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25 Extra Volume Chapter 06 (Part 2) Let the 'Middle Man' Heart

 Wei Keng is still exploring the system of the heavens. Most of the problems in the planes are suitable to be solved by base vehicle projection, but some problems in the planes are not suitable.

As mentioned before, Qin Tianzang chose to withdraw after he was unable to suppress all the specialized factions' time-traveling forces. Now, Wei Keng has to face various strange threats in the world of the emperors.

Guihai Timeline, this is the sub-world of Fantasy Realm! A world where human beings are moving towards the mother nest.

In this plot line, as civilization enters an era of strife, in order to allow emotions to better intervene in social conflicts, the Notre Dame scientists transformed the human "pineal gland". Yes, people's emotions can be related to each other.

Transmission efficiency is hundreds of times higher than before.

However, this technology was quickly exploited by careerists from various countries.

When emotions can be expressed hundreds of times, then personality can be captured by virtuality.

Human beings are hundreds of times more sensitive to communication. For "orators" in society, as long as lies can express enough true feelings, they can defeat the other party.

This is the plane Wei Keng dislikes the most.

Because the dimensional rules of this world are guided by the "Pandora Plane" as the source, to be precise, the plot development here will ultimately be a retelling of the "Pandora Plane".

By the way, after traveling through time and space for so many years, Wei Keng’s most stressful reaction is “the field of mind”.

Then he pointed to the red brick chimney five hundred meters away and said: "There is an observation point fifty meters high over there. Standing there, you can see the fork of the waterway nearby. I will point it out to you. You can look at it.

Just check the map and it will be fine.”

The motorcycle roared away.

Wei Keng got out of the way, but stopped when the motorcycle passed by. The person riding the motorcycle was a woman, wrapped in an airtight windproof suit and wearing a helmet on her head, but her legs, buttocks, chest

The characteristics are very obvious.

Those who escape from big cities are those who don't want to be "captured", but they don't mind capturing other people. Among those who don't want to be enslaved, some want to be masters.

Even if the time traveler uses "killing" methods, even if the base vehicle military system is used to brutally suppress it, it will not have a deterrent effect.

…staggered dividing lines…

...It looks like a boy and girl meet by chance, but behind the scenes, two people are wary of each other and trying to find out...

Xiaoyan: "Then you're going down." She shook Wei Keng slightly. Wei Keng said: "Okay, let's go down." Then he climbed down the escalator, but his back was full of sweat!

Woman: "Brother, where is the nearest drinking water outlet?" (In this era, drinking water outlets are gas stations and places where stolen goods are purchased and sold.)

Wei Keng: "To the north, if you continue to take the rural road, it is 20 kilometers away. You walk along the national highway for two kilometers, and then pay attention to the emergency lane and the faucet sign on the sign."

Wei Keng took a look and said, "Lead the way? I don't have a car here." Wei Keng was walking on the road with electric skateboards.

Two people outside a big city will use the carbon-based emotional radiation of the pineal gland to attack each other.

When she climbed three steps up the metal chimney ladder, Wei Keng shouted: "Wait a minute."

Wei Keng stared at the back seat, inadvertently glanced at the buttocks of the front seat, swallowed, shook his head and said: "This, no." Then he took the map in her hand, looked at it, and checked it from his pocket.

I took out a pen and drew a simple map, but of course I felt that the map was not detailed enough.

Wei Keng paused, stepped forward and picked up the rope. He looked at the white gooseneck under her hair and had a flash of thought, but in the end he helped her tie her hair up without touching her skin.

At the same time, the positions are always maintained at a certain distance.

Let's put it this way, just like in the plot of a third-rate romance comic at the elementary school level, a man can kill everyone in the world and do all kinds of crazy things for the one he loves, and it doesn't matter. This situation is appearing in every "thinking"

"Raiders" on humans.

In the year 323 of the World Unity Calendar, in the abandoned inland land of East Asia, spiritual radiation towers stood in big cities.

Mo Heng, who has also been to this plane, cursed and described: "In those big cities, the 'super orator' captures everyone's emotions. People in a whole city can only appreciate the emotions brought by the 'super orator'

Rely on, then ignore other "strangers", and begin to unconsciously "exclude" and "bully" outsiders."

Because for the citizens in the city, the death of other people is nothing, just like the supporting characters in anime, as long as the speaker who conquers them continues to "care" about them. Then they can continue to rush towards death with passion.

At this time, Wei Keng held Xiaoyan's waist (stopping her from leaning back), as if he was afraid that she would fall, but he quietly placed the rope inside the hole, preparing that if something unexpected happened, he could push her out.

When I did, I fell inwards.

Narrator: Someone knew this characteristic of Wei Keng, so she adopted corresponding strategies in the heavens to carry out the "unexplainable" purpose.


If outsiders want to follow them into the city, they will enjoy the scene of being yelled at by the whole city in the cyber city. At that time, when driving a motorcycle, there will be countless "righteous people" chasing behind them in cars, and there will be helicopters in the sky.

