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Chapter 24.12 (Part 1) Conspiracy

 Between 122 and 134 years of the Shuoyuan calendar, from the Human Nebula to the Brilliant Star Cluster, the mighty Galaxy Alliance suffered an unprecedented defeat in seven thousand years.

It is even more wonderful than the series of defeats of the Star Empire seven thousand years ago.

At that time, the Interstellar Empire only voluntarily evacuated from the Behemoth Nebula due to excessive consumption. The main force was not seriously damaged, and it took hundreds of years to consume all of its military and economic advantages. And against the Interstellar Empire

It is also a local interstellar family that has been operating for thousands of years.

The Shuoyuan Sect has only been around for a few years now. Although it was spread all over the Star Sea before the war, the scale of its base was completely incomparable to those of the great forces in the Star Sea. However, in a very short period of less than ten years, it was annihilated through the most astonishing head-on confrontation.

The main fleet captured the planetary leader and completed the shakedown of the old upper-level group in the entire Xinghai.

…The more dramatic the ups and downs of history, the more times heroes emerge.…

After Chi Kai and other eighteen planetary sect leaders were outflanked and eliminated.

The Galaxy Alliance has almost lost its strategic appeal. In a series of areas where the Shuoyuan Group has gathered military forces, these traditional forces have shifted from offense to defense. The small and medium-sized forces that originally participated in the extermination of Shuoyuan are now surrounded by the Shuoyuan Group.

In the star gate, Shuo Yuan's fleet group came to each religious and family world, and directly eliminated the traditional dark energy users on these planets such as "space battleships", "seismic weapons" and "genetic weapon facilities"

It is a tool of suppression that determines the life and death of the group within the star.

Of course, the Tianwai Shuoyuan fleet did not directly replace the social system of the region. Instead, it forcibly settled down and created a circle of new generations trained according to the standards of "morality, intelligence, physical fitness, and labor."

As for whether these new generations will "surrender in peace" in the future, or whether "a man born between heaven and earth can live under human beings for a long time", that is the "possibility Shuoyuan" assessment that these new generations themselves should face.

Wei Keng gave the Shuoyuan School a materialist view of history: Only when the region recognizes new values ​​can new things grow, and the soil for success must be cultivated for "struggle" instead of subjectively guiding "struggle."

Therefore, after two major battles, the Shuoyuan Group only destroyed the interstellar projection power on these planets. It did not destroy the planet's traditionalists like a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves. It only "forced its way in" and inserted itself into these old forces.

, began to come up with the "moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor" system to compete simultaneously.

Of course, even if this is the case, a large number of dark energy user families in the area captured by the Shuoyuan Sect, claiming to be the dark energy users who should be superior to ordinary people, still fled in large numbers and went to the dark energy traditional sect, which they were inferior to.

within the sphere of influence.

Note: In the core area like Jiulan Star, the second- and third-level dark energy users in the external secondary areas can only be the "dish-washing" class. And even the fifth-level dark energy users of the Lord of a small planet can only go there.

You have to put your tail between your legs and look for a high-ranking family to seek refuge with.

Decades later, during the continuous war between the Shuoyuan sect and the traditional sect, the Shuoyuanists in the new imitation zone of the Shuoyuan area could see the cannon fodder of the descendants of the dark energy ones who had escaped.

…the dividing line between old and new…

133 years after the history of Shuoyuan, the Galaxy Council is still in a state of trying to accept "weird things".

You know, a hundred years ago, a planetary sect leader could suppress a medium stargate force (Chang Hengxi vs. Chant of War). In the past ten years, against the barren areas where the Shuoyuan faction was entrenched, sixty-four planetary warriors were dispatched.


These planetary sect masters all brought Chang Hengxi-level interstellar battleships back then.

(Wei Keng’s comment: You underestimated that village girl, you are not as good as Chang Hengxi.)

The Galaxy Council launched an attack on the Shuoyuan Faction, and its initial purpose was to put pressure on the "Taxi Kairuo".

At first, they couldn't believe that the Shuoyuan faction, a marginal pawn in this political game, really dared to fight.

The Promise Star Twins Big Black Hole, after the fleet berth became much empty.

The planetary master of Promise Star, "Gu Xiran", who was the person who welcomed Qing Suyi back then, called for "change" in the star field against the background of stars: "We need to realize that the traditional dark energy inheritance system can no longer sustain today.

The Star Sea Order must now face up to its smelting system."

The announcement of the Promise Star Twins Big Black Hole this time means that the traditional party has fundamentally given in to the Shuoyuan Sect.

Because the root of the dark energy smelting system lies in the "new consciousness cultivation system" and the "spirit of pan-star cooperation".

Wei Keng: If the root cause of change is not clearly pointed out, change will be very bumpy.

