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Chapter 30 Chapter 2903 Technological progress in suppressing unruly people

Chapter 1429 03 Technological progress in suppressing unruly people

In 3699, the space-time administration agencies in the inner ring area of ​​the solar system (the eight major planets are the inner ring, and the outer star field of Pluto is the outer ring). Due to the expansion of their respective inner universes, they have reached a resource bottleneck stage. Conflicts broke out first.

The planets began to form camps around the gravity well systems of their respective planets.

Moreover, the core forces of planets near many brown dwarfs within ten light years also intervened in this war and were connected to the main world coordinates through gravity tunnels.

These consciousnesses (Qin Tianfang, Luo Hongxing, Monat) who moved the alien core in the early years also began to return in this new era after the establishment of the human base system and the Butianxin system.

In the past, directly tunneling through the core of the planet through gravitational waves was a trend in space aerospace, but now these "first mover" forces still have to use relay stations in the space to conduct large-scale information enthalpy exchanges.

The earth, no, it is the solar system. The star fields on the periphery are vast and cultivated, and it is still the center. These self-proclaimed heroes and heroes have gone to the outer planets alone to nourish the early consciousness of trying to create glory. Now they have to return to the center.

Therefore, during this period of time, the crazy Wei Keng Diaomin began to taunt these veteran consciousness stars: Haven't you guys all quit the world? Why come back to take advantage of the hot spots?

Of course, Bai Linglu's yin and yang aura is more lethal: some people think that the world is driven by themselves, so they leave carelessly. Little do they know that the solar system will continue to work without anyone.

These explorers in the sea of ​​​​stars did not say anything, just like the old artists in the 21st century who shamelessly posted "short videos" to make money! They must have a strong psychological quality (thick skin).

...On the star field, the stream of light passes through, forming light paths like blood vessels, just like a fleet of cars speeding through the fields in the 21st century...

The main world is still in the Fertile Age.

The Star Field of the Deep Universe Department has expanded outward to nearly 0.4 cubic light years.

The earth's civilization is no longer just in the inner ring of the solar system! It is a vast and prosperous area. And this prosperity is not the previous "control group" where one side is declining and the other is making progress, but it has entered a "heyday" period at the same time.

It is worth mentioning that after the end of the envelope era, as the new generation of cluster consciousness grew and achieved results, the proportion of information enthalpy production originally occupied by Wei Keng in the Dyson ring of the solar system finally began to decrease year by year.

The four oldest rings on the Dyson ring (East Asia, North America, the European three-point ring and the cooperative main ring) have been re-controlled by new travelers from Earth.

Of course, the deep control of the sun is still controlled by Wei Keng. If Wei Keng is excluded, the long period of envelopment, the cultural and educational history of mankind between the 31st and 33rd centuries has been annihilated.

For the current consciousnesses in the inner solar system to regain the right to speak in the Dyson ring position outside the star, it is not actually a victory.

The Inner Ring Faction also faces challenges from the pragmatic "Vega Faction" stellar monitors such as Bai Linglu.

Moreover, although the Weikeng cluster has reduced the number of workers in the Dyson ring industry, it is because Tukang has shifted in the direction of information enthalpy manufacturing, and most of the consciousness groups have switched to Starfield.

Put aside the above situation

Wei Keng still gave positive comments to those who competed with him: The latest generation of consciousness in the main world today is indeed much stronger than the spirit-infused generation three hundred years ago.

The consciousness of this generation after the 36th century has absorbed a sufficient sense of mission from the ups and downs of the inner universe, and has the mission of building the "Center of All Realms" for the main world.

But now a major change has occurred that has not happened in thousands of years, and the ideologies of the dimensional colonies have begun to feed back to the main world. After the formation of the major inner universes, it is impossible for the main world to enjoy peace in accordance with the past "Vienna Agreement". (The Vienna Agreement refers to the self-proclaimed

A group of people in the center of the world want the conflicts caused by colonial interests to be isolated from the "civilized center")

Although there are still treaties locked between the major inner universe consciousness clusters, looking back on past history, it is impossible to conclude peace with a treaty in any major conflict of interest. A treaty is not a solid chain, and its chains cannot be "torn apart" before

, plays the role of war warning,

For example, in the 21st century, there is no longer a so-called "non-aggression pact". Countries only have "agreements on economic cooperation." Once all economic cooperation is severed, it means that they have to give up their illusions and prepare for war.

