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Chapter 24.11 (Part 2) Battle of Annihilation

 Back on the battlefield of the Star Sea Blockade War, the battle situation has entered a fiery state.

The outcome of the "decisive battle" in the Brilliant Star Territory is related to the strategic "exchange of offense and defense" and the ebb and flow of strategic confidence between the two parties.

After the Shuoyuan Sect Central Committee explained the meaning of the "Decisive Battle" from top to bottom, all military levels implemented all tactical orders with a resolute attitude.

"Try and think at all costs" is the main theme of Shuoyuan School.

In the final siege of the Chikai Group, the stellar energy radiation controlled by the Shuoyuan Sect divided the group into six parts like a flood, greatly weakening the Chikai Center.

After the charge sounded in the sea of ​​​​stars, "light barriers" and "force field" positions from all directions were approaching like a tide, and accompanied by large-scale charges, the defensive posture of the warships was like a star watch, a tank stuck in a quagmire, unable to move.

Space-time crystals blocked the battleship's firepower and propulsion. At the moment when each key subsystem failed, the charge group rushed into the battleship along the gaps created by the attack.

The process of this kind of ship-capture battle is very simple. You rush into the ship to first detect the flow of fleet energy, then cut off the main energy source of the battleship, and then directly plug into the information system. Along the way, there are a large number of internal ship defense systems blocking it, so it must be

Quickly, before it activates its backup energy source, it rushes in with overwhelming force.

These three axes made each warship lose its combat capability.

On the Fire Line, this thousand-kilometer-level super battleship that was originally located in the center of the fleet, now spread out its shield alone, and the fortress cannons fired at the geometric optical formation two hundred light seconds away.

Of course, it is more about sending combat robots to block possible shock waves. As the star-level energy turns into a temporary force field in space, the space fleet battle turns into a positional battle. The commanders of the Galaxy Alliance are not satisfied with this kind of attack that lasts for hundreds of years.

It was extremely uncomfortable to use a "round-the-clock" strategy without the turn-based principle of fleet battles for several hours.

The most significant thing is that the ship's shift system is every three hours during wartime. This is determined by the rotation of the ship and the adjustment of the bombardment angle. The rest and physiological schedule of the entire ship's personnel are adjusted according to this cycle.

The Shuoyuan faction is now pressing the position outside the fleet. The position is rotating more than thirty times an hour like a roller. During each wave of position rotation, the Shuoyuan faction takes turns in the battle, performing various activities to move the formation.

The biological clocks of the ship's operators who were surrounded inside were disrupted.

Around the main center ship of the Galaxy Group, the 100-kilometer-level cruisers stationed by the defenders (sixth-level dark energy users) formed a foreign battle array. They were now being kneaded like a piece of toilet paper, "Enemy attack!"

The shipboard artificial intelligence called nervously again and again, and rows of space markers appeared.

A large number of ripples appeared from the left side of the hull, and then amid nervous reports from various fleet personnel, an unprecedented scale of impact clusters appeared around them.

With such a perfect stealth raid, every wave of raids is no less threatening than the fortress cannons of the satellite fortress that the fleet encounters when it storms a certain star domain.

Many interstellar knights who had been captured could not help but protest to the Shuoyuanists after being captured: This was not in compliance with the rules of engagement.

As the Propaganda Department of the Humanitarian Alliance said: "If we can't defeat us, you have the right to say that our tactics are irregular, but now that you can't defeat us, you have no right to criticize us. War food is the original sin.


Under the leadership of Shuoyuan Zhe, the vast sea of ​​space machines in the Human Alliance completed the boarding battle.

When the first protective cover of the Fire Line was shattered, groups of anti-matter bombs exploded directly on the surface of the ship. The "anti-jump gang" combat robots deployed by the Fire Line on the protective cover were all destroyed without any effect.


Then, the second layer of protective cover was breached, and there were fewer robots ready for combat. After being wiped out by smart warheads, the assault group rushed to the inner layer.

With such a fierce and sharp attack, Chi Kai, who was sitting in the center, narrowed his eyes and ordered the fleet to adjust its shape and structure to form eight sides.

Then, with the flagship as the origin, eight planes of fire spread out at different angles. These circularly spread planes radiated fire like blades, sweeping away the impact clusters that tried to move closer here.

Ki Nagasu, who was in charge of the war, calculated the energy consumption of this thousand-kilometer-class battleship, ordered the troops to withdraw and standby, and then quickly calculated the vulnerability of the next wave of "firepower interruption in microseconds" when the enemy ship's energy was running, and issued instructions to adjust accordingly.

Deployment of attack ship positions.

