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Chapter 32 Chapter 2939 (Part 1) Backed by Fertile Soil

Chapter 1470 Chapter 39 (Part 1) Backed by Fertile Soil

In the starry plane of the particle realm, when civilization advances to the stage of controlling stars, Wei Keng's style of play is the standard "Holy Spear Assault".

Well, a long time ago, probably when the care field plane just ended, Wei Keng who came out of the black hole array prevented the holy spear from "invading" the main world by itself, and went around to the star plane of the inverse displacement particle territory. It was considered early

Just stepped on it a little bit.

It is said that when the Holy Spear attacked Wei Keng, the gamma rays were a straight frontal charge, but after Wei Keng fought against him, he always made the gamma rays flow in a roundabout way to avoid the sharp edge.

Now that Mr. Wei is standing in the active attack position, the gamma ray straight-line assault is really useful. Detours will waste 40% of the energy of the ray flow in changing directions, making the final stage of the planet assault forced to dig.


Wei Keng: I have the advantage of being "quick, accurate and ruthless" and I can fight as I please. Just as the holy spear hit me back then, I will hit it out now.

At present, the entire main world Black Alliance is in the star plane in the realm of inverse displacement particles. Even though the enthalpy scale of the information gathered is more than 6,000 times its own, when the theoretical technology is at the same level, "tracing to the source" is undoubtedly the strongest force.

The great courage to survive and develop in the face of death can crush the Black Alliance's obsession system of "always one step slow and ignore loopholes".

From 3800 to mid-3809, the war in the realm of anti-displacement particles expanded from more than 200,000 timelines at the beginning to trillions of timelines. As a result, every time in the later stages, Wei Keng would use gamma rays to attack,

Directly destroy the timelines of the Black Alliance.

The Black Alliance's star control technology in the realm of anti-displacement particles of the Will Group is very innovative. But it is useless.

If a star is like a ball of noodles in a restaurant, the various "natural disaster" level star technologies of the Tianxing Will Group are as bizarre as the "noodles" made in Michelin restaurants. But in terms of "withstanding hunger and satisfying hunger", it is

It's not as good as Wei Keng's most classic recipes such as "noodles" (gamma one-dimensional line assault), "big cake" (stellar quantum cloud position), "dumplings" and "baozi" (black hole gravitational slingshot ambush).

The new generations of the main world in a plane similar to the big universe like to use "black hole killing", "atomic attribute replacement", "neutron proton separation bomb" and other fancy things.

Now in the "Tukang Universe", these things have no chance to be shown.

These Black Alliance cosmic destruction facilities were directly destroyed by a beam of gamma rays as soon as they were set up and not yet operational.

The above-mentioned "creative killing" technology explains the saying "the weirder the weapon, the faster you die."

The Black Alliance can only compete with Wei Keng for hedging, but what about hedging? Wei Keng: Tsk, tsk, at your level, you are a silver gun wax head.

In other words, after the failure of trillions of timelines, data has proven that the Black Alliance's plan to invade the "Weikeng Inner Universe" has failed. However, Ji Tianxing, as the current military leader of the Black Alliance, does not want to admit defeat.

Then in the year 3805 of the main world, the Black Alliance was already preparing to "change generals" and replace Ji Tianxing from the position of cluster president.

The reason why the Black Alliance replaced Ji Tianxing now is that Ji Tianxing's mentality has become unstable (wei Keng was angry).

However, after Tianxing stepped down, the Black Alliance still felt that they could continue to fight because they calculated based on the "scale of consciousness" projected by Wei Keng that Wei Keng's unlimited projection would eventually collapse - history has once again turned out the same script.


Based on this "collapse theory" attitude, the major intra-universe groups in the Black Alliance gritted their teeth and increased the scale of the war.

As everyone knows, in the "consciousness model" planned by the Black Alliance, morality, intelligence, body, art, and work only focus on "intelligence" and "body."

Finally, in the current calculation of the will model, there are huge flaws in Heweikeng's original system!

The Black Alliance now only counts Wei Keng's "perseverance" being wasted in battle after battle. It does not count the huge encouragement "courage" gives to "self-will" after the successful verification of the road.

That is: the Black Alliance thought that the endless timeline would always drain Wei Keng's willpower, but he never expected that Wei Keng dreamed of time travel, and the memories brought by time travel were less and less, or even basically none at all.

They are all unique. And after my unique self proves myself on the road of courage, it will inspire more "courage" on the timeline. As long as the route is right and there is a dawn, Wei Keng's "courage" will increase exponentially. So Black

The alliance thought of consuming Wei Keng's perseverance, but they never thought that they would be fighting against the fearless spirit of "the middle man versus the genius to defeat the evil with good."

…In human civilization, there are always “leaders” who want to quantify and index the “possibility” of others. However, in the development of civilization, the “possibility” of people is constantly breaking through the indicators of the “leaders”...

In the 39th century, the Seventh Plane War entered the consumption stage.

With the new atmosphere of the new century, compared to the thirty-eighth century who believed that the advancement of the "will group" would destroy Tukang, the thirty-ninth century main world's Space and Time Administration began to think about whether the outbreak of this war was "unreasonable"

The place.

For example: Kong Chuanxiao clearly noticed that Wei Keng did not seem to be weakened in this century of dimensional conflicts.

