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Chapter 373 Micro-manipulation ability

Chapter 373 Micro-Management Ability

Zhou Ya: "She can't hear it."

Ren Zhong: "I didn't expect her to hear either."

"Then why did you answer her?"

Ren Zhong: "Not everything needs to be responded to. The most important thing is your own mood."

Zhou Ya felt that Ren Zhong's words were a bit vague and too mysterious, but inexplicably she didn't understand much, yet she felt they made sense.

Ren Zhong said again: "Let's not talk about it for now, we are about to enter the next stage. I have to get busy."

Zhou Ya: "What are you busy with?"

This time she didn't get any answer.

Ren Zhong had already zoomed in on the map and began to observe the battlefield from a more macro perspective. He kept zooming in, zooming out, and then adjusted to a directional perspective for macro observation.

Zhou Ya looked at his focused profile, feeling a little confused.

She doesn't quite understand Ren Zhong's thinking.

Players can only communicate with contestants for five minutes every hour. Is it possible that Ren Zhong plans to give Hu Yang tactical guidance in these five minutes?

Is this realistic?

Can he do it?

Although Zhou Ya knew that Ren Zhong had commanded many battles and had made great achievements in the military field, the game of human nature was not a war in the true sense.

Its essence is a real game, full of too many variables.

In Zhou Ya's understanding, other players usually only use these five minutes to throw out all kinds of empty promises to the contestants, to give people blood, or simply to satisfy their own negative emotions, tease and tease them.

Contestants, and assign some anti-human tasks to the contestants, promising to provide them with intelligence support in the next contact.

There are a thousand different ways of playing for a thousand players. The performance of each participant in the venue not only has its own characteristics, but also is a projection of the player's personality.

Thousands of players and contestants collided with different sparks in the game, and then gathered in the venue to further interact and present new performances.

This is the fun of The Game of Humanity, and it is also the reason why this game quickly became popular all over the world and became the number one variety show after being disconnected from the Internet.

But before this, no one had ever tried to incorporate military thinking into the human game.

There are two reasons.

First, with the comprehensive assistance of the "Net", there is no military strategist on the Source Star, nor is it needed.

Second, the contestants who are fighting independently are not soldiers, so there is basically no possibility of coordinating actions and leaving the back to others.

As time continued to pass, under Zhou Ya's puzzled eyes and Ren Zhong's undivided attention, the situation in the venue changed rapidly.

After killing the first assassin, Populus euphratica did not stay where he was. Instead, he stripped off the assassin's equipment as quickly as possible and ran to higher ground along the dense forest.

Many people initially thought she was seeking death.

She had just killed a contestant who was slow because he was wearing double gear.

It stands to reason that she should know that more equipment is not always better, but should be based on the best match.

She should stay in place for a few minutes, select the most important and useful equipment from the assassin's equipment, and then take it with her.

Someone in the player communication channel commented: "She will soon be found by the contestants who are chasing her because she moves too slowly."

"It's really strange. Who is this contestant? Is she famous? Why would someone target her?"

"Who knows, it's not important. But it's fun, isn't it?"

"Ha, the park betting is open, you can bet on how long she can live."

While the players outside were having a great discussion, Populus euphratica, which was flying close to the ground, gradually accelerated its speed. It seemed that her speed was not affected by the increased counterweight.

Some people were confused, while others suddenly realized it.

Next to Ren Zhong, Zhou Ya murmured to herself: "She actually learned the true purpose of the parts you gave her so quickly. While escaping, she used the intrusion parts to control the equipment she just plundered, turning it into a war

The artist's remote-controlled combat machine. She's still adapting to the remote-controlled center you added to her armor. Oh my god, she used the killer's equipment to form a humanoid armor similar to a loyal wingman."

Ren nodded, "Yes, I know she can do it."

While the two were talking, the loyal wingman had already ducked beside Populus euphratica and started flying parallel to it.

During this process, the robotic arm on Populus euphratica's leg armor was still busy, taking some equipment off the wingman and installing it on himself, such as high-power heavy snipers, anti-thermal imaging modules, parallel energy supply modules, and media engines.

Wait for equipment that can improve mobility and explosive lethality.

In the process of escaping, Hu Yang also encountered other contestants.