…When fishing, if the fish struggles hard, it needs to loosen the line, which consumes the fish’s strength…

With the red fire signal, when all the outer cruisers were captured, it entered the final "bloody burst" stage. Rows of firepower blasted away the pressure of the position, and at the same time began the fifth jump breakout.

However, it seemed that just fifteen light seconds after sailing, it seemed to be out of the encirclement and the firepower stopped slightly.

A large number of geometric light curtains flashed around again! As the light curtain expanded, the space formations jumped over like a shadow.

And the charge was over again, and the propaganda department of the Humanitarian Alliance came out with a speech that resounded throughout the universe: "You are stupid, you only have to respond to the wave. It took a long time to send the wave, and you can't breathe anymore."

The scattered defenses on the outer perimeter of the battleship Huoxing were once again breached in one go.

This is already the fifth time. Wherever Chi Kai's fleet fled, the Sky Knights group waiting in the area came to attack them, shouting and killing them like rats crossing the street.

The energy of the protective shield is stretched thin, and every opportunity is used to break in.

The Fire Line's previous "hot-blooded state" consumed too much energy from the hull. The previous hedgehog-like energy radiation beam emission area has now entered the belly of Cynomorium. The head of the hull releases rows of nano clouds, making the surface smooth and entering

He was in a crouching defensive state with his head in his arms.

The Human Alliance's battering ram, which is specially used to "attack ships", has appeared. This canned device is unfolded on the hull, marked with coordinates, and welcomes the gravitational fluctuations from space, causing a collapse on the surface of this huge battleship.

The broken shell on the ship's hull shook violently like an earthquake.

The epidermal protective shell is shaking like water waves that have been stoned, or fat meat that has been beaten.

At this time, Chi Kai, who was withdrawing into the core facilities of the ship, looked solemn and murmured: "I will not let you win completely."

She is going to go to the center of the battleship and activate the energy collapse. At that time, all the energy and information of the entire battleship will be concentrated on the one kilometer long light shuttle in the center, and she will escape like a golden cicada.

Impromptu plans in wars are often unsatisfactory. The entire Human Alliance has observed her dark energy structure for a long enough time, and can clearly judge what she wants to do next through the contraction of her dark energy field.

...Taxi Qiduo said: You can't fight a war on a whim, you have to plan it very early...

As the battleship collapsed and disintegrated, Chi Kai successfully activated the escape system in the center of the battleship.

When she activated the escape system, the entire battleship was suddenly crushed like a deep-sea can, and a large amount of material poured into the center, the fiery "olive core."

This high-energy activation process is nothing more than activating an anti-matter bomb inside the battleship.

The Galactic Alliance's own fleet resisters were immediately stabbed in the back by their commander Chi Kai.

But these people who were resisting on the Fire Line felt themselves solidified the moment they saw the cabin where they were red hot and the light of death pouring in.

In this battle, the Shuoyuan faction took out all advanced weapons, including the most advanced dark energy "time and space" smelted.

At this time, from the naked perspective of Despicable Fugitive, she was sitting in the energy core, watching a large number of people in the periphery being burned directly, with unbearable expression in her eyes.

But then the ripples in the space fluctuated, and time and space flowed, just like video playback or level archiving, and everything returned to the original point before the war.

The escape capsule's escape coordinates were originally located at an asteroid point 0.03 light-years away.

But just like Sun Monkey trying to somersault in the Wuzhi Mountain,

When Chi Kai ended the jump, he found that the space coordinates had not changed, but the time coordinates on the ship were very confusing. Some cabin systems were in the future, and some were back in the past.

When she activated her dark energy, she was horrified to find that the battleship that had been blown up was now intact, and a large amount of data in the battleship showed that it was in a fierce battle half an hour ago.

Chikai's face was really livid! She knew that she was trapped in a time trap, a closed loop, a time trap that could lock her here to complete multiple loops.

Chi Kai faced the escape cabin and said coldly to those who had followed him into the escape cabin: "Someone betrayed me."

However, before she could think about it, alarms sounded from all directions. The Shuoyuan sent light shaft penetrated into the battleship like a needle inserted into the skin, and rushed directly to the escape area where Chi Kai was.

Chi Kai looked at the people in the escape cabin indifferently, activated the "safe mode", lost half of the people and started the space shuttle again.

As the icy energy capsule fell down, the crew members who were not trusted by Chikai were thrown out of the escape position like "abandoned puppies". They waited desperately for the countdown to self-destruction of the ship to reach zero.

Eight hours later (time within the light shuttle), Chi Kai returned to the original point. The instruments on the device recorded that he had just fallen into a spatial fold, and the light axis from outside was still coming.

