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Chapter 481 Someone must build a city with flesh and blood

Chapter 481 Someone has to build the city with flesh and blood

A huge dark red planet floats in the sky.

Under the successive bursts of shining light, a golden bowl-like star ring surrounds this super-large spherical star, revolving as if it were eternal.

This star ring is the fragmented satellite belt of the C1915 star.

An eight-kilometer-long strip meteorite is quietly mixed in the star fragment belt, orbiting C1915 smoothly along the established orbit with other fragmented meteorites and star dust.

Inside the front of this strip-shaped meteorite, Ren Zhong was sitting in front of the console, examining the images captured by the optical camera through the screen in front of him.

This meteorite is a completely camouflaged medium-sized special warship.

There is only one pilot and combatant on the ship, which is a heavy responsibility.

After a long time, Ren Zhong closed the notebook in front of him with a snap.

The last number 7731 on the notebook suddenly flashed.

He finally waited for the opportunity to kill with one strike.

Of course, this may be just a trial, but as long as he can succeed this time, other warriors will be able to accomplish this feat soon.

Ren Zhong sighed to himself, with a look of regret on his face, "It's a pity that there is no way to accurately control the space chaos explosion after the warp abnormality, otherwise the power will be greater than the three-phase bomb."

But he was quickly relieved.

"It doesn't matter, just relying on the simultaneous explosion of these three thousand concentrated three-phase bombs is enough to shatter part of the cuticle shell of the Imperial Mothership."

At this time, the sudden bursts of light in space were caused by ultra-long-range cruise missiles launched from the Source Star Fleet headquarters 15 days ago.

After a long period of improvement, the missile, which originally had a range of only 60 billion kilometers, has a range of 111 billion kilometers with the help of multi-stage range extenders, and its cruising flight speed is slightly higher than 0.25 times the speed of light.

The departure time of these missiles was one day later than that of the water droplet, but their flight speed was slightly faster. As soon as the special attack team settled down on the front foot of the C1915 star and took cover, these missiles arrived on the back foot and headed straight for the mothership.

However, the Imperial Mothership was well prepared and had ambushed a large number of critical stingers and cannon fodder units called "Web Spiders" along the way.

Billions of web-spinning spiders spread out a huge combined spider web in space.

These spider webs are composed of extremely thin and extremely tough transparent silk threads. Their toughness, strength, and ductility are enough to intercept ultra-long-range missiles, split them apart, and detonate them in advance.

Some of the missiles were detonated in advance, and some were shredded silently, but a small number of them used the loopholes cut by other missiles to break through the interception net, but unfortunately they were ambushed halfway by the critical

The poisonous stinger or the spit of the hydralisk can easily detonate, exploding into fireworks in space.

Although there is no air in space, violent explosions are nothing more than the release of light and heat energy, as well as slight impacts caused by some plasma flows, but missile fragments with extremely high kinetic energy can always hit some gravel.

One of the missiles seemed to be particularly unlucky. It was forced to turn in order to avoid the large pieces of debris flying back from the front, and deviated from the direction of the locked missile. Then it was too late to correct it, so that it completely bypassed the direction of the Imperial Ship.

, hitting a fragmented star cluster more than 20 million kilometers away from the mother imperial ship.

When bombing towards the star cluster, the missile seemed to be a lucky star again, cleverly avoiding a large number of large meteorites with a diameter of more than ten meters, and then accurately hit a large meteorite with a diameter of nearly fifty kilometers, blowing it up

Falling apart.

The debris flew and shattered meteorites dozens of meters long at the edge of the star cluster, scattering in all directions.

This is just an inconspicuous marginal detail on the battlefield.

The meteorites that were blown away also slowly scattered along the established trajectory.

This point did not arouse the idea of ​​the Queen Mother Ship because it was too inconspicuous and no communication signals were released.

The Imperial Mothership even deployed heavy troops to the front where the missiles were coming, and only placed a small number of "lurkers", Hydralisks and Sandworms on this side.

But the task of quietly observing this corner of the battlefield through the optical camera scene is silently counting down.

The previous missile was not a cruise missile in the conventional sense. There were people inside.

Since the information flow communication has been interrupted, radio wave communication is not enough to support real-time dispatching in such a spatial dimension. Therefore, if we want to achieve precise field control in a space battlefield full of random and accidental factors, we can only have ready-made pilots sitting in it.

Make your own decision.

The entire crew of ten people was inside at all times.

