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Chapter 4.06 The pot for eating and the sword for seizing power

   Early February of the year 1102 of the Dang Star Calendar, which was the third month after Wei Keng sneaked into Oak City.

On No. 453 Street, a swordsmanship competition is taking place on the arena here. Young swordsmen from various schools in the city are fighting at high speed in a variable space.

The length, width and height span of these variable spaces vary between 350m and 540m, which can simulate many battlefield environments, such as space battlefields, underground cavity battlefields, spaceship battlefields, deep-sea high-pressure battlefields, etc.

 Of course Mr. Wei will come to these competitions that have great reference significance.


At the entrance of the major competition venue, information about various seed players and comparisons of their winning rates, and various "inside secrets" from scalpers, have captured the attention all over the sky.

Just next door, in the glass display window of the dining car, the golden egg tarts shine attractively under the light. When they are taken out, a few drops of syrup are squeezed in, and then directly burned with a flame torch.

For this competition, Mr. Wei Keng specially replaced a complete set of ovens, cooktops, and quick cleaning equipment in the city today. He also went to restaurants throughout the city to find other equipment to rent for a day.

 Now the only people who can enter the core arena to watch the games are the city's middle class.

But those middle-class customers who couldn't buy tickets watched the game from the observation deck outside the stadium. Wei Keng hired a dozen young people to run errands and posted a small advertisement for food delivery (psoriasis) on the stage before the game. The event happened

When the time comes, hire them to sit in the stands and listen to the call action.

 It was also thanks to the information processor and artificial intelligence service system in Wei Keng’s Shenzhou space that he was able to take over these orders.

 Wei Keng has fully considered the model effect. That is, if one person buys snacks, the surrounding spectators will follow suit and place orders.

 In fact, this is indeed the case,

On the field, the players who were eating sweet mashed potatoes and drinking juice smelled the aroma of egg-filled pancakes and the ice carbonated soda on the side, so they all went to ask for one. As a result, during the middle half, a

The phone number is twenty or thirty! And the phone calls come every minute.

As a result, Wei Keng had to cook half of the food, then jump directly to the store he arranged in other stores, heat the same meal in the oven there, and then put it directly in the stadium and walk to the dining car! Call to inform

Your own employees came over, pushed the carts over and distributed them according to the list.

 At this busy time, Wei Keng collected hundreds of thousands in sales within a few hours. (Telephone transfer)

 In this unofficial grandstand, almost half of the stadium was filled with steamed pancakes and hot dry noodles made by Wei Keng. However, the order maintenance personnel in the grandstand thought that there was a special catering team outside to arrange all of this.


While Wei Keng was counting the money and smiling, he immediately stopped when he saw the "weather reminder" of the system.

Wei Keng’s ‘serious’, ‘serious’: “My enemy, I’m here to collect combat data.”

 These swordsmen, in various combat environments, their victory or defeat determination, as well as combat skills, are extremely important information.

 About Wei Keng, he said that he must work hard.

Qin Xiaohan was numb, but the people she chose and the tasks she chose were just like the babies she gave birth to. She couldn't shirk them. She could only start modeling these battles based on the model Wei Keng said. I hope Wei Keng

Can we have some snacks?

The competition is over. As the administrator of the field, after the game, he was a little annoyed by the garbage left by the people outside the field. In this competition, food delivery personnel appeared. But the competition party wanted to check

When I arrived, I discovered that in addition to the food delivery boys who were paid tens of thousands of yuan in labor fees at one time, the boss who could deliver thousands of meals to the dining cars around the venue within an hour was missing.

Of course, after seeing the flashing phenomenon of the dining car during the event monitoring, these small officials who knew they had no contact with the swordsmen stopped investigating and just regarded it as a whim of a certain swordsman.


 Two days after the event, Wei Keng stopped and packed up all the food truck kits.

 Started to carefully observe and study the tactics in the swordsman competition.

 From the previous enthusiasm, to the sudden stop, Qin Xiaohan was touched for a moment.

Of course, it felt even more relaxing especially when I saw Wei Keng buying parts from the black market and starting to assemble his own lightsaber.

Wei Keng took the sword. He held the sword for the first time and completed a set of actions according to the standard tactical system of the light blade.

In a space of about 200 meters in two abandoned buildings, Wei Keng completed 123 consecutive jumps in one minute. The light blade was launched every time he jumped. He also hit a moving target 74 times in a row.


Even though there were hundreds of people near the area, this set of standard tactical actions did not arouse any surprise because Wei Keng was stuck outside the perspective of these people every time he flashed.

With the last flash of light, Wei Keng returned to his hut and exhaled! Regarding his current level, Wei Keng's attitude was: "It's still not perfect."

Wei Keng made an objective analysis of the plane information provided by the system: "There are geniuses in this world." (Subtext: Many people are better than me.)

