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Chapter 117 The Icosahedron in the Electron Cloud, Electroweak Interaction of Written Information

At 6:40 in the morning, the busy preparations came to an end.

Ren Zhong and other six people took a cylindrical suspension elevator with a diameter of eight meters and went all the way down to a depth of nearly 300 meters underground.

The cylindrical elevator door opens, and what comes into view is a spacious and bright huge barrel hall.

On the circular wall of the hall, numbers from 1 to 48 are spray-painted in black letters on a white background, a total of 48 numbers.

Directly below each number are 48 refurbishment positions for rock boring machines.

Parked on the machine stand is a conical spiral drill bit shaped like a cone at the front, and a cylinder like an oil tanker with a diameter nearly half smaller than the drill bit at the rear.

The whole thing looks like a flying monkey firecracker.

It is completely black, with no welds visible on the surface.

Under the orange-yellow light, the spiral drill bit at the top reflects a purple quartz-like luster.

Ren Zhong could not tell with the naked eye whether the material of the drill bit was metal or a crystal like diamond.

At this time, his breathing became slightly faster.

Struggling alone on the Origin Star, he thought he had been hardened by the cruel reality in Starfire Town, but he didn't expect that his emotions would be violently aroused by a machine.

This machine is a cutting-edge rock boring machine from the interstellar trade.

Although he had already seen the video information about it in the manual, when he actually stood under it and raised his head to face the real thing, his heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate.

Countless years have passed and countless light years have passed. Memories that cannot be forgotten and may never be touched again come with a fierce attitude like a tsunami.

In his mind, he suddenly recalled an ancient anime that he had watched when he was ten years old and had some leisure time from his busy schedule.

From the perspective of children in the 2040s, this is an ancient antique with a simple story structure.

But it left a very deep impression on the young Ren Zhong.

The young man's heart once jumped following the drill bit that could destroy heaven and earth.

"Tianyuan Breakthrough, Red Lotus Lagann"!

Who gave the name of the rock boring machine?

So apt.


Or did someone do it deliberately?

What species is the advanced civilization above the Source Star?

Is it human?

With some doubts, Ren Zhong, who was fully armored, grabbed the pleated black leather lasso bag placed on the shelf raised from the ground next to him, stepped inside from the door opened at the back of the cylinder, and walked through the narrow corridor.

, enter the cockpit, and then sit in the driver's seat.

The design language of this driver's seat is in line with human ergonomics, the riding comfort is excellent, and the wrapping feeling is very good, like lying on an inflatable sofa.

A strip of self-sensing restraint straps extends from both sides of the driver's seat backrest and seat cushion, firmly restraining Ren Zhong without feeling depressed.

Two joysticks sprouted from the left and right sides.

The giant screen in front of Ren Zhong lit up simultaneously.

At this time, in the center area of ​​the giant screen, there is exactly the same three-dimensional structure projection as in the exploration map.

Flashing green dots representing the six volcanic rock boring machines of the Linwang team appeared on the edge of the uppermost cylinder of the stereoscopic projection.

There are also 42 yellow dots representing other excavators located inside the cylinder and at various locations underground outside.

Unexpectedly, Yu Junren, the spokesperson of the evil capitalists, has forcibly extended the working hours to 14 hours. Even Huang Shiren is worse than Huang Shiren, and there will be people starting early.

Ren Zhong is complaining silently, and the working class at the bottom is also so internally involved, the capitalists must not be ecstatic?

Even if he didn't extend his working hours to fifteen and a half hours, he could still praise Yu Junren for his kindness.

Lin Wang's voice sounded in the communication system.

"Today is the first actual combat. It is mainly to familiarize yourself with the operation. I have sent everyone's excavation route plan to you. Unless encountering a beast, no one is allowed to deviate from the route today. We do not seek merit but seek no fault. This

The value of the rock boring machine is more valuable than our lives. If it breaks, we will all die."

Bei Lihui: "Understood!"


The wall of the hall opened by itself, revealing the gray and black rock wall behind it.

The anti-gravity engine started, and the rock boring machine floated slightly and pushed forward.

The top drill bit gradually accelerates and the rotation speed continues to increase.

Ren Zhong carefully pushed the right joystick forward and stepped on the accelerator with his right foot.

The rock boring machine moves forward slowly.

The drill bit penetrated into the rock wall, swirling the soil around and scattering rock debris.

There was a slight vibration in the cabin, and then it became stable again.

A few seconds later, the heavy boring machine sank into the rock and soil.

