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Chapter 480 The Fifth Race

Chapter 480 The Fifth Race

On the surface, it seems unrealistic to create a branch of science and technology from scratch in such a short period of time.

But Ren Zhong found a solution from the huge database provided by Sun Ai.

Although Sun Ai still maintains human emotions today, his creativity has gradually deteriorated.

Ren Zhong also gave her direct instructions to try to develop warping technology, but she had no idea about it.

Ren Zhong then changed her mind and changed the order to ask her to search for public knowledge of the empire in the existing database of the Seeker Colony.

Sun Ai gave some feedback.

First of all, there is indeed warping technology within the empire, and it is already very mature. However, the warping technology of the Mechanical Empire seems to be somewhat different from that of the sublimates. Unlike the anti-matter cannonballs, which can be activated in any area, they must move along a fixed subspace.

Orbital propulsion. This is originally a conventional means of transportation. In the star cluster level area, the network composed of jump subspace channels has assumed the most important logistics and transportation tasks. It is just that this network has not been laid out on the Source Star.

In addition, it is not completely unachievable technically, but the failure rate and success rate are too low. It is not as stable and controllable as the space sandworm's jumping cannonball, and it can even change directions at will.

Ren Zhong speculates that this is due to different technological routes.

Maybe the sublimators themselves don't quite understand the principle of warping. Anyway, as long as the gene chain has this function and can be used, it will be fine.

Later, Ren Zhong asked Sun Ai to verify the energy supply system of the spacecraft with the ability to jump within the Mechanical Empire. Sun Ai told him that the imperial spacecraft also used high-energy batteries, and the core technology of the battery was the same as that produced by Yuanxing.

, it’s nothing more than a larger capacity.

Immediately afterwards, Ren Zhong tried to ask Sun Ai to check the relevant energy supply module components of the jump ship, but nothing was found. But Ren Zhong finally got some good news, that is, the source star fleet held the

There is no significant difference between the material science level of some of the core components produced by the Mechanical Empire and the Empire's products.

After the deduction reached this stage, Ren Zhong felt that this matter was feasible to a certain extent, so he could give it a try.

"There are energy supply systems that are close to the level, and there are qualified materials. In the popular science knowledge provided by the Royal Academy of Sciences, although the warping technology is somewhat obscured, it still explains the basic concept. The space sandworm's shells are ready-made experimental samples, and the fleet

The scientific research institutions in the headquarters, and...well, Yuanxing has fully unleashed its potential."

Ren Zhong muttered to himself, subconsciously recalling the current scene on Source Star in his mind.

For ten years, although he spent most of his time in cryogenic slumber, once he woke up, he would always check the situation on the source star through the directional and stable information flow between Sun Ai and the pseudo-network clone, and even communicate with Yu Jin.

, the descendants of Chen Hanyu, Wen Lei, and Wang Zhaofu communicated in the virtual world, made arrangements, and answered questions for these people. He has always been the backbone, guiding the development of the Origin Star civilization.

The passengers on the fleet all thought that the Source Star civilization had been destroyed, and fell into great sorrow. However, not only did the people who stayed on the Source Star not die, but they lived and worked in peace and contentment, worked hard, and all looked forward to the day when the fleet would set foot in the empire.

Take root, lay a solid foundation, and then serve as a backup force to help out.

Of course, everyone also had regrets. Ren Zhong told everyone who stayed on the Source Star that the empire was powerful beyond imagination. Before they had the ability to destroy each other, or at least cause unbearable costs to the empire, they were qualified to negotiate.

, the existence of the Source Star civilization must not be exposed, so for the sake of safety, those who stay in the Source Star can only have single-line contact with him.

Hibernating, struggling, breaking out, moving forward...

This is the tone set by Ren Zhong for the Origin Star Civilization.

The truth about the Gupan Galaxy that Ren Zhong did not dare to tell in the fleet had already been told on the Source Star when he left. Anyway, the still-existing Source Star civilization was already his fatal flaw. As long as it was exposed, he would die.

It's all about death, and as long as the debt is large, there is no need to worry, so there is no need to keep secrets in the Source Star Civilization.

In the past ten years, due to the huge sense of crisis created by the heavy responsibilities, Origin Star Civilization has not stagnated due to social changes, nor has it slackened off due to contentment with pleasure.

Today's social atmosphere on the Source Star is completely different from any galaxy in the Mechanical Empire.

The people here are united, tough, tenacious, brave and hard-working.

There is no bottomless intrigue and cruel plunder. Everyone knows who their enemy is. Everyone has a clear goal to fight for. Almost no one is lazy. Everyone is using their own strength and potential without reservation.


In a sense, today's Origin Star civilization is highly similar to the homeland where Ren Zhongzhong once faced life and death, united and forging ahead as one.

Facts have also proved that human beings do need such an environment in order to unleash stronger potential.

