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Chapter 4.07 Premonition

 In the year 1102 of the Star Calendar, when Mr. Wei Keng, a mortal man in the marketplace, was thinking about his tax rate, some people with swords in their hands were at the top of their game.

At this time, although it was nine o'clock in the morning, the sun had already risen, but surrounded by hundreds of meters of buildings around it, there was still no sunlight on the street, and the street lights were still on. Even if you looked up at the sky at this time, in addition to being blocked by the buildings

The dazzling light radiating below dazzled my eyes, and I couldn't see anything.

The sky and sunshine do not belong to ordinary citizens of Oak City.

In the second ring of Oak City, the Oak City Swordsman Academy is holding its graduation competition.

On the top of four 600-meter-high buildings, circular energy platforms rise one by one, vertically upward for 500 meters and then spread out, pulling up energy interfaces and delineating a huge space with a total volume of more than one cubic kilometer.


The energy interface maintained by such technology is like constructing a three-dimensional sword fighting area above the city.

If you look at this panoramic view from a higher sky, on the top of the building around the cubic space, the seats are arranged like dust in the opposite building. As the city's upper class take their seats, the seats are immediately suspended in the air, allowing them to enjoy the best viewing angle.

.(Except those who are afraid of heights and those who dare not ride the jumping machine.)

On the top of the four pedestal buildings in this three-dimensional space, swordsmen dressed in their group's combat uniforms lined up twenty meters apart.

As swordsmen in the technological age, their battle uniforms are not superfluous, but close-fitting, practical, and full of technology.

In fact, the style of these tight-fitting swordsman costumes with all-ceramic shells comes from the clothes of combat teams on spaceships of interstellar civilizations thousands of years ago. They have slim shapes and clean surfaces. Of course, functions such as optical invisibility and temporary energy shields are used in the new era.

Not available, but deleted.

The swordsman uniforms on the four buildings are roughly the same, but the symbols on the chests of each group are different. They are oak leaves, acorns, oak flowers, and a tree ring pattern that looks like an eye.

If we say that four months ago, the "Swordsman Competition" in which the common people in the city caroused collectively was only "Xia Li" and "Ba Ren", the current "Swordsman Competition" is "Yangchun" that the upper management of Oak City is paying attention to.

and "White Snow".

Well, to put it in layman's terms: the former swordsmen who were over 29 to 45 years old came to compete for the security force positions in the city and were the force to manage the city's civilians. Therefore, the civilians paid great attention to the selection of these "village sages".

Today's swordsmen are reserve officers who participate in the city's external attacks.

The teenage students recruited into the Swordsman Academy are all promising young swordsmen, but even so, after six years of careful training, there are not many young people who can reach the swordsman level.

Such academics, due to their strong talent, were included in upper-level training when they were young, lacked actual combat experience, and were arrogant. Therefore, Oak City asked each school to hold an internal competition before the general competition.

The one cubic kilometer level energy space has very good sound insulation. In the battle chamber, when the referee's voice is like a bell and the rules of the battle are explained, there is no sound at all from the outside world where there are many buildings.

Deep inside the building, those who looked up could only see a sliver of sky, unaware of the actions in the sky at a height of several hundred meters.

Maybe confusion is a kind of happiness.

Wei Keng, who was carrying the dishes he had just purchased and got into the car, raised his head with unfounded worry.

In the 21st century, no one can walk safely downstairs where objects are falling from heights. Similarly, Mr. Wei also feels uncomfortable with people wielding knives and guns hundreds of meters above his head.

A swordsman seems to be insignificant to this world, but Wei Keng infers based on the intensity of his spatial twisting. If calculated based on the spatial crack effect of a real sword, he can cut open a building with one sword.

[Qin Xiaohan in the space bubble is not worried about this matter: The people fighting above are swordsmen. Swordsmen can only use light blades. The most lethality of light blades is light armor. Real swords can only be mastered by swordsmen. This of mine

A time traveler currently recognizes himself as a swordsman, but he has just mastered the ability to split space, but has not yet moved his level up one level, so he uses his own standards to lead into swordsman battles. Originally, he is a swordsman.


After hurriedly getting out of the car, Wei Keng sighed worriedly: "It's time for me to leave."

From Wei Keng's perspective, Qin Xiaohan's system pop-up window popped up: "You have to take out that real sword, don't delay it any longer."

Wei Keng: "I'll go in the evening." After saying this, he temporarily bypassed the inspection robot in front and did not let it take pictures.

When the robot alarmed, I slapped the robot on the back, and the speaker system temporarily short-circuited. When it recovered a few minutes later, Mr. Wei Keng had disappeared. The lights on the street were dim, and suspended vehicles were coming and going.

In the surveillance space, Qin Xiaohan knew that Wei Keng was perfunctory, because Wei Keng had recently been studying the "no sword" firepower strategy.

