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Chapter 118 Die or Take Off

At a quarter past nine in the evening, in the living room of the dormitory, Lin Wang looked at Ren Zhong, who had a tired face, and seemed concerned, "Ren Zhong, are you okay?"

Ren Zhong forced a smile and said, "Thank you for your concern, captain. I'm fine. It's my first day of excavation work, so I'm just a little uncomfortable. I'll be fine tomorrow."

"Well, it's okay. We have signed a contract. There are only two ways, either complete the work on time and get paid, or die at work. Although under normal circumstances, the snail boring machine can resist the fourth-level ruin beast, it's not bad.

Safe. But no one can be sure that there are no Level 5 or some extremely mutated Level 4 beasts in the mining area. We cannot take it lightly."

Ren Jian nodded to express his understanding: "Yes."

The tone of his answer was very serious.

When the shift ended at nine o'clock in the evening, a rock boring machine returned using the automatic cruise system with the assistance of the ghost particle communication device.

The excavator inside is dead, and his brain has been hollowed out by the beast.

There were no wounds on the deceased's body, but his body was cooked.

There was a hole the size of a fingernail in the shell of his tunnel boring machine.

What killed him was a very small mutant level four beast that could instantly release terrifyingly high-temperature molten metal, successfully sneak into the cabin, and then sneak into the inside of the deceased's combat suit.

This man died miserably.

Lin Wang thought that Ren Zhong's heaviness at this time was because he saw his colleague die, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Go to rest early if you are tired. You performed well today."


Ren returned to his room and lay on the small sofa with his eyes closed for a long time.

In the afternoon, he spent so much energy on detecting electron clouds that he didn't think much about the geomagnetic induction data.

At this moment, he still had to go through the data collected in the morning in his mind and form a preliminary outline of the area.

He was not afraid of forgetting the outline.

Although he did not dare to draw sketches by hand because he was worried about being monitored, he was able to enter the sleeping space.

In fact, the operation interface of his sleeping space has all the functions. With the computing power of the watch and brain, it is easy to make tables and graphs, but the data of the tunnel boring machine cannot be imported.

As for relying solely on the brain to memorize the thousands of data seen that morning, and then using brain waves to import it into the watch?

Na Renzhong could only spread his hands and express that the so-called photographic memory was just a false accusation. He was not really a humanoid scanner that could instantly memorize such a large amount of boring digital information.

Studying God also requires teaching the basic laws.

At 9:50, Ren Zhong finished washing in advance and lay down on the bed, and entered the deep sleep space through natural sleep.

He immediately opened the stock market and sold a large-cap stock he had randomly bought yesterday afternoon at a cost of about 30,000 points. The increase was 15.4% and he made a profit of 4,636.96 points.

Not long after the stock market funds arrived, he was drawing in a 3D drawing software when a new arrival record came in.

Ren Zhong looked at it and was happy.

Lin Wang sent him money.

A total of 6725 points were received.

Among them, 225 points were obtained by his hard work in disassembling the chip today.

The other 6,500 points are part of the 66,666.67 points distributed to the team that day out of the total salary of one million promised by Chenhui Company.

Ren Zhong counts with his fingers.

Something's wrong, there's an item missing.

But it was hard for him to ask.

Instead, Lin Wang sent him a message with the following content:

"Today, the team earned a total of 75,000 points from hunting. I estimate that the search information share for you is 5,000 points. I will transfer this money directly to my own account to offset the 270,000 you owe me. This will

This will save you the amount of tax you have to pay when you transfer personal funds to repay your debt. Now you only owe me 265,000."

My teeth feel sore due to heavy responsibilities.

Show off!

How do you know I don't want to pay you back at all?

Can it still be like this?

Yu Junren exploited the professional team, and Lin Wang forcibly deducted his money, making himself his debtor.

After working on it for a long time, I am really at the bottom of the food chain in Chenhui Mining Area.

But he didn't care too much.

He had never expected Lin Wang's "kindness".