An education and propaganda system that combines the action plan shaped by the thoughts of Marxism-Leninism and the leaders, the cultural concepts of independence and the four human branches of the Gupan galaxy, a more open information system, hatred of the cruel system of the empire, and the destruction that may come at any time.

The fear of fear, the universal education system, the relaxed promotion environment, the fair distribution system, the completely open knowledge system from the empire, the terrifying and suffocating enemies, the absolute power management system built around the task of responsibility, built on

The unshakable personal belief in Ren Zhong, the leader who changed the fate of mankind on the Source Star, and these objective conditions intertwined into a small society that not only fanatically worships Ren Zhong, but is also extremely creative.

Humanity on the Origin Star, just like humans in the twentieth century, continues to experience continuous advancement similar to the electrification industrial revolution.

The population on the Source Star comes from the Empire. It is the most original among the four major systems in the Gupan Galaxy and is most in line with human nature. However, it has not been distorted and controlled by the Imperial system. It has gradually broken away from the characteristics of the Imperial humans and has become

The fifth race in the Gupan Galaxy.

Perhaps the current Source Star humans are still small and fragile, and look highly similar to the Empire humans, but Ren Zhong believes that as long as there is enough time, the Source Star humans will definitely move towards a completely different direction from the Empire humans, but with countless times greater potential.


Just like now, Sun Ai has broken down the research and development project of the space detection device into two sets of identical detailed plans in parallel. One set is given to the scientific research institutions in the fleet headquarters, and the other set is given simultaneously to many universities on the Source Star.

, Department of Scientific Research, Public and Private Research Institutes.

Both sides acted almost at the same time and conducted research and development in parallel, but the progress on the Source Star side was much faster.

It's not that the people in the Fleet Headquarters are lazy, but after ten years of continuous reproduction and popularization of education, the number of relevant scientific researchers on the Source Star side is nearly forty times that of the Fleet Headquarters, and the average academic level is far higher than that of the Fleet Headquarters.

Although the average genetic talent of the people who stayed on the Origin Star was not as high as that of the people in the fleet, ten years was enough to breed half a generation, and it was also enough for many children who did not show talent at the beginning to thrive.

Most of the orphans that Ren Zhong brought back to Spark Town when he took Xiao Xingyue around the world have now become mainstay old scholars on the Source Star.

The people of Yuanxing are basically not sleeping, they are always moving forward.

If it were graded like the professional system, then there would be about 5,000 super scientists in the fleet headquarters, but there would be more than 200,000 super scientists on the Source Star.

To the empire, the population without noble status is just a wheat field of human brains. In the fleet headquarters, it is the same concept.

But for Yuanxing, population is productivity and creativity, which is completely different.




In the center of the fleet headquarters, a small experimental space station is quietly suspended in the sky.

This space station floats outside the Seeker, nearly a million kilometers away from the Seeker spacecraft.

In the experimental hall inside the space station, a group of scientific researchers were hugging each other, screaming and celebrating in ecstasy.


"Jump...subspace...energy state oscillations...wave bands of the universe...incredible, the universe is incredible."

"I never thought in my life that time, which should be an absolute value, can actually become the fourth force that folds three-dimensional space. It's incredible."

"It's not necessarily time, it may be the fourth dimension of space."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, after all, we are done!"

"It's all thanks to Lord Viscount."

"Yes, Lord Viscount...it's incredible."

"Yes, the most core research and development work such as the establishment of energy level conversion ideas, the foundation of energy state science, and the assembly and design ideas of the entire set of conversion equipment are all due to his contribution."

"You may not believe it when I tell you. In addition to being in charge of our project, he is also in charge of the improvement of water droplets and extended-range thrusters."

"Oh my god! How can a person be so smart? It's like he has a universe in his head."

As he said that, a group of people turned their heads one after another and looked at the heights of the space station hall with eyes full of awe and admiration.

Over there, Ren Zhong, also wearing a white lab coat, was frowning slightly, as if deep in thought.

He did not fall into ecstasy because of the success of the experiment, but only felt that it was a matter of course.

Ten minutes ago, huge electric energy was poured into a device with a post-modern aesthetic style composed of countless dismantled parts of the empire's products. After a series of conversions, a very strange oscillating energy was generated, and then this energy

It was poured into a hydrogen atom in an absolute vacuum, causing the hydrogen atom to accelerate instantly in a very short period of time.

But the hydrogen atoms did not accelerate in a straight line and hit something, but flew and suddenly disappeared.

At the moment of disappearance, the hydrogen atoms appeared almost simultaneously in space thousands of meters away, and then exploded.

This single hydrogen atom explosion released huge energy to the outside world.

The energy released by the explosion is twice the energy of the infusion.

Convert the current poured into the hydrogen atom into the mass of countless electrons, which is exactly equal to the mass of the hydrogen atom.

