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Chapter 4.23 It's Like Before

   The swordsman’s world does not care about the loss of human life. In the industrial area with high-voltage electricity, people are electrocuted to death every month. This factory is like an ultraviolet insecticidal lamp. Under the blue power generation light, workers recruited from all over the country

Carefully walk between the unprotected high-voltage electric metal structures, and if you are not careful, you will "click" and become an electrified mosquito in the corridor where the metal equipment is less than two meters wide.

Just three months after arriving in the axis area, Wei Keng disappeared while inspecting a high-voltage area. Next to the voltage machine, one could only smell the smell of burnt protein (actually a dead pig), and there was no one there.

I will check and simply check off Wei Keng's name.

 No one cares that there is a relationship between the death of a worker and the arrival of another young man.

Before "Ming Keng" passed away, he finally went through all the formalities and wanted to pick up a nephew from his hometown. This "sixteen-year-old" tall young man arrived just one day after "Ming Keng" left.

Of course, the managers of the axis area will not let go of such young people who have thrown themselves into the trap, and are ready to directly "arrange work", well, arrange for mining on the seabed in the ice ocean area.

[This is the same as the nursing home in the 21st century. It is not that the elderly can ask the caregivers to take care of them patiently if they pay enough. Instead, they make sure that you have no children and come to check the effect of the care. Then you can just make do with it carelessly. Anyway, you will bully the old and the weak.

Can we still argue, make trouble, or even report it like young people?】

Of course, Wei Keng also expected this kind of indifference.

The reason why he was caught in the high-voltage electricity area of ​​the axis area and fled within three months was that he was tired of it and kept perfunctory.

Having accumulated "Zhongrenzi" for "several generations", you might as well have some "talent" to explore the world of swordsmen.


 In the dormitory building where Ming Keng lived, Mr. Wei Keng took on a new identity and started a conflict.

 A large area of ​​the floor was lifted up by the sheer force of air twisting, blocking the view of the security personnel.

These security officers armed with electric batons and restraints immediately knew that this was not a level they could handle.

Wei Keng successfully inherited his legacy as "Ming Keng". The bed was still the same bed, and the handwriting in the technical notebook on the table was still written by himself. Wei Keng opened the kettle, and the soda water in the thermos was still full of gas.

 But he has changed his identity again.

 After packing up his "relics", he was taken away by the swordsmen who came and entered the swordsman's garden.

 The next day, the sun rose.


In the year 1167 of the Star Calendar, Wei Keng's new identity was seventeen years old. He had successfully become a swordsman. After passing the examination, he was issued a small aircraft and asked to report to the Tianze faction. After seeing this order, Wei Keng

Kang smiled, he knew the instructor's name above very well.

 Wu Zhuangfeng! The peak is still the same. The restrictions are still the same. It’s just that the person is still the same as before.

When arriving at the destination, Wei Keng found that he seemed to have reported early and was placed on a small mountain outside.

 You have to wait for the young swordsmen who have been promoted from other regions to arrive together before you can meet your own mentor.


 In the next few days, subsequent swordsmen also arrived.

These young swordsmen got together from the beginning and inquired about each other's families.

Since Wei Keng did not have any backing, the proud men who came from a family of swordsmen never spoke to Wei Keng again after the first round of greetings.

 So after everyone else came, Wei Keng was still alone outside the circle.

Wei Keng: "My mentor won't come back until the Mid-Autumn Festival, then?" Wei Keng looked into space, "Let's finish the third phase of the plan in these months."

Dimensional space, Qin Xiaohan smiled and whispered: "All forms are unified."


In the world, all kinds of things happen at the same time. Just when Wei Keng got the official swordsman certificate and was ready to report it.

On Purple Wood Planet, a new sword master, Lihan Sword Master, was born under the Cihong Sword Sect and Zi Ling Sword Master of the Southern Sect that stood side by side with the Tianze Sword Sect.

 Sword Master Purple Ling personally held a promotion ceremony for his young disciple, um, and his daughter.

Compared with Xingze Sword Master, Zi Ling Sword Master was promoted in the past two hundred years, and it is still early before the specific sword intention absorbs all the consciousness of the carbon-based body. The selection of subsequent successors is not as urgent as Xingze Sword Master. And among his own disciples

There are many talents, and a total of three people can encounter the final stage of Cihong Sword Code.

 Speaking of this Cihong Sword Code, compared to Tianze, the difference lies in the measurement of space when it comes to the basis of the entry sword formation.

 One uses the global geomagnetic difference, while the other is directly based on space-based starlight.

 Obviously the geomagnetic system is easier, but the one Qin Xiaohan recommended to Wei Keng is the strongest.

The two major sword classics only have different starting points. Later, when the Jianzun Sword Formation is fully achieved, Cihong can also use space-based positioning, and Tianze can also make judgments based on the earth's magnetic field. For example, Wei Keng has now developed a set of entry points.

System of the mantle.


