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Chapter 33 Chapter 2939 (Part 2) The 'Middle Man' of Thousand Years,

Chapter 1471 Chapter 39 (Part 2) The "Middle Man" of Thousand Years,

The perspective comes to the thirty-ninth century in the main world, and the war in the dimensional area is getting more and more intense. However, Ji Tianxing and other leaders began to discover that their dimensional tunneling process seemed to be firmly blocked (defended) by Wei Keng.

outside important areas,

"Where exactly is this important dimensional area?" The Black Alliance group in the first half of the 39th century was puzzled by this.

The strategic goal of the Black Alliance is very clear. In the first battle, the consciousness group of the Wei Keng Cluster in the dimension will be defeated, and the proliferation of the Wei Keng Cluster in the star sea of ​​the main world will be cut off, and the Wei Keng Cluster will be forced to make concessions. They will obtain the gravitational area of ​​the outer ring of the solar system.

What is Wei Keng's strategic goal? If a large amount of consciousness is lost in an unimportant territory, it will be destroyed.

…Barriers can be broken through communication, but simple dialogue cannot break the inherent barriers…

On April 1, 3809, Wei Keng and Kun, who represented the Black Alliance, held a twenty-day negotiation.

Wei Keng’s request is: “Completely stop the inner universe model in the area of ​​positive and negative replacement particles, and stop speculation that only selects historical bonus areas.”

Kong Chuanxiao's expression changed. She did not expect Wei Keng to make such a strong request: "Your suggestion is very interesting, but I think we might as well take a step back and return to the state before the war."

Wei Keng shook his head at the Black Alliance's proposal of "drawing rivers to rule": "If the war between the positive and negative displacement particle planes occurs, then the issue of the route to the inner universe cannot be reconciled." - Jian Jian

In short: the current "leader" model of the Black Alliance in the dimension must be terminated.

Kun Chuanxiao held his breath: "Why? Or maybe -"

Kong Chuanxiao's expression was sarcastic: "What qualifications do you have?"

Wei Keng looked at the gap and said leisurely: "More than a thousand years ago, when Bai Hengqian, Yuan Yue, and Luo Hongxing established the initial order of time travel, I had just inherited my father's legacy.

More than seven hundred years ago, when Michaelina and Qin Tianfang began to rule as kings, I was digging a hole.

More than four hundred years ago, when He Chongyun and He Qiuye were creating territories and achieving the heavens, I was counting the stars.

Now, everyone is gone, you are here, I am still here, the chessboard has been set, but no one remembers what the old endgame looked like."

Kong Chuanxiu's face couldn't help but change color. When Wei Keng, a top-notch person, "relyed on his old age and sold his old age", she wanted to say, "That was the old era!"

However, facing Wei Keng at this time, which may be the "peak of the fifth revival", some of her words were stuck in her throat.

Wei Keng laughed at himself: "Okay, the qualifications are over, let's talk about the problems our space-time department has encountered since the pastoral era..."

Wei Keng: "As early as the 29th century, the main world Earth developed a consciousness tunneling system. It was a thousand years ago. At that time, the enemies encountered during the exploration of the plane were mysterious forces.

According to the data records of the Pastoral Era, the mysterious side relies on the anchoring of the thoughts of the consciousness (many ordinary intelligent beings) in the plane to travel through it, unlike the technological side, which penetrates the dimension of the plane and directly sends one's own consciousness over."

Wei Keng: "At that time, many travelers in our main world thought that their technology was advanced, but now, oh, no, it should be two hundred years ago in the plane of the heavens, the kings of the heavens relied on the thoughts of all living beings in the plane

The anchor point is used to transmit information enthalpy on a large scale, twisting the world at will."

Wei Keng stared at the gap, as if looking at an ancient enemy.