The time came to ten o'clock exactly at night.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

Two consecutive information prompts sounded almost at the same time.

Ren Zhong clicks on hypnosis to enter the virtual reality training system, and at the same time sends out a team invitation.

"Personal parameters are being read..."

His figure gradually appeared in the empty playground.

After regaining his vision, a little later, on his left and right sides, Ju Qingmeng and Ma Xiaoling, each with their own beautiful figures, appeared almost at the same time.

When the silhouettes of the two sparring partners first appeared, they looked like a flickering square mosaic. Then the resolution of the mosaic continued to increase, and the total number of polygons increased rapidly until a complete outline appeared that was basically the same as a real person, without the uncanny valley effect.

Ma Xiaoling: "Hurry, Level 3 Hell Difficulty, I'm in a hurry. I really have to go to war at five o'clock tomorrow morning."

Ju Qingmeng asked: "How was it today? Is it dangerous? Is the work intense? How do you feel?"

Ren Zhong smiled and said, "It's okay. I gained a lot today, it can be said to be an eye-opener."

He didn't know why, but he suddenly wanted to build a photon imaging system himself, and take a random cell sample from Ju Qingmeng's body to see if the icosahedron in the atoms in her body looked like that.

He was just curious.

Ju Qingmeng: "Well, you still have to pay attention to safety. Stop talking, let's get started."

"Thank you for your hard work, both of you."

A few minutes later, referring to Lin Wang's third-level exoskeleton, a complete set of equipment with several small-scale improvements was stacked on Ren Zhong's body.

A boundless wave of level three beasts appeared in the square.

Ren Zhong took a deep breath and rushed forward again brandishing his guns.

There is still a long way to go.

The end point was not only far beyond his eyesight, but even beyond the boundaries of his imagination, but his progress was still step by step and very steady.

I really have no way out.

Day 38.

Today is an extremely special day.

Yesterday, one of the 41 excavators left was lucky enough to pick up a small source stone.

After turning it over to Chenhui Company, the lucky guy received a reward of 100,000 points.

She only needs to pay 10,000 points in commission according to the rules of the resource recycling company she is affiliated with, and she will have 90,000 points left.

Although she couldn't say she got rich overnight, she was still so happy that she even treated all her fellow excavators to a delicious meal.

Today, the Mengdu Group’s life-buying car will appear outside the gate of Xinghuo Town for the first time this year.

Before getting up in the morning, Ren Zhong specially sent a message to Yu Jin, who had already put on a first-class watch, telling him to pay attention to his mother's status.

Yu Jin thanked Ren Zhong for still caring about his affairs despite his busy schedule, and told Ren Zhong that he had fully talked it through with his mother a few days ago.

Also on this day, after completing the underground excavation work for the seventh time yesterday, Ren Zhong finally completed the drawing of the magnetic field line network model of the entire Chenhui Mining Area on his watch before getting up this morning.

Relying on this model, combined with a deep understanding of the weak electric interaction on the planet, we have been able to decipher the generation mechanism of the Morning Glory mining area.

This is indeed a planetary mining technology that goes beyond the common sense of earth science.

Amethyst Mining used a technical method that can more directly affect electromagnetic force, and spent more than two hundred years slowly bringing in a large number of metal elements that were originally discrete and randomly distributed within hundreds of kilometers around the Chenhui mining area, and

Eventually, this anomalous giant ore mixed with black, non-ferrous metals and metal compound ores was aggregated.

It was also on this day that Ren Zhong almost died.

It's really just a little bit off.

He also missed a source stone.

But he also got two source stones!

He felt that he had used up all his luck in this month.

Lin Wang's team encountered a level five beast called the Mud Cave Leech deep in the mining area.

Its aggregate size is at least fifty meters long, and its body is no different from mud. It lurks at the edge of underground rivers, and its body spreads out and merges into the water-rich rocks and soil. After its body spreads out, its diffusion radius reaches 800 meters.