Regarding Wei Keng’s evaluation of the surveying and mapping methods of these two sword formation systems: Tianze Sword Code is naturally more advanced in technology, but judging from the actual situation of the swordsman’s journey, Cihong Sword Code’s final journey to the sword master is easier.

Getting started. The last level of the Tianze system is particularly difficult to get started due to the lack of "systematic mathematical concept teaching" for swordsmen.


Returning to the ceremony, the process was very solemn. The moment after Lihan Sword Lord appeared in space form, several surrounding peaks seemed to tremble like tofu. Then the main leader took the spiritual weapon given by the sect and left, leaving behind

The next thing is the exchanges between various sects.

Tianze sent ten representatives to congratulate him, and Song Dian was one of them.

After Song Dian enviously participated in the Sword Master Ceremony, he also felt a little sentimental about his own path. At this time, he was already a late-stage swordsman, but at this age, he is at his peak.

 Compared with the construction engineering system like Wei Keng's, the route becomes more and more distinct as it gets to a later stage.

 In the traditional path of a swordsman, one chooses a smaller base in the early stage. In the later stage, if one wants to expand the basic amount of knowledge, without the enterprising spirit of a young man, it will no longer be possible to complete the last level of breakthrough.

Most of the geniuses who are once in a thousand years in the village, when they reach the level of swordsman, they are like sailing in the middle of the sea of ​​hardships, with no shore in front and no way back.

Of course, what Song Dian sighs about is his current task.

For a long time, the Purple Star is the pattern of Beitianze and South Magneto. However, in recent years, the Singsawa Sword is getting closer and closer.

As early as forty years ago, Tianze and Cihong agreed on a marriage, which is now the grandson of Sword Master Lihan and Sword Master Xingze, Yi Yunfei.

But today Lihan is already the Sword Master, and Yi Yunfei is still a junior swordsman. This is obviously inappropriate. How can we solve this problem in a dignified way without affecting the friendship between the two factions?

This was originally a matter that had nothing to do with the college department where Song Dian was working. However, after the most senior being in the Sword Sect gently said something, this embarrassing task was dropped.


 In recent years, Xingze Jianjun has become more and more determined to pass on the mantle to Cheng Jianjun (the chief of the academy).

At the same time, there were many tests for his will, such as this time: "I can pass on the mantle to you. But whether you can take care of my descendants or not. It depends on your performance in these matters."

Yicheng Meng, the head of the junior sword, couldn't laugh and laughed. In this matter, he had to do his face to do it. He could do it.

But this is a matter of face for the sect. And even though it is for the sake of the "inheritance sect", the inheritance sect does not want to accept this relationship. Yi Qingshan (Xingze's son) did not give up and still wanted to win the highest inheritance. If it harms the sword sect,

If this matter is done in a face-saving manner, not only will he not be grateful, but he will complain about "Tianze's face being damaged". Moreover, the Xingze Sword Master of Tongtian Sword Furnace only made a vague promise, and this kind of promise is not

Represents clear instructions.

As the chief disciple of the Tianze Sect, I have been holding the sword for so many years. I have not only been blessed with extraordinary talent, but also relied on diligence. But what is behind the diligence?

A good friend who was grateful to me gave him some advice: it doesn’t matter if it can be done or not, the key is to see if it can be done.

So, this hard task fell on Song Dian. Song Dian reluctantly knocked on the door of Cihong Sword Sect with a generous gift.


At the same time, Song Dian didn’t know that the person he wanted to meet was chasing another big star!

In outer space, Sword Lord Lihan arrived respectfully. At this time, her promotion ceremony was being held on the ground, and countless people were waiting for her. However, her father, the sword master of the Cihong Sword Sect, asked her to come to space. She

She could only put aside the ceremony first. But when she arrived in space, she found that not only she, but also the two senior brothers inside the door had arrived. She looked at her father curiously.

Sword Master Zi Ling looked at his daughter and nodded. He turned to the two disciples on the other side and said, "Qian Duan, Mu Feng, take your junior sisters with you."

Sword Master Zi Ling deployed his sword array and adjusted the space jump system to the farthest point.

Sword Lord Lihan stared at his master's back and said to his two senior brothers: "Brother, where does master want to guide the space?"

Qian Duan: "We don't know either. It's just that when we came here, Master told us that he wanted us to know that there is heaven outside the sky and there are people outside the world."

 Half an hour later, the group arrived near the first orbit, where the outline of the sun was almost nine times that of Purple Jupiter.

 Under the blazing sunshine, Zi Ling Sword Master sat slightly upright.

An hour later, she felt the terrifying heat of the light. Lihan's doubts became more and more serious. She looked at the two senior brothers and received "confused" looks. So, she walked forward and prepared to ask her father. However, this

Then Zi Ling opened her eyes and said, "Here we come."


Wei Keng was very depressed. On Wuzhuang Peak, while waiting for his "mentor", he took some time to try to end the sword formation system completely.

 I have traveled to space six times in total, but on the last two occasions, I was discovered by the Purple Wood Star Southern Sword Master.