In the history of Purple Jupiter, there are twenty-year-old swordsmen, twenty-four-year-old swordsmen, and fifty-year-old swordsmen. Over the past hundreds of years, heroes have been competing to set unprecedented records again and again.

 After comparing with their legendary experiences, Wei Keng was so humble that he said: "I, an ordinary person from the earth, besides having troubles, what else do I have?"

As for cheating and chasing geniuses on the known road, one day you will find that if you follow step by step and cheat and move forward, you will actually be inferior to the genius when you reach the end.


 After installing the light blade, Wei Keng put it away and prepared to find his own way next.

Wei Keng believes: "Although I am just an ordinary person, as long as I put my hard work to practical use and take advantage of resources to achieve the path that others find annoying and unwilling to take, then I will have something slightly special compared to others."

Only if you are familiar with it."

 For example, after the existing sky and earth positioning technology systems have been thoroughly understood and reached the upper limit, a new technology chain will be developed.

 Oh, of course this requires more long-term planning.


 With Wei Keng’s new plan, space is in the air.

 Qin Xiaohan sat upright. She could see this time that Wei Keng's current action goal was somewhat "too ambitious!"

Qin Xiaohan tugged on his twin ponytails: "It seems that among the upgrades of the travelers in this plane so far, only Yuanyue Shangqing has achieved the highest level (upgrade) here. How is his plan different from the sword formation?"

The system is involved? Is it possible?”

The inspector's pupils, which had not been moistened with hope for a long time, now shone with a little sparkle.


 Compared with the growth path of swordsmen in this world, Wei Keng is relatively quiet.

Just like Chinese children in the 21st century need to go to school for more than ten years, it is impossible for Syrian children to get an AK of their own when they are teenagers.

 In the same city, the top level of this world is full of fiery conflicts.

In the center of Oak City is the Oak Building. This Oak Building is based on a mountain, and this mountain is a wonder.

This mountain is a natural lava body with a diameter of 500 meters at the base. Then it starts to rise vertically from the bottom rapidly. There are a large number of downward stripes on it. It looks like the stumps left by the "World Tree". But this is actually a volcano.

The prototype left behind.

The volcano was originally a cone, but due to changes in the sea, the structure outside the cone formed by the accumulation of volcanic ash and hot lava that erupted for thousands or tens of thousands of years was not strong and was washed away, leaving behind the condensed magma inside! This magma is completely integrated.

Vertically upward. (Principles of geological formation, such as Devil's Tower in North America on Earth)

The core building of Oak City stands on this natural tower base. It is integrated with it and towers 900 meters into the sky, dominating its surroundings.

 On this tall tower that can be called the World Tree, the swordsman Lu Feng stood on the platform at the top of the tower.

 Compared to the tower, he was like a speck of dust. He stood firmly here and looked at the buildings around him that were like straw poles.

 Before coming to this city, he was a member of the Chehong Sect in the south. This was a force in the southwestern part of the planet.

Before coming, his master had discussed the current situation with him: "In the Purple Wood Continent, there are 310,000 swordsmen in total, but there are only 56,334 people who regularly serve in the planet center (data from three years ago). The center's strength is not enough, so

When the people from the White Steel Star competed with us for the ruins of asteroid No. 984, the Purple Jupiter Star, which obviously has more combat power, was not strong enough."

He came to this city with the attitude of integrating the various factions of Purple Jupiter.

 However, after coming into contact with the city lord and the academic sect here, he discovered that the mess here was definitely not something that he could cut through with a single sword.

It’s not that others haven’t considered this issue

 It’s just: Who will strengthen the center, and who will lead the strengthened center? Centralizing the center requires the support of various local families and sects, but after the center is centralized, the power is not enough to be distributed to the lower levels.

Even the Qiehong Sect, where Lu Feng is currently located, is trying to unite the forces of the important big cities in the west now so that it can negotiate terms with larger sects in the future.

Lu Feng raised his hand, and the spatial jump point caused the surrounding airflow to form a vortex around him, and the force of the vortex was concentrated at his feet. He flew down from the huge tall building.

This past May was the swordsman selection competition for various academies in the city, and soon there will be the Youth Show Swordsman Competition jointly held by several nearby city forces.

Rewards include real swords, spaceships, and a set of Space Sword Leap inheritance from the Magong Sword Sect. The victory or defeat in the city determines the influence of the sect in the region.

 Therefore, Lu Feng’s division will also send troops to the front. So he will also become a new chaos in the chaos.


 March 3, 1102 AD

 Dexian Building, this is a restaurant with a good reputation in Oak City. Currently in the lobby, Wei Keng is applying for a job as a waiter here.

 Being tall and majestic, Wei Keng’s advantages are his majestic appearance. Wei Keng: With such an appearance, wouldn’t it be more respectable to have such a doorman in a restaurant?

 As for why Wei Keng came here?