Bai Linglu: It is very ironic that they announced that they have won the prosperity of this era, but they fought for the ownership of the "great cause"!

The great achievements of the inner universe can be easily seized and possessed, why can't the "prosperity" of the main world be taken away?

…At the beginning of the 38th century, the inner ring of the earth is about to be rained down…

At this time, the two major camps on the surface of the sun have begun military revolutions in space in the Dyson rings they dominate.

Both sides each create halos on the Dyson rings, and these halos are creating high-energy crystals that carry information. These crystals are now combat units.

That's right, it's the thirty-eighth century, and there is no such thing as "battleship bombardment." All military weapons in the corona belt of the solar system do not have "non-particle" weapons.

The battleships, which are still in the process of being assembled from stable materials, were armed hundreds of years ago and today are similar to the battleships of the 20th century. They include drones (sensors), various relay stations, aerial information processing aircraft, fleets, and tanks (data centers).

) the embarrassment of the new era of war.

Now in the Dysonized solar system, as long as it has the ability to send and receive information and store information, has the high-energy state to destroy the enemy, and can maneuver, it is a combat unit.

The war preparations for the "star fields" in the outer ring of the solar system have also developed in this way.

Within the solar gravitational field, high precision, low mass coefficient, and high energy level are the standards for a new generation of weapons.

…At this time Hoshida exists as a third party.…

In the outer solar system, the old farmer in Xingtian looked at the turbulence in the inner ring area of ​​the eight planets and let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, there are fields behind the old farmer, leaving the countryside to the stars, and there is not much time left for the quiet years.

Since the 37th century, the eight Ceres-level extrasolar celestial bodies captured in the outer solar system and in the star field are undergoing transformation.

The "Youchao Clan" project is being completed. - All retro code names are very important, because Chinese people do not make fun of ancient epics.

The so-called Chao family is to create a roller space body.

This is not just a roller. It is like the artificial amniotic fluid tank in the 22nd century. It is not just a warm physiological fluid tank and an umbilical cord, but a complete set of "physiological adjustment" technology.

The early formation of the human fetus relies on the precise negentropy provided by the maternal amniotic fluid.

The sound development of human beings in the cradle of the earth, from infancy to adolescence to middle age, in terms of morality, intelligence, body, art and culture, is also related to the earth's "negative entropy cycle". How to use "artificial" conditions to fit "nature" is similar.

The problem of artificial amniotic fluid engineering in the 22nd century is, of course, placed in a grander history. This is similar to the problem that the first vertebrates on earth solved the problem of their larvae needing to develop in water.

Therefore, a series of negative entropy systems such as the sun and moon tides, the cycle of the four seasons, the weak swing of the magnetic level, the flow of cold air, etc. must be made in the drum of Chao's plan to ensure that human beings can escape from the natural cradle of the earth and grow up healthily.

A natural human lifespan of 60 years, health and stability before the first regeneration.

It is no exaggeration to say that the "Youchao" project is basically a new space discipline system.

The negative entropy in the human body and the negative entropy data system in the natural environment must be collected again.

In the "Chao" drum, all the rivers and mountains are named after the Yellow Emperor's internal canon system, and the human blood circulation even corresponds to the hydrological data of each man-made river in the "Chao".

Once the "Youchao Clan" plan is completed, it means that a "natural village" can be formed on Starfield.

Human beings can get rid of the cradle and circulate within the star field to become a cosmic race. Yes, as a cosmic race, it does not have to be modified randomly from the human base, but to increase conditions from the day after tomorrow. No, vertebrates landed from the ocean.

, the initial combination of sperm and egg requires water. The option is not to imitate plants and play with cell walls to seal water, but to directly increase the amniotic fluid environment in the organism, or to build eggshells to maintain the water environment like sauromorphs.

…"Our goal is the stars and the sea!" Wei Keng felt that it was too late to pick up this goal again after a thousand years, but "even though it is late, we have arrived."

…However, in the main world, the chaotic side can’t bear to see the outer ring of the solar system being too “normal”…

At the end of 3754, Jing Zhe came to Wei Keng and issued orders on behalf of the Earth camp.

Wei Keng saw this declaration asking him to clearly stand on his side and said slowly: "So, you are going to carry out a large-scale purge in your plane?"