The first person to encounter the fifth-level Ruin Beast was Song Qianlian, who acted recklessly.

He drove the volcanic rock boring machine directly into the body of the mud cave filled with water, awakening this terrifying fifth-level ruin beast.

Then it started to move, and its body began to gather together. At the same time, sand penetrated into the transmission device of Song Qianlian's tunnel boring machine, causing the rotation speed of its drill bit to continuously slow down.

Song Qianlian changed direction and tried to escape, while issuing an alarm to Pan Fenglian who was closest to him, but it was already a step too late.

Pan Fenglian's tunnel boring machine, which was only a hundred meters away from him, also began to behave abnormally.

Of course, Ren Zhong actually didn’t know this information.

He figured it out on his own.

At that time, the people closest to Song Qianlian and Pan Fenglian were Ren Zhong, and the distance was about one kilometer.

Ren Zhong received a request for assistance from Pan Fenglian, asking him to advance at high speed along the planned route and go to a certain point on the three-dimensional map for investigation.

Ren Zhong could not refuse this request, so he could only comply with the request, and then he plunged towards the location of the chip of the water quality of the mud cave with a more steady and ruthless attitude.

As a result, this mud cave leech gave up its other two goals and quickly fully assembled its body, vowing to wrap up Ren Zhong, the man and the boring machine into its body.

Pan Fenglian and Song Qianlian relied on Ren Zhong's bait to escape smoothly.

Before running away, Pan Fenglian sent a message to Ren Zhong, pretending to give a warning and telling Ren Zhong to run away.

She said that she only thought there was something abnormal here before, but she was busy setting up a blasting trap and preparing to ambush an ordinary fourth-level ruin beast with Song Qianlian, but she didn't expect that there was a big guy lurking here.

Being responsible is not stupid.

He completely understood the insidious tricks of Pan Fenglian and the colonial warrior Song Qianlian.

He also knew that this kind of thing could not happen without Lin Wang's acquiescence.

This is a complete betrayal.

Although they were mentally prepared and knew that the friendly relationship formed by combining their interests with the other party was extremely fragile, the honeymoon period between Ren Zhong and Lin Wang still ended early.

The fully polymerized mud cave leeches broke through the soil with a devastating force and rushed toward the heavy-duty rock boring machine.

Its propulsion speed in the soil is 55 kilometers per hour, which is slightly faster than the rock boring machine.

The red alarm in the cockpit is extremely harsh, and the blood-red border on the giant screen representing a high-risk situation makes people's blood race with nervousness.

But the burden is heavy and there is no blame.

After observing the distance between himself and the leeches in the mud cave, and calculating the position of the secondary magnetic field line node closest to the enemy and ourselves, he made a decision in just a split second.

The secondary magnetic nodes are the grading done by Ren Zhong himself.

In the Chenhui mining area, there is only one first-level magnetic node, which is the largest central node that radiates the entire mining area.

Under this central node, there are dozens of smaller nodes that rely on the largest anti-radial conical column, which were renamed as secondary nodes.

Apart from the central node, which Ren Zhong only calculated the direction of but never visited, it is the dozens of secondary nodes that are most likely to produce source stones.

Earlier in the day, he had passed near that area, and he knew that because the metal was too lumpy, no ruin beasts were stationed at that node.

There are a lot of random factors here, but that's the fact.

Then, according to the evolution law of the mine, the possibility of the existence of source rocks there is greater than 80%.

He propelled himself there at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour.

The mud cave leeches were chasing diagonally from nearly 300 meters away at a speed of 55 kilometers per hour.

When he was chased by leeches, both parties happened to arrive at the secondary node where the source stone might be located at the same time.

Given the Ruins Beast's desire for the Source Stone and the Magnetic Field Line Node, it is highly likely that the Leech will change its target.

Then you will survive.

It is better to choose a day than to hit it.

It's time to take action.

Stud takes a gamble, either die or take flight!

That can only be the case.

[Recommendation ticket distribution channel]

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