Promise Star will have to pay a huge political discussion process for this too drastic era change.

…The rear has reached a deadlock in debate, but the front will not wait…

In 134, after completing the elimination of traditional space projection forces in large areas of base areas and reaching a "tacit understanding" with some of the surrounding enlightened forces, the Human Rights Alliance began to "concentrate its remaining resources to destroy the remaining enemies."

Between the Behemoth Nebula and the Brilliant Star Cluster, a new strategic encirclement has been formed. In the center of the encirclement is the remnants of the Star Group.

The Star Group can now run, and the Human Alliance has a large semi-encirclement space.

Although the Shuoyuan faction controls the "star core" of a star, it can initiate gravitational tides to greatly interfere with the jump, but that is for a long-distance jump of more than three light-years for a large fleet. If the Star Group fleet continues to move below one light-year,

With short-distance continuous jumps, you can still break through the encirclement and gather counterattack forces in the next stage of the battle.

But we have to talk about the current strategic planning capabilities of Xingli Group.

The fleets currently attached to the Xinglu Group are scattered in multiple star areas. Many of them have intermittent signals, and some of them have received orders from the Xinglu Group and still have their own strategic ideas.

The next strategic decision made by Xingli, whether it is to shrink and counterattack on the spot, or to break out, will test not the military command ability, but the political coordination ability.

Star Example At this time, the tactical response is like a computer where each unit is stationed in a fixed area during the battle.

The Shuoyuan faction, on the other hand, is calculating the fighting time point by point based on the situation on the battle map.

April of the 134th year of Humanity. At this time, the commanders of Shuoyuan in Humanity successfully used information interference and stargate channel interception to divide the remaining star gathering group into six parts.

Chicken Throat, the frontline planet, has now become the rear, and a theater star staff has been set up. Through information deduction, the staff has determined that almost any area in it can be defeated.

According to the Shuoyuan faction's staff budget, if the Human Alliance directly fights with the strongest Xingli Group, it will destroy at most 70% of its fleet strength. However, it is still very difficult to capture the Xingli flagship. Even if it succeeds, the cost will be high.

Very big.

However, according to the current intelligence, if we go all out to capture other weaker groups, we can certainly annihilate them all, which will force the remaining groups to move closer to Xingli and help Xingli integrate the team.

At the end of the report, the staff said: It is not ruled out that factions such as the Galaxy Alliance will put aside their prejudices and fully assist each other.

In the end, the Human Rights Alliance determined the most important decision in the battle, which was to give priority to annihilating the local star group at all costs when necessary.

However, the implementation of battle operations can be "technical" - mobilizing the opponent and interfering with the opponent's decision-making.

Shuoyuan faction staff: The opponent has several brains making decisions (the fleet is divided into several forces to command), we need to make their brains use their brains.

Shuoyuan sent a decision-making team and decided to select the Xinzheng Group, a regiment close to the Xingli Group, to carry out a battle attack. Always pay attention to the reinforcements of the Xingli Group.

If Xingli asks for help from other nearby fleet groups and only sends a small amount of assistance, Shuoyuan will choose to send reinforcements. If half of the force is used to assist, it is equivalent to successfully dividing half of the power of Xingli Group. According to the original plan of "annihilating" Xingli Group

Advance quickly.

What if the Xingli Group provides full assistance? Then give up the battle and focus on the weakest group in the Xingli Group to fight. This will make other groups suspicious of "How can you save her and not save me?"

One thing I have to say is that Promise Star is a female cultural society. Among the current seventh-level dark energy users, women account for 70%. In fact, Wei Keng from the staff department is not sure whether the political mentality of the opponent he has judged is accurate.

So, another detail was added to the strategy, that is, go to Le Xiaotian again and let this great-nephew expand the "bandit suppression" in the Liling Star area. In this way, the conflict between the Galaxy Alliance coalition forces can be expanded.

There are even internal conflicts within Jiulan Star.

Wei Keng hummed the tune "Watch me outsmart Weihu Mountain..." and went to find his great nephew.

Six days later, due to some special reasons in history, Le Xiaotian captured four more "medium star gate center" planets in the Liling Star Territory five hundred light years away.

This news should have been suppressed, but at this time, Li Lingxing, a "people addicted to food", started to cause trouble regardless of the overall situation, and soon the conflicts and differences were transmitted to Xingli.

Xingli looked at the human army on the interstellar map as they gathered towards the New Struggle Group (Jiulan Star),

"To support" or "not to support" - this is already a dilemma.

"Support" will inevitably be met with "violent" dissatisfaction from Li Lingxing's colleagues.

But doing nothing will cause all other friendly forces on the front line to continue to "slightly" lose confidence, which builds up despair.

This chapter has been completed!
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