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Chapter 26.17 (Part 1) The final 'compromise' discussion

 Chapter 1286 Chapter 17 (Part 1) The final "compromise" discussion

In 2837, the moon quietly changed hands, and all the mainstream Lunar Plain areas have been recaptured by the Human Alliance.

The dense swarms of organic monsters that emerged from various craters not only did not overwhelm the base of the Humane Alliance, but also allowed the "wise men" to explore the "organic minerals" of the moon in the past eighty years.

Narrator: It's like the US military saw that all the places with oil in the world suddenly appeared.

At the Lagrange point, the top nobles of the Earth-Moon system, huddled aside, witnessed with their own eyes the "Gaia Consciousness Group" on the moon being forcibly pressed to death.

Within ten days, the "Smart People Cluster" rushed into the area where the alien species was entrenched as if there were no one in it. After killing all the "extinct volcanoes" on the surface, they built rocket landing platforms, and these alien species hangars were nailed on.

The inexplicable "carbon-based radioactive source" (Human Emperor Holy Source).

At the Lagrange point, all living beings are related. Day 1: Everyone is quarreling between "morality" and "immorality".

The next day: Everyone took a look at the condition of the moon. It seemed that the human base could hold up, so they were very interested in paying attention to the gossip about "Beijia" and "Li Gui", who failed to become a son-in-law and eventually turned against each other. At this stage, Beijia

Lingxiang couldn't stand this silent "staring" and withdrew.

Day 3: When the moon entered the Sea of ​​Tranquility and all the organic biota was wiped out, everyone spoke much softer. A few celebrities who "understood military knowledge" marveled at the precise fire strikes covering tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Day 4: The venue was already as quiet as a movie theater where the key plot was being played.

On the seventh day: when wise people gather together, the full moon is "digging out the nests of alien species", and they are never tired of it.

The speaker of Pingliang Houbei's family spoke for his ancestor in the vat, and began to appeal anxiously: This must be super technology, they have technology that we can't imagine, and this is a threat to the earth!

Of course, he was the only one roaring at the meeting, and other members of the council kept their distance from him.

The politics of the moon have changed. As political creatures, there is no need for everyone to pay for the mistakes made by the "unscrupulous" family of the Bei family. - Everyone has begun to worry about whether this emerging force on the moon will settle accounts in the future.

...In fact, Wei Keng didn't take the Bei family seriously at all...

June 28, 2837, lunar surface.

Wei Keng's "celestial being" body felt the unification of the global carbon-based frequency band. Similar to the resonance of organic super-information propagation in the human frequency band of the Pandora plane, this is the physical basis for the emergence of Gaia's consciousness.

Wei Keng: Based on the theoretical basis of "Heaven-Human Induction" (its own small negative entropy and natural large negative entropy), the physical field energy environment on which Gaia's consciousness relies can naturally also be used by humans based on the "negative entropy communication" theory.

Perform complex applications.

As the Humane Carbon Foundation moved forward step by step, ruined cities were restored one after another. Within a few days, the most basic automatic transportation and intelligent disinfection operations were restored. Each of these cities was stationed with a team of 100 people. It was huge.

Although only a few hundred people live in a city that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, it is still "popular."

Because the Reconquerors wore spacesuits and walked in this city full of robots, they maintained a "visual interface" communication group with hundreds of people communicating at any time. Everyone maintained close work and life contact and was not lonely.

The organizational structure of these recaptured cities is now like a sponge with only "shape". It will have great suction for the population in the area of ​​the conservative lord family of the moon at this time.

After the war on the moon, Mo Ya held a popcorn tube and muttered: "The former Moon Lord factions will quickly become a minority within the next five years!" - The newly recovered city has more space and better food.

, a more promising “personal development”.

After Mo Ya crushed a piece of popcorn, he turned to Wei Keng: "Tell me, will these Moon Lords take desperate risks next?"

Wei Keng pretended to be serious: "Don't worry about the world being in chaos." Then he seemed to be explaining but was actually joking: "They (Moon Lords) are all kind people." Then he took away Wei Qiang's popcorn bucket, and Master Wei saw

I'm not used to wasting food.

Mo Yahehe: Kindness? You have dug more pits than the original ring pits on the moon. If they are not "kind", they will not be able to get through your first pit formation.

In the human-system sweep-up war just half a month ago, the Moon Lords didn't even have time to think about how to "get a share of the pie". The war was over, and the people of the moon were already on the side of humanity.

These Moon die-hards who miss the "good old days" originally wanted to take advantage of the defeat of the Alliance to expand their territory, but they have become a joke!

In the second half of 2837, Li Gyu made a declaration: the moon will carry out "one ball, two systems".

1: The "system" of the original feudal lord areas (mostly the mountainous areas on the edge of the lunar sea) will not undergo major changes, but only requires that "adults can move freely."

2: The newly recovered vast and flat Moon Sea area will implement a system of "freedom of personal wealth and freedom of life under the concepts of health and fairness".