Qin Xiaohan held his chin and tapped his cheeks with his fingers: "How much of his mind can be used in what I said?"

When Wei Keng returned to the restaurant where he worked and then took leave to leave, the battle in the ring above the second ring of Oak City had already reached a fever pitch.

Oak Academy's original concept of "fruits, leaves, flowers, and branches are connected by the same spirit" has become a broken window in the face of the generous rewards in the finals and the arrogance of the young swordsmen competing to win.

The top students competed with each other with swords in the space jump. The entire 600-meter-high platform was filled with their flickering figures.

During the competition, a training sword was used which had limited power and could not cause serious damage. However, a young and energetic swordsman deliberately intercepted the light energy with spatial fluctuations. After accumulating enough energy, it exploded hundreds of times in an instant.

Come out and burn the target.

The training swords in Ye Group and Meng Haozhan's hands had several "malfunctions" and accidentally injured several people. Then they asked "innocently" to change to the opponent's sword.

It has to be said that this kind of space interception and storage of light energy is a very high-end technique, and it is a special technique within the family of the city lord of Oak City.

However, arrogance comes with a price. Just when he thought no one would challenge him, a young swordsman from the "Fruit" group also appeared.

Jiao Mo Xing, appears. This is a dark horse that has risen in this year. After he got the sword, he also emitted a powerful beam of light with the "whoosh" of the space storage effect.

Next, the two of them flickered and burned back and forth in the space.

In the end, Meng Haozhan was too panicked and fired too many times, so that the training lightsaber in his hand started to smoke. At the moment when it was hot, Meng Haozhan was hit in the chest by Jiao Mo Xing's sword, and he screamed out in fright.


In fact, the last sword was not very powerful, and it only burned Meng Haozhan's chest. So to use a popular saying: "It's not very harmful, but it's very insulting."

However, when Meng Haozhan was angry, the referee, who had been watching the show slowly, announced that the game was over.

The referee glanced at Meng Haozhan, as if he had said something to him. After hearing this, Meng Haozhan suddenly became more honest, and then looked towards the Oak Building in the distance.

He was able to cheat because the referee turned a blind eye. But just now it was clear that both sides were cheating, but the referee still turned a blind eye. This is obviously because there are eyes above.

In the fortress on the top floor of the towering Oak Building, Meng Haozhan lowered his head.

The city lord looked at his nephew and mocked him angrily: "What's going on today? The sword in your hand is always broken?"

Meng Haozhan: "Yes, this"

The city lord scolded coldly: "This is not your fault, right?"

After a few seconds, Meng Haozhan did not answer.

The city lord grinned and said, "Then you shouldn't blame others. You're just too clever. You're not as good as others, but you still have the nerve to take something out of the space ring!"

Meng Haozhan: "Uncle, me"

He was trembling.

[In this era, equipment like space rings are just like mobile phone software in the 21st century. Parents can remotely know what their children want to do].

The city lord slammed the table: "Do you want me to point out what's wrong? For a woman, your prestige? Your measure?"

After Meng Haozhan withdrew, the magistrate came in. The swordsman stood at a fixed position in the room, waiting for questioning.

City Lord: "It's better for you to come. Have you made arrangements?"

Swordsman: "Arrangements have been made. I have already talked with him (Akura Mill Star) and agreed to go to Mineral Star No. 38 for phased service."

City Lord: "Well, that's right. Give him three more rights to choose swords."

Swordsman, take the order and leave.

The city lord was the only one left in the room again.

Even though he is angry with his nephew, he still has to take care of him.

As a big shot, caretakers do not necessarily have to intervene in conflicts between teenagers to suppress the other party.

Jiao Mo Xing is a dark horse, so just sell him a favor and give him a broader stage.

Just one city lord's every move has an impact on the entire city.

Sending swordsmen to outer space for development does not mean sending just one person. It requires a large number of maintenance workers, fleet drivers, and managers. In short, the basic personnel to match swordsmen are probably thousands. And it will not be a single person.

A swordsman arranges space exploration, but he wants to arrange a wave.

At the same time, six kilometers away, on the 58th floor of the Ecological Park Building, with no one paying attention at night, several cameras' threads were first damaged, and then, a big tree in the park had a "pop" sound.

"The sound of bamboo exploding, a real sword in a scabbard was taken out from the trunk of this five-hundred-year-old tree. Then, the exploded trunk merged under the action of stress, and the lines of the camera were also

The space is twisted and installed.

This sword-taking operation was completed silently.

After flashing to a safe area, Wei Keng took the time to look at the sword he was holding, only to see the words 342 in the Dangxing Calendar written on the white and prismatic scabbard.

Wei Keng: "Well, this thing looks like an antique?"

