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Chapter 4.39 Drops of Water in Mountain Dew

 Wei Keng: "The principles taught by society can only be fair. If all groups adhere to their own set of principles, then in the end there will only be one principle left: the weak and the strong, the strong and the ruthless are justified!"

Currently, the principles taught by interest groups composed of space city swordsmen and various businessmen do not take into account the new group of "photon guardians and array masters" at all. The pressure and burden are dumped on them without hesitation.

this new group.

However, when conflicts accumulate to the point of avalanche, the "natural" oppressors at all levels will feel that they are innocent.

On the axis timeline, six months after the caravan Wei Keng followed delivered the goods, during the second voyage, the non-performing assets dumped by the caravan came to our door in the form of "unexpected risks".

When Shuli's merchant ship once again took the trade route with "Tianling Space City", when it reached three-quarters of the route, suddenly the position of the surrounding stars changed.

In the abnormal star screen, a space ship that looked completely different from the pirate fleet appeared.

This style does not mean that the level of advancement is different, but that the state of preparation is very formal.

The appearance of this spaceship is very smooth. All combat systems are stored in the outer shell by a mechanical bomb bay structure, and will only pop out during battle.

If the pirate fleet also obtains such a warship, it will not take a few battles before some of these mechanical covers will fall off, and some mechanical structures will be directly exposed. As long as these mechanical structures do not affect the use, the pirates will not worry about it.


[In the 20th century, compared with the anti-smuggling speedboats of normal countries and the speedboats of warlords in pirate areas, the paint is neat, and the engine will never be exposed. These maintenance details will be standardized. 】

There is a huge difference between a disciplined corps and a bandit who just robs.

After the space fleet appeared, it immediately sent an ultimatum, requiring the caravan to unload 40% of the cargo on the spacecraft!

Of course Shuli would not recognize this, so he brought out the big guys behind his goods and asked them to be more understanding.

But what he didn't expect was that this time, his reasoning couldn't hold him back!

Revolution... you have to fight for your life! To fight for your life, you naturally have to speak your words loudly. In the past, these words were always laughed at and had no source.

The battleship of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army responded to Ju Li: "The forces you are talking about are the old order we want to overthrow. Since you are supplying materials to the old forces, then hand over 80% of the materials and leave.

,If you don’t cooperate, we will confiscate everything!”

After the spaceship sent this message, it disappeared into the artificial star curtain! This is a star network constructed by the array system, and it is equipment provided by the industrial team on the brown dwarf.

The equipment in the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army base is not as advanced as the current production equipment in the administrative star. However, with strict organization and discipline, our own combat team can always obtain a stable supply in this marginal area. The old forces cannot maintain it.

Due to discipline, materials in core areas will be withheld and sent to the black market.

Shuli looked ugly. At this moment, he looked at the swordsmen who followed him with expectant eyes!

The leader of these swordsmen also has a serious look on his face! As insiders, they are aware of the new professional system that has recently emerged from Purple Jupiter. This professional system has weak individual combat power, but once the battle formation is set up, , so the combat effectiveness is almost equal to that of a regular swordsman team.

However, it seems that there is no way to escape the battle now. So...





So this is the decision the swordsman captain regrets most in his life.

When he sent out a team of swordsmen to try to break through the Star Curtain, within thirty seconds, all the dispatched personnel lost their voice.

This is the regular army's crushing of the second-rate escort troops.

The starry sky that the caravan sees now is a pocket formation that contains them. In this pocket formation, there is abnormal monitoring of the entire space. Any charge by a single team will be hit by warp ammunition. .

To deal with these swordsmen, who are waiting in full formation, is like relying on bunkers such as Luzhai to shoot at the charging knights with volleys of guns.

It would still be effective if the swordsmen were pressed forward by the entire army in equal numbers, forming a disciplined formation, covering each other, and charging regardless of battle losses.

At least Mr. Wei used the most demanding conditions to prove in the exercise that this ambush system is not invincible.

But this space merchant ship escort team obviously does not have such tactical execution capabilities.

Six minutes later, all resistance outside the merchant ship was cleared. After the morale of the swordsmen collapsed, they hid inside the ship and tried to resist.

