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Chapter 26.16 (Part 2) The Appearance of the Wise Man

 Chapter 1285 Chapter 16 (Part 2) The Appearance of the Wise Man

In the year 2832 of the Qin Tong calendar, Yuexin sent away the first batch of travelers to this plane.

At this time, the total population of the area controlled by the Humanitarian Alliance has reached 40% of the moon. The total population of the moon is 70 million. And 40% is 28 million people.

The reason why the population is so large is that the Humane Alliance has now disclosed the "carbon-based treatment" technology, and medical elixirs have repaired the genes of all the polluted people in the abandoned land.

At this time, Guanghan Palace and the Privy Council knew that this was "a very big plan", but these old forces now have "maintaining balance" as their main purpose.

When Eastern officialdom faces challenges from emerging issues, it will not jump up and down like Unsa to "actively suppress" them.

Because in the long history of the East, bureaucrats who read history know that they cannot suppress an emerging group. Only "static defense" can survive for a period of time until changes occur.

For example, the "Song Dynasty" survived the Khitan and Jin Dynasties in this way, and even survived the Mongols until the four major khanates split.

However, this kind of "waiting for the opportunity" also has major problems, because "quiet" only ensures that its decay is slower, and it cannot revive the dead tree.

And it just so happens that the leader of the Humanities Alliance, Li Gyu, also likes to slowly accumulate advantages in silence!

Early 2835

The Human Alliance has carried out increasingly large-scale lunar surface construction and built electromagnetic orbital launchers one after another. Since the first cosmic speed of the moon is only 7 kilometers per second, it has a unique advantage in orbiting in space. The moon's space industry

The chain is developing rapidly. This rapid development threatens the economic advantages of the traditional oligarchs of the earth and moon system in this field.

2836 years later

If you include the engineering team, the number of personnel in the Humanitarian Alliance's military team has reached one million.

Therefore, the strategy of the Guanghan capital bureaucrats after 32 years became "not giving the Psychological Alliance a chance to attack" and waiting for the opportunity.

But this is a troubled time. While Guanghan Metropolis wants to "maintain the established status quo", politicians at the Earth-Moon Lagrange Point are prepared to nip "emerging strategic challenges" on the moon in the bud.

In 2837, on the lunar surface, a human civil war began.

The cause is that the sixth strongest warrior at the Earth's Lagrange Point, Emperor Kai, looked down at the lush greenery of the moon and was determined to conquer the moon. The last time Yang Qihong led the team failed, these aristocratic families at the Lagrange Point thought that their own side

"Determination" is not big enough, just like Gao Qiu sent several waves of people to attack Liangshanbo, and finally decided to lead the team to the end himself.

Now with the space support of six battleships, Kaihuang's own more than 10,000 soldiers rushed forward.

During this battle, the Human Alliance divided the lunar battlefield into eighty latitude and longitude modules according to the lunar longitude and latitude lines, and conducted a sweep. The characteristic of this sweep was its firepower.

The first cosmic velocity of the moon is 8 kilometers per second, which can be achieved by projectiles propelled by gunpowder explosions.

The orbital forts on the lunar surface have begun to cover the entire moon. The largest of these forts is right here at Yaochi Base.

In addition to the fort, there are also a large number of self-propelled "mechanical foot" platforms that fire artillery. The mass of the projectiles fired by these artillery is seven tons. The whole body of the fort is painted in silver-white. Compared with the mechanical train gun like "Gustav"

, under the streamlined appearance of this fort, inside is a series of complex power pipelines and hydrogen and oxygen transportation pipes.

These artillery platforms are codenamed "Kuafu"

At the beginning of the war, the Kuafu Artillery Regiment of the Human Rights Alliance approached the military threat posed by these lunar native groups near Guanghan Palace.

Due to the excellent underground work of the Human Alliance, Wu Xuan, the military officer of the Guanghan Palace, announced a change of flag before the war began, and directly took the "coordinates" of all the landing points of the sixth strongest man in the solar system as a certificate of nomination, and joined here.

On May 15th, the Alliance of Humanity's giant cannons with a range of one thousand covering the whole world began to fire collectively. This range, coupled with an unlimited number of cannonballs, began a comprehensive encirclement and suppression of the sixth master in the solar system.

Under such violent bombardment, Mo Ya wanted to open the battlefield communication and ask the enemy Emperor Kai: Are you 6 or not?

Of course his joking suggestion was rejected by Wei Keng. Wei Keng said: Villains die from talking too much, so hurry up and explode until you die.