System: "This sword is the first batch of experimental swords developed by Purple Jupiter researchers based on space phenomena after the Star Sea Civilization shuttled and the chaos just ended."

Wei Keng: "Oh, the test product will inevitably be defective, so the sharp edge distance should not exceed sixty meters."

System: "From the perspective of nano stacking, the stacking is perfect, just..."

The system opened the schematic diagram, that is, the stacking system on this sword is not coherent, but artificially divided into multiple sections. As for the effect of ejecting the edge, it is indeed still sixty meters, but seventy or eighty swords are ejected at one time


Wei Keng: "This?" When I saw the effect like an exploding spiked ball on the demonstration picture, I couldn't help but feel a little weird.

System: "During the design, there was thinking about firepower density. However, the later development of the actual sword was towards the range route. Of course, your current thinking has a model to solve this problem."

[The system knows that Wei Keng is testing a technique that only certain combatants can master: flashing multiple space nodes at the same time, so that the space crack line (sword light) that can only be extended once can flash seven or eight times along the same node at the station.

Arrive at the end of where you can travel in one go, which is five kilometers away.】

Wei Keng: "Oh, I understand." His attitude was not very interesting, because Wei Keng had his own test steps for that plan.

System: "As for this sword, the reason why it was hidden in the tree is that the experimenters deliberately hid it in the tree when they were cleaning up the inventory after the test, but then forgot about it when they tried to ship these items to the outside world.

(just like a woodpecker hiding acorns), when the Oak City Ecological Park was expanded and the ancient trees were needed, they remained here.

Without paying attention to the system inspired by Jianmang, these hidden histories make Wei Keng so sad.

This is just like in the 21st century, when parents bought in and readers asked their student selves to improve their writing skills, they ended up reading the joke page with gusto.

Qin Xiaohan in the space bubble is very helpless. In fact, she has many tasks waiting to be released.

For example, today, Wei Keng avoided the swordsman competition. The horn grinding star that violently beat the city lord's nephew was very special and needed to be explored urgently.

Currently, the Oriental Space-Time Management Bureau has observed that his rise is probabilistic in the "Space Twist Plane".

In other words, every time the Eastern Time and Space Administration sends people to this timeline, they may not necessarily encounter his rise.

Most of the time, he was an ordinary swordsman, but on a few timelines, he suddenly became enlightened, his swordsmanship increased rapidly, and his understanding of space was excellent, until he awakened to the Sword Lord level above the swordsman.

At present, it can be speculated that this is the cross interference near the historical line.

After the First Plane War, there was a proliferation of technology on Earth in some planes.

In some planes, some personnel from the Earth Space-Time Administration are testing the use of regional resources to create tunneling "interdimensional intelligent systems" (commonly known as systems). These traveling systems have now spread out in alien planes, making them more difficult to manage.

Now only by finding that plane area can we 100% separate the timeline of the rise of the Angle Mill Star.

Of course, combined with the current situation of the main world in plane exploration, this may be a system deliberately released by another space-time administration in another historical area of ​​the space twisting plane.

Now Wei Keng is lucky and has encountered the timeline of the rise of the Horn Mo Star, but??

Qin Xiaohan: "Assign him a task? Hey, let's forget it. He has already done very weird in the main tasks."

The problems that other time-travelers encountered during their swordsman stage were old genius provocations and conflicts between their swordsman groups. And Wei Keng, who is stuck in the novice stage, is facing trouble now?

On the streets, some recruitment notices have been posted, and some recruitment quotas have been allocated on each street.

The current outer space exploration of Purple Jupiter requires ordinary people, just like the great voyages of the Middle Ages required sailors. There is always a 10%, or even 30% probability of death.

There are many reasons for death. It could be the leakage of explosive gas during mining, or the leakage of the oxygen system on his back. Of course, it is more likely that he violated his superior and was used to establish his power.

Morality and rational consensus are often the mode of operation of large societies.

In a small society with only dozens or thousands of people, rule by intimidation is often more effective. In space, everyone from the top swordsman to the middle management will kill decisively.

At Shengbanzhao Restaurant (where Wei Keng is.)

The sergeant who came to arrest Ding weighed the banknotes in his hand and said, "You must have someone in your restaurant. It has been ten years and you have not had anyone marching in the army every time. It is unreasonable."

The hotel owner looked embarrassed.

The sergeant smiled slyly: "Is it still necessary? Can I teach you how to do it?" His hand clicked on the "relatives" column on the recruitment document.

The restaurant owner seemed to have been convinced and nodded quickly: "I have relatives, I have relatives." (If you don't have this one, you can make one within a hundred days.)

The sergeant tapped the boss on the belly with the back of his hand: "Hey, isn't this right? Spend some money and find someone to take over, and you can be stable for another ten years."

This chapter has been completed!
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