Although I can get rid of him, deploying the sword formation requires a large celestial body to provide gravitational field positioning. The largest celestial body now is the sun. Of course, the more important thing is that my fourth step plan is also to center on the star. I can't get rid of him.

Open him.

 As for, drive away?

 Defeating this sword master is theoretically possible (Qin Xiaohan: "Your theory is actually crushing him"), but people are just watching from the sidelines.

  Simply let him see it. (Qin Xiaohan, your system is making explosive progress now. Even if you teach it step by step, with a large number of unique algorithms, it will take at least two to three years for the other party to become familiar with it.)


Lihan, who was prompted by her father's words, just paused and suddenly felt that there seemed to be something on the entire star?

After careful analysis, she was horrified to find that a huge network of longitude and latitude had been spread across the entire stellar equatorial system.

Under Sword Master's perception, the lines of this latitude and longitude network are very thin, just like a layer of spider silk on an incandescent lamp. Unless you are at a close distance, you cannot detect it at all.

 At this time, Qian Duan and Mu Feng also had the same expressions.

In the next few dozen seconds, a denser network of light filaments spread along the large latitude and longitude network as the skeleton. Then, the undulating chromosphere on the star was pierced by space probes, and then hit by light.

On the ball layer.

As if to mark the blow, a momentary dark spot appeared on these rice grains in the photosphere! The dark spot flashed and disappeared.

This is because the force of air twisting wraps the outermost layer of the rice grain tissue, temporarily blocking the reflected light, so flickering dark spots appear.

On a star, the diameter of each rice grain can be thousands of kilometers. This scale is exactly the scale covered by the sword array, but this flash lasts for less than 0.1 second. This means,

The sword formation retracts and unfolds, and the strategic movement is more than a hundred times that of the traditional sword formation.

 Subsequently, after initial debugging, a black and white flashing animation began on the sun’s rice grain layer. (Black and white is just a slight difference in brightness, and is not actually obvious.)


 After having an audience, Wei Keng couldn't help but feel a little more interested.

 Suddenly, a black and white animation of "Bad apple" flashed on the rice grain layer of the sun.

For so many years, I have always been a person, even if it is now on Wu Zhuangfeng, no one speaks. And now the physiological Wei Yan, who is in the young man, is a bit stuffy.

So, I showed it off. (This scene was live broadcast by Qin Xiaohan to her colleagues. Of course, she also danced it in private space by constantly switching costumes.)

 After the completion of the five-minute composition, the third stage of technical research and development of the Wei Keng Sword Formation was completely completed. However, after the completion, he left the star without any intention of contacting the bystanders.

On the first track, Sword Master Zi Ling put away the space lens and looked at his disciples. He originally just wanted his disciples to see the highest realm of Tianze's sect. But with this time, Wei Keng completely moved into the third stage.

After the technical system was fully deployed, his own understanding of kendo was also refreshed.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes now, he wouldn't have believed that the sword formation system could do this! In fact, this can no longer be described as a sword formation. Wei Keng has a brand new name for it in the field of space technology.

Compared to the traditional sword formation, the Purple Sword Master is like a gunner in the musket age who saw a heavy machine gun for the first time.

 Qian Duan, Mu Feng, Li Han, remained silent.

 Zi Ling said in an uncertain tone: "This is the new generation of Tianze Sword Sect. Thirty years ago, he just had a sword formation."

“How is that possible!” Qian Duan burst out immediately.

Zi Ling's tone was still as dry as wood as he narrated: "How is it possible? Twenty years ago, I met him practicing formations at least a thousand times, and witnessed his sword formations from scratch. In the past fifteen years, he has transferred

When I arrived at the star, I didn’t notice it for a long time, but now it is like this.”

If it takes thirty years to become a swordsman, it is still within the scope of what they understand as a "monster". But thirty years from just starting the sword formation to reach this stage! This is beyond the comprehension of thinking.

[But if you use modern thinking, you can understand that the speed of technological progress is getting faster and faster. The technological advantages accumulated by Western developed countries in the 20th century in 50 years can be surpassed by the large backward countries in the East in the 21st century with a 30-year constant plan.

.Wei Keng has accumulated too much basic technology in various timelines, and now it is starting to blow out.】

 Ten hours later, Sword Lord Lihan returned to the sect and began to participate in her promotion ceremony, but at this time she had no interest in it.


 Two months later, the promotion ceremony in the south ended. The perspective switched back to the Tianze Sword Sect.

On the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wu Zhuangfeng and Song Dian stepped off the battleship. After returning to the sect, he began to take over this year's batch of young swordsman disciples in the sect.

 When his eyes swept across this generation of disciples, he suddenly noticed the man in the corner.

Song Dian frowned. He opened the roster and felt that the swordsman named Wei Pan looked familiar. He seemed to have seen it somewhere.

Wei Keng naturally noticed Song Dian's expression, but Song Dian didn't recognize him in the end. He took a deep breath and muttered: "Maybe his impression of me is the fried noodles he ate when he was young."

This chapter has been completed!
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