At this time, most people were still adapting to the equipment. Looking at her fully armed and accompanied by a "partner", no one dared to come up to the line and all avoided her.

Five minutes later, Populus euphratica climbed over two small hills that were not too steep, turned on the optical stealth module again, and disappeared into the grass cage.

The player can still lock it based on positioning and see two hazy shadows moving slowly against the ground, but the contestant has completely lost track of her.

Later, Populus euphratica hid in a hole hidden next to a stream and temporarily stopped moving.

By this time, the outside had completely turned into a mess.

Most of the contestants have already started killing indiscriminately in order to gain the upper hand as soon as possible.

Contestants are killed every minute and every second, and equipment keeps changing hands.

Some contestants who have received basic professional training, adapt faster, and are equipped with more reasonable equipment by players have taken the lead to stand out.

These people constantly prey on the weak around them, either taking their lives and equipment, or knocking them down, and then placing remote-controlled bombs on their bodies to enslave them.

There are even some particularly perverted and violent contestants who have begun to sexually humiliate others in public.

Players and audiences were amused and excited by such exciting scenes.

Someone was sarcastically saying that the deserted people are deserted people, but they have no bottom line and are like animals. At the same time, they pulled the guides beside them and started to feast in their respective booths.

Someone else laughed in the player communication channel, "I left a task for my contestant. I told him that as long as he can play ten games in it, regardless of gender, I will redeem him on the spot. How about that?


"What a bullshit you are. The order I gave my contestant was to form an alliance with ten people and betray ten people."

"The man I chose is pretty good, and the equipment I equipped him with is also very strong. My request is to let him dismember at least fifty people."

"Damn, you are indeed a boss, you really know how to play!"

In the player channel, these monsters and monsters chatted with each other and had a lot of fun.

Audiences scattered all over Yuanxing who could only watch on the show also enjoyed this feast of visual senses from the perspective of the professional director.

In every human game in the past, it was basically like this at the beginning.

There is still a little bit of order in a field of 1,000 people. After all, the density is not so high and everyone is relatively far apart from each other. The contestants will have a long trial process with each other.

But a big scene with thousands or tens of thousands of people is different. The venue is too crowded. This is a huge flesh and blood grinding mill, rumblingly running, harvesting lives, and bringing bloody and brutal scenes to every player and audience.

Get a different kind of mental stimulation.

In this chaos, a group of people gathered together quietly. It was the contestants who had been ordered by Tang Xiangyun to get some promises that they knew were almost impossible to fulfill, but still could only hope for.

Tang Xiangyun asked other players to tell these contestants that as long as they can get rid of the contestant numbered 9897 early, they will gain the right to live without becoming the final winner as long as they make it to the semi-finals of a thousand people.

This promise is too heavy for the contestants, almost like the last straw a drowning man grabs before he dies.

There were nearly two hundred people in this group.

When selecting equipment, their players all prepared electromagnetic communicators with special channel encryption in advance according to Tang Xiangyun's instructions, and agreed on a password.

While others were still fighting on their own, these two hundred or so people took the lead in forming a close alliance, changing the situation of the war in an instant.

As they continued to gather, the two hundred or so people were not just on their way, but continued to win over more people with Tang Xiangyun's false promises.

"An eighth-level citizen who has the inheritance rights of one of the nine major companies told me that he wants to kill someone here. As long as we can satisfy his wish, he will use the rights of the nine major companies to negotiate with Shenxun Group and use batches of

The redemption method will save our lives. If you join, you can too."

"What? You don't believe it? Do you have any other choice? Join us and you will at least have a chance to live. If you refuse now, you will die immediately."

"We don't need too many people. If you join now, you still have a chance to become an intermediate member. Do you understand?"

These people used such lies to recruit new blood one after another, and the Populus euphratica hunting team unknowingly expanded to more than 500 people.

In Zhongzhong's booth, Zhou Ya swallowed her saliva: "This is troublesome. I didn't expect Tang Xiangyun to find so many people."

Ren Zhong shook his head, "Don't worry, she is hiding very well now and won't be found for a while. When she stays up for an hour, I can give her instructions."

Hu Yang: "What command can reverse the situation?"

Ren Zhong: "You will know when the time comes."

