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Chapter 206 You and I have a fate

According to this activity, a set of furniture can be cheaper by one to two hundred yuan or even four to five hundred yuan by trading in old ones for new ones.

Enough to offset the price advantage of those furniture stores.

Even if... Zhang Junping can say with certainty that someone will take advantage of the loophole and buy dozens of old furniture at low prices to exchange for a new set of furniture.

Zhang Junping is not afraid that those furniture stores will follow suit and also trade in old items for new ones. If he really had the guts to follow suit, Zhang Junping would actually express his admiration.

What he was afraid of was that there would be too much old furniture taken back and there would be no space to put it.

After all, the warehouse over at Liulichang is now filled with ancient furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The old furniture he collected can no longer be stored, so what he urgently needs now is to rent one or several larger warehouses.

"Director, the range you gave is so wide, so how do we judge how much is the right amount?" The female salesperson who just spoke raised her hand again and asked.

Zhang Junping glanced at the saleswoman.

This female salesperson is about 20 years old. She is above average in appearance, with an invisible figure. She is about 1.6 meters tall. Her most attractive eyes are not big, but very bright and lively.

“How to judge how much is appropriate? First, look at the material of the old furniture, whether it is mahogany furniture or ordinary wood. Second, look at the condition of the furniture, whether it is not damaged or is damaged and cannot be used.

The third thing is to look at people. If you want to do business with a more difficult customer and sell furniture to him, then give him a higher discount. The specific details will depend on your flexibility.

For example, an old chair is not broken at all. If you pay up to 30 yuan for the goods, this only shows that your business ability is not good.

But if you pay a maximum of thirty yuan for a broken chair with missing arms and legs, what does that mean?"

"It shows that you are practicing favoritism and cheating the public money!" the saleswoman with sharp eyes just said.


The first situation will only affect your commission. If we sell a chair for 100 yuan and you pay 10 yuan for the goods, then you can calculate the commission based on 90 yuan.

If you pay 30 yuan, then you can only calculate the commission based on 70 yuan.

You can't tell the difference with one chair, but over time, your income will be a lot lower than others.

Also, if you pay for the goods at a relatively high price, it means that your business ability is not good, and when it comes to promotion, you will naturally be a step slower than others.

In the second case, you can be forgiven once or twice, but if it happens a third time, then I can only ask you to leave."

Zhang Junping had nothing to do in the afternoon, so he patiently explained the old-for-new policy to these salesmen.

Zhang Junping didn't leave DreamWorks until everyone had no doubts.

If you have any difficulties, go to the government...go to the street aunt.

Zhang Junping had just arrived at the Wangfujing Subdistrict Office and met Aunt Wang walking out of the office.

"Aunt Wang, are you going out?" Zhang Junping greeted with a smile.

"Master Zhang, are you here? But Chengzi is missing!"

"Aunt Wang, I haven't seen you for a while. Why don't I come to DreamWorks to do some errands? Come and say hello to you." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Master Zhang, you are getting better and better at talking! Do you have anything to do in the office?" Aunt Wang asked with a smile.

"It's a bit difficult. I'll ask Aunt Wang to find a solution."

"What's up?"

"This is not a recent reaction. Someone is copying furniture from our furniture factory and selling it at a low price."

"Oh! I've heard about this, but this is not under the control of our street, and we can't control it."

"Aunt Wang, I'm not asking you to take care of those furniture stores. Let alone you, the state can't take care of this matter.

Didn't I come up with a bad idea and prepare to trade in the old one for the new one..." Zhang Junping told Aunt Wang the activities he planned to do.

I'm counting on Aunt Wang to help publicize this matter, so naturally I won't hide it from her.

"Trade the old for the new? Master Zhang, if you do this, you won't lose money, right?"

“It’s not like I’m going to pay for it.

You also know that I study ancient furniture and like to collect these old furniture."

"Then you came to me and asked me to help you with publicity? That's no problem!" Aunt Wang said cheerfully.

"Aunt Wang, we must rely on your help in publicity. Our furniture factory cannot be what it is today without your publicity.

However, I am not looking for you today for publicity.

I would like to ask your help to find some larger warehouses to store the old furniture that has been recovered." Zhang Junping stated his purpose.

"What about this? Renting a warehouse...

Let me think about it!" Aunt Wang frowned and wondered where there were idle warehouses.

"Master Zhang is here? Why don't you come in?" At this time, the fat aunt came out and asked with a smile when she saw Zhang Junping and Aunt Wang standing at the door.

"Old Lin, you're here at the right time. Master Zhang wants to offer a trade-in discount and rents a few warehouses to store old furniture..." Before Zhang Junping could speak, Aunt Wang told Fatty Aunt the matter.


Lao Wang, you have forgotten that there are several empty warehouses in the department store." The fat aunt said with a smile upon hearing this.

"That's right! Why did I forget about the warehouse in the department store.

Some time ago, Lao Yu also said this." Aunt Wang clapped her hands and said.

"Master Zhang, there are a few empty warehouses in the department store. The area is large enough, but it's a little leaky..."

"It's okay to leak. As long as the leak is not too severe, I can repair it myself and then cover the furniture with a layer of raincloth."

"Okay, Lao Lin, please take Master Zhang for a run. I have something to do here and I'm in a hurry to get out..."

Zhang Junping rode a bicycle with his fat aunt on his back, and followed the fat aunt's instructions to Dongcangmen Hutong.

"Master Zhang, I'm talking about these warehouses. This used to be the royal granary and later became the warehouse of a department store.

Some of them are unused due to rain leaks."

Looking at the tall building in front of him, Zhang Junping couldn't help but laugh.

At this moment, Zhang Junping felt that he and this royal granary were really destined.

Before, I asked Ye Jing and Ma Wei to buy the royal granary, but nothing happened.

Unexpectedly, when there is no light in the east, there is light in the west. I planned to rent a warehouse, but was taken to the Royal Granary by the fat aunt.

"Aunt Lin, I know this warehouse. I even paid attention to it at first and wanted to buy it to use as a production workshop.

As a result, no way was found.

This place is perfect for a warehouse!

That’s it, you can ask for help, you can buy it or rent it!”

"I'm afraid it's not possible to buy, but it's definitely fine to rent!" the fat aunt said as she approached the royal granary.

"Old as head, old as head!"

"Hey, the eldest sister of the Lin family is here? What kind of wind brings you here?" An old man poked his head out of the office, saw the fat aunt, opened the door hurriedly, and said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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