Under the cover of leather gloves, her hands were as strong as iron pliers. When Wei Keng climbed up quickly, her fingers pierced into the wall like iron picks several times.

Xiaoyan seemed to sense something, turned her head, looked around, and shouted to the hollow: "Hey, hey~" - the hollow echo responded: "Hey,"

Thousands of people, like NPCs, are busy here with blank expressions and giggles! Obviously, there are also lords in this "escape group"!

This lord in the mine gives his subordinates only 10% freedom of thought, which is not even as good as the 50% average in big cities. (It can be seen as the level of strategy.)

It must be said that the effect of this kind of external influence on emotions is like the effect of poison on the brain, which is irreversible.

Wei Keng couldn't help but blush, and then said: "In that case, I will eventually climb out with you."

Wei Keng smiled awkwardly, but his body was a little stiff.

At the top of the 1.5-meter-diameter chimney mouth, the two people sat relatively close, facing the wind.

However, it is worth mentioning that although avoiding big cities can avoid big city mental attacks, in the wild, people will also attack each other.

Wei Keng narrowed his eyes: "I am a gentleman."

Xiaoyan chuckled, then walked to the tower and prepared to step on the steel bars.

Wei Keng was stunned. He lowered his head slightly and looked at the black hair on his cheek. His palms holding the edge of the chimney were sweating.

At this time, in front of Wei Keng was the beautiful landscape outside, and behind him was the bottomless black hole of the chimney.

In the same way, when Wei Keng was cutting her hair just now, Wei Keng stood behind her, with his hand so close to Xiaoyan's neck that he could touch her aorta with a snap of his fingers.

When Wei Keng climbed up, he paused and took out a rope from his satchel.

As Wei Keng turned around, Xiaoyan's cold face was instantly hidden, revealing her shyness. Faced with Wei Keng's outstretched hand, she raised her hand and gave a high-five, saying: "You are too manly."

In the dark mine pit, Xiaoyan found this group of escapees, but there was no freedom in this gathering place of "escapees".

Xiaoyan looked into the big chimney: "Big chimney, tell me what would happen if you fell in."

Wei Keng looked at the land in the distance, holding a map and pointing at the mouth of the river in the distance.

Once you believe in a person, you will no longer doubt that person just like game data. "Believe" is equal to "surrender".

"Haha!" Xiaoyan covered her mouth and smiled, pulled back her bun, her long hair fluttering in the wind, and then leaned on Wei Keng's shoulder.

Wei Keng threw a stone in, and a few seconds later there was a snap sound that echoed up. Wei Keng said to her: "It's very dark inside."

He tied it around his waist, hung a small section under his feet, and said to the lady: "If your hands are slipping and you can't grab the pole, just pull on this. I can hold it firmly on top."

The lady tilted her head and took the map, then nodded.

Wei Keng paused: "It's too high here. I'm afraid that neither of us will be able to hold on firmly and fall in."

Wei Keng, who works hard to hold up the flag in the wind and frost: I can't say to everyone that "no one can be missing", but I must insist on "there is a way" for every world.

Wei Keng, who accidentally "accidentally entered" once: "Ma Dan, the people in Chaoyang are not as active as you in catching drug dealers."

Compared with roadside robbery, which only robs money, "Raiders" robs people's bodies and minds.

The lady nodded, then smiled and asked Wei Keng: "My name is Xiaoyan, handsome boy, what about you?"

Therefore, most of the time worm travelers turned around and left - Wei Keng had to do more of this dirty work.

Wei Keng was strolling along the road. However, at this moment, the roar of a motorcycle came from behind. Wei Keng paused and stepped aside.

Of course, more importantly, Wei Keng felt a sense of crisis behind the girl named "Xiaoyan".

Although there are few people outside the city, there are many "heroes" who are able to escape from the big cities and maintain their freedom.

The lady patted her back seat: "Sit here."

Xiaoyan: "What's wrong?"

Since the atmosphere was good, the two parties chatted about their experiences of escaping from the city.

Xiaoyan rode a bicycle to her destination, as a hunter specially selected from the city. Her goal was to search for the "escape group".

Even now, Wei Keng's "knife" against some sub-worlds is still finding ways to cage consciousnesses.

Wei Keng: "Just call me Lao Wei."

After noticing the imperceptible nanometer filaments in the lady's hair, Wei Keng looked sideways at the sky and said slowly: "My heart is full of vicissitudes."

Wei Keng: Those turtle grandsons, I wish I could strangle them to death, but out of the bottom line of "discipline and discipline," I have to do it.

After Wei Keng reached the top, he turned around naturally, stretched out his hand, and pulled the lady who was still climbing.

Wei Keng: "You jump down, and I'll climb up first."

After Mo Heng expressed this attitude, he would never come to this sick world again. This is also the attitude of most travelers from the "Morality, Intelligence, Body, Art, and Labor" camp. In the end, this plane was still traveled by Wei Keng, who was "good at this"

Come and investigate.