Including the avoidance to avoid the debris, as well as the subtle operations on the way into the fragmented star cluster, all were completed by humans.

As for the final explosion, of course it was done proactively.

Nearly two hours passed, the missiles were slowly exhausted, and the meteorites that were blown away finally showed their unreasonableness.

Originally, these stones should be completely scattered in all directions, with only a handful of them approaching the direction of the Imperial Ship. However, the reality is that there are more than 30,000 "meteorites" of similar size that have been quietly changing direction in a small way, and even continue to do so.


By now, these "meteorites" have turned into more than 30,000 meteorite missiles heading straight for the Imperial Mother Ship. No matter how concealed the disguise is, it is time to reveal it.

A small number of space sandworms began to spit warp cannonballs.

The next moment, the rock skin on the surface of the "meteorite" shook and fell off, revealing the body of the improved water droplet ship.

The twin engines were fully activated, and the new force field shield suddenly opened.

One by one, the water droplets turned into raindrops emitting blue light, rushing forward in a fan shape.

The picture is poor and the dagger is visible, and I rush forward with all my strength.

Although the jumping cannonballs are still traceless and irregular, the updated and revised algorithm can still predict their action patterns with an accuracy of nearly 40%.

The small water droplets began to change direction during the rush, trying to avoid the damage of the deflection antimatter shells as much as possible.

After a round of interception and blasting, more than 24,000 water dropships broke through the defense line.

Keep pushing forward.

An interception defense line composed of a small number of critical stingers followed closely.

Some water droplets slow down slightly, fire continuously, and then transform themselves into small combat fortresses with different functions. They can not only attract enemy interception forces, but also provide fire cover for comrades who continue to advance.

One after another, the bright light and smoke screen hybrid bombs were detonated, illuminating the critical sting that was quietly lurking in space.

Yuan Qinhu, the leader of the special attack team's cover team, started radio communication and gave an order, "Hit! Mainly attack area AB217! Full fire coverage! Create a two-second hole area!"

This AB217 area is a blank area of ​​the defense line that he selected based on the real-time changing battlefield dynamics. It is a breakthrough point.

Following his order, more than 5,000 combat fortresses that slowed down began to concentrate all kinds of heavy firepower into an area with a radius of three million kilometers.

Nearly 19,000 water droplets made a large-scale curve change and began to swoop towards the area.

Within 1.2 seconds after the fire exploded, nearly 16,000 water droplets successfully passed through the blank area created by the intertwined artillery fire.

Three thousand water dropships were lost, of which 1,500 were damaged by the residual impact of our own artillery fire that affected their core components, while the other 1,500 were damaged by the torsion caused by the extremely large angle change.

In other areas, the Royal Mother Ship quickly recognized the signal source of the cover group's command fortress and swooped in.

Even the "Lurker", a big killer, rushed out brazenly, using its long legs to stomp on the stingers to accelerate in the air, and suddenly jumped on top of the battle fortress that released the command signal, spitting out beams of destruction from its mouthparts.

The battle fortress was detonated without any suspense.

But Yuan Qinhu was not dead. He was still issuing new orders in an orderly manner, "Area AB204! Fire coverage!"

According to Ren Zhong's instructions, the Royal Mother Ship has extremely strong information capture capabilities and can instantly identify the command center.

Therefore, Yuan Qinhu's orders to the outside world were not disseminated through his own combat fortress, but were first transmitted through laser communication to another relay fortress that was 100,000 kilometers away from him, and then broadcast by this fortress.

Not only that, the relay fortress was not equipped with many long-range combat devices at all, but was loaded with a large number of explosive devices composed of three-phase bombs modified by Noel Sandro himself.

The moment the latent destruction beam hit, the relay fortress exploded brazenly.

A terrifying high-radiation, high-heat explosion shock wave swept across,

The "lurking" who was not far away recognized the oncoming danger and wanted to run away when the situation was bad, but was a step too late and was quickly submerged.

On the other side, using the second round of firepower to cover the gap opened, the remaining more than 4,000 combat fortresses turned their direction again and launched explosive beams with energy interference effects somewhere in the path in front of the other water droplet ships that broke into the defense line, once again fighting for others.

It's time to break into space.

Yuan Qinhu's attention did not stay here even for a moment, and he immediately issued the third order.

"Escape from the water drop ship and engage the enemy! Everyone, fight for the Source Star!"

By this time, after two rounds of intensive firing, all combat fortress-type water droplets had emptied all their loaded weapons.