In half an hour, hundreds of thousands of artillery shells arrived at the target area with great accuracy according to the markings of the forward cavalry troops.

A large amount of dust was sputtered on the surface of the moon,

Of course, there is no mushroom cloud in such an explosion. In the airless lunar soil, the explosion effect is like splashing like water droplets dripping into flour.

Emperor Kai hid in the mountains in the southern part of the moon and escaped. He looked at the cannonballs roaring in the sky with a look of despair on his face.

On the moon, artillery shells running at the first cosmic speed in low-Earth orbit can stay for a full day. After the ground troops discover the enemy, they only need to transmit instructions, and these artillery shells will come down on time.

Emperor Kai's battle group of tens of thousands of interstellar warriors was beaten down to only 1,800 people within forty-eight hours.

Bureaucrats in the Earth-Moon System Lagrange said they could not accept the war, and while the politicians were arguing about how angry they were, bureaucrats at the Ministry of Science said they would use "scientific means" to punish the rebels on the moon.


On May 24, on the far side of the moon, following the sky above the moon, a battleship from the Lagrange point headed for the far side of the moon. The name of this battleship is very elegant, "Bi Mo", but it is actually very villainous.

Battleship. The biotechnology that the Ministry of Science has taken out from the ruins over the years, including the anti-human parts, has not been destroyed but has been hidden in a secret asteroid base. Every time it is used secretly, it is transferred through the "Bi Mo".

Now the Bi Mo arrived at the far side of the moon, and quickly projected a double helix cone facility, which hit the far side of the moon. Then the battleship quickly left,

The entire back side of the moon that the Bi Mo No. crashed down is a carbon-based beacon. This carbon-based beacon can stimulate the alien collective counterattack of the Gaia system.

Narrator: This is the cause and effect of this plane being promoted to a certain interstellar insect swarm world in a certain plot line in the future. That interstellar insect swarm world is a large plane. In the plot of that plane, the carbon-based beacon is the attraction for certain protagonists.

An important means for insect swarms to attack the tightly defended strongholds of human governments.

Now, as the BiMo smashed down the beacon, the number of alien species reached 450,000 in just one hour, and almost one-tenth of the alien species on the moon crawled out of the underground tunnel.

Li Gui recounted to his internal comrades: The Earth Federation’s shameless attack on Moon Qing County.

Just as the Bi Mo was hovering in a higher orbit and preparing to watch the show, the ground rail gun fired a nuclear weapon and officially drove away the battleship.

On the evacuated battleship, Bei Lingxiang saw the black "filth" in Qingjun pouring out from the ground and rushing towards the "green moonfield", and she felt a perverted pleasure in her heart. - However, she was so wanton.

, after her son found out about it five days later, he completely severed all ties with her.

However, the fleet factions at these Lagrange points did not know that Li Gui had been waiting for this day for a long time!

Wei Keng had long known that the Earth’s higher-ups had acquired this doomsday technology of “Insect Swarm Beacon” in the ruins!

Even Wei Keng's own carbon-based technology can draw out the insect swarms by emitting "lure carbon-based frequency bands". However, Wei Keng's use of technology is based on "taking into account everyone's acceptance", and has never used this technology to attract insects.

Catch them all in one go!

Now, the earth takes the initiative to use this technology, and Wei Keng clapped his hands: Double happiness is coming! (The first happiness is that the moon people will accept this "carbon-based technology". The second happiness is that the insect swarm can finally be eliminated openly)

At the Lagrange point, the higher-ups of the Earth-Moon system looked down at this demonic disaster on the moon and were divided into two groups.

One of the voices scolded "Bi Mo Hao" for disregarding human ethics and precipitating the second demonic disaster.

The white-bearded Confucian scholar said: You guys are crazy and inhuman.

On the other side, the young man from the Bei family said: Old sir, now is the era of great conquests, the benevolence of the women of Song Xianggong in the past. (Bala, bala, in short, for the sake of victory, they can steal, lie, anything.)

In the fifth row of the venue, next to the observation window, Zhu Xiaoyan looked at the moon below with a telescope as if nothing happened, and seemed to have discovered something very meaningful.

Her actions attracted the attention of most people in the entire venue, and they all looked at her.

...A big fist can "deny" justice, but whose fist is bigger...

On the surface of the moon, the Humanity Alliance began to deploy a front line of 1,400 kilometers to fight against the monster swarm.

But on this huge front, a special combat core group is very prominent. This combat core group has 1,400 people, divided into fifty-seven combat formations, and now it has begun to charge against the boundless demon swarm!

Of these 1,400 people, 200 are time travellers, and all of them have spiritual language level six or above.