Wei Keng took a breath and wondered at the same time: "She was about to take action just now, but did she give up later?"

During this section of the chimney climb, as she was about to reach the top of the chimney, Xiaoyan couldn't help but squint her eyes, and then straightened her collar. Nothing happened in these three minutes.

...Guihai District, among the many lines, one of the "ordinary" lines...

Xiaoyan: "If you want to fall, I will jump with you."

With a click, Xiaoyan cut off his limbs in front of the mine lord, and then inserted the hair into his nerves like wireworms, completing the attack on him.

Xiaoyan raised her head and smiled: "Your heartbeat was so fast just now."

The lady, who looked a little dazed, took out the map in the car and looked at it repeatedly. Then with a confused look on her face, she stopped Wei Keng who was about to leave and said, "Hey, how about you give it to me?"

Lead the way?"

In the hot summer, the road looks like water from a distance. When I drive closer, I see that the asphalt road is now cracked and the gaps are covered with weeds. The occasional "air cushion transport ship" passing by in the distance is also bustling with activity.

It's bound for the city, but the excitement doesn't belong to "outsiders".

Xiaoyan turned around, tickled Wei Keng's nose, and said, "You didn't have any dishonest thoughts just now, did you?"

The lady took off her helmet and tied her hair tightly. She had the fair face of a homely girl. If you didn't look at the sassy figure, she was the type that makes people want to take care of her.

After that, she climbed up. Xiaoyan looked at the back of Wei Keng as he climbed up, with a smile on her face, but her pupils turned blue at this time.

The lady named Xiaoyan looked at Wei Keng's face and asked, "How old are you?" Wei Keng looked seventeen years old at this time.

In such a world, the pioneer travelers of the time and space worm have also visited many times and collected many times.

For humans in this world, the glands that once existed in their bodies have now become carbon-based information radiation beams. These carbon-based radiation beams can make people lose their defenses. Of course, they are much less powerful than the psychic radiation towers in the city. (Wei Keng Ladder Climbing

The reason for avoiding being underneath her.)

And there are some special individuals, if the carbon-based radiation beam cannot successfully communicate, they can directly complete the "piercing" method through physical contact, which is more effective in affecting the other party's pineal gland! (Wired conductivity is higher than wireless.)

The Xiaoyan that Wei Keng met on the road just now was a confrontation of "who believes who?"

Xiaoyan: "Tch~" Then she put on her helmet, got on the motorcycle, and waved her hand: "See you next time, you cowardly brat. I'll give you a chance to strike."

The scene was replayed. When they were on the top of the chimney, Xiaoyan leaned her head on Wei Keng's shoulder. When Wei Keng turned his head and could see her hair, her mouth was actually facing Wei Keng's neck, and there were many stamens hidden in her mouth.

Thin thread.——This was the root cause of Wei Keng’s series of tensions at that time.

Wei Keng looked at the motorcycle that was moving away. He couldn't help but grab the steel bar on the brick wall of the chimney with his left hand, and then pulled lightly. With a click, the steel bar embedded in the brick wall, which could bear the weight of a person, was broken by Wei Keng.

Compared with other worlds where armed struggle is possible, in such a "brother's nest" civilization, people who travel here will find themselves outside the circle, and cannot break the circle even with force.

Having said that, Wei Keng stepped directly on the steel ladder with a clang. This is because the girl is on top, and if she raises her head slightly, she can see her calves and her butt. This perspective position???

Wei Keng shook his head: "I admit, I'm a little horny. Hey, my blood is strong. Sex and soul."

Five minutes later, Xiaoyan got on the motorcycle, tied up her hair, and said to Wei Keng: "Help me, tie it up for me."

Xiaoyan: "Thank you. The scenery here is really nice. Of course, it is also the first time for someone to chat with me at such a high place."

Twenty minutes later, Wei Keng looked at the steel ladder reserved on the side of the chimney, paused and said, "Guliang, you can climb it." This sentence was definitely unnecessary for Wei Keng, so the woman got off the car.

When you stretch your waist, you can see the fishing lines on the waist when you pull up the clothes. It is obvious that you are very athletic. Of course, anyone who can ride a bicycle outside has all the means.

Wei Keng said with a bit of humor: "A week ago, I went fishing and slipped and fell into the pond. When I wanted to go ashore, I touched a snake."

Xiaoyan felt a little excited when facing this loyal person who surrendered at her feet!

Although she is also uncomfortable with the unreality of "trust between people" in this era, most people in big cities still retain freedom of thought, while in the outside world, the bosses in remote areas are under the banner of

The existence of the banner of freedom forces followers to give up 90% of their freedom of thinking.

In this era of "being worse than worse", Xiaoyan chooses to be a little normal.

Xiaoyan walked out of the mine and thought of the man on the road. Xiaoyan: That guy's cautious look is really cute.

Therefore, Xiaoyan gave up reporting the man (Wei Keng) she saw on the road to other search teams in the city.

This chapter has been completed!
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