings of freehand brushwork, and three paintings of freehand brushwork.

A piece of fine brushwork and a stroke of color and ink." Yang Mingde did not tell Zhang Junping about joining the China Artists Association, but gave him homework to prepare works for the exhibition.

"Master, ten works are in four different categories, aren't you too cruel?!" Zhang Junping cried bitterly.

"What? Don't you claim to be the one who crushes the generation? Is this such a small thing difficult for you?" Yang Mingde looked at Zhang Junping with a smile and said jokingly: "How awesome are you? You can draw a freehand ink painting in less than an hour.

Ten works, only ten hours.

After doing this calculation, why do I feel that the homework assigned is a bit small? Should I add more?"

"No! No more, no less! I will work hard and put my best foot forward to create these ten works. Master, if you have no other instructions, I will withdraw first."

"get out!

By the way, the logistics office said that the business license has been issued, go and get it!" Yang Mingde waved his hand and cursed with a smile.

Zhang Junping bowed to Yang Mingde and left quickly.

If you really feel that ten works are less than ten works, if you add more, it will be fatal.

Zhang Junping is not lazy, he is really busy!

The furniture store is about to open, training classes are about to start, and there are renovations.

These are all small things. The key point is that he feels that the first phase of his research on ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties has been completed and he can proceed to the second phase, which is to repair the furniture.

This is the most important matter for Zhang Junping.

Relatively speaking, his love for calligraphy and painting is far less than wood art.

Writing and drawing are not as fun as wood.

Zhang Junping first went to the Logistics Department to get his business license, and after being polite to Director Gao of the Logistics Department, he said goodbye and left.

Then came to the furniture store in Wangfujing.

After Zhang Junping left yesterday, Huang Juan took two more orders, and Liu Zhengwen went directly with them to measure the area of ​​the house.

"Brother Zhang, several people came to inquire about the tutoring class yesterday, but in the end they still couldn't decide. They all said they would go home and discuss it.

Isn't the price we set a bit high?" Huang Juan asked worriedly.

"Is it high? Let me calculate it for you. There are thirty-two classes in one semester, and we have thirty yuan.

A two-hour class costs less than a dollar. Do you think one hour of your partner’s time is not worth the dollar?”

"How can it be worth so much? He doesn't go to class every day and just hangs around here. I don't think it's worth even a dime." Speaking of Liu Zhengwen, Huang Juan said with a little dissatisfaction in her tone.

I feel that my husband is not up to par, he is just idle all day long, and he doesn’t know how to think of something to make money.

Especially when compared with Zhang Junping, it is even more

Why did I have such poor vision back then? I kept choosing, but I chose someone who didn’t know how to make progress.

"Haha, this is not nonsense. You know we are all learning to paint. Learning to paint does not mean you can become an artist by sitting in a classroom.

To experience life, to observe life.

You may look at Lao Liu walking around you as if he has nothing to do, but in fact he is experiencing and observing life.

Old Liu, hurry up and show your wife the results of your recent observations, otherwise your wife will not let you go to bed at night." Zhang Junping shouted at Liu Zhengwen while winking at him quietly.


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