In the cockpit, Ren Zhong clicked with both hands.

Ghost particle communicator, activated.

Tremor Scanner, start.

Energy induction detector, start.

As one instrument after another was opened, the parameters appearing on the giant screen in front of him became more and more abundant.

Ren Zhong read the planned route sent by Lin Wang at an extremely fast speed, and then transcribed it into the central control system of the tunnel boring machine through a brainwave link.

Frankly speaking, he can hang up and lie down next.

Anyway, he basically has no combat missions.

When encountering a beast, proceed three hundred meters in advance and an alarm will sound in the cabin.

When it is within a range of two hundred meters, the detector can give a general judgment of the energy level, strength index and type of the beast.

The squad system will also automatically synchronize information to other people.

Don't worry about the heavy tasks, just take a short detour. Today he just needs to run as far as possible, cover enough mileage, and pretend to be working hard.

Others have to rush out of the tunnel boring machine from time to time to fight the beasts. They hardly have to go out of the cabin and basically don't have to do anything. They are more leisurely than Sima Wan, who specializes in collecting corpses.

Of the million-dollar salary offered by Chenhui Company, Lin Wang only considered one-tenth of Ren Zhong's salary, which was one hundred thousand. This is the reason why.

But Ren Zhong was not idle, he was not relaxed.

He has turned on the geomagnetic sensor on the rock boring machine, and a large amount of geomagnetic data is flooding in as he continues to dig deeper.

Compared with the geomagnetic sensor he used in the abandoned mine, this product of advanced civilization technology is simply incomparable. Its measurement accuracy and calculation speed are astonishingly fast.

He didn't even need to stop, he just kept moving forward at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour.

Ren Zhong's eyes were fixed on the geomagnetic induction data scrolling down rapidly on the left side of the giant screen, and he did not dare to blink.

He actually wanted to use an ordinary tablet computer to make tabulations, enter data, and automatically check and draw graphs as he had done before. That would be much easier.

What’s really annoying is that the central control computer of the tunnel boring machine does not come with this slightly customized function.

In order to prevent any abnormality, Ren Zhong did not dare to bring his computer with him at all, so he could only rely on naked eye observation and crazy annotation in his mind, and then used his own space geometry thinking to barely outline the magnetic field line model.


The intensity of his thinking is not inferior to that of when he participated in the national high school physics competition.

Only when he encounters a "powerful" beast that he must take action himself, will he reluctantly stop the tunnel boring machine, jump out, use the tunnel behind the tunnel boring machine as a fighting space, and stab it randomly with his gun.

Time flew by, five hours passed in the blink of an eye, and it reached twelve o'clock at noon.

Lin Wang gave another order, announcing that excavation would be suspended and that he would rest for twenty minutes and have a meal.

While Ren Zhong was hurriedly cooking, he glanced at the team's hunting report for the morning.


There were twenty-three level four ruin beasts, including ten killed by Lin Wang alone, five by Bei Lihui, three by Song Qianlian, and two by Pan Fenglian.

In addition, there are three fourth-level ruin beasts, which are of special breeds and strong strength, and can be defeated by the cooperation of two or three people with combat capabilities.

So far, we haven’t encountered any powerful products that require the entire team to assemble.

The number of third-level ruin beasts is up to sixty-four.

On the contrary, the number of second-level beasts has become smaller, with only about twenty.

Among them, Song Qianlian killed more than ten, Bei Lihui killed several, and Ren Zhong killed three.

There were even fewer first-level beasts, only eight, and all of them were killed by Ren Zhong.

All the chips of the third- and fourth-level ruin beasts were dismantled, and Sima Wan was extremely busy.

As for the first and second level beasts, she didn't even bother to care about them.

On the contrary, it was Ren Daquan who gave Lin Wangxin a surprise.

In line with the principle of shameful waste, Ren Zhong also took out the second-level dismantling glove and casually dismantled the first-level and second-level ruin beasts that he had chopped down. Although it took a little time and "accidentally" messed up some, he still

It's better than wasting it in vain.

Lin Wang had no hope for him at all, but he didn't care.

A rough calculation showed that the team's total harvest this morning was worth nearly 50,000 points, which is astonishing.

While they were eating separately, Lin Wang praised, "It seems that everyone has adapted quickly. Let's keep up our efforts in the afternoon. Under normal circumstances, the chips for the first and second level beasts will be wasted. You have done a good job, and I will

I didn’t expect that you actually have this skill. Although you are not skilled in it, you can still put it to use. All the first and second level chips you remove will be counted as your personal income."

