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Chapter 372 Games

Chapter 372 “Game”

Hu Yang continued to pay attention to other contestants nearby.

As she had noticed before, many people were looking at her from all directions, either directly or implicitly.

Some of them were too far away from her. Logically speaking, it was impossible for her to see other people's eyes clearly, but her intuition told her that those people were looking at her with hostile eyes, and they also knew their general position.

Hu Yang, who had never experienced any resistance and had zero actual combat experience, was a little panicked at first, but quickly calmed down and began to narrow the scope of his observations, ponder the terrain, and formulate a plan in his mind.

"This is a field of ten thousand people. The total area of ​​the circular field is about 12 square kilometers. The flying machines in the sky seem to be evenly distributed, which means that there is one person within every 1,200 square meters on average."

"The 1,200-square-meter area of ​​the square is about thirty-seven meters on a side. Therefore, after landing, the distance between me and the nearest people was only more than thirty meters."

"The fight will come very quickly. I must figure out what equipment the players have arranged for me in the shortest possible time and adapt to it initially. Only in this way can I quickly take the lead."

"I heard that some crazy players will give contestants inflatable plastic hammers. I hope my player is not a lunatic."

"There is a dense forest directly below. This is good news. I have the opportunity to hide quickly. But I have to find a better observation position and a safe position as soon as possible to avoid being confused about the situation."

Just when Hu Yang had just figured it out in his mind, the flying machine floating in the sky began to slowly fall to the ground.

After landing, Populus euphratica jumped up immediately and used his hands to open the buckle on the big box next to him.

She exerted so much force that the skin of her fingers was cut on the spot and her knuckles were bruised painfully.

Looking at the packed boxes, Populus euphratica breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank God, my player is a normal person.

But at this time, she did not dare to relax, but quickly and carefully scanned the other four people in the four directions.

The reaction of these four people was slower than hers, and they seemed to have not yet escaped from the high altitude state.

Only one person stood up and was pulling hard on the buckle of the box.

Hu Yang felt a little secretly happy, but he quickly restrained himself and returned his gaze to the box after only five seconds.

She clearly remembered that there was a person who hated her just a few hundred meters away.

The enemy should be heading towards you in a straight line soon, so you have to hurry up.

When she just started selecting equipment, she immediately felt the sincerity of the players she had never met before.

The items in the box are placed very carefully.

The outermost layer is a list.

There are a lot of equipment introductions densely packed on the list.

Hu Yang felt a little desperate at first.

Before being sent to the park arena, she was given a brief introduction to the rules of the game by the administrator.

In her opinion, the most correct way to plan equipment is to make it as simple as possible. Just select a few relatively expensive pieces of equipment, and then let the contestants fully understand the performance and efficacy of all the pieces in the shortest possible time.

It only takes a while to form combat effectiveness.

But this player is lucky enough to have prepared more than 400 kinds of spare parts.

Just reading this accessory list is enough time for someone to change into a set of equipment and pounce on you to give you a hard blow on the head.

In the responsible booth, Zhou Ya and Hu Yang also had the same judgment.

She said: "Mr. Ren, you really didn't think too much. No matter how carefully crafted your arrangements are, if the contestants can't use them right away, it will all be in vain."

Ren Zhong just smiled and said nothing, "Don't worry, keep reading."

Here, with complicated thoughts, Hu Yang was about to put the list into his pocket, but saw a line of large characters on the back of the list.

"Wear the equipment in order from the outside to the inside. I have made a scientific layout for you. I am not your 'player', but your partner."

When Hu Yang saw this line of words, Zhou Ya here also saw the content on the paper through real-life projection, and exclaimed in surprise: "Can it be like this?"

Ren Zhong smiled and nodded, "Of course, when I configured the equipment for her, I found that the list has a custom function. Naturally, I will not let go of this opportunity to leave more information for people. Tang Xiangyun and his minions can use illegal methods

Contact the contestants in advance. I'm a stickler for rules, so just follow them and the effect will be the same."

Zhou Ya: "I see, but you only had ten minutes of planning time, and you chose more than 400 parts. How did you accomplish this layout planning?"

Looking at Hu Yang who was happily putting equipment on himself one after another from the outside to the inside, Zhou Ya couldn't help but ask.

The outermost piece is a leg armor with eight telescopic mechanical arms.

Hu Yang hung the leg armor on his body without much effort, and then the eight robotic arms began to move independently, pulling out accessories one after another from the big box.