In the star screen space, energy battleships emerged one after another. Before the merchant ships could try to resist with their main guns, a large amount of jump energy concentrated the jump strike. The merchant ships' protective shields cracked. In that moment, a large amount of energy firepower hit. Energy lines on merchant ships.

"Pa!", all the power on the ship was cut off. Then, one by one, the array basic particles were attached to the outer shell of the merchant ship, and the space control was deployed inside the merchant ship step by step.

Half an hour later, the merchant ship surrendered.

When Ju Li came to the battleship of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army with heartache and handed over the list of all supplies.

He was stunned when he saw some familiar people in the team.

He immediately pointed his finger and said: "You, it's you!" This tone sounded like he had been raped.

Seeing this situation, the captain of Shuli, who had led the escort six months ago, paused and wanted to avoid it.

But at this time, the revolutionary inspection team came over. After asking the battle captain the whole story, they immediately walked towards Ju Li and raised their heads and asked: "We are overthrowing the decadent conservative forces. It seems that you are a collaborator of the conservative forces. Please Come with us."

Shuli was full of truths, but he was immediately stuck. As shrewd as he was, he understood that he had said the wrong thing.

Shuli stammered: "This general, I, I"

When Shuli lowered his head to admit his mistake, nodded and bowed, the captain of the Formation Division who thought he was being unreasonable was stunned, and then glanced at Shuli with a sneer. After he gave a cold laugh, he looked like

Just like leaving a garbage dump, stride away.

A few months ago, Shuli could talk freely against the ambush masters. But now he can't hold back a word for a long time. Why is this? It can only be said that Shuli is not standing for reason, he is standing for team!

The composition of the Revolutionary Review Team is divided into two parts: the first batch of production class who came from the axis area to reach the starry sky, and the new space school who are currently trained in the Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.

Regarding the role of the establishment of this review team

Wei Keng: "This is a team that specializes in reasoning. Compared with a team like the Armed Corps, which has ideas and will, but no time to think too much, the censorship team is specially used to deal with the world's doubts! Use the strongest

Use rhetoric to respond to the slander and abuse of this unfair world. When dealing with enemies, the priority is not to persuade with reason, but to strike hard. Only comrades who are also oppressed can patiently speak out on how to carry out resistance.

Fight for the truth.”

In other words, the merchant ships on various waterways are now damaged. Well, we cannot slander the revolutionary troops. It is the business class who is standing in the wrong team and helping the evil.


At the end of the year 1196 of the Star Calendar, on brown dwarf No. 113, the trial court held a trial on magic.

First of all, the business team was not guilty of resisting the war. The swordsmen team invited by Juli were educated in the prison camp and approved for release.

Subsequently, other members of the caravan were also screened and released without charge, but they stayed to observe.

When all this was sorted out, the revolutionary army began the final trial, and the supervisory department found a large number of teams whose wages had been deducted by Juli for public prosecution.

During the trial, the situation of the caravan withholding wages, which resulted in a large number of people in the team being desperate, was sorted out!

The process of sorting out this type of plot was watched by departments at all levels in the base area.

The crowd was furious.

Shuli was given a heavy sentence and he was required to pay a large amount of money.

What? Can’t afford the compensation?!

It's okay. All the partners, business groups, and business associations behind them that he has handed over will be directly recorded, and they will be enforced on the waterway next time. This is the reason why the fleets related to the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army will intercept them next.

Before Shu Li entered the prison area, the captain of the Jinfu Division met him for the last time.

After facing Ju Li's output of resentment for five minutes.

The captain, who had received ideological counseling, said to him calmly: "At first, I just wanted to get the remuneration we deserve, but you told me about the importance of your business and trade. What's yours is not mine, and what you have is not mine."

I only think about you, so now, we can also just think about ours!"


A fair trial will establish justice within a broad group of people. An unfair trial will provoke confrontation among various categories.

Modern social cooperation is destined to be impossible to achieve by the mutual "understanding" of many small groups.

The small differentiated groups will only generate repulsion in the process of competing for the share of interests, and will eventually break up all public trust.

After the jurisprudence case was over, Wei Keng, who worked as a cleaner in the trial court, wiped every table clean. He looked at the "scale logo" hanging on the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army's trial stand and murmured: "Only fairness and justice can we be loyal to.