The newly recovered areas of the moon require large-scale infrastructure construction, the construction of trenches and pipelines, the leveling of the lunar sea, and the digging of pits to complete the planting of inflatable cabins. All of these require manpower to complete.

This is the final compromise plan left by Li Gyu for the entire old forces on the moon!

Wei Keng looked at the mountainous areas of volcanic rocks on the moon. These were the survival points of mankind from the "demon disaster" eighty years ago.

Wei Keng: The feudal system of clan groups still has a certain vitality and significance in areas on the moon with underdeveloped transportation, at least maintaining the seeds of civilization. In the future, perhaps in space cargo and warships, the feudal patriarchal cultural system will not be eliminated.

"The feudal system is an inevitable development trend in small societies with less than a thousand people. Only in large societies with an expanding and complex population can it be the development trend of the large social order."

But just as there is an objective historical law in a unified system that "if it divides for a long time, it must unite and unite for a long time, it must divide". When human beings expand outward, it is often the "small and capable social groups" that are most competitive in the early stage.

However, Wei Keng wanted to leave a way for the old forces on the moon to survive! But the old diehards in Guanghan Palace did not want to leave!

After the moon was recovered, Li Gui issued a declaration, and the oldest feudal family heads in Guanghan Palace, those "loose people" who were all lying in culture tanks and unable to control their cells, all invariably cheered up.

Yes, Moon criticizes the new trend of "people's hearts are no longer old".

The real "backbones" of these lunar feudal factions in the patriarchal system all gained the right to speak during the lunar disaster eighty years ago by accommodating the lunar survivors at that time.

They still often say: In the end of the world, demon tides are raging in the prosperous areas of the moon, and everyone is panicked. Only they were like cowboy captains in the glorious days of saving people and putting out fires.

"Young people must not forget their roots." This was the indignant speech of the ancestor of the Li family.

It is worth mentioning that when the Humanitarian Alliance and the lunar government at Lagrange Point had "disagreements" that led to an armed conflict, these feudal factions on the moon were still daydreaming.

These local moon factions hope to participate in the mediation between the "Human Alliance" and the "Earth-Moon System" government.

These self-proclaimed virtuous and respected old people on the moon hope that young people like the "Human Rights Alliance" will not be too angry and hand over the newly recovered territory of the moon to Guanghan Palace. "Guanghan Palace" claims to be "open to the public"

"Fair" cuts the cake.

~~Funny division~~

The "young people" of the Alliance for Humanity feel that Guanghan Gong's suggestion is very ridiculous: I conquered the moon world, beat away the Lagrange low-level interference forces, and then left it to you to divide it, euphemistically called it

"Mediating Conflicts"

Narrator: It looks like a famous speaker from an island province in the 21st century, claiming that this island can mediate conflicts between China and the United States.

Wang Shan, the chief military officer of the Human Resources Army, sharply pointed out: "Two superpowers are competing for a small area. One of the superpowers has powerfully blocked this small area militarily. This small area still feels that it is an important bargaining chip.

Qualified to serve on the table! Unprecedentedly funny.”

Guanghan Palace's attempt to create a sense of existence was immediately rejected by the Human Rights Alliance, which demanded that it be better not to publish "inappropriate arguments."

On July 1, the president of Guanghan Palace smoked one cigarette after another in the building after talking to Li Gyu on the phone.

…the dividing line of time…

There is still talk about politics based on strength, the Human Rights Alliance and the Supreme Council of the Earth-Moon System, but there is no need to talk about Guanghan Palace, which cannot see the situation clearly.

In the second half of 2837, with the full rollout of humanistic economic policies, the small-scale peasant system in the feudal territory began to collapse, and a large number of people began to migrate to the newly built areas of the Moon Sea.

In fact, before the Human Alliance regained the Sea of ​​Storms, it had already demonstrated the advantages of "large-scale production planning".

Take the "artificial ecological system" of agriculture as an example. This industry requires a continuous supply of raw materials such as "carbon dioxide," "water," and "inorganic salts." Now, these are all produced by industries on the moon.

The efficiency of the small feudal lords' territories on the edge of the Moon Sea is obviously not as efficient as the large system in the center of the Moon Sea.

As for the people: the Humane Alliance provides free food in terms of "basic food" (covering vegetables, noodles, and snail meat).

With the labor wages of a twelfth-level worker, you can buy steak, which is far better than the insect meat in the feudal territory, has synthetic protein, and tastes much better. Moreover, heavy physical labor such as agriculture in the feudal territory now forces everyone to do daily work.

Work for 10 hours.

Regarding the remaining "feudal groups", the Human Rights Alliance's current attitude is "to be determined."

After frying the steak and waiting for Mo Ya to pick up the meat and put it down, Wei Keng looked at the Guanghan Palace newspaper and whispered: "We are prepared to give the "people" time to stand in line. Is this good or bad?

, giving the people time to discern, this will reduce the room for tampering by those literati who manipulate memories."


This chapter has been completed!
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