Not only that, support frames extend out from the heels and sides of the leg armor, helping Hu Yang, who is thin and weak, to share most of the weight, instantly reducing the difficulty of wearing equipment by N levels. In addition, the burden is also extra

Several external loading boxes have been prepared, and a large number of scattered accessories are placed inside the boxes in categories, further shortening the wearing time of Populus euphratica.

Ren Zhong shrugged, "I am different from the pampered senior citizen you think of me. Although I am now a large business owner who controls several cities, you may have overlooked one thing. I also started from a state of having nothing.

Starting from scratch, I know very well how grassroots professionals give themselves matching equipment piece by piece. I organize my equipment box by myself all year round, and I know how to arrange it in the most reasonable way. This is the valuable experience of front-line combatants. And I,

Under all kinds of superficial glamor, he is still essentially a front-line fighter."

Zhou Ya: "..."

She subconsciously wanted to complain that Ren Zhong seemed to be overconfident and arrogant, but facts spoke louder than words, that is, the two of them chatted for a while, and Hu Yang over there was already fully dressed.

By this time, most of the contestants had just spread out the various accessories and used their brains to organize and assemble them.

Of course, some people have already worn all the equipment.

Well, a high-power live ammunition level three heavy sniper without a buffer function, priced at just 9,900 source star coins.

Obviously, the player behind this contestant is a newbie who is not very smart. He directly arranged the products in the product list from top to bottom by selling price. To save trouble, he also selected the most expensive product.

This is a heavy sniper.

Players indeed regard this "game" as a game.

The result is that the contestant who gets this gun becomes the first kill.

This contestant had no professional foundation and did not understand the gunsmith's promotion system. He immediately pointed the gun at another contestant nearby who was trying to pull off the armor on his body, and then fired with a bang.


He missed.

The terrifying kinetic energy bullet passed behind the other contestant.

The strong wind swept the man flying horizontally and tore off several pieces of flesh and blood. However, he did not die on the spot and was only seriously injured.

As for the contestant who fired, half of his body was shattered by the heavy sniper rifle butt that was retracted under the influence of recoil, and he died on the spot.

The screen on Ren Zhong's side immediately switched to the location of the dead contestant numbered 6421.

Ren Zhong was silent for a moment, shook his head, and said nothing. He only switched the perspective back to Populus euphratica, opened the player communication channel, and listened.

The player behind the contestant was cursing the incompetent contestant for not having enough fun, and he fell into a box.

Some other players were making fun of him, some pointed out that his newbie operation was ridiculous, and some asked him if he was deliberately trying to impress others.

The player marked as No. 6421 said, "What a waste of sensationalism! I'm not a gunsmith. How could I have imagined that the recoil of this gun would be so great. Forget it, it's boring. I'll go back now and come back another day.

.It’s not fun.”

Next to him, another player numbered 514 tried to persuade him: "It's okay. Just leave me a message and I'll teach you later. You'll gain experience after playing a few more games."

No. 6421 agreed, "That's right, it's not expensive anyway. I finally got the membership, so I can't waste it. It looked very lively during the live broadcast, so I wanted to try it myself. I didn't expect there were so many


No. 514: "Haha, there are many skills. Learn slowly. Not many players can survive the circle shrinking in the first time."

Ren Zhong clenched his fists slightly.

"It's not fun", "It's not expensive", "It's quite lively", "Learn slowly"...

These people are really just having fun.

At this moment, Populus euphratica on the other side had completed its first movement.

She used the armor's assistance to climb up a big tree next to her, and drifted to another nearby tree with thicker leaves and thicker branches. She then clung to the trunk and used the primary optics in the armor to

The camouflage kit disguises itself in a tan color, blending in with the natural environment like a dead leaf butterfly.

Ren Zhong nodded slightly.

I didn't make a mistake. Hu Yang's on-the-spot reaction was indeed very fast and very talented.

Understand a large number of functions of the armor in such a short period of time, find out the core functions, and then change your situation and make the right decision. This whole set of operations seems simple, but it is actually very particular. It requires both a flexible mind and

Good psychological quality.

Afterwards, Hu Yang began to browse the equipment list one by one, trying to understand Ren Chong's combat ideas.

Soon, her expression changed rapidly, and she seemed a little annoyed. She whispered to herself: "Why is it just a gun and everything else is auxiliary accessories? How can I survive like this?"

In the booth, Zhou Ya said: "It seems that she does not think she has the talent of a war artist and did not understand your intention."