On the other side, the hunting group that rushed to the scene rushed to nothing and found only a stripped body.

Afterwards, after a brief discussion, this group of people decided to break up into parts and spread out in groups of three to conduct a blanket search.

Time ticked by, and the number of contestants in the venue began to drop at a speed visible to the naked eye.

During this process, a group of hunters passed by the cave where Populus euphratica was hiding, but they did not find her and just continued walking further away.

Zhou Ya clenched her fists, but her expression remained unchanged despite her heavy responsibility.

Because, at this point in time, Hu Yang had completely absorbed all of her equipment, and used the extra enhanced control machinery on the wingman to overturn the soil at the entrance of the cave and cover it tightly.

Finally, after an hour passed, the number of contestants dropped to more than 8,000.

Each player began to contact the contestants quickly and synchronize the information they saw here.

Of course, during these five minutes, players will not be able to view changes in the field in real time.

This is also a rule set by the game to improve the playability of the game.

In just an instant, hundreds of members of the hunting team began to gather in the direction of Populus euphratica from all directions. They knew the location of Populus euphratica from the player's mouth.

Ren Zhong also connected to the communication, "Hello, Yang Hu, I am your player, my name is Ren Zhong."

Hu Yang: "What... Mr. Ren... Ren!"

"You have heard about me, that's good. But now is not the time to chase stars. You have to find a way to survive. From now on, you follow my instructions to move."


"Leave the hole immediately, turn the power of the engine you just modified to 120%, and move to the southeast. Remember not to take off. You can only stick to the ground at a height of only half a meter above the ground.


As soon as Ren Zhong finished speaking, Populus euphratica rushed out and flew straight to the southeast.

"The loyal wingman fires a high-explosive bomb to the northwest, igniting the big tree four hundred meters away in that direction. Keep moving forward, don't stop."

Hu Yang: "Yes. It has been blown up."

"Very good, now move due east. Push until you reach the boulder three hundred meters due east, and hide behind the boulder."

Hu Yang: "Okay."

"In a minute, a three-person hunting team will pass by the side of the boulder. The equipment styles of these three people are gunners, blasters and agile mecha warriors. With their protective equipment, they cannot withstand array-type explosive bombs.

Take down the explosives from the loyal wingman and pile them on the right side of the boulder."

"I will count down for you later. When I count down to 1, you detonate the bomb, and at the moment of detonation, move to the other side and continue eastward. While going east, you will use a cryo-type secondary sniper

Ejection due south."

Hu Yang: "Yeah!"

Just when Ren Zhong kept giving orders, Zhou Ya was dumbfounded.

What the hell is this memory, what a terrifying micro-manipulation ability!

How did he know that the hunting party would move as he said?

What if I made a mistake?

But a minute later, Populus euphratica over there cheered, "Mr. Ren Zhong, I really killed three of them in one breath! The gun you asked me to shoot just now happened to hit the waterfall, and three people who were walking in a straight line happened to hit it."

The flow of a waterfall.”

Ren Zhong: "There is no need to report the results of the battle, I know everything. I asked you to launch high-explosive bombs just to lead this group of people in that direction. They will definitely move according to the way I said. Okay, now you are in front

As soon as the river is flat, we pretend to advance 300 meters in thirty seconds, hide in a bunch of bushes over there, and wait until the communication ends."

"As you command!"

Ren Zhong: "In the next few minutes, I will fully tell you your current situation and teach you how to use the power of one person to defeat hundreds of people who are surrounding you. Since you have heard of me,

You should know my vision. I never look at people wrongly. If I think you can do it, you can definitely do it!"

"Okay sir!"

There was already a hint of excitement in Hu Yang's tone.

Next to her, Zhou Ya was dumbfounded. She had seen many scenes of citizens making false promises to desolate people and seducing others into working for them, but she had never imagined that there was such a way.

First, announce your name and use your fame to give people confidence. After making sure that the other party knows your identity, you will immediately show a "miracle" and give an almost superstitious judgment, giving the other party the "I say you can do it, you can do it."

psychological implications.

In less than two minutes, Ren Zhong had psychologically transformed Hu Yang from a fledgling and half-assed professional into a confident and powerful potential war artist.

This chapter has been completed!
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