The people in the warehouse who were originally thrown out by her appeared in the warehouse, but the memories of these people who came back were also caught in the reincarnation cleansing. (Those who were not thrown out had one more reincarnation experience, and at this time they had already experienced reincarnation.

Feeling uneasy.)

Chixin was already panicking and crazy, but at this time she was unwilling to believe that she was wrong, and cast her doubtful eyes on others.

At this time, in front of her, a sixth-level dark energy servant who had been playing well with her since she was a child wanted to persuade her to calm down, but it aroused all the suspicion and hatred of this crazy woman. She crushed the persuader.

With a calm face, he started reincarnation again.

At this time, Chikai's eyes had become crazy.

The space-time crystal is actually not infinite. The General Headquarters of the Alliance for Humanity immediately backed up dozens of time-space reincarnation times for her. But under this extreme pressure, dozens of times were enough to drive her crazy.

After each doomsday cycle, the mottled walls inside the ship returned to like new, the original red exploding flash lights shrank under the hatch, and a large number of projection systems returned to normal.

During the space reincarnation, everyone lost their reincarnation memories one by one and were completely locked by the time and space crystal, while Chi Kai fell into a huge increase in entropy!

Wei Keng: If your thinking is flawed and you continue to repeat desperate situations, your personal character flaws will be magnified infinitely.

Right now, after Chi Kai's thirty reincarnations, he has entered a state of "hopelessness" and "numbness".

Facing the information beam coming from the universe, Chi Kai lost his resistance.

In the last battle, after repeated battles between the attackers and defenders, the Human Alliance finally determined a perfect attack method, making it inevitable.

The sound of the horn resounded through the starry sky, and finally, straight lines of energy, like five horses tearing a corpse apart, grabbed the Chi Kai light core and sucked away all its energy.

…the dividing line between victory and defeat,…

Six hours later, thirty-four space-time crystals were divided. This resulted in Chikai's final "defeat", which had multiple outcomes just like the game.

Multiple different timelines lead to reality through a door along with the space-time crystal. These various timelines will all end up in the same end space, and at the same time, different states such as "mania", "depression" and "low self-esteem" will appear.

Among them, Chi Kai, the fifteenth one, looked at the ball of light in front of him in this special prison camp and said to the direction of space: "I admire you very much. You have reached this point in just two hundred years, but you are a villain.


Chi Kai, who is insane, is minding her own business and talking to who she thinks is Taxi Qiduo.

The Propaganda Department of the Galaxy Alliance has no interest in fighting with her in this last round. As a certain unscrupulous person said: "She has been taken down, so there is no need to use sweet words to coax her."

Of course, it was precisely this last refusal that made Chi Kai completely depressed.

The Human League sent it directly to the "Dimension Well", which was the prison during the war. Chi Kai and her subordinates were in the same area.

…Time and space dark energy is only a tactical means, but strategic time coordination saves the most…

After capturing this fleet, the Human Rights Alliance troops did not cheer for victory, but jumped directly towards 1.8 light-years away, rushing to crush the second fleet.

At this time, the remaining fleets of the Galaxy Alliance have not yet been linked to the new command center.

The strategic reserve force led by Mu Changxu also prevented various enemy groups from getting closer.

From God's perspective, the various divided war zones are actually not far apart. After reviewing the defeat of the Galaxy Group, they found that it was "possible" for various parts of the group to gather together and change the situation of the war.

But in fact, this distance is just right for the Humane Alliance that is conducting a siege. After destroying one department through the partition, it can immediately support another department.

In fact, when Chi Kai's fleet was destroyed, the result was already determined, because the dominant side won the regional battlefield, and then it snowballed bigger and bigger.

In the 134th year of the Shuoyuan calendar, three of the five most important group armies of the Galaxy Group were annihilated this time, and the remaining two were severely damaged. The other one escaped back to Jiulan Star, announcing the transition of the battle between the old and the new in the Star Sea.

After this frontal battlefield ended, the Alliance for Humanity issued the declaration that should be expected at this stage: It is not over if you declare it to be over. It is also not the case that all conflicts can be calmed down if you show appropriate mercy.

Now is our turn, and we will continue to fight, follow the contradiction, fight without limit, and fight until this contradiction disappears, one side is completely defeated, and the other side is completely victorious."

Note: Wei Keng also said the above words to the Star Sea Federation in the timeline he first walked on, and will continue to speak to the historical protagonists in other timelines when they develop to this stage.

So when the emerging group spoke such confident words, it was an obvious historical milestone.

This chapter has been completed!
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