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Chapter 233 Pull Jinsong On Board

"Bah, who wants to give you a child!" Huang Xue's face suddenly turned red and she forgot about the problem she was struggling with just now.

We have been together for such a long time, and the postures that should be unlocked are almost unlocked, but Huang Xue'ai's blushing problem has not changed.

At other times, she is a nice, cheerful, and generous girl, but whenever the matter of the couple's bed is involved, she will blush.

I guess it won't change until I have children.

Zhang Junping hopes to never change. Huang Xue, who loves to blush, is even cuter and can inspire his desire to conquer.

When we returned to the alley of Dongmi City, it was already past nine o'clock. The old lady had not rested yet, and the lights were still on in the house.

Zhang Junping and Huang Xue went in to say hello and chatted with the old lady before they were kicked out of the house by the old lady.

After a hearty battle with Linlin, Zhang Junping hugged Huang Xue and said his plan, "Miss Huang, when you finish the decoration work, you can leave the decoration to other students."

After a period of contact, Zhang Junping has already seen that Huang Xue is very studious and hard-working, and has a solid foundation in painting, but his talent is limited and he cannot become a master of traditional Chinese painting no matter how hard he works.

This is not only Zhang Junping's evaluation, but also the old lady's evaluation.

"Why?" Huang Xue turned over and lay on Zhang Junping's body and asked softly.

With a flip, Zhang Junping immediately forgot to talk about business, and a fierce life-and-death battle broke out again.

After the battle, Huang Xue cleaned Zhang Junping's body and then asked again: "I did a good job and I'm not tired, why don't I do it anymore?"

"Because I have a more important task for you, Miss Huang! I don't feel comfortable leaving it to anyone else," Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"What mission?"

"Don't move around. If it causes another war, you will be fully responsible." Zhang Junping patted Huang Xue to stop her from twisting.

"Who is afraid of whom?" Huang Xue flirted with Zhang Junping provocatively.

Well, Zhang Junping had no choice but to give in.

There is no damaged land, only exhausted cows.

“I plan to build a large-scale hardware, building materials and decoration city in conjunction with Jinsong Street.

I'm going to let you serve as the general manager of the Building Materials City..." Zhang Junping told Huang Xue his plan in detail.

"Ah?! Can I do it? I've never done it before!" Huang Xue was startled by Zhang Junping's plan and said without confidence.

"Be confident, how can my Miss Huang not do it?

Don’t forget that you have been the squad leader since you were a child, and you also served as the Communist Youth League secretary.

In fact, managing the decoration city is the same as managing the students when you are the monitor." Zhang Junping gently patted Huang Xue's perky butt to encourage her, causing a wave of ups and downs.

"But...but being a squad leader and managing a decoration city are completely different things.

When you are a class monitor, there is a teacher above you. If anyone is disobedient, you can tell the teacher."

"You have me on top now! If anyone disobeys me, just tell me and I will tell him to get out.

Later, we will recruit twenty or thirty security guards. They are all like the security guards at the furniture factory. All of them are army scouts or retired soldiers from the guard company.

Anyone who dares to disobey and cause trouble will be thrown out."

"Is it really possible?"

"Absolutely, why don't you believe me, husband?"

"I believe, my husband is the most powerful!"

"That's right, remember from now on, my husband is the most powerful!

If you dare to question your husband again, your family will serve you!"

"Family law? What family law?"

"The family law is..." After Zhang Junping finished speaking, he got on his horse and started fighting again.

The next day, Zhang Junping came to Jinsong Subdistrict Office early.

"Hey, what kind of wind is this that brings Director Zhang here?" Liang Guanghui saw Zhang Junping and came up to him with a smile.

"The wind is blowing from the southeast to the northwest!" Zhang Junping took two steps, smiled and stretched out his hands to shake Liang Guanghui's hand.

"You, Director Zhang, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. What do you want to do here today?" Liang Guanghui asked with a smile while pouring water for Zhang Junping.

"It's something, a great thing! If it is done, it will not only greatly increase the fiscal revenue of our Jinsong Street, but also create a lot of jobs."

"Oh? It would be a great thing to increase fiscal revenue and create employment.

Come on, tell us how to increase finances, increase income, and solve employment problems." When Liang Guanghui heard this, he immediately became interested. He didn't even give Zhang Junping water, but walked directly across from Zhang Junping and looked at him eagerly.

"That's right, I'm going to jointly build a large shopping mall with Jinsong Street, a shopping mall dedicated to selling hardware and decorative materials.

I pay, I manage, our Jinsong Subdistrict only needs to use land as shares." Zhang Junping briefly explained his ideas to Liang Guanghui.

"Your idea is a good one, very promising!" Liang Guanghui nodded firmly after listening to Zhang Junping's introduction, "Some time ago, my brother renovated a house. In order to buy decoration materials, he really traveled around a lot.

I walked around Beijing to buy all the materials."

“We at Central America Dream Factory also have the business of decorating houses.

I am deeply touched by what you said, Secretary Liang.

So, I plan to build a comprehensive hardware decoration city so that when people buy decoration materials, they don’t have to run around too much and can buy them all in one stop."

The most important thing about Decoration City is to bring Jinsong Street on board.

This is the basic condition for whether the Decoration City can be built.

With Jinsong Street becoming a shareholder, it is equivalent to having free land. First of all, for the common people, the credibility is guaranteed.

Then the policy restrictions for registered companies are opened.

In this era, the country has only liberalized the individual economy, and there is a limit of seven people.

The only way to break this restriction is through public-private partnership.

Therefore, the construction of Lajinsong Street is the basis for whether the Decoration City can be built.

As for the money to build the decoration city, Zhang Junping has also planned it. This time when he went to Xiangjiang, Zhang Junping prepared several ways to make money. The last one was to sell two stamps.

A Penny Black stamp, even now, can sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In Zhang Junping's imagination, the decoration city will have three floors. The first floor will buy ceramic tiles, hardware, lamps, wallpaper, curtains, bed sheets and quilts on the second floor. The third floor will be a furniture world (for your own use).

Basically, as long as you come to Decoration City, you can buy everything you need for your house, except for home appliances.

Regarding home appliances, Zhang Junping has no solution for the time being, because in this era, the problem of production capacity cannot be solved by building a decoration city.

Besides, one person can't make all the money. As long as the decoration city is run well, it will be a huge fortune.

With a common understanding, it will be much easier to talk again. Zhang Junping does not need to spend words to convince Liang Guanghui.

The next thing to talk about is nothing more than the division of interests.

"Secretary Liang, we must control the Decoration City, which means we must have full management authority. There is no doubt about this.

We at Jinsong Street only have the right to supervise and distribute dividends." Zhang Junping said very directly and forcefully.

This chapter has been completed!
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