In the time and space archives, Hong Kong retrieved the territories where Wei Keng was suspected to have traces in the past 40 years and made statistics. After research, it was found that Wei Keng may have mobilized the consciousness of various territories to support the inner space war zone. But from the imaginary number

Judging from the light flow of the "star of consciousness" on the planet, Wei Keng has not weakened, on the contrary, it has become stronger.

As a result, Kong Chuanxiu expressed his "unpleasant" feeling to Jing Zhe, a junior: Wei Keng in the dimension territory is the biggest source of "unruliness" (the unruly people among ordinary people).

The battle launched in the anti-displacement particle plane forced him (Wei Keng) to withdraw a large amount of consciousness. Logically, the signs of "untamed" in other realms would weaken, but in fact they have not.

Kong Chuanxiao stared at Jingzhe: "What does this mean? It means that his growth rate is accelerating now!"

Jing Zhe expressed doubts about this: At this time, the second wave of mobilization of the Black Alliance has been completed, and the vast consciousness stars are entering the Black Alliance battlefield in an orderly manner.

At this time, Jing Zhe was still very confident that the "power of the new era" to which he belonged was powerful. Compared with the current diverse will clusters, the Wei Keng cluster was just a simple group and would be weakened no matter what.

Kun took a breath and put forward a survey result that was contrary to the normal understanding of the current main world, that is, the "Wei Keng Cluster" maintains a reverberation phenomenon on a macro scale!

The reverberation of consciousness means that after a consciousness is extinguished in the process of traveling through planes, it will reappear periodically. As long as a little more force is applied at the end, this consciousness can be rekindled. At present, in the Space-Time Management Bureau, most of the so-called people in the Black Alliance

Most of the consciousnesses inherited from ancient time travellers are rekindled in this way.

Just? The annihilated consciousness can be rekindled. So if the continuous consciousness is maintained in the dimension, will there be a similar wave phenomenon?

When Jing Zhe reported the conclusion of Kong Chuanxiao, other consciousnesses in the Black Alliance thought it was absurd. Li Jixi and other time travelers believed that the "will reverberation phenomenon" only exists within the dimensional will discontinuity (for example: Wei Qiang's main consciousness

After dying, Mo Ya resumes after the break),

Consciousness (like Wei Keng's) that has not been annihilated does not have reverberation, and sooner or later it will decline! And it will only reverberate after it is discontinued!

Black Alliance’s ‘Dimensional Consciousness Life Science’ expert: So now “an old single consciousness” (Wei Keng) is just a reflection of the light.

…Report the dividing line that failed.…

"Is he just reflecting on his past?" Confronted with this definition of the dimensional "life consciousness" research experts, Kun was stunned for a moment, and she whispered: "Is it because he is afraid of causing panic and lack of confidence that he refutes it so straightforwardly?"

During the period when the information was reported, Kong took advantage of the opportunity to study Wei Keng's information in more depth (Bai Linglu intended to leak some of the information officially.)

Kong Chuanxiao discovered that the fluctuations in Wei Keng’s consciousness over the past thousand years have generally had troughs and peaks.

In the first trough stage, in the early 27th century, during the first plane war, Wei Keng was very weak and inconspicuous at that time.

The first peak stage is the early stage of the Second Plane War, a wave of important battles fought on the main battlefield of the Aerial Twist Plane.

The trough of the second stage was when Wei Keng took root in the multidimensional planes for the first time and abandoned the industrial godhead. At that time, Wei Keng was absent from the third plane war.

The third peak was on the eve of the Fourth Plane War, which directly cut off the era of Monat and Michaelena, laying the foundation for the Fourth Plane War.

However, during the fourth wave trough, when Qin Tianfang established his territory, Wei Keng seemed to have accumulated the "dimensional lighthouse theory" (dimensional elevator) in the dark plane.

Immediately following the fourth peak stage, Wei Keng became the last "king" of the entire dimensional era.

Then there is the fifth wave trough period, which is this time, from the 37th century to the late 38th century in modern times, during the Sixth War. This generation of time-travelers believed that Wei Keng had been passivated, and the current time seemed to correspond to the fifth wave.

The arrival of the crest.

Kong Chuanxiu commented on this: "This is simply the law of dynasty cycles, continuous and continuous."

However, if the above speculation is true, Kun Chuanxiao feels bad: "Then, Wei Keng will only fight back in the anti-displacement particle plane?"

Kong Chuanxiao was unconfident and silent: "Because the unpredictable power of all major planes is increasing. If we continue to fight, then? Will there be an explosion in the future?"

At this time, there is still a question that puzzles Kong Chuanxiao, and that is why Wei Keng chose to fight in the realm of inverse displacement particles.

Kong Chuan Gap: This place is still far away from his inner universe area, and there are no high-value planes. Why does he fight to the death in this plane?

Narrator: Kun Chuan's awareness of Keng's evolution is stuck in the plane and has not come back, but her timeline is outside the fence. - Sirolina.

In the magic plane within the time and space of the fence, Jieli is touching her belly, thinking about the name of the child "after birth" with a happy face, and Eryuan is also completely by her side. After the marriage, she simply cut off all relationships with other people.

Letters exchanged between opposite sexes.


This chapter has been completed!
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