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Chapter 375 Be yourself

"Brother, your question is probably a question shared by all overseas Chinese.

Yes! After ten years of turmoil, can China invest and maintain stable and unstable policies?

Whether it is stable or unstable, I will not judge! Nor will I make inferences.

I just want to say that this country and this nation were bought by our countless revolutionary martyrs with their lives.

As juniors, what right do we have to doubt him?

The only thing we can do is to do our best to protect her and build her up.

She is poor now, so we will find a way to make her rich.

If she is lagging behind, then we will find ways to make her advance.

In this way, we will not be ashamed of the sacrifices made by our master and the revolutionary martyrs." Zhang Junping said to Luo Nianzu with a smile.

"Junior brother, we are just businessmen..."

"Senior brother, my master was just a craftsman back then, but he still devoted his life to serving in the army.

Yes, we are all just a very small individual!

But isn’t the country made up of so many tiny individuals like us?

If each of us does our part, this country can take a step forward.

Even if it’s just a small step, that’s what we’re proud of!”

"Okay! Maybe you're right!

Although I can't understand the feelings between you and my mother.

However, I will still come back, just like you said, to do my best, even if nothing is accomplished in the end.

At the very least, I will not be ashamed of my father’s sacrifice.”

"Senior brother, I believe you will not regret it!

Now is a great era, and the country is undergoing an unprecedented reform.

No one knows how to change it specifically!

The chief designer also said, cross the river by feeling the stones.

So, just do our best to be ourselves!" Zhang Junping smiled and reached out to pat Luo Nianzu's arm.

A young man in his twenties reached out and patted an old man in his fifties on the arm, but it was not at all inappropriate.

Because the temperament is there.

Zhang Junping has an aura of poetry and calligraphy. He has been reading non-stop for the past year, which gives him an air of elegance.

In addition, at the furniture factory, he kept his word and developed an aura that only decision-makers can have.

These two qualities are mixed together to form a unique temperament, elegant yet domineering.

"Brother, sister, I plan to establish seven companies in the construction of the central business district in the future.

They are real estate companies, property management companies, five-star hotels, large supermarket management companies, construction companies, building materials companies and decoration companies.

We are our own people, these seven companies are open to you, and you can all take shares."

"How to divide the equity?"

"I can give up 20% of the shares."

“Twenty less!

Although Jiani and I are biological brothers and sisters, we still have to settle accounts clearly.

Twenty is not enough for us to share!”

"Senior brother, twenty is a lot! If there is any more, I'm afraid senior brother and senior sister won't be able to eat it!"

"Hahaha!" Luo Nianzu and Luo Jiani looked at each other and laughed.

Unexpectedly, the first time I returned to China, I was underestimated.

“The entire central business district project is expected to invest more than one billion yuan.

Gu Wei<spa>This is only the first phase. The second phase will be started simultaneously in eight domestic cities, with a total investment expected to exceed 10 billion.

This is just infrastructure construction, and the investment in five-star hotels is even higher.

A five-star hotel, decorated entirely in Chinese style, with the gold bricks used in the Golden Palace on the floor.

In addition, the imperial suites are all made of small-leaf rosewood furniture, and the business suites are made of rosewood or Vietnamese huanghuali.

Even the most ordinary standard rooms are all made of mahogany furniture.

The tableware and tea sets are all fine porcelain ordered from jdz.

Do you know porcelain?

It is as thin as paper, sounds like a chime, and a little peach blossom is moistened by water."

"Porcelain?" Luo Nianzu shook his head blankly.

"Porcelain can be said to be the official porcelain of the Republic of China.

I didn't dare to imitate it before, but now that the reform and opening up has begun, I am ready to imitate the porcelain 100% and use it as exclusive porcelain for five-star hotels.

Brother, please calculate how much investment is needed for such a five-star hotel?

Because the early stage is a period of rapid development, there is basically no possibility of paying dividends to repay the capital, but will continue to invest.

My goal is to build fifteen central business districts across the country by the early 1990s.

At the beginning of the 21st century, all provincial capital cities and sub-provincial cities across the country invested in the construction of central business districts.

Calculating this, the total investment will exceed 100 billion.

Although you can get a loan, your own capital cannot be less than 20%, right?" Zhang Junping smiled and calculated an account for Luo Nianzu, which left Luo Nianzu speechless.

Zhang Junping's words have made it very clear, and even bank loans and corporate debt ratios have been fully considered.

At this time, the chef pushed the cart and brought up the duck that had just been tested.

"Brother, sister-in-law, senior sister, brother-in-law, come and try our old bj's roast duck.

Lao BJ’s roast duck is a must-try delicacy when visiting BJ, especially the Quanjude roast duck, which is the most authentic.

First of all, the choice of duck is very particular. The most authentic roast duck must be stuffed duck.

The charcoal used for roasting duck must be fruit wood.

Moreover, eating roast duck is more knowledgeable.

A roast duck, in the hands of a master chef, can be sliced ​​into 108 pieces, not too many pieces, not too many pieces."

“This man is a foodie!

This roast duck not only requires one hundred and eight slices, but also each slice with the skin on to be considered authentic.

I followed the master, and it took me ten years to practice just this duck." The master who delivered the roast duck was a master in his fifties, and he was also a talkative master.

"Master, you're welcome. This is a new era and a new society, so I don't want to be called "Master" anymore.

Your craftsmanship with this duck is extremely good. Each piece of this duck is the same size and thickness. Even if you put it on a scale, each piece will be about two or three grams." Everyone carried the sedan chair, and Zhang Junping cupped his hands and clasped his fists at the master.


"You have good eyesight! The difference between each piece of the duck I sliced ​​is definitely not more than two grams.

I was even in the newspaper for this a few years ago!" The old master was overjoyed when he was praised by Zhang Junping. While saying this to Zhang Junping, the work at hand was not delayed at all.

"Junior brother, why do you need to pay so much attention to eating roast duck? It's really a great experience!" Senior sister Luo Jiani said with emotion.

"Senior sister, our Chinese food culture has a long history and is profound. They are all treasures passed down by our ancestors. They are definitely not comparable to the foreigners' steaks and pasta.

Let’s put it this way, in China, every dish that is named Shang Ming is very particular and has many stories behind it.

If we talk about it in detail, this dish can last a whole day." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"It's too exaggerated to say that one dish lasts a day, isn't it?" senior sister Luo Jiani said in surprise.

Zhang Junping felt indescribably relieved at his senior sister's surprise.

But I also know that the reason why the senior sister is surprised is because she has been abroad since she was a child and does not know much about domestic cultural traditions.



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