Wei Keng tried his best to report to the system in an unimportant tone: "Isn't it time to leave? After trying the cooking in this big city, I suddenly felt that the chili sauce in this store is very fragrant. I need to find out the raw materials of his store.

There are also some production tips. No, if you change the city, they sell egg rolls and cold skin."

In response to this, supervisor Qin Xiaohan's resentment broke out again: "Others have been recording vigorous legends for twenty years, but you are fried noodles and fried pork noodles, taking up my recording space and ruining my life."

Qin Xiaohan's rejection at the moment may also be because Mr. Wei Keng's craftsmanship is getting better and better. The egg fried rice should be gold-coated and the egg-filled pancake should be crispy on the outside and smooth on the inside. Qin Xiaohan, who doesn't even have Coke in the space bubble, is interested in this.

This kind of "poison" is deeply abhorred.


 However, Qin Xiaohan remained silent and left Wei Keng alone, probably because he had given up.


Wei Keng didn’t work as a doorman for a long time in a tea restaurant. In the small kitchen next door, Wei Keng’s knife skills while turning on the small stove were seen by the chef here. He tacitly agreed that Wei Keng could do some chores for his subordinates and began to explore.

The cook here knew keenly that this young man came here to steal the chef, and he was quite pleased with it. He was allowed to steal a little bit, but not too much. Later, he discovered that Wei Keng cared a lot about chili sauce and kept it in the store every day when he ate.

Hot sauce, after smiling, stopped caring about Wei Keng.


Dang Star Calendar Year 1102, June 14th. The third month when Wei Keng sneaked into the "Sheng Banzhao" restaurant

Wei Keng, who was washing vegetables, was choosing vegetables by the sink. His nose kept sniffing and his mind was spinning. Then when he entered the kitchen, he occasionally glanced at it.

 The system column scrolls up and down with the proportion of hot sauce: "Use No. d334 Chaotian peppers with more than 1,200 hours of sunshine per month, stir-fry with oil, and then mix..."

Wei Keng made one final correction. After confirming that a few key steps were correct, he was ready to leave next month.

 In order to thank the owner of this shop for "passing on his skills", Wei Keng was prepared to waive his wages.


The figure of a heavy vehicle came from outside the street. The armored vehicle with full ceramic armor and Gauss rapid-fire cannon drove through the bridge opening in front of the door again. Wei Keng came back to his senses from Chijiang's thoughts and shook off the water droplets on his hand.

Standing by the window sill and looking at the situation below,

 Looking at the city security forces wearing ceramic armor, patrolling more and more frequently.

Wei Keng realized: “The alert level has been strengthened here.”

Though these weapons have not seen the appearance of swordsmen with rapid flashes, such live guns and live ammunition are enough to deter ordinary people.

Thinking of something, Wei Keng activated the system and asked suspiciously: "System, according to your information, the city has strengthened its security to this extent. Did something happen?"

The space is here, with a fluttering long skirt and a high bun. The fairy-like Qin Xiaohan wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. She is trying to match modern elements with ancient costumes. In short, she has also begun to develop her own personal hobbies.

After hearing Wei Keng’s inquiry, Qin Xiaohan pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose: “The current situation in Oak City is to prepare for hosting larger-scale events. If you want to know the details, you can take corresponding actions.”

Wei Keng: "Oh~" Judging from this tone, it seems that he is deeply thinking about the impact of this incident on himself.

Therefore, Qin Xiaohan doubled down on his explanation: "Armed with firearms, they are not a big threat to your current situation."

Wei Keng nodded: "Yes, according to the normal situation in this world, the use of firearms troops is not used to deal with swordsmen, but to suppress. System, do you think that if I stay here for a few more days, this will

Won’t they be taxed?”

Wei Keng had just exchanged the coins from the electronic bank and put them in his car. Now he was worried that the security soldiers on the street would confiscate his hard-earned money during the search.

 Five seconds later, the system: “Can’t give you any suggestions”

 Qin Xiaohan in the space bubble covered his forehead and said to himself: "You can always ask me some questions that are completely irrelevant to me."

Wei Keng said to himself silently: "The threat of firearms is really not that big? I don't believe it."

  quietly called up his own mathematical configuration. Modeled in this space, something seemed to be a bullet! There was a complex time coordinate system label in the space.

Of course, this is just a look. There are no plans to launch it yet.

 For dangers, Wei Keng's philosophy is to avoid them whenever possible.

Wei Keng was thinking in his mind, how to send some valuable things out of this right and wrong area first, and then, for the more than ten tons of equipment like the newly purchased truck, he did not have the ship-level energy storage equipment to move it, so he had to move it as soon as possible in the next few days.

Drive outside the city.

 As a law-abiding person, my life was quite difficult.

As if seeking resonance, Wei Keng sighed and explained to the system: "If the pot is blown, the anger level will be full."

 System: "Oh, really?" There was not only no sympathy in the tone, but also some expectation.

This chapter has been completed!
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