"Thank you captain!"

Ren Zhong replied excitedly.

At this time, his face was indeed flushed and he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

He was still cooking rice a second ago, but now his heart rate suddenly jumped to 150 beats per minute.

His hand holding the chopsticks paused, his mouth opened wide, his eyes widened, his pupils dilated, and his face was full of disbelief.

He stared blankly at the picture in the upper right corner of the giant screen, speechless for a long time.

There are no words to describe his shock at this time.

Just now, he had to distract himself from eating, so he paused his memory of the geomagnetic induction data and casually opened a small collection and analysis function of the tunnel boring machine that he had never played with before.

A small robotic arm claw was extended from the lower end of the tail of the tunnel boring machine, and a piece of ore was randomly picked up from the ground and brought back into the cabin. It then moved on its own in the fully automatic sample analysis room behind the cockpit to conduct basic physical and chemical characteristics analysis.

This is also one of the routine tasks of excavators, but other excavators never pay attention to these analytical data, and they can't understand it anyway.

But Ren Zhong had spent many years in the laboratory.

His mentor even took him to visit the most powerful particle collider in the 21st century, and he saw with his own eyes the power of mankind in the 21st century.

What caught Ren Zhong's attention was a small link in the entire analysis process of the snail rock boring machine.

It's just an inconspicuous little palm-sized picture hidden in the corner.

That is a three-dimensional electron cloud map of chromium atoms drawn by the photon imaging system.

At this time, the electron cloud image was flickering slightly.

Five seconds later, the three-dimensional cloud image was replaced by new information.

Ren Zhong sat back in the driver's seat and began to slowly cook the rice in small bites.

The three-dimensional electron cloud image appeared over and over in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.

He never imagined that the electron cloud diagram of a single atom would show such a strange appearance that the scientific outlook he had formed in his "previous life" for twenty-three years suddenly collapsed.

On the earth, the classic electron cloud diagram that the world is most familiar with is the electron cloud diagram of the hydrogen atom whose atomic nucleus is composed of a single proton.

Assuming that there is no interference from any external force and that the hydrogen atom is absolutely isolated, the three-dimensional electron cloud diagram of the hydrogen atom should be a sphere.

In theory, it is an absolutely standard ball.

It is incredibly round and intimidatingly round.

Electrons appear randomly at any position in the electron cloud in a manner that completely conforms to the wave function distribution.

The closer to the middle of the electron cloud, the higher the frequency of electrons.

The closer to the edge, the less frequently electrons appear.

If the instantaneous appearance state of electrons is represented by densely distributed small dots, and the measurement time is lengthened to a sufficient extent, then the scene of 0.1 seconds after the explosion of spherical fireworks will appear.

There are densely packed small dots of light in the middle. The further out you go, the fewer the dots and the darker the light, but they are always there.

In an extremely small range of space, no matter how short the distance is compressed, the probability of a small point appearing will not change abruptly in a step-like manner.

At this time, what Ren Zhong saw in front of him was the electron cloud of chromium atoms.

The electron cloud of chromium atoms in Ren Zhong's memory is more complicated.

It has 24 extranuclear electrons.

According to different energy levels, these 24 electrons move around the chromium nucleus in a far or near range, and move randomly in a discrete distribution of their own range.

The electron cloud owned by each electron is like two symmetrical water droplets about to fall.

24 mutually isolated and mutually interfering electron clouds are stacked together, making the electron cloud image of chromium atoms have as many as 48 "water droplets".

However, the distribution pattern of electrons in each pair of water droplets will still not change abruptly in a stepwise manner.

But what did Ren Zhong see just now?

In the center of the 48 "water drops", he saw 48 regular icosahedrons, which resembled the heads of bacteriophages.

The regular icosahedron has 30 edges and 12 vertices.

Each side has three sides, making it an equilateral triangle.

Each vertex has 5 edges.

What makes up these vertices and edges is nothing but the probability of electrons appearing.

There are patterns in the cloud diagram, which proves that the probability of electrons appearing in these positions is much greater than in other places, and finally a regular icosahedron will be formed in the three-dimensional diagram by connecting dots and lines.

This made Ren Zhong feel extremely scared.

After a few minutes, a new electron cloud image flashed in the upper right corner of the giant screen.

This time it's rubidium atoms.

Rubidium atoms have a total of 37 extranuclear electrons.

Ren Zhong saw more "water drops".