Jing Zhe: "It's not to clear it out, but to ask you to leave temporarily. Now the A-level plane has become a war zone. We don't want anyone unrelated to get hurt in this war." (The A-level plane has developed after the information revolution.

The plane is also a popular space-time line in the current inner universe era)

Wei Keng: "Are you sure?"

Jing Zhe: “We are confident of bringing the entire multi-faceted region back on track.”

Note 1: The price of being on the right track is to eliminate violators so that the leadership abilities of the current consciousness of the latest cluster can be brought into full play.

Note 2: The offenders include the old remnants of the Star Ring faction (Jupiter, Saturn) He Chongyun, etc., but it is not ruled out that some people who did not move fast enough in front of the wheel of history, such as Wei Keng, will be swept away.

Wei Keng breathed out: "I understand, thank you."

Behind the politeness is the knife...

Jing Zhe went back. Wei Keng looked at her back as she returned to the inner circle of the solar system. Unilateralism in the dimension began to arrive.

Jing Zhe is a representative of the new generation consciousness group. Wei Keng shook his head at this. The Black Iron Age of civilization is over and has begun to enter the Deadwood Age.

In the early 37th century, the arrogant generation still paid attention to eating signs. In the development of the inner universe, the inner universe ruling consciousness still emphasized that the development of various technologies was used to "drive civilization forward", but now they have publicly stated that new technologies are necessary

Take the first step to suppress conflicts.

Narrator, if a group uses a forward-looking perspective and stands in the ruling class to unite the people, weaken the people, exhaust the people, humiliate the people, and impoverish the people, then the obstacles to history will be unprecedented.

For example, just after entering the communication era, feudal rulers began to establish intelligence eavesdropping systems such as Jinyiwei.

In the early days of the birth of news newspapers, under the capital model, rulers controlled the mouthpiece with "experience" to maintain their authority.

Just entering the Internet era, the new technology tycoons have set up a prism for information censorship ahead of the general public who enjoy the convenience of the Internet.

The irony of "advance at all costs" is that right-wingers are always the ones who shout these words, because they know the benefits of "advancing to dominate others".

Therefore, in the dimension, crawling across multiple inner universe timelines that have been monopolized, the Wei Keng cluster made a conclusion after experiencing increasingly heavy historical pressure: Not every culture is born with resistance. Human beings

Culture is more or less domesticated and gentle. If the "wise" ruling group has won too many times in history, then the cultural soil for struggle will be lost.

The unscrupulous people have lost the possibility to speak out, have no channel to cry out, and cannot find an organization to fight. So when they encounter injustice, they have no choice but to light up the gas tank and shoot off the final fireworks.

In fact, as early as 3645, the suppression process began in various inner universes.

...Now, it is the lowest period for Chinese people...

In the early 38th century, in this solar system war, as the consciousness of the inner universe in the inner ring of the solar system struggled to be contained, the middle people have been completely "silenced" in these inner universes. Whether it is the magical plane or the technological timeline

As time goes by, the protagonists, who are the dominant consciousness of the inner universe, gradually become the sole core of world changes. And the noise in the corners will always get retribution immediately for disobeying the protagonists.

Wei Keng's consciousness scattered across the dimension has entered its darkest moment in a thousand years, but have they won?

Wei Keng whispered in the universe: "We are the successors of (unclear words), inheritance (unclear), love (unclear), love (unclear), (unclear) flying on the chest

, Don’t be afraid of difficulties, don’t be afraid of enemies, study tenaciously, fight resolutely (these four words are quite clear) and march bravely towards victory.”

At this point, Wei Keng stopped. He felt that he could not move forward bravely, so he was ashamed and felt that he was not worthy of singing loudly.

Just like adults in the 21st century, it is difficult to sing the main theme loudly in public. Because the heart is not strong enough to face the light without shame.

In Xingtian, Wei Keng looked at the Youchao project and the growing generation: "I hope the next generation will be naughty enough and proud enough to sing!"

When the Chao Plan was implemented, the "Dimensional School" that was connected to the four-dimensional space was being constructed simultaneously.

In the past, culture and education were not qualified to cultivate "highly qualified" talents. The higher the qualifications, the easier it is to be tempted to deviate from the right path. Only middle-class people with ordinary qualifications who rely on the locals can steadily determine the right path. However, Wei Keng, who has worked hard to create a new cultural and educational system, feels that

Your successor can be better than yourself!


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