Ren Zhong shook his head slightly, "No rush. Many people don't know what they are good at until they die. They just need someone with a keen eye to recognize talents. Just like myself, for a long time, I didn't know that I was good at it.

He has the talent to become a mecha warrior."

Zhou Ya: "Impossible! Have you never touched armor before?"

Ren Zhong: "Yes."

"Then you have to waste so many years?"

Ren Zhong sighed, "Yes, indeed many years."

On the battlefield, the first assassin had already quietly started to move across a distance of several hundred meters in the dense forest, heading straight towards the direction of Populus euphratica.

He had a brief conflict with people along the way, but thanks to the fact that his equipment was equipped by an experienced player, after a fight, he won the encounter and successfully swallowed the other person's equipment.

Later, other people he met on the road judged at a glance that he had completed a kill based on the excessive amount of equipment on his body. Knowing that he was a ruthless character, they quickly retreated and did not dare to provoke him.

About two or three minutes later, the assassin came to the big tree where Populus euphratica landed, but missed. He started to activate the secondary life scanning device to try to find the target, and asked people nearby for information.

The Populus euphratica on the treetop was extremely nervous and held its breath.

She tightened her grip on the gun in her hand and carefully looked diagonally downward through the optical camouflage.

Zhou Ya: "The situation is not good."

Ren nodded, "It's indeed not good, because there are still people rushing towards Populus euphratica. She must resolve the battle and leave the scene within five minutes."

Zhou Ya: "But this is not realistic."

"It's nothing unrealistic. I chose agile armor for Hu Yang, which has better camouflage performance and stronger mobility. Moreover, I also equipped her with several decoy bombs. There are still ten circulating bombs in her ammunition reserve.

Tracking bullets require no shooting skills. The human body is very fragile, and only one shot is needed to determine victory or defeat."

As soon as Ren Zhong finished speaking, the assassin in the game field had already completed communication with several other contestants who were secretly watching nearby.

He identified his target and did not leave.

He looked up at the dense tree canopy above, and had already made a judgment in his mind that the target must be hidden in the nearby tree canopy.

As a result, he increased the energy distribution and turned the power of the scanning device to overload.

Finally, a hazy thermal imaging light and shadow appeared in his tactical glasses.


The man fired.

The bullet flew out of the gun's muzzle, crossed a distance of tens of meters in an instant, penetrated the tree trunk, and hit the light and shadow.

But he didn't see the figure fall. It was actually a heat bomb.

At this moment, Populus euphratica suddenly moved, detached from the tree trunk, floated silently to the person's head, and aimed at the opponent's Tianling Cap from top to bottom.

The battlefield detector detected the air flow above the head. The assassin looked up in panic and saw the secondary heavy sniper above him.

The next second, Populus euphratica pulled the trigger.

The assassin wanted to escape in advance, but he was carrying two people's equipment and his acceleration was a little slower.

There was just a squeaking sound, and the bullet passed through the man's forehead, and then hit the ground with a pop.

It was at this moment that Hu Yang transformed from an ordinary non-professional into a jungle killer with blood on his hands.

Ren nodded and praised, "Beautiful!"

It was strange to say that he was more excited to see his chosen contestant survive the danger than to be on the battlefield in person.

Zhou Ya opened her mouth in astonishment and stared blankly at the scene. She subconsciously picked up the frozen drink delivered by the robot next to her and took a long sip.

Looking at the information alone, this girl named Hu Yang should never have such potential.

However, Ren Zhongzhong really looked at the essence through the phenomenon and dug out this treasure from a bunch of non-professionals.

But Zhou Ya immediately realized another thing.

No matter how high the talent is, it needs to be paired with appropriate equipment to be able to be used.

What really determines the outcome of this battle is not Populus euphratica, but the operator behind the scenes, Ren Zhong.

Others are sitting here, but they seem to be floating behind Populus euphratica, teaching the girl step by step.

In the picture, Populus euphratica is slowly falling to the ground, while looking up at the floating camera in the sky.

Her lips moved slightly, as if she were saying "Thank you" through lip language.

Here, Zhou Ya heard Ren Zhong respond, "You're welcome."

Previously, I couldn't write enough 4,000 words before 12 o'clock, but I had to update it on time, so I posted some chapters first. Now it has been refreshed. You only need to exit the reading interface and re-enter to refresh it. This has caused trouble to everyone.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

This chapter has been completed!
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