Next, it is time for these super-level professionals to use their own abilities and fight the enemy life-for-life in this boundless space.

Yuan Qinhu's fist hit his armor.

He still clearly remembered in his mind that before setting off, Ren Zhong had personally modified his armor.

He also remembered that Ren Zhong smiled and told himself, "Believe me, you can hit ten."

In the moment before the battle fortress was corroded and detonated by the hydralisk's smoke, Yuan Qinhu's armor burst into flames, and the killer came out, facing dozens of critical stingers around him.

Further ahead, Ma Xiaoling stared straight ahead with all his concentration, scanning the distance data on the upper left side of the panel with the corner of his eye.

Eight million kilometers…

Seven million kilometers...

Four million kilometers…

The closer the distance, the fewer comrades around her, and before she knew it, the number had been reduced to less than 8,000.

Her hands were tightly holding the joystick, and her brain was thinking at a high speed.

The life-extending crystal shone brightly in her mouth.

Her water droplet shuttled through the gaps in the smoke screen generated by the hydralisk's breath ahead.

Three million kilometers!

After a long time, as the leader of the special attack team's sharp knife team, she shouted, "Sidewinder maneuver, use three-phase bombs! Use Xingtian potion! Overload operation, defense enhancement fortress activated!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the more than 4,000 water droplets that were traveling alongside her immediately took action and performed a sidewinder maneuver. Their tails suddenly swung forward, the tail structure disintegrated, and the detonation chamber loaded with the three-phase bomb module was thrown out, using inertia to rush forward.

Remove a section, then complete the direction correction, and the Qian Type II thruster is ignited.

One after another, the three-phase bombs fell into the dense defense array composed of multi-stage Hydralisks waiting in front, and exploded one after another.

At the same time, the rest of the droplet ships transformed into spherical hardened fortresses with thickened neutron coatings. One machine gun after another protruded from the surface of the spherical fortress, and one after another super-high-speed missiles were fired from the vertical launch port.


As for Ma Xiaoling himself, he jumped out of the water dropship wearing a battle armor that shone with silver light all over his body.

Her battle armor is large in size, and its structure occupies most of the loading space in the water droplet ship.

Her water droplet ship does not have fortress-like functions.

She herself is a fortress.

She also did not use laser communication to let others relay the signal like Yuan Qinhu did.

The enemy knows that she is the command center, and tilts most of its firepower and combat resources to her side.

But this is exactly what Ma Xiaoling wants to achieve.

She began to move left and right, flashing maneuvers, using firearms to block the critical stingers trying to attack her in advance, and the small space booby traps on her body sprayed out like raindrops. She first intercepted the enemies trying to get closer to her on one side, and then fled to the other side.


But she didn't run away the whole time, she was still getting closer while running away.

As for the other hardened fortresses, although the thrusters have been turned off and most of the energy supply is used for energy weapons, they are still gradually approaching the mother emperor ship under the dual effects of inertia and gravity.

In this chaotic situation, a looming shadow like water refracting light is quietly moving forward, and even slowly flying to the front of everyone.

This is the water droplet ship that uses the unique camouflage device Wangqiao.

In the cockpit, he was breathing steadily and was gently adjusting the lever to slightly change the flight direction.

In another direction, the chaotic, latent, hydralisk, stinger and other proliferating bodies that originally formed a regular defense line have disrupted the formation and are approaching the direction where Ma Xiaoling and others are. Such large-scale maneuvers are like clouds and mist.


Gradually, the "thick fog" surrounding the Imperial Ship formed a hollow area in the direction of C1915.

On the other side, the battleship controlled by Ren Zhong alone finally moved.

The battleship suddenly broke away from the orbit around C1915 and turned into a javelin.


Keep accelerating!

The heavy-duty battleship began to tremble!

The control room buzzed with vibrations.

Ren Zhong stared ahead, looking at the countless proliferating offspring of the mother-imperial ship that were rapidly changing their formations, trying to re-establish an interception network and fill the voids, with lightning-like thoughts flashing in his mind.

His eyes wandered, constantly focusing on new areas.

The rock camouflage layer in front of the battleship finally fell off during the violent acceleration, revealing the naval gun.

Bang bang bang!

The naval gun began to blast forward the concentrated energy beam, blasting through the front and creating a safe zone.

The next second, Ren Zhong's right hand turned the lever, and the battleship changed direction slightly, perfectly avoiding the fire strike zone of an anti-matter refraction shell.

Keep accelerating!

This chapter has been completed!
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