This is a cluster of "wise people", and wise people can travel across the entire planet.

Soon Hui Ren penetrated into these insect swarms, but was not overwhelmed by the insect swarms. It was like a steel needle inserted into the flesh and blood, penetrating without any resistance. The cannonballs in the sky, marked by the language of the soul, were extremely accurate on various battlefields.

Defeated the insect swarm's resistance.

Among them, the nuclear-armed earth-penetrating bomb blew up the "black mud lair" that the aliens tried to build in the circular tunnel. No matter how disgusting the black mud lair was, it now turned into a gorgeous gaseous cloud in the light of the nuclear weapon!

On the Moonquake Plain, the large-scale annihilation of the insect swarms was done by a wave of tens of thousands of penetrating warheads. Each warhead turned into more than twenty beams in the high air, and a shocking thing happened next.

Under the perfect control of the mind language of Team 18, every warhead penetrated into the insect swarm.

On the Great Plains, the herd of beasts that were arrogant just a second ago were reduced to powder by the hundreds of thousands of guided warheads that rained down from the sky. They lay down in an instant as if they were pulling out wires, and were then completely melted by the nano-solvent in the warheads.

——It's like the scene in the Red Alert game where the vehicle explodes and all the villains are wiped out after the wire is pulled. Afterwards, statistics show that the effective killing rate of these hundreds of thousands of warheads is over 99%.

This is Hui Ren’s powerful communication strategy.

In the next ten days, more than thirty fighting teams, like a team of hunters in ancient times, slaughtered without restraint.

Whether it was the black mud lair group or the heavily defended insect swarm base on the mountain, they were all wiped out at a leisurely pace. The cannonballs and space ion beams falling in front of the wise man were like magic at the fingertips.

Scenes like this made the Human Rights Alliance group, which was originally prepared, go from relieved to shocked.

Everyone on the moon realized for the first time during the communication interface explanation: what is a human base!

This group of wise people have all gone through sixty years of natural human development. This kind of "development" seems to be very normal natural human beings, but in fact it has continued the advantages of every natural human physiological stage. For example, the energy of twelve years old,

Passion at the age of twenty, the habit of accumulating skills at the age of thirty, and patience at the age of forty.

Among them, "body fixation skills", "scientific practical skills" and "long-term judgment in special changes" are all cultivated. Although he is still a natural person, every ability has reached the peak of traditional natural people, providing the next generation of civilized human beings.


Because these "intelligent people" have witnessed the latest science and technology, they have already accepted human base technology. Therefore, during the "Gaia biotide riot" caused by the "carbon-based beacon" on the entire moon, they began to accept "human beings".

A series of scientific applications including "Royal Origin of the Holy Emperor".

Regarding the fact that black mud can give birth to human beings, some of these wise people are local tracers. These old people in their 70s and 80s have heard their fathers talk about "lunar demon disasters". Once upon a time, they rejected demon disasters and polluted everything, but

Now I am willing to "save" Heini.

Because Li Gui conveyed such an instruction through the spiritual language communicator: "Next, you can inject your own genes into the "Human Emperor Holy Root" and let the black mud reproduce your next generation. The new generation will be carried out by the lunar public government.

Compulsory education for all natural persons.”

Yes, in order to ensure the genetic diversity of the human race, the Holy Origin of the Human Emperor can store the genes of many people at the same time. The cultivation of the next generation in the black mud is not simply "cloning", but the collection of many human "gene seeds"

"(Sperm cells) are injected into the conceptus material for expression.

When these wise people knew that the human emperor's holy roots could allow them to plant themselves into the black mud and complete the cultivation of the next generation, they were relieved of this technology.

Human beings (especially men), in order to reproduce, have to go through many moral twists and turns.

Although the native people of the Moon are all seventy years old, no one is a moral defender on this matter. In the spiritual language channel, there are all kinds of "old men talking about teenage madness".

The language of the soul is full of nonsense words: "If you want to do ten, I will do a hundred."

It can be said that there is no financial stimulation in this battle, let alone public honor. But the wise people are full of desire to fight!

The wise people began to search for those "holes" in the black mud all over the mountains and plains. Then, after cleaning up the surrounding alien populations, they called for transport ships to transport their faction's "Holy Roots" and penetrate them. There were even two waves in the later stages of the war.

The wise people grabbed a piece of black mud that looked "rich in organic matter".

Narrator: This is the origin of the clans under the human base system in the next major rule-stabilized biological system.

He Xiang: I only have one standard for Gaia’s route, and that is “good fertility”!


This chapter has been completed!
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