He gritted his teeth, clicked to pause, then enlarged the picture in the upper right corner, filling it up on the giant screen, and then further enlarged it.

He saw regular icosahedrons in every "water droplet" in the three-dimensional electron cloud diagram of rubidium atoms.

Ren Zhong took a deep breath.

He adjusted the operating procedures of the detection system and used polarized laser light to illuminate rubidium atoms.

But no matter how it shines, no matter how the electron cloud is deflected, regular icosahedrons, large or small, still exist in every "water droplet" that makes up the electron cloud.

Ren Zhong gritted his teeth, selected the molecule of iron dioxide, and continued photon imaging.

More complex compound molecular electron clouds appeared, but the icosahedral structure still existed.

Finally, he adjusted the operating procedures of the sampling machine to capture hydrogen atoms in the air.

Eight minutes later, the three-dimensional electron cloud diagram of hydrogen atoms was displayed on the giant screen.

A regular icosahedron visible to the naked eye stands on the giant screen.

The hydrogen nucleus is suspended quietly at the geometric center of the regular icosahedron.

Ren Zhong slumped down on the chair, his mind buzzing.

Why is it an icosahedron?

What is the special meaning?

In the field of mathematics, Leonhard Euler proved that the limit of a regular polyhedron is the regular icosahedron.

How did it appear?

What binds electrons is the Coulomb force, which is the original electromagnetic force of the four basic interactions.

It is only the unusual electromagnetic force that gives electrons special characteristics that ultimately leads to this result.

But how could a fundamental interaction force become so unusual?

As early as 1979 AD, human scientists completed the establishment of the electroweak unified theory, proving that electromagnetic interaction and weak nuclear force interaction are two sides of the same force.

Scholars have reduced the original four basic interactions to three, namely gravitational interaction, strong interaction and weak electric interaction.

The occurrence of abnormal weak electric interactions is one of the three basic interaction forces that create everything in the universe.

It exists eternally, is unshakable, and is the underlying truth that constitutes human science.

But now, it is written into a piece of information, like the sound of two people talking, or like a light signal running in an optical fiber line.

Its existence form becomes a medium for transmitting information.

It acts directly on the atomic level, releasing information and turning it into the beam of a photolithography machine, or the regular electromagnetic signal surging in the magnetic needle in a tape recorder, directly drawing information on the atomic structure level, and ultimately "drawing"

"Out came these regular icosahedrons.

How did you do it?

How wide is the scope of influence?

Is this an accident caused by my insufficient sampling?

Throughout the entire afternoon that followed, Ren Zhong kept testing and testing again and again.

He acted as if he was simply curious, pretending to be a hard-working analytical laboratory technician.

He tested at least hundreds of different atomic and molecular samples from solids, liquids and gases, without exception.

He came to a conclusion.

Throughout the source star, the electroweak interactions are distorted.

The rules of physics are being tampered with from the ground up.

Twisted physical rules affect every atom on the Source Star.

The electrons on this planet no longer obey the law of indeterminacy.

Ruin beasts, chips, mineral source stones, the short lifespan of human beings, the huge invisible human body clock across the planet, the memory fragments of the deceased retained in the born demon baby, the birth of the Morning Glory Mining Area...

All these anomalies that I cannot understand are probably related to the existence of the regular icosahedron.

Through the information flow interference bomb that was used once, Ren Zhong also knew the existence of the information flow.

What is the relationship between information flow and abnormal weak electric interactions?

Could it be that this is the norm in the universe, and the physical rules on earth are abnormal?

Ren Zhong, a doctor of chemistry and biology from the 21st century, fell into great confusion and fear.

Deep in his heart he wailed in a way that a scientist should never utter.


This unscientific!

He also had thoughts in his heart that revolutionaries would never want to have.

What exactly is my enemy?

I can't even understand them. Can I defeat them?

Do humans on the Source Star know the original shape of the electron cloud?

Obviously don't know.

Because there must also be regular icosahedrons in the atoms that make up their bodies, just like fish in the water never know that they are in the water.

Otherwise, this obviously abnormal three-dimensional electron cloud image would not have appeared so carelessly in front of a mere bottom-level excavator.

How big is this universe with different physical rules?

In the atmosphere of the source star?

The entire planetary system?

Or the more distant vast space of the universe?

He came here to "borrow" the source stone this time.

He just wanted to be a thief stealing gold coins, but unexpectedly he discovered the treasure of the Pirate King.

But his hands were so heavy that he couldn't even hold a coin.

God really doesn't play dice anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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