In the year 1197 of the Star Calendar, on the axial timeline, the new forces in the space region began to move forward.

And in each stream of time, the struggle begins like a bud on the river bank in spring.

Are some people on the side of the old forces? Even though some people can complete the suppression of certain regional bases through various accidents, the injustice has been proved to be as clear as a poisonous thorn in the face of the new class, one after another.

Ten years, twenty years, as long as oppression is there, resistance will be there. And it will not get weaker, it will get stronger.

in dimensional space

In the center of time and space in the Mediterranean, a massive alarm occurred! Such an alarm triggered a very rare "rout" standard frequency.

Priests faced each other on the plane they were monitoring, and the forces of the time travelers were uprooted by some kind of tide force in their planes.

In the culture of Mediterranean civilization, the color of commerce is very strong, so the idea of ​​governance is very different from the Eastern territorial idea.

For example, the choice of travelers often tends to serve as a node (lord) in a region, as a hub of commerce and trade, to influence another node, and eventually form a node group centered on itself. Rome replaced Greece's influence in the Mediterranean.

That is this model.

Therefore, on various timelines in the Space Twist Plane, when Mediterranean travelers are operating their own forces, if they find that their external influence (caravan) has been eliminated, they will immediately coerce their own node groups to suppress it.

to increase your influence.

This gameplay can be used on the Holy Temple History Online. However, the war zone in Kongtu has been planned for hundreds of years by Master Wei.

Under the guiding ideology of surrounding the center with the edge, Wei Keng continued to promote technological and organizational progress for a hundred years, and finally inspired the advanced forces in the most central administrative planet, allowing it to stand firm in the brown dwarf with an advanced attitude.

Under such a tide, these guys who were out of touch with the center and still held the mentality of conservative regional lords were beaten violently in this special historical environment.

The Starry Sky Revolutionary Army in various timelines broke out around 1190, and travelers from the Mediterranean system in various timelines took the bait one by one. They originally wanted to show off their operational behavior, but ended up reenacting the behavior of many small and medium-sized countries in recent history.

The tragic end. (In the 21st century, there are many middle powers trying to take advantage of the superpower confrontation.)

Persian historian of the 23rd century: Eastern culture is implicit, and any seemingly slight fluctuations in each era contain a large number of contradictory elements. The release of these contradictions represents the failure of all buffer channels, and the collapse of these buffer channels

Finally, what follows is often out of control.

After this great outbreak ended, many indigenous traders of that era left a deep impression on the traveling forces of the Mediterranean system.

For example, "Magical Theory" has a high probability of playing a crucial role in the outbreak of total conflicts in various time and space lines. The Mediterranean system was caught off guard, and tens of thousands of time travelers were affected by it.

The system then gives a key reminder to the travelers to avoid this ominous person.

But besides magicians, there are other businessmen.

They are also stingy, shrewd, morally flexible, and bully honest people. It can be said that all the fuses lead to the explosive barrel.

Main world January 3, 2706

In the Temple of Heaven, the priest in charge of personnel transportation, seeing such a violent group of travelers losing contact, murmured: "This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy specifically against us. They have calculated our weaknesses."

He was pulled because talking to himself was detrimental to morale.

The chief priest stared at the report from the front and asked the communication system: "Has Michaelena's communication been connected?"

Paradise System: "The contact cannot be made. The Great River System seems to have found her node, leading to multiple timelines to interfere."

The chief priest looked at Michaelena's various uncertain message chains. He suppressed his depressed expression and said slowly and calmly: "Then continue to pay attention. This battle should end here."

Axial timeline, 1210 ephemeris (15 years after Wei Keng intervened in space.)

The entire starry sky has undergone turbulent changes. On the one hand, major planets are in short supply of troops and have formed photon guardians. They have originally added them to the battle order. In recent years, they have directly allowed pure new professionals to form new armies.

On the other hand, with the continuous actions of the "bandit army" (the name these administrative stars call the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army), major space cities are experiencing shortages of supplies.

At this stage, only Purple Jupiter can build a tens of billions of tons of cargo spacecraft. It can meet the needs of space transportation in terms of energy protection and transportation efficiency. However, such a large spacecraft will be transported to a large number of brown dwarfs.

The Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, where Mr. Wei is entrenched, is having a great time "collaborating with bandits".

Wei Keng himself also assumed the identity of more ordinary people and began to fully understand this historical process.


In the year 1210 of the Dangxing Calendar, around August,

The fifth base of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army.

In the orbit of a brown dwarf, Wei Keng, a worker, is inspecting energy collection plates.

Ten years ago, following the unusual riots that occurred in Tianling Space City, Wei Keng and a large number of slaves escaped under the leadership of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army, and now they have become fellow villagers under the rule of the Revolutionary Army.

Zooming out, the moving plates in front of Wei Keng are just part of a large field. Wei Keng can scan millions of blocks every hour, and throughout the field, thousands of industrial workers are doing the same thing as the rice transplanting team on the ground.


For such a job, whether the participant is a swordsman or not has little impact on work efficiency!

But to put it another way. In this way, even the swordsmen can't do a better job. A large number of ordinary people are mobilized after education and put into operation. This kind of manpower utilization efficiency is countless times better than the old swordsman system.

And with more social resources, the number of swordsmen will also increase.

In the past two years, the number of space warriors returning from Purple Jupiter from the starry sky also proves this point! This has inspired more ordinary people on the planet to immigrate with technology.

[To put it more simply, from the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, why was it so popular to study abroad? Isn’t it just that you can maintain your rank after returning? It is easier for returnees to find jobs. After twenty years, this channel for promotion will be gone.

, this shortcut to the south is shrinking rapidly]

As long as Eastern culture can advance! It will form a personnel trend that is no less than the Western "gold rush".

During the ten-year struggle, the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army has developed a complete process for the management of those who have joined the revolutionary ranks.

When ordinary people on the Purple Wood Star Table enter the starry sky, they are immediately matched with public education and enjoy promotion resources.

The magnetic training center, consumable energy, material utilization facilities, and even some instructors are all ready.

The probability of becoming a swordsman-level space ruler is 30%, and the probability of becoming a swordsman-level array master and photon guardian is 10%.

At the sword master level, new space technology training no longer requires much talent.

Wei Keng spent hundreds of years using millions of timelines to develop this system. The most important thing is to standardize it so that all indicators can be used for similar reference and can be evaluated fairly.

Now the new roads are better than the old roads in terms of energy. After the industrialization of resources, they will be more conducive to popularization.


The perspective returns to the space construction site.

Wei Keng finished repairing the solar panels, went to his small space warehouse, and opened the newspaper of the Revolutionary Army.

In the base area composed of these fifteen brown dwarfs, the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army now has the number of "sword master" level space controllers. One hundred and eighty-seven, of which ninety-seven are former swordsmen from Purple Jupiter.

, more than twenty swordsmen from the Valley of the Wind region. The rest were promoted from swordsmen who grew up in the space region.

Wei Keng tapped the system and continued to add to the paper with over 100 million words that was still to be published: "The road popularization verification was successful in the mid-term stage, and the next stage requires base numbers to test larger arguments."

Wei Keng couldn't help but think of Wu Guang, and shook his head in his heart: "If there is no Tiandao system, he is nothing special at all, and he is lazier than himself. Even knowledge and experience tend to be input from outside. Therefore, in this era, in the tide of the times,

, this kind of lucky person has very little effect."

With the era of progress beckoning, Wei Keng, who calls himself "the middle-aged man", feels that he will also make progress.

Wei Keng is planning to let this identity pass the assessment of junior photon guardian (swordsman level) in the revolutionary army next month.

Being caught up in the biggest promotion trend, Mr. Wei felt that he was moving forward in a mighty way.

The perspective shifts to another brown dwarf star in the star sea base.

Four light-years away, Michaelina, who originally arrived in the space city on the same ship as Wei Keng, had just passed the base's new space technology level assessment.

She raised her head and looked around. She thought: "The one who controls the flow of the plane should have discovered herself by now! The reason why there has been no movement until now is because he has always known me well?"

Michaelena lifted her hair, made a model's posture with her hands on her hips, and said to the air with a little "interest" in her eyebrows: "Hey, am I beautiful?"

This chapter has been completed!
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