Wei Keng: "At that time, the Space and Time Management Bureau felt very strange about the technology of the mysterious side. How did the consciousness of the mysterious side know how to cross the crystal wall of the plane in the first place? Although the shuttle conditions of their planes are simpler than those of the earth, they are regarded as

It may be the accumulation of experience formed by "accidental"."

Wei Keng flipped through past historical materials: "But what was the original origin of the mysterious side? All the clues of the investigation were left unsolved because they were too old. A few myths and legends recorded that the wizards obtained power from ancient gods.

So who are the ancient gods?"

Having said this, Wei Keng stopped talking and looked at the harp with a half-smile.

Because if you want to "archaeologically" explore the plot time and space of adjacent planes in the past dimension, these may come from the remains of another time and space civilization.

It depends on whether she can understand it. Maybe she can think of it, but she doesn't dare to think deeply about what the main world will look like after the building collapses.

...I am used to judging others at the end of the day, and I never thought that I would eventually face the end...

According to the current situation in the main world, the current consciousness group radiates its influence to the surrounding dimensions arrogantly, but has forgotten its original dream.

Wei Keng made a model based on the rigid regression of civilization. The trend is that the direction of development is indexed by "utility", and "hope" and "dream" are used as firewood and thrown into the pot.

In this model, those who use dividends in the dividend era will always attribute social contributions to themselves or praise their own people, and then continue to delete the contributions of other participants as "minutiae" to carry out so-called "simplification" and "efficiency"


In the end, they will be deified into a god and placed high on the central altar. Until the whole world is surrounded by people. When the dimensional technology spreads, it will become a legend of respecting mysterious wizards to obtain knowledge from gods.

Wei Keng looked at the departure of Kong Chuanxiao and slowly shook his head. The reason why time travel is once again prosperous is because he has spread the "Mending Sky Heart" and "Human Base System".


Wei Keng sighed with emotion: "Everything I passed on has changed in your hands."

Wei Keng: I remember, well, that person (Sacred Great Wall) said that if you are sure something is right, you should attack it seriously. Yes, if you are sure it is wrong, you should dig up the grave with a shovel.

...The perspective comes to the cosmic battlefield of the plane war...

The speed of opening up the realm of reversely displaced particles, the plane of stars, and the new history line has increased to a new pace. Each and every plot line with "fast flow of time and space" (60,000 times that of the main world) has become a wreckage, and the Black Alliance

After creating the doomsday plot, the so-called chosen people failed to reinterpret the true meaning of "bravery" and "perseverance" in the universe. On the contrary, the historical line of Tukang's victory is still fertile and exciting, allowing the "leadership" ideological groups to covet it again.

After winning the battle with Wei Keng on the important slow timeline, he directly crossed the dimensional layer through the black hole and started supporting in the new plane, adding up the black hole arrays in each plane.

Taking "dream" as the development route of consciousness, Wei Keng's consciousness cluster began to rely on these black hole facilities to carry out "large-scale group jumps" in the reverse displacement universe, that is, after completing one space-time line, it came to support other time-space lines.

In 3813, the Wei Keng cluster even came close to the inner universe where the Tianxing consciousness cluster gathered.

It only took Wei Keng a hundred years to complete the "holy spear" strategy in the interstellar space of this universe, that is, the war reached the intensity of using gamma rays to shoot at each other.

The attack spanned six thousand light years! Almost starting to cross the cantilever width of the star gun cluster, it was the axis character of the rustic middle man.

Following this confrontation, the strategic area where Tianxing had worked hard to develop "Dysonized stars" for three thousand years was destroyed in just fifty years. The man-made control systems on the eight thousand stars were wiped out by the First World War, and the satellites were saturated.

The gamma ray stream, by the way, directly completed the control of 14,000 stars within one hundred years of the attack.

It is said that when the Holy Spear came to attack in the field of care, Wei Keng could still resist for hundreds of years, but now, Ji Tianxing~ is vulnerable to a single blow.