But after the explosion, the electrons and hydrogen atoms completely disappeared into the universe and turned into the purest light waves.

This is a jump, but it is only a half-successful jump.

Ren Zhong slowly stood up and looked at the project team employees below who were looking at him with fanatical eyes, feeling a little ashamed in his heart.

You think that I created all this, but in fact you are also one of them.

You don’t even know that what is connected behind my brain is a struggling civilization.

I just stand on the shoulders of countless people.

"Thank you everyone for your hard work. We have taken a crucial step from scratch. If we continue, we must make atoms more stable. I believe that sooner or later, we can make an entire water droplet ship complete the jump.

And it won’t explode yet. Of course, it can actually explode. In short, this day will not be too far away.”

Ren Zhong's so-called "not too far" is not "not too far" in an absolute sense, but a concept of time jump in a relative sense. At least in this timeline, it was not realized until it was destroyed again, and even happened

In a serious accident, the entire space station was blown to pieces by the explosion of a methane molecule. Fortunately, Ren Zhong himself was already sitting in the water droplet and rushing to C1915 and did not die in this experimental accident.

During several attempts, Ren Zhong has been continuously upgrading equipment, optimizing the performance of water droplets, giving targeted special training to each super-level professional, and constantly refining and improving the combat plan.

More and more precise presets can be set in a combat armor.

So far, Ren Zhong himself has been able to break into a range of two million kilometers near the Imperial Mothership, and even used an energy state oscillation jamming device to briefly track and capture the warping shells for analysis and research.

The sublimated ones used the "innate power" of the genetic chain to bypass scientific principles to achieve the transformation, but Ren Zhong, in turn, used the empire's technology and human beings' natural creative thinking to analyze the phenomenon of transformation and deduce the principles.

During this process, Ren Zhong's personal combat effectiveness also continued to improve.

Although his comprehensive physical fitness index, brain response index, and bioelectric carrying power have not improved significantly, his brain response index has been rising all the time.

Moreover, after breaking through the ninth level of shackles and gaining the ability to predict, his brain reaction index finally had no limit, and he transformed into a caged tiger and skyrocketed to the top.

Up to now, Ren Zhong's brain reaction index has still quietly exceeded the limit of the empire's super-level professionals, reaching a new level that cannot be read with the empire's technology.

The reason is very simple. Human beings in the Machine Empire still maintain their human nature after all. No matter how their brain reactions are improved, they cannot be as good as the virtual digitization of their own thoughts and become pilgrims of another life form.

Unfortunately, although Ren Zhong still has the form of a human body, is a true human being, and has inspirational thinking and creativity that far exceeds that of humans in the Empire, the quantum entanglement vortex structure inside his brain is still moving in the direction of the pilgrim.


Ren Zhong is not a pilgrim, but he is better than a pilgrim. It is logical to exceed the reading limit of the relevant testing equipment of the Machinery Empire.

He is very strong now. Perhaps only after going to the empire can he find specific reference points to understand how strong he is. But when the war reaches such a scale, on the frontal battlefield, pure personal power cannot be the final word.

No matter how powerful he is, perhaps the strongest warrior in the history of the Mechanical Empire, he cannot defeat the vast array composed of proliferating offspring of the Mother Imperial Ship with just one person.

The Mechanical Empire has never been a branch of humanity that relies on individual power to conquer the world.

In the civilization of the Ascendants, although the Queen Mother is the mother body of the fleet, she is essentially a separate individual with independent consciousness.

The First-Class Mother Queen can control energy comparable to that of a small star with just her huge body.

Such a good thing is absolutely impossible among the humans of the Machine Empire who have retained their human form.

Therefore, Ren Zhong's real goal has never been to rely on his personal power to kill everyone. What he pursues is just to damage the Imperial Ship near C1915.

After several attempts, the cronies from Spark Town were infected by him again and again, and regained their past attitude of having unlimited trust in him and fighting alongside him.

Although Ma Xiaoling's parameters have not increased, he will receive strategic guidance and guidance every time.

Shi Lin, a colonized warrior, finally received help from the source star fleet's biotechnology that dismantled the self-sublimated people, and merged it with the mistletoe cell genes derived from Bai Feng's frozen cells, allowing the super-level ability born from the source star to be obtained.


Others such as Song Muen and Noel Sandro also had their own outstanding performances.

But apart from the heavy responsibilities, the most dazzling one is still Wangqiao.

No matter how the butterfly wings flap, no matter how the butterfly effect distorts the details on the battlefield, Wang Qiao, a top killer, can always find a way to rush into the formation with water droplets, or use equipment to lurk closer, and stick to the matter of close range.

With the heavy progress, it even successfully detonated the three-phase bomb on the water droplet ship when it was 2.4 million kilometers away from the mothership. Unfortunately, it only exploded lonely.

This chapter has been completed!
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