After a gamma light group charged, Wei Keng gathered the remaining hostile consciousnesses on nearly tens of thousands of stars, opened communication points in the dimensions that had not yet been abandoned within the stars, and taunted the leading consciousness groups that were escaping in these dimensions: "This is yours.

Will? His determination is not as good as my determination to study fried rice eight hundred years ago."

In this battle, from the perspective of the main world (from the victim's perspective), Wei Keng's consciousness was concentrated on the "Star Gun". After this round of strikes, there were not even one high-level individual left on the plane. They also tried

After studying this kind of technology, I found that no matter how good the technology is, the conscious body will die during the star gun strike.

Ji Tianxing, who was shivering in the dimensional mezzanine: "Damn it, he is really not afraid of death (loss of consciousness)! Don't he think about the future?!"

The consciousness group of the Black Alliance who was beaten out of the dimension: "He is (Wei Keng) and he is tired of living!"

Wei Keng responded: It's not that you're tired of it, but that you've lived it thoroughly. After accumulating a large enough memory, you have to know what you are."

Ji Tianxing was unwilling to ask: "Then tell me, you know, what are you?"

Regarding this arrogant boy, Wei Keng Yangguang and solemnly warned: "Behind everything is hope, live towards death."

When life understands the most precious meaning, then you dare to look for your own possibilities. This is great courage.

The reason why the arrogant generation of cluster consciousness dare not fight head-on with Wei Keng is that once they are annihilated in the inner universe, have no memory coordinates, and lose the way back to the main world (fertile soil), they will really be lost.

Self, so he did not have the courage to face life and death. But Wei Keng had already done it. His consciousness was scattered and landed on these planes after the war, starting from the most basic civilization.

On a planet where stars have fallen, the exiled astronauts looked at the distant starry sky. The "star guns" that streaked across the sky were far away. Hundreds of light-years of space were swept away. Where they were

It is impossible for the base to receive a response from the advanced interstellar technology in the sky within hundreds of years.

The astronaut looked at his life monitoring system and determined that his carbon-based life span was up to three hundred years, which meant that he would stay here forever. The astronaut looked back at the captives in the ecological cabin. They were being forced

Reborn back to the state of youth.

These guys who called themselves "advanced humans" before the war had never touched soil in their lifetimes thousands of years ago.

The rustic astronaut opened these cultivation chambers with a smile. Facing these teenagers, he said leisurely: Start over and start working with your hands. Start by tying your own shoelaces and tidying up your clothes. Then you can learn to farm and observe the weather.

.Well, let’s start from scratch.

Narrator: When it comes to facing death, Sheng Great Wall is brave as a young man, while Wei Keng is an old man who has no worries after walking on the pedestal of mankind.

...In the confrontation between Tu Kang and ideological groups, they began to give up the illusion that "the enemy will compromise on values"...

The perspective returns to the main world. In the inner ring of the solar system, the Black Alliance is receiving all the hyperspace resources of the Star Ring Alliance. The dimensions of the eight planets' gravity wellheads are beginning to be integrated. They are preparing to engage in a full-scale battle with Wei Keng in various dimensions.

Regarding the war that is replacing the particle plane, the new Space-Time Management Bureau originally had an attitude of casually wiping out the "Decadent Guards", but now it has been hurt by the beating, and it has begun to face the challenges posed by the ancient Guards clusters again.

In the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Black Alliance, Ji Tianxing retired, and his replacement was Beiting Chao, who also claimed to be a time traveler from the Pastoral Era.

This branch of consciousness of those who traveled through the ancient pastoral era is a contemporary concept similar to the long and noble bloodline of the ancient industrial era.

In the Wei Keng group, people generally don't emphasize that they are "kind".

Wei Keng: Well, what is there to emphasize about the appearance of a middle-aged person? Of course, the appearance of a middle-aged person is not lacking innately. As long as you persevere, you will naturally